Thursday, March 26, 2009

He's Our You

This morning, I feel like I am your Sayid, like Oldham is Dharma’s Sayid. It’s a crazy morning, and I feel like bashing heads . . . but that’s another story.

1. Possibly BIBLICAL?: The episode opens with Sayid killing a chicken so that his brother won’t have to. This is like Eko, who killed so that his brother Remy would not have to. Brothers sacrificing seems biblical to me, but if you have some specifics . . .

2. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE: Ben gives Sayid a copy of A Separate Reality by Carlos Castaneda. The author asserted that this is a non-fiction work; it is about apprenticing under a wizard. How fitting that Ben, who wishes to go live with Richard, would be enthralled by this book.

3. Furthering my theory that Widmore might not be the baddy . . . all the men that Sayid is sent to kill by Ben work for Widmore, but were they actually out to get the O6? I doubt it. Also, Ben blamed Widmore for Locke’s death . . . and we KNOW that’s not true!

4. Character reminder – Radzinsky is the guy who Des replaced in the hatch when he arrived at the island. He was dead before Des got there; he blew his brains out.

5. Sawyer’s beard is back!

6. Best line of the night: “Join the party in Dharmaville!” – Sawyer to Sayid

7. Oldham – “I’m Larry, this is my brother Darryl, this is my other brother Darryl.” Was it acid that he gave Sayid? Too funny.

8. Why would Horace contact Ann Arbor? Is the a UM connection with Dharma?

9. Ilana kicks Sayid’s ass . . . saw that one coming . . . do you think Ben hired her under the guise of Peter Avalino’s family? Or do you think she knows she is working for Ben (if she is . . . which I think she is)? I think Little Ceasar is, too.

10. Sayid on acid . . . didn’t know he could be funny.

11. I’m sooo glad that girl fight was just a teaser in the previews last week. But I still want a Team Juliet t-shirt.

12. HOLY CRAP – I didn’t think he could really kill a kid, but Sayid took L’il Ben down! So the question is, when Farraday said you can’t change the past, was he being literal, like it is not possible to change the past, or was he giving them a warning NOT to change the past?

13. So why did the O6 come back? Was it really to help the Flashies, or was it to help themselves because their real lives lack meaning and/or purpose?

I will be on a well-deserved vacation next week, so the blog may be a little late . . . unless someone wants to guest blog?


Thursday, March 19, 2009


Phew . . . what a relief that Lost was back last night. I was feeling Lost without it (aren’t I punny).

I don’t think I have a lot to say about the episode. It was good, but not terribly exciting. Perhaps you disagree . . .

1. Shout out to my other undercover soap watchers – Kevin Buchanan!

2. Lapidus lands the plane on the runway on the adjacent island. Do you think the runway may have been built for this very purpose?

3. LLL called it – Sun and Ben landed in the present (2007). The island does not want them – why?

4. I’m making t-shirts – TEAM JULIET

5. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: Baby Ethan! So why is his last name Rom and not Goodspeed?

6. Phil is suspicious of the new “recruits.” I sense trouble!


8. Where did Farraday go?

9. Crackpot theory – could it be that the little girl we saw last week wasn’t Charlotte at all? Could Charlotte be the daughter of Juliet and Sawyer? Totally out there, I know.

10. Go, Sun! Yes, you are a good liar.

11. t-shirt #2 – TEAM SAWYER

12. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #2: Lil Ben brings Sayid a sandwich. CREEPERS! Would you eat that sandwich if you were Sayid?

13. WTF is Christian up to!

14. I am not appreciating this Kate-Juliet girl-fight that is being set-up. It’s really kind of sexist.

15. Do you think Sawyer is a sell-out because he’s changed so much? He went from lawless to lawman. My thought is that he now has something worth living for, but Mr. LLL disagrees.

I told you I didn’t have much to say . . . what can you add?


Thursday, March 5, 2009

La Fleur

Good morning, 2009! I hope all is well in your world, though I know a few of our regular Losties aren’t having the best weeks ever . . . I hope you are doing better – you know who you are!

1. A question came to me while watching the repeat of last week’s ep – why does Ben bother cleaning up? I don’t see the point . . .

2. This question was raised in the current TV Guide, and I think it’s a good one – Why doesn’t Daniel take off the stupid 80’s tie? He’s in a jungle, for goodness sake!

3. In the last flash before stabilizing, they see a giant statue . . . this must be “the foot” that they saw when the Others took them a few seasons ago. Who is the statue? When was it made? It seems like they went WAY into the past on that flash. Pre-Alpert, even. It is holding an ankh, the same symbol as Paul’s necklace. It means eternal life. Very hippy.

4. Everyone calls Sawyer “James” (or Jim) now. Why do you suppose that is? He’s still running a con, to some extent, after all.

5. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: Paul – A Christian Missionary who had once persecuted the church. Known as Saul before his conversion, Paul encountered a flashing light (the flashes?) and a voice saying, “Saul, why do you persecute me?” Paul temporarily went blind but was healed by a Christian. He changed his name and went on to be a zealous disciple of Jesus.

James –Brother of John (interesting). First disciple of Jesus to be martyred. Hmmm . . . I predict our boy Sawyer will die in helping others get off of the island. Jesus also had a brother named James. So to whom is Sawyer a “brother”? Jack or Locke? That remains to be seen.

7. Juliet and Jin are going by their real names. I wonder why Miles has taken on an alias?

8. Sawyer is lookin good circa 1977!

9. Babies COULD be born on the island when the D Initiative was there . . . what happened? Could it be BECAUSE of the Losties that babies cannot be born? Think about the Miles question and earlier ideas about who he is . . .

10. Horace – when Locke encountered his Sisyphus-like ghost last season, H’s nose was bleeding. Hmmmm . . .

11. GIVE JULIET A FRICKIN’ BREAK! – Dear James, pick Juliet. She significantly more awesome than whiny-ass Kate! Seriously, she rarely cries, she’s hot, and she has been dissed one too many times.

12. What did the Hostiles want with Paul’s body?

13. Little Charlotte . . . awwwe

A little short today, but hopefully we can discuss anything I missed.