Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Incident

Sorry to be posting a little late . . . I had to let it all digest.

While it wasn’t my favorite finale, it definitely got me thinking (and, of course, opened up a whole new can of worms). The whole Jacob thing is really blowing my mind today!
I also spent too much time reading about Jacob the biblical figure and his brother Esau.

1. Is it just me, or is Jacob a regular Rumplestilsken?

2. Jacob and his nemesis (unnamed thus far) watch beside the statue as the Black Rock sails toward the coast of the island. Nemesis says, “We brought them here. It always the same: they come, they fight, they destroy.” Jacob replies, “It only ends once. Everything else is just progress.”
-- Nemesis’ words seem to describe all groups that come to the island. In some ways, isn’t it the perfect description of mankind? Could it be that Nemesis and Jacob are opposing viewpoints on mankind? Good v. evil? Optimism v. Pessimism?
-- Chris called it – Jacob lies in the shadow of the statue (more on that later).

3. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: This could take a while, so I am going to include a link to Wikipedia and just give you a few highlights:
a. Jacob had a twin named Esau. Esau was born first, with Jacob clinging to his heel. Esau was initially favored by his father Isaac (who later was renamed Israel), but because of a trick by their mother, Jacob became the blessed one. During this trick, Rebecca disguised Jacob as Esau (Jacob was fair, Esau was hairy, Isaac was blind).
b. Esau spent most of the rest of his life seeking revenge on Jacob and his descendants.
c. Jacob and his wife Rachel (Juliet’s sister’s name)struggled for nearly 100 years to conceive a child, but eventually bore two sons (he had 8 others w/ other wives), including Joseph and Benjamin (awwww . . . snap). That’s why Ben feels so forsaken by his island “father”? He is always the “second son.”
d. In both Jewish and Islamic faith, Jacob is the one chosen by God to spread his word.
e. Here’s the link if you want to read more:

My conclusion? Jacob really is goodness . . . but he is also seeking the “end” of the story.

4. Jacob’s “touching” of the 06:
a. Kate – trying to steal a lunch box – Jacob protects her from being punished (possibly protecting her from her stepdad?) – Kate eventually becomes an outlaw -- ends up on island.
b. James – Jacob gives him the pen to write his letter to Mr. Sawyer – James carries this letter with him always – He becomes Sawyer, a con-man, just like the one who “killed” his parents – ends up on island.
c. Sayid – Jacob asks him for directions and he pauses while Nadia continues to cross and is hit by a car and killed – Sayid no longer has any reason to repress his “killer instinct – he goes back to the island
d. Locke – Jacob is reading outside the building from which Locke was pushed – he touches Locke and tells him everything will be ok and that he is sorry this happened to him – he ends up on the island (Locke did have some important role on the island. Nemesis somehow knew this . . . used it to his advantage).
e. Sun and Jin’s wedding – Jacob shakes their hands and tells them “your love is special. Never take it for granted.” -- Sun comes back to island to find Jin.
f. Jack – After Sarah’s surgery, Jack flips on Christian (who questions whether it is really Christian who doesn’t believe in Jack) – Jacob hands Jack the Apollo bar – Jack’s dysfunctional relationship with his father and his self doubt – ends up on island.
g. Hurley – Jacob is pretty honest with him – tells him he is lucky not cursed because he can talk to the dead – gives him guitar – Hurley goes back to island. (This also helps us understand Hurley’s more light-hearted outlook on speaking w/ the dead, particularly when he talks with Miles).

Jacob has touched the lives of all these people. I think “they” are the “they” who are coming! They are all an integral part of Jacob’s plan. He is helping them fulfill their destinies.

5. Ilana and company – disciples of Jacob. How did this come to pass? What is the back story there?

6. RECURRING LINE: “What’s done is done.”

7. James asks Jack what he wants, for every man “does what he does for a reason.” Jack implies it is because he lost Kate.

8. James and Juliet were really pissing me off for a while there . . . but in the end . . . James+Juliet=4Ever!

9. YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO MILES!!!: “Did it ever occur to you that you may cause the thing you are trying to prevent?” Maybe that’s why “they’re coming.”


11. For what is Frank a candidate? A disciple? They seem to think he will be trustworthy. Are they trust worthy? (They being Ilana and Bram)

12. TEAR-JERKER MOMENT: Do I even have to say it? “Don’t you leave me.” “I will always love you.” So unfair!

13. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE: Everything That Rises Must Converge: This short story tells place in the recently desegregated South, where "enlightened" whites are condescending, and blacks resent the efforts of well-meaning whites. The collection deals with what happens when things change, how we must face up to our problems and confront our own hypocrisies.

14. Jacob tells Ben he has a CHOICE. Of course, Ben CHOOSES to kill Jacob (his “father”)

15. Totally knew it was going to be Locke in the box. Interestingly, that is the same ending as last year . . . hmmmmm . . .

16. Richard saves Ellie – “Consequences” of our actions.

17. Holla to Rose and Bernard! You, too, Vincent!

18. Richard asks Jack about Locke. Jack has a surprising new outlook on John – He says he wouldn’t give up on him.

19. Why did everyone change their minds and help Jack with his mission? Boy, is Sawyer gonna hate his guts for real now!

20. What lies in the shadow of the statue? "Ille qui nos omnes servabit" - “He who will protect/save us all.”

21. “They’re Coming” -- WHO? I think the 06. I think the bomb will actually set it all in motion – again. I think Miles was right.

22. Every season ends with a bang. Literally!

23. Questions I’m still dying to find the answers to:
a. Where is Claire?
b. What role does Christian play? (Could he be the form that Nemesis took before John’s body arrived?)
c. Why can’t babies be born on the island after Dharmaville?
d. Walt . . . will he be back?
e. Why doesn’t Richard age?
f. Who built the statue?

24. New Questions:
a. Who is Jacob’s enemy (aka Nemesis)?
b. Why does he want to kill Jacob?
c. What is the loophole? How does Locke fit into it?
d. How does Jacob "bring" people to the Island?
e. Why did Jacob choose to visit each person at pivotal moments of their lives?
f. Who did Locke and Hurley see/hear previously at the cabin? (Nemesis?)
g. Who are
Ilana and her crew, and why are they referring to themselves as "the good guys?"
h. For what and why is Frank a candidate?
i. Why had Jacob never met with Ben? (he seemed to imply cause Ben is an insipid whiner sometimes)
j. How did Jacob come to be on the Island?
k. Who are "they" that are coming?

Finally, in the 2010 teaser, “Destiny Revealed,” a female eye opens. It looked like Juliet’s to me . . . but I guess we’ll have to wait 7 months to find out!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Follow the Leader

Just when I thought I might not hate Kate anymore . . .

The Jack I love to hate is back . . .

Jim + Juliet = 4Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Overarching theme of tonight’s episode seems to be the desire to erase the misery in our lives. And while I still hate Kate, I did agree with her on this point . . . if you erase the misery in your life, you also erase the joy. So the question becomes, if they change the course of time, if Oceanic 815 never crashes, will they truly be happier? Is it worth giving up those moments of love and happiness, of discovery, to live without misery? I’m currently teaching a unit on Dystopia, and I have to say, a life without misery is no life at all. Plus, what was so great about any of their lives before the crash anyway? What is it that Jack is trying to get back to? I think he has forgotten what a loser he was becoming when his father died.

2. Is it really their destiny to “put things back”?

3. The Dharma Initiative is built over the bomb, which means it is also built over the temple. All those flashes that have been happening – related to radiation? Doesn’t radiation cause nosebleeds? Will setting off the bomb cause the flashes? Maybe Jack’s destiny to set off the bomb will actually cause all of this in reality. After all, whatever happened, happened.

4. The Kadzinsky Coupe!

5. I love Dr. Pierre Chang. I want a t-shirt.

6. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: Locke sends Richard to tell Locke that he has to die. Trippy!

7. Funniest Moment of the Night: Dr. Chang asks Hurley who is president. Remember, Hurley was trying to get that info from Jack when they arrived at DI!

8. Ellie and Widmore – I want to know more about this relationship. By the way, is she preggers? Wasn’t Widmore touching her belly?

9. Speaking of Ellie and Widmore, do you think they are both so desperate to get back to the island/send the 08 back to the island to save their son? Or are their reasons more complicated (not that trying to save the son you killed before he was born isn’t complicated enough!)?

10. Were you as surprised as I was that Sawyer actually got on the sub (although the previews imply he will get off)? I LOVED that!

11. VOMIT IN MY MOUTH MOMENT: Kate gets on the sub and gives Sawyer that look. Hello? Don’t you realize that they don’t want you there? Poor Kate; no one likes her anymore (not even Loser Jack).

12. Locke is BA!

13. WHY DOES LOCKE WANT TO KILL JACOB? Didn’t see that one coming!

14. Building on my crackpot theory: Kate tells Jack that he sounds just like Locke. Hmmmm . . . John? . . . Jack?

15. By the way, who is the leader that is to be followed? Locke? Jack? Sawyer?
Finale next week . . . can’t wait!


Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Variable

The 100th episode did not disappoint! Though it made my brain hurt and kept me thinking into the wee hours of the night . . .

I’m going to try not to recap but rather stick to a few key items:

1. The first thing that came into my mind this morning when I woke up was “WHERE THE HELL ARE ROSE AND BERNARD?” I do not think it is just the producers being lazy; I think there is a very significant reason that we have not seen these two since the first episode. Are they in a different time period? I’ve seen some theories out there on the web that they are the Adam and Eve skeletons found in the cave . . . but I think this is definitely something we need to keep asking as the season creeps closer to the end.

2. Most F*ed Up Moment: Daniel is killed by his mother – twice, basically. She kills him and then she sends him back to the island to be killed again. You have to be one dedicated B to do that!

3. Sawyer and Juliet or Des and Penny? Which is the best couple ever?

4. We now know why Daniel was crying in last season’s premiere (although he doesn’t) and we also know what he was doing in this season’s premiere.

5. The Constant Theory –
a. building the Swan unleashes electromagnetic energy
b. button pushed for years to keep the energy at bay
c. Des fails to push the button
d. O 815 crashes
d. Freighter arrives w/ D, M, and C
e. C dies, leaving D heartbroken
f. D goes to Ann Arbor
g. D returns to be killed (of course, this is not why he thinks he has returned)

6. The Variable Theory –
a. Stop the Swan from being built
b. Energy never released
c. O 815 never crashes
d. Charlotte never dies . . .

7. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #1: Daniel tells Chang the truth . . . do you think Chang secretly believes him?

8. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #2: Charles reveals that he is Daniel’s father!

9. Best Sawyer Nicknames of the Night: “Twitchy,” “HG Wells,” and “The Iagos”

10. No, I do not think Sawyer still has a thing for Kate even though he called her “Freckles” and peeved Juliet.

11. Speaking of Kate (vomit in mouth), it kind of seems that she and Jack are through.

12. When I saw Desmond, all I could think was “Groper!”

13. HOLY CRAPPIEST MOMENT: Ellie shoots Daniel . . . GD!

14. Didn’t Daniel realize that he was a constant when he spoke to Charlotte and made her cry? She told him he did that!!!!!!

So it all seems to come down to Fate versus Free Will . . . once again. Do you think they can change the course of the events? Do you think they should? Do you think Sawyer, Juliet, and Miles will try to stop them?


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Some Like it Hoth

Damn you, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof! Damn you! Just when we think we have something figured out, you clearly dispute it! Time traveling does not have the rules we thought . . .

This was one of my favorite episodes this season, mostly because it had lots of funny moments, and they used my favorite derogatory term a few times – “douche.” Seriously, is there a more hilarious thing to call someone (besides maybe a “tea-bagger”)?

1. But I guess my first instinct was right . . . Miles is indeed Pierre Chang’s son. At first I thought that Miles had come after his mom and he left the island, then I thought it was before he was born. But I was wrong, wrong, wrong! So, now we have to come up with a new theory as to why Sun and Ben did not arrive in the same time as the rest of the Losties. Maybe because they do not belong? Ben has been cast out and Sun has a child she must raise. I’m flummoxed!

2. What we know about Miles:
-- he can speak (or feel) the dead and ask them what happened to them
-- this seems to have something to do with having been on the island
-- Punk rock Miles! Sweet! The producers did a much better job “younging” him
than they did Jack or Ben.
n Miles mom, Lara, says that Pierre abandoned them and never loved them. This is why Miles does not seek to know his father.
n Miles was recruited by Widmore – I think it just might have had something to do with him being Chang’s son, not just his “special” abilities
n He is greedy – but we already knew that!

3. “The Circle of Trust” -- ha! Horace is soooo 70’s! And apparently inspired Meet the Parents.

4. Why is Kate such a dumbass? Really? Could she make it more obvious that she had something to do with Ben’s “disappearance”?

5. Hurley has a new BFF! He and Miles had some great lines: - “You’re just jealous that my power’s better than yours”
- “That guy’s kind of a douche.” “That douche is my dad.”
- “You can hold baby you. Change your own diaper.”
- “Ewoks suck, dude.”

6. Hydra Island – under which Charlie met his maker – was where they were experimenting on the polar bears. Somehow, those bears escaped! Though we haven’t seen one in a while . . .

7. The body in the van belonged to Alvarez. He died when one of his fillings was shot out of his gums and pierced his brain. This is because he got too close to the source of the electromagnetism. He was working on what would later become the hatch. His death, and probably others, led the DI to create the numbers system.
8. Speaking of those wiley numbers, they seem to be making a comeback . . . Hurley got all freaky deaky when they were embossing them on the steel sheet.

9. “Love . . . love will keep us together” -- new theme song for Hurley and Miles, BFF!

10. When Naomi recruits Miles, she has him “talk” to the body of Felix. Felix confirms to the viewers that Charles Widmore staged the crash of Oceanic 815. She also tells him that there are lots of deceased on this island that can help them find a man who will be very difficult to find. It might be Ben . . . but could she be referring to Jacob? Also, some might think that the “deceased” refer to the Losties. I do not think this is the case. It has been refuted many times that they are all dead – but they could be, I guess.

11. Bram – van driver who snatches Miles – was the guy with Ilana last week. He asks Miles, “What lies in the shadow of the statue?” According to Bram (reference to Bram Stoker, author of Dracula?), Miles is not ready because he does not know the answer.

12. BEST MOMENT: Baby Miles wearing a Dharma shirt reading a book about polar bears. Sweet!

- Hurley is writing Empire Strikes Back, clearly the best Star Wars movie ever made. He compares Miles and Chang to Luke and Vader.
- The title also refers to “Some Like it Hot,” a classic buddy movie. BFF! Does this mean we can expect M and H to cross dress in a coming episode?

14. Faraday is back! And he’s not wearing a tie!

15. Rose and Bernard – I miss you!

So, do you know what lies in the shadow of the statue? Which team are you on?


Thursday, April 9, 2009

"What Happened, Happened" and "Dead is Dead"

This is my second try at this . . . my computer crashed mid-blog. Aaarrgghhh! It’s a two-for-one, too. Hope you enjoy!

“Whatever Happened, Happened”

As much as I hate to admit it, I had sympathy for Kate in this episode. She did the right thing by Aaron and Claire, and I was a little choked up when she said goodbye to Aaron. But I still hate her!

1. Do you think Cassidy was right about Sawyer being a coward by staying on the island? I thought she had a point . . . but he’s still hot and awesome.

2. Classic – Miles trying to explain time travel to Hurley. In the end, his theory did make sense . . . even though Ben didn’t remember them . . .

3. Go Team Juliet! Way to score some points for Jawyer!

4. Why did Kate NEED Aaron?

5. Is it the Losties’ fault that Ben is Ben?

6. BEST LINE: Hurley looking at his hand, waiting for it to “Marty McBride”

7. We learn that Ellie and Charles were in charge of the Others . . . what happened? Well, we learned a bit in . . .

“Dead is Dead”


2. Richard saved Ben against Charles’ wishes, just as Ben would later save Alex against Charles’ wishes. Both claim it is what Jacob wants. So again, who the hell is Jacob? For a minute I thought maybe it was Sawyer . . .

3. Ben claims he came back to the island to be judged . . . do you think this is true? I don’t but I think he was forced into following through on his lie. The island made him do it!

4. Why does Ilana look so much like Ana Lucia? Do you think it is coincidence?

5. SOUL GLO AWARD: Although there is no actual Soul Glo used, Ben’s hair was SWEEET! Paired with the ascot . . . totally hot. (Please note sarcasm).

6. Ben trained Ethan; he must have lured him away from Dharma somehow. Maybe because he was the only other kid around for E to look up to?

7. HALLELUJAH! The Locke I know and love is back! He is not that whiny, insipid guy anymore. He wasn’t buying any of Ben’s bullshit.

8. Why did Charles think Danielle and Alex needed to be killed? He’s clearly not a nice man . . . but I still can’t decide if he is better or worse than Ben. Maybe we’re not supposed to be able to make that distinction; maybe that’s the point.

9. Sun is waiting for Locke. Alex says if Ben tries to hurt Locke, if he doesn’t follow Locke, she will kill him. Is Locke Jacob somehow?

10. GO TEAM PESMOND!!!! Way to kick Ben’s ass!

Charles Dickens’ last book
A man seeks to win the love of a woman on the merits of his own character rather than through his inheritance. Maybe Des has a secret background we don’t know about yet . . .
This is the book Des carries around with him in previous seasons, the one that is only to be opened if he dies. He finds a letter from Penny in it when he is contemplating suicide while trapped in the hatch. This book kept him going.

12. So is “dead” “dead”? And if so, does that mean Locke is really dead? Aaaarrgght! I can’t wrap my head around this!

13. Ilana is working for someone . . . she wants to know “What lies in the shadow of the statue?” Could it be Smokey?

14. THIS WEEK IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Under the temple, Ben find Hieroglyphics and a representation of Anubis, Egyptian god who was the gatekeeper to the underworld and Osiris. Anubis is the “Weigher of Souls” on their way to the afterlife. Ben clearly has a crappy soul . . .

15. What’s up with the crappy F/X during the Smokey scene? That was awful!

Can’t wait to see Miles’ story next week!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

He's Our You

This morning, I feel like I am your Sayid, like Oldham is Dharma’s Sayid. It’s a crazy morning, and I feel like bashing heads . . . but that’s another story.

1. Possibly BIBLICAL?: The episode opens with Sayid killing a chicken so that his brother won’t have to. This is like Eko, who killed so that his brother Remy would not have to. Brothers sacrificing seems biblical to me, but if you have some specifics . . .

2. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE: Ben gives Sayid a copy of A Separate Reality by Carlos Castaneda. The author asserted that this is a non-fiction work; it is about apprenticing under a wizard. How fitting that Ben, who wishes to go live with Richard, would be enthralled by this book.

3. Furthering my theory that Widmore might not be the baddy . . . all the men that Sayid is sent to kill by Ben work for Widmore, but were they actually out to get the O6? I doubt it. Also, Ben blamed Widmore for Locke’s death . . . and we KNOW that’s not true!

4. Character reminder – Radzinsky is the guy who Des replaced in the hatch when he arrived at the island. He was dead before Des got there; he blew his brains out.

5. Sawyer’s beard is back!

6. Best line of the night: “Join the party in Dharmaville!” – Sawyer to Sayid

7. Oldham – “I’m Larry, this is my brother Darryl, this is my other brother Darryl.” Was it acid that he gave Sayid? Too funny.

8. Why would Horace contact Ann Arbor? Is the a UM connection with Dharma?

9. Ilana kicks Sayid’s ass . . . saw that one coming . . . do you think Ben hired her under the guise of Peter Avalino’s family? Or do you think she knows she is working for Ben (if she is . . . which I think she is)? I think Little Ceasar is, too.

10. Sayid on acid . . . didn’t know he could be funny.

11. I’m sooo glad that girl fight was just a teaser in the previews last week. But I still want a Team Juliet t-shirt.

12. HOLY CRAP – I didn’t think he could really kill a kid, but Sayid took L’il Ben down! So the question is, when Farraday said you can’t change the past, was he being literal, like it is not possible to change the past, or was he giving them a warning NOT to change the past?

13. So why did the O6 come back? Was it really to help the Flashies, or was it to help themselves because their real lives lack meaning and/or purpose?

I will be on a well-deserved vacation next week, so the blog may be a little late . . . unless someone wants to guest blog?


Thursday, March 19, 2009


Phew . . . what a relief that Lost was back last night. I was feeling Lost without it (aren’t I punny).

I don’t think I have a lot to say about the episode. It was good, but not terribly exciting. Perhaps you disagree . . .

1. Shout out to my other undercover soap watchers – Kevin Buchanan!

2. Lapidus lands the plane on the runway on the adjacent island. Do you think the runway may have been built for this very purpose?

3. LLL called it – Sun and Ben landed in the present (2007). The island does not want them – why?

4. I’m making t-shirts – TEAM JULIET

5. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: Baby Ethan! So why is his last name Rom and not Goodspeed?

6. Phil is suspicious of the new “recruits.” I sense trouble!


8. Where did Farraday go?

9. Crackpot theory – could it be that the little girl we saw last week wasn’t Charlotte at all? Could Charlotte be the daughter of Juliet and Sawyer? Totally out there, I know.

10. Go, Sun! Yes, you are a good liar.

11. t-shirt #2 – TEAM SAWYER

12. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #2: Lil Ben brings Sayid a sandwich. CREEPERS! Would you eat that sandwich if you were Sayid?

13. WTF is Christian up to!

14. I am not appreciating this Kate-Juliet girl-fight that is being set-up. It’s really kind of sexist.

15. Do you think Sawyer is a sell-out because he’s changed so much? He went from lawless to lawman. My thought is that he now has something worth living for, but Mr. LLL disagrees.

I told you I didn’t have much to say . . . what can you add?


Thursday, March 5, 2009

La Fleur

Good morning, 2009! I hope all is well in your world, though I know a few of our regular Losties aren’t having the best weeks ever . . . I hope you are doing better – you know who you are!

1. A question came to me while watching the repeat of last week’s ep – why does Ben bother cleaning up? I don’t see the point . . .

2. This question was raised in the current TV Guide, and I think it’s a good one – Why doesn’t Daniel take off the stupid 80’s tie? He’s in a jungle, for goodness sake!

3. In the last flash before stabilizing, they see a giant statue . . . this must be “the foot” that they saw when the Others took them a few seasons ago. Who is the statue? When was it made? It seems like they went WAY into the past on that flash. Pre-Alpert, even. It is holding an ankh, the same symbol as Paul’s necklace. It means eternal life. Very hippy.

4. Everyone calls Sawyer “James” (or Jim) now. Why do you suppose that is? He’s still running a con, to some extent, after all.

5. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: Paul – A Christian Missionary who had once persecuted the church. Known as Saul before his conversion, Paul encountered a flashing light (the flashes?) and a voice saying, “Saul, why do you persecute me?” Paul temporarily went blind but was healed by a Christian. He changed his name and went on to be a zealous disciple of Jesus.

James –Brother of John (interesting). First disciple of Jesus to be martyred. Hmmm . . . I predict our boy Sawyer will die in helping others get off of the island. Jesus also had a brother named James. So to whom is Sawyer a “brother”? Jack or Locke? That remains to be seen.

7. Juliet and Jin are going by their real names. I wonder why Miles has taken on an alias?

8. Sawyer is lookin good circa 1977!

9. Babies COULD be born on the island when the D Initiative was there . . . what happened? Could it be BECAUSE of the Losties that babies cannot be born? Think about the Miles question and earlier ideas about who he is . . .

10. Horace – when Locke encountered his Sisyphus-like ghost last season, H’s nose was bleeding. Hmmmm . . .

11. GIVE JULIET A FRICKIN’ BREAK! – Dear James, pick Juliet. She significantly more awesome than whiny-ass Kate! Seriously, she rarely cries, she’s hot, and she has been dissed one too many times.

12. What did the Hostiles want with Paul’s body?

13. Little Charlotte . . . awwwe

A little short today, but hopefully we can discuss anything I missed.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

Good morning, Losties!

1. I have been doing a little research on Jeremy Bentham, and I think the most bizarre thing I discovered is that he had his body preserved in a wooden box called an auto-icon. This box has a glass cover, and it is prominently displayed at a college in London. So it is no coincidence that our JB/JL was also preserved in a wooden box!

2. I also learned that Bentham’s youngest direct descendant is named Richard . . . he is a distinguished marine.

3. Jeremy Bentham was a utilitarian, which means his philosophy was centered around pleasure and pain. I will have to do a little more research before I totally understand this.

4. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: Matthew Abaddon – Let me refer you back to some previous comments I’ve made:
In a scene that we saw before, Locke is in physical rehab. His nurse explains that he needs to keep trying. Only this time, it is revealed that Matthew Abadon is that nurse. He believes in miracles. He went on a walkabout. He experiences a miracle. He tells Locke that when they meet again, “You’ll owe me.” (May 2008)

the angel "Abaddon" possesses the keys to the Abyss into which Satan is hurled or imprisoned, indicating that he serves as Satan's "jailer" and must therefore be someone else ( – Feb 2008)

It is also important to note that Matthew is the first book of the New Testament, and also the most widely read. It contains the Sermon on the Mount. Maybe some of our more Biblically Educated friends can tell us more . . .

Matthew tells Locke that he “gets people where they need to go.” Does he also keep people from where they shouldn’t be?

This all adds to my theory that Ben is a representation of hell/the devil!

5. On the Beach – Caesar is a creep! He is up to something! Ilana is the US Marshall who was with Sayid. She also seems sketch for sure, and I wonder why she is not more freaked out that her prisoner disappeared. Could they be with Ben?!!

6. Everyone thinks Locke is pathetic and fooling himself to think that he is important. Sayid says he has nothing else, that’s why he wants to go back. Kate says he never loved anyone (wrong). Jack straight up says he is pathetic.

7. Kate is a bitch. Sorry.

8. Locke deducted that Jack was Christian’s son. That is why Jack started taking flights around the world. The whole FATHER motif continues . . .

9. BIBLE STUDIES #2: (with Carla) – Locke is the John the Baptist. Jack is Jesus. Locke must “baptize” Jack, get him to believe that he is the “chosen one.” That is why Locke is important.

10. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE: Paradise Lost. Look it up on Wikipedia.

11. Is Abaddon dead?

12. I thought this was going to take me 10 minutes . . . aaargh!

13. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: Ben strangles Locke. He is doing anything he can to get back to the island. He is a bad, bad, bad man. LUCIFER!

14. Ilana and Caesar KNOW who LOCKE is! THEY WORK FOR BEN . . .

15. Walt is the key!!!!! He knows it all!!! He tells Locke that he saw him on the beach and that there were people there who want to kill him . . . CW said there was going to be a war . . . Ben is getting ready . . . he’s brought soldiers with him!

16. I’m starting to side with Charle’s Widmore . . . this may be a mistake in the long run, but I believe him about Ben being a baddy.

17. Frank is with Sun. She wasn’t supposed to come back to the island either – Locke had given his word.

18. The plane is in present day. Jack, Hurley, and Kate are in the 70’s. How will they all find each other?

Ok, what do you think? My mind is spinning! Help me out, people!


Thursday, February 19, 2009


Dear Losties,
Another awesome week in Lost Land. We learned some things, but, of course, we were also taunted with some new questions. Good thing there is only one and a half seasons left of this show to drive me crazy, otherwise I might end up in the same loony bin as Hugo!

This week we learned how the 06 got back to the island . . . and we were inundated with Biblical imagery and allusion. I am so clearly an English teacher, because I love this shit!

a. The Episode is titled “316.” This refers to the Ajira flight number, but is also a reference to the most famous biblical quote: “For God so loved the world, he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

b. This quote was also all over Eko’s big stick back a couple of seasons ago.

So, who is the “only son”? It seems to be Jack, based on the evidence in this episode, what with the tending to the feet of Locke and all, but perhaps Locke thinks he is . . . after all, he is the one who sacrifices himself and believes he is the leader. But then again . . . and I’ve said this before . . . John and Jack are really the same name. So maybe they are both supposed to represent Jesus.

2. BIBLE STUDIES REVISITED: I went back through previous blogs to find a couple of possibly relevant connections:
a. JEREMIAH 2:4 Hear ye the word of the LORD, O house of Jacob . . . (Jeremy is Locke’s alias)

b. James – Brother of John (interesting). First disciple of Jesus to be martyred. Sawyer did “martyr” himself by jumping off the helicopter.

c. Daniel means “judged by God”. Or “God is a judge.” Some people think he is a prophet, others do not. He spoke to angels but not directly to God. DANIEL was among the Jews who were taken captive into Babylon about 2600 years ago. He rose to a high position in the Babylonian government. Daniel saw and described the great world empires that were to come. He also prophesied about a Messiah. (
Daniel predicted when an anointed one would be rejected Daniel 9:26Daniel foretold the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple (isn’t there a hatch called the Temple?)

There are plenty more, but these seemed somewhat relevant to this week.

3. 46 hours before the Ajira plane crashes, Jack, Sun, Ben, and Desmond are “educated” by Ms. Hawking. We learn that:
a. The church basement has a hatch; it is called “The LampPost.” Ben claims he didn’t know it was there, but he’s always lying, so why trust him now.
b. Eloise has a picture of the Island – it says, “US Army Ops 264/ 8/23/54” – this must be when she was young Ellie, the badass. She’s still kind of a badass!
c. The island is “always moving”
d. Des’ time jumps last season were actually memories. Apparently, it wasn’t an accident that he ended up on the island – ELOISE TOLD HIM TO GO THERE!
e. There are windows of time when you can “enter” the island. Jack et. al’s is about to close.
f. The island isn’t done with Des, though he says he is done with it. A return is imminent.

4. Remember when the Flashies (new name I heard on a podcast referring to Sawyer and co) found all that stuff on the beach from the Ajira airlines? That was the 06 flight crash remnants. BUT, IS THAT WHERE/WHEN the O6 LANDED? Or was that the debris from the OTHER people on the flight? There was a big flash, and J, K, and H don’t remember crashing at all, nor are they hurt.

5. Jack’s granddaddy is in on it! It’s no coincidence that Ray just happened to have a pair of Christian’s shoes in his suitcase.

6. BIBLICAL STUDIES PART 3: Doubting Thomas painting. The Apostle Thomas would not believe that Christ had risen until he touched his wounds; however, he was first very brave – “Let us also go that we might die with him.”

7. What happened to Aaron? Did Kate give him back to Claire’s mother? This also makes me think of a bible reference, but that’s probably going to get annoying by the end of this post. Sorry about that!

8. WTF – Does Sun give a crap about her child? She totally just abandoned her!

9. Oh, Irish lit teacher . . . educate us on the relevance of Ulysses, the book Ben was reading on the flight.

10. BEN IS NOT SUPPOSED TO GO BACK TO THE ISLAND. Everything is trying to stop him – might he be Lucifer? He is an evil bastard, after all, but he also seems to occasionally want forgiveness.

11. All the 06 now represent someone ELSE on the 815 flight:
Sayid – Kate (under arrest)
Hurley – Charlie (guitar)
Kate – Jack (all morose and mourning)
Sun – Rose (fingering the wedding ring)
Ben – Hurley (mad dash to get on the plane)
What do you think it means?

12. AWWWWE Moment: Hurley buys up all the seats to try to save lives.

13. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #1: Frank Lapidus is the pilot of the plane. He has a great line, “We’re not going to Guam , are we?”

14. BEST LINE OF THE NIGHT: Jack, “How can you read?” Ben, “My mother taught me.” HA!

15. LOCKE(D) in a COFFIN:
a. Suicide note – “I wish you had believed me.” I think Locke is Jack’s alter ego.
b. Jack puts shoes on Locke, kind of like Jesus washed the feet of Lazarus (?) Lazarus couldn’t walk, but with JC’s help, he did. Is that right?


17. Jin appears to be working for Dharma. Have they crashed in the 70’s? Are they all going to be a part of Dharma now?

I could go on and on . . . but I won’t. Looking forward to your thoughts on another kick-ass episode.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

This Place is Death

That episode kicked ass! It’s my favorite so far this season . . . in part to the fact I was proved right! You know it – Lost Loser rocks!

However, I do have to make a correction to last week’s blog. I said CS Lewis wrote Through the Looking Glass – but I meant The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. They go through a magic closet in that one . . . however, the Mister found out that CS Lewis taught at . . . OXFORD

1. Holy crap moment #1 – French Dude’s arm gets ripped off by Smokey! That was pretty frickin’ sweet, I have to say. But have these French folk no common sense? A guy gets his arms torn off and he calmly remarks, “I’m hurt. Help me.”? Come on, people – a giant cloud of smoke just amputated him and you think he is not going to be screaming? Or dead? Those French!

2. Does anyone remember if Jin’s hair was that sexy when last season ended?

3. Anyone read hieroglyphics? There were some sweet ones, reminiscent of the ones on that map Locke saw on the back of the hatch door back in the day.

4. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: I refer you back to an earlier post about the prophet Jeremiah (aka Jeremy Latham).
Locke becomes Jeremy in order that he can “sacrifice” himself for the island and its peeps.

5. What makes Danielle shoot all her friends and her husband/lover? What happened to them when they STUPIDLY went down in Smokey’s hatch? And why did Smokey come after them to begin with? Because they were “bad” people? Do they haves sins to atone for?

6. BEST LINE OF THE NIGHT: “He’s Korean, I’m from Encino.” – Miles

7. Bleeding noses – Charlotte (RIP), Miles, Juliet, and now Sawyer. Why not Locke? Or Jin? I predict Jin’s nose will be gushing soon . . .

8. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #2: Locke goes down the well just as the light flashes. Then there is no well. CREEPERS!

She grew up on the island
Her father was in the Dharma Initiative
She and her mother left
Her mother told her that the island didn’t exist, that her memories were not real
She became an anthropologist in order to find her way back
She encountered a “scary” man as a child who told her she needed to leave and never come back, and that man was . . .

10. HOLIEST CRAPPIEST MOMENT: DANIEL!!!!!!!!!! (Kudos to Chris – he called it) He doesn’t seem to remember it, so it must be something he is GOING to do to try to save his love (although I don’t really think Charlotte was feeling it for him . . . probably cause she subconsciously knew he was the scary man)

I may be totally overthinking; maybe it’s enough that she was a daughter of a DI member
I think Ben is her father. That is why he adopted Alex, to fill a void left by his own daughter’s departure from the island
There are big gaps in B’s life that we don’t know about, but we do know he had a love – Annie.

12. Jin does not want Locke to bring Sun back to the island. He tells Locke to say that he is dead, and to use his wedding ring as proof. This isn’t what happens . . .

13. VERY HOLY BUT NOT CRAPPIEST MOMENT: Christian shows up to help Locke. He tells him:
He told LOCKE to move the island
He can’t help Locke do it (probably because he’s not mortal anymore)
Locke will have to sacrifice himself to save the island and his friends.

14. The van Ben is driving is an anagram for REINCARNATION

15. BEN IS CONTINUING TO F* with EVERYONE! He was not supposed to move the island, he should not be the leader. I think he KILLED Locke! I think he is trying to DESTROY the Losties. He is not trying to save the island at all; he is mad at the island and Jacob for not making him the leader.

16. Shout out to Rob – THIS WEEK IN LITERATURE: Coming back to the island is like when Cory brings Rebel back to life in Boy’s Life. You think you want it, but being the walking dead is a far worse fate . . .

17. If Charlotte is right, if “this place is death,” are all the Losties coming back to die? Is this their fate? Could it be that YOU CAN”T ESCAPE YOUR FATE?

18. In the final moments, Eloise Hawking was revealed to be, indeed, Ben’s mother. Go, me! Do you think Des was set-up by Widmore?


Your Loyal Lost Loser

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Little Prince

First and foremost, WHO THE HELL IS CHARLOTTE?!!! Seriously, this is driving me crazy. According to Daniel’s theory about exposure to the island, she has been there the longest, so was she born there? Who are her parents? Could it be Richard is her father? Widmore? Ben? Aaargh!

My head is close to exploding once again, but I feel a little bit firmer in some of my theories. So here we go . . .

1. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE #1: The title of the episode is “The Little Prince.” I sure wish my mom watched Lost since she was a French teacher and taught this book about 100 times.
The Little Prince is a French fable about a little boy who lives first in the desert and then on an asteroid, also referred to as his “planet.” It is a philosophical tale of human nature . . . sound familiar? The most famous line from the tale is "On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (One cannot see well except with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes).
While on the surface we might think that the title refers to Aaron, I think it actually has more connection to the Others and the O6. Some of the characters the LP encounters include the King, who can order the stars to do what they will do anyway, and then takes credit. Sounds a little like Ben, right? Then there is the Drunkard, who drinks to forget he is a drunk . . . Jack? Actually, Jack also fits the role of The Conceited Man who wants to be admired by everyone, but lives alone on his planet. He cannot hear anything that is not a compliment. Or, that could be Locke . . . I could go on all day, but you probably don’t really care!

2. It was Kate’s idea to claim Aaron as her own after the rescue.

-- According to Sun’s surveillance report, Jack and Ben are hanging out at 108 Pinehurst.
-- Kate lives at 42 Panorama Court
-- The meet at 23 Long Beach Marina

4. I watched the pop-up version of last week’s episode, and I am now sure that the Old Woman Des met in “The Constant” is Daniel’s mother. Daniel names his rats at Oxford Eloise, the old woman is Eloise. Furthermore, the blond on the island IS his mother – she’s named ELLIE!

5. I dig Mr. Norton! TV trivia – he was the dad on the best show of the 90’s – My So-Called Life.


7. VOICES IN THE JUNGLE – All those voices Danielle and others heard in the jungle in seasons past? Could it be the voices of the time travelers seeping through the time space continuum? Sawyer was standing right there watching . . .

8. I’m pretty sure that my theory about Miles is right! A) cause I rule B) because he is the second person to get a nosebleed, meaning he has had the second longest exposure to the island, followed by Juliet. He must be Dr. Chang (Dr. Change)/Marvin Candle’s son!!!

9. Why does physical stuff move with the flashes? It doesn’t make sense.

10. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE #2 – Reminder, Charlotte’s full name is Charlotte Stevens Lewis . . . CS Lewis, author of Through the Looking Glass, and also a devoutly Christian writer . . . perhaps giving my obsessive Bible studies for this show some credence?

11. RADIATION – If the bomb was buried, perhaps it has something to do with the time travel abilities of the island. Remember, Daniel was experimenting with radiation on the rats to see if it could move their minds to the future . . . and it worked! Maybe (but I hope not) Lost is a big indictment of our carelessness with the planet and nuclear waste.

12. Ben played Kate like a fiddle. Ha ha!

13. Have you noticed that Sayid just can’t stop the killin’? No one can overcome his destiny on this show . . . Kate’s always a fugitive, Hurley always struggles with his sanity, Jack always sucks . . .

14. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #1: Jin on the debris!! Damn!! Didn’t see that coming!!

15. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #2: Danielle on the boat . . . but I did see that coming when they were speaking French.

16. Could Charlotte be Danielle’s daughter, not Alex? Seriously, WHO THE HELL IS CHARLOTTE?!!!!

17. Hottie Award – Sawyer or Jin? I think Jin wins if only because Sawyer was a little too soft for me tonight . . . his pining for Kate is kind of annoying, especially since he has hottie Juliet right there . . .

18. Another plane crash? Arija airlines?

19. Some questions to ponder:
a. Where did the paddleboats come from?
b. Where are Bernard and Rose?
c. Where is Vincent?

20. Daniel warned that “if it didn’t happen, it can’t happen.” What will happen to the future now that Jin has been found in the past by a young Rousseau?!!!!

Ok, I guess I need to get on with my life now. But let me just ask one more time, WHO THE HELL IS CHARLOTTE?!!!

Loyal Lost Loser

Thursday, January 29, 2009


*@*(#*%&(!Q*)(*)(*)#(*$)@#(*$&^!@($& -- That’s the sound of my head exploding from all that went on in last night’s episode. In fact, I tossed and turned all night long thinking about different theories, which eventually led to a convoluted dream about a young African boy doing a mystical dance in front of an imperial mansion, plotting to overthrow his oppressors. Not sure what the connection is, but maybe I’m psychic and we will soon see a young Eko or his brother dancing in front of the American embassy.

Just before the episode began, Chris laid out a really cool theory. I think it was debunked in the episode, but it led to some other thoughts. His thought was that Charlotte is the daughter of Des and Penny – which we thought for sure was right – until the doctor said it was a boy. Plus, they named him “Charlie” (awwww moment of the night), and no one except George Foreman would give his children such similar names (George and Georgina, in case you’re wondering).

1. The title – “Jarhead”: it obviously referred to the hanging hydrogen bomb, it was actually the code name for nuclear tests done in the South Pacific in 1954. It’s also a term used for soldiers on the battlefield.

2. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: I’m really excited about this one!
In the Bible, Daniel was in Babylon with the cast out Jews. Daniel was a prophet, a reader of dreams. His interpretations of a king’s dream gained him trust with the leaders of Babylon. When the Jews returned to the Promised Land, Daniel remained in Babylon, where he was later cast into the Den of Lions for his faith and for his prophetic visions.
Daniel is one of the “four prophets” in the Bible, along with . . . wait for it . . . Jeremiah (a connection to Jeremy – Locke’s pseudonym)!

--The “Others” have arrived on the island circa 1954. Their ranks include Richard Alpert and Charles Widmore.
-- They believe the Losties are US Army, except for the young blond girl who has a hard time believing Miles and Charlotte would be sent by the US.
**I believe this is when Richard first came to the island, before he learned to time travel. Therefore, he does not recognize Locke. He has not unlocked the powers of the Island yet.
n Charlotte seems better in the past . . . why? When the flash occurs again, her head nearly explodes. Could they now be in the future?
-- The “Others” speak Latin. Why?


-- Desmond is searching for Daniel’s mother. He finds the lab at Oxford abandoned, and Oxford denies the existence of Farraday’s existence. We learn this is because of his experiment involving Theresa.
-- Des visits Theresa. She appears in a vegetative state, but according to her sister, she is “traveling.” Like the rats mentioned by the man in the lab, her “brains have been sent back in time.” She seems an early casualty of Daniel’s experimentation. He also seems to have loved her, as witnessed by the photograph and Daniel’s attitude toward the blond soldier that looks like Theresa. Does he think she is Theresa????
--The mythology of Penelope is that she is left waiting for Odysseus to return from his adventures. We thought this was when he was on the island, but perhaps it is just the beginning. Perhaps Des is going to have to leave her again.
--Widmore knows that Des needs to find Daniel’s mother and deliver a message. He begs Des to keep Penny safe. Remember, Ben told Widmore that his daughter would die.

6. Interesting trivia – this is the only episode of the entire series in which one of the O6 does not appear.

7. THEORY TO PONDER: Could Daniel be Des and Penny’s son? Could Daniel’s mother truly be Penny? Perhaps a bit farfetched, but this is Lost after all!

There are probably 900 things I’ve failed to mention, but that will just give all of you something to do!

Loyal Lost Loser

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Because You Left" and "The Lie"

Because You Left and The Lie

Jeez, that was an exhausting night! Your Loyal Lost Loser is not used to being up so late!

I watched the recap, but I think that was for newbies to the show, don’t you? One thing I noticed that they focused on a lot was the contact between Sun and Charles Widmore. So, keep your eye on these two; I certainly did during the premiere.

I don’t know about you, but I thought that these two episodes served more as set-up than they did to reveal much. However, I made a few discoveries and have a few predictions to share.

1. The episode opens at 8:14 a.m. with everyone’s favorite Orientation Film star – Marvin Candle (whose real name is revealed to be Dr. Pierre Chang). His wife wakes him to get the baby (yay for making the dad get up with the kid!). Here’s my theory – MILES IS THE SON OF DR. CHANG! More on that later . . .

2. Dr. Chang (could it be Dr. Change?) confirms that the Orchid hatch is built on top of a limitless source of energy that will allow them to manipulate time. This is further confirmed by the fact that my boy Daniel shows up.

3. Who has asked for a blood test for Aaron? Charles Widmore? Ben? Sun? Jeremy Latham (aka Locke)?

4. Sun is detained at the airport by Charles Widmore, who demands her respect. She agrees that that is “fair enough.” Do you think she is really planning to work with him or do you think that she is playing him to destroy him? Does she blame him for Jin’s death?

5. Or does she blame Kate? We know she blames her father, and she claims to CW that she blames Ben, but I think she really blames Kate for forcing her to get on the helicopter and not getting Jin in time. I know she says she doesn’t blame Kate, but the Sweet Sun has been known to lie before!

· A white light (much like that after the hatch blew) occurs and the island (or the Losties) move.
· According to Daniel, they have moved to the past.
· Another white light flashes; they move forward. To where, we’re not sure . . . but I believe they have moved to the present (2008), the same time as the O6. Why? Because Charlotte is really DEAD!
· While in the past, Daniel visits Desmond in the hatch, although he had told Sawyer not to. Daniel says the rules don’t apply to Des, and Daniel implores him to go to Oxford and find Dan’s mom (who is that? Did you get it?)
· Vincent is back! Yay!
· Richard tells Locke, “I didn’t go anywhere; you did.”
· Why the focus on Eko’s brother’s plane and the crash?

7. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: We return to the Virgin Mary. Once again, we see the statues used to smuggle drugs. We’ve seen references to the Virgin Mary many times – Charlie had a whole episode where he hallucinated Claire as the Virgin Mary.
Something interesting I found on Wikipedia (those with better knowledge of the Catholic faith, please correct anything):
According to the
apocryphal Gospel of James she was the daughter of Joachim and Anna. Before Mary's conception, Anna had been barren, and her parents were quite old when she was conceived. They gave her to service as a consecrated virgin in the Temple in Jerusalem when she was three years old, much like Hannah took Samuel to the Tabernacle as recorded in the Old Testament (Tanakh, Hebrew Bible).
Could it be a connection to the infertility on the island? Could Claire be the Mary of this island since Aaron was born and she survived? Still working on this one . . .

8. Why was Sawyer so desperate for a shirt? Was he afraid of distracting Juliet with his loveliness?

9. How about that killer dishwasher?

10. Best line of the night: “If you ate more comfort food, you wouldn’t have to go around shooting people.” Hurley to Sayid

11. Runner up for best line: Sawyer --“Welcome back, Dr. Wizard.”
Miles – “I believe it’s Mr. Wizard.”

12. BIG NEW THEORY: Both Miles and Charlotte were born on the island. It was after their births that the island started killing mothers. But why?

13. Questions and issues to consider this season:
Where did Kate get all her money?
Who wants to expose Aaron’s maternity? (I think it is Sun, but you may disagree)
Hurley did not want to lie! He feels betrayed by the other O6. So the question is, will he trust them?
Who the hell is Neil?
Why are Ana Lucia and Libby haunting/helping Hurley? Why these two and not Boone and Shannon or Eko?

14. Do you know who Daniel’s mother is? That’s right, it’s the lady from Desmond’s episode last season who gave him hints and guidance about what to do.

I don’t want to end without giving a shout out to my favorite dentist and his wife, Rose and Bernard! Go on with your bad selves!

So what did you think? What questions and theories do you have?

Your Loyal Lost Loser

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Woo Hoo!

One week to go until the season premiere!

Some questions to ponder and to refresh your memory from last season:

--Why do all the promotional posters merge visions of the island with visions of a big city?
-How did Locke get off the island? (Clearly, as the new “Ben,” Richard probably taught him how to “travel.”)
-Does Locke recognize Richard from earlier in his life?
-Did Locke really kill himself?
-Why does Miles want to stay on the island?
-When was Charlotte on the island before?
-What happened to the people on the raft/boat that were headed toward the freighter? My boy Daniel?
-What bad things happened on the island after the O6 left?
-Will Jack grow a pair this season and stop feeling sorry for himself all the time?
-Will Juliet's breasts still be fantastic?
-Can Kate get more annoying?
-Is Jin dead? Michael? Locke?

I can hardly wait . . . see you next week!
