Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Don't Worry!

I'm sure you're all on edge, but LLL is on vacation. But fret not, I will be posting either Saturday or Sunday!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ab Aeterno

Ab Aeterno (From the Beginning of Time)

Thank Jacob that was a HUGE improvement from last week! The show REDEEMED itself in my EYE. Do you like that little bit of Lost/Biblical humor? I crack myself up . . .
Hold on for the ride . . . this is gonna be a long post, I think!

What We Now Know About Richard/Ricardo/Ricardus:

1. Richard lived in 1867 in the Canary Islands, El Socorro to be exact. He had a lovely wife named Isabella who died from consumption (aka tuberculosis). She was a woman of faith (as was Ricardo?), but was willing to give up her symbol of faith to try to help her husband try to help her (it’s just a symbol, after all?).

2. Oh, shit, he killed the doctor. And for nothing!

3. TWIBS: Richard reads from the Bible Luke 4. We can read clearly on the screen, "NO prophet is accepted into his own county.” Luke 4 is one of the chapters of the Gospel recounting a number of important events in Jesus’ life before the crucifixion: the temptation of Jesus by the Devil in the desert, the rejection of Jesus in Nazareth (his hometown), and the exorcism of a man possessed by the Devil.

Is Ricardo then a prophet? It seems to foreshadow his encounter with MIB (who needs a name – soon!), role as advisor to Jacob, as well as highlight his rejection by his own people. However, what do you think the exorcism bit my be highlighting/foreshadowing?

Richard’s trials also made me think of Job . . .

There’s also the bit where Richard is “baptized” (or drowned) . . . (which is a lot like what Dogen did to Sayid, btw). Jacob also shares communion with him.

So if Richard the “son” of Jacob? Or is he a prophet?

BTW, other faiths, particularly Islam see Jesus as a prophet. I don’t think Jacob represents Christianity, per se, but I do think there is a Jesus connection, no doubt.

4. “I’m on a boat!” -- Mr. Whitfield informs Richard (once he reveals he can, indeed, speak English) that he is now the property of Magnus Hanso, and he will be going to the New World. To the new world as what? Is this a plot to start a new brand of slaves? South American slaves?

Also, remember that the descendants of Magnus Hanso started the Hanso Foundation, which begat the Dharma Initiative (which kind of explains why Richard thought they should be destroyed).

5. Richard’s shipmate cries out, "I see the devil." Statue. Was the ship headed there to begin with? Jacob later tells Richard that he brought him there. The statue is actually the Goddess Tawaret (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taweret) who is the Egyptian goddess of fertility . . . is that why no one can have babies?

6. Smokey kills almost everyone, but saves Richard. Why? Because he is a “candidate”? Obviously, he thinks Richard can kill Jacob, but why? Because he will let the malevolence consume him?

7. Did anyone else notice the butterfly? Do you think that was maybe Jacob?

8. HOLY CRAP MOMENT-- Boar eating the dude! That is freakin nasty! But the boar is afraid of him.

9. Initially touched, but not by Jacob. By MIB! "A friend." "In hell?" "Yes, I'm afraid you are." Trying to trick Rich into killing Jacob, too. Richie doesn't fall for it? What makes Richard less susceptible than Sayid was? He, like Sayid, has lost a loved one. Like Sayid, he has “killed” for others.

10. "It's good to see you out of those chains." What Flocke said when he ran into him. Gave him the same information that Dogen gave Sayid about killing Flocke. MIB admits to being the black smoke, but denies that he killed Isabella. Insists that Jacob is the devil; says that Jacob stole his humanity.

11. Baptism/Communion – Thoughts?

12. Confirms that all the dead people that appear are actually Smokey.

13. WHAT IS THE ISLAND?: If we can trust what he says, Jacob brought the ship to the island. Island is the cork keeping the darkness where it belongs. MIB believes that it is in our "Nature to sin.” MIB I bring them here to prove him wrong."

14. Jacob also explains why he doesn’t save people/guide people. "I wanted them to help themselves. Meaningless if I have to step in." FATE V FREE WILL, my friends! It is all about choice!

15. Asks Richard if he would like to be his disciple . . .

16. Can't absolve him of his sins but can give him eternal life? Hmmm . . .

17. MIB and Jacob are kinda funny.

Islandland --

1. Ricardo knows what to do; who the candidates are! Make him spill, Hurley, make him spill!
2. OFF TOPIC BUT MAKING ME CRAZY: Is it possible that Hurley is the new Jacob traveling the Alternaworld? He is so Zen in Alternaworld and he seems to be helping those he encounters . . . whatcha think?

3. Do you think Hurley is lying about the “other thing” Isabella said? Do you think he is just trying to get Richard to do the “right” thing?

Ok, so more and more, I am thinking that Alternaworld reflects the choice each Lostie makes – malevolence or benevolence ($20 vocab). You can take MIB’s offer, and you will get what you want, but it will be not exactly as you wish (ie – Sayid wants Nadia alive but then he cannot be with her. He is also doomed to repeat his mistakes). Or, you can choose to do the right thing, and you will reap the benefits (Kharma? . . . Dharma? . . .) I also think the show is a mashup of many religious traditions. The overarching message, though, is that you can choose who you are! And if even one person chooses the path of Jacob, the path of doing the right thing, then he is right and mankind is not inherently evil!

Ok, I can’t think anymore!


**MIB= Man in Black (the name for Flocke when he is not in Locke’s body); TWIBS= This Week in Bible Studies

Wednesday, March 17, 2010



In the immortal words of Comic Book Guy, “WORST EPISODE EVER!” I’m not kidding; I thought that episode was horrible. Here is why:
1. Sawyer is a tool, which makes me sad as I really loved him as James.
2. The Charlotte hook-up. Really? That’s just wrong on so many levels. First of all, we don’t need yet another woman in the mix (JULIET FOREVER). Second of all, shouldn’t she be off meeting and making happy Daniel?
3. VOMIT, VOMIT, VOMIT. Sawyer flirting with Kate.
4. The way Sawyer was smelling Kate’s shirt that was left in the cages. Gross.
5. Just when I was starting to hate her a little less, KATE CRIES (8:24 starts getting a little weepy, full—blown hysterics by 8:33)
6. Making all the redheads look likes skanks. What up with that?
7. Car crash with Kate.

All the same, I will try to give some insight into the (worst ever) episode.


1. Creeper baby is back!

2. Lockeness is very candid with James – why? Or is he playing him? He’s also candid with Kate. My theory? In the words of Shakespeare in Macbeth, “Oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray’s in deepest consequence.”

3. Sending James back to Hydra Island. HOLY CRAPPER! A setup to find the dead bodies? A warning to James not to f with Lockeness? Who’s the chick? Why do I recognize her? What’s she been in? Is she really the only one left? Zoey. Knew she wasn’t really on the plane. (Shout out to kid Mr. Mom and Kate&Allie)

4. Widmore’s people. This is like déjà vu, I must say. The sub at the dock. We’ve seen people getting on or off the sub at this dock at least four or five times now.

5. Flocke tells Sawyer he’s the “Best liar I ever met.” Makes James flinch.

6. Sayid all creeper. All part of the plan to take Kate down. Yeah! Awe, too bad that Flocke stopped her.

BTW -- Where are Rose and Bernard hanging these days?

7. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: Lockeness working the angle hard with Kate. Is he talking as Locke? Or as Smokey? If as Smokey, who was his mother? BLAME THE MOTHER.

In the bible, Esau and Jacob are the sons of Rebekah.
Genesis 25:28 explains the conflict between the parents and their children: "Now Isaac loved Esau, because he had a taste for game, but Rebekah loved Jacob."

So is his mother really crazy?

“Now Aaron has a crazy mother too.” Will things turn out badly for him? See
http://www.essortment.com/all/bibleexodusm_rram.htm for a refresher on Aaron (connection to Moses makes me think he is more Moses-y)

8. What’s all locked up on the submarine?

9. Is Claire for real now? A little of the real her shining through? Or another setup? Or is Claire just batshit crazy?

10. James playing all sides of the coin. Does he really think Widmore is stupid enough to buy it? Is he really “with” Lockeness?


1. Sawyer’s a cop. Miles is his partner. Didn’t see that twist coming. Remember, Sawyer let Kate go . . . knowing she was a criminal.

2. Anthony Cooper – name Locke’s dad used when he was conning.

3. Sawyer’s still reading Watership Down . . .

4. Charlie’s brother Liam trying to get him out of jail.

5. MIRROR!!!!! Doesn’t like what he sees.

6. Little House on the Prairie. “Half Pint” “People aren’t really gone when they die. They jus tlive in our memories til we see tham again.”

7. So many bromances on this show! Although Miles seems to be at the center of them. Miles and James. Miles and Hurley. Hurley and Charlie.

Next week – Hell, yeah! Hopefully that will erase the memory of this week’s sucky-ass episode.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dr. Linus

I don’t know about you, but I freaking loved this episode! Can’t put my finger on it . . . maybe it was cause as a teacher, Ben did the right thing (cause teachers rule!), that Jack FINALLY didn’t annoy me and was actually likable to me, or because Richard was a central character.


1. Reveal #1: Ilana knows Miles can communicate with the dead. That’s why Ilana took his ashes. “Linus killed him.” Love that guy!

2. What else we learned about/from Ilana:
--“Closest thing I ever had to a father.”
-- Ilana condnfirms the candidates to replace Jacob.
-- Jacob was hoping he was wrong about Ben.

3. BIG QUESTION #1: Six candidates left (jack, hurley, sawyer, jin, sun, ?) (jack, hurley, sawyer, jin/sun, ?, ?). Kate? Desmond? Frank? (Frank was supposed to be flying Oceanic 815 after all).

4. TWIBS (this week in bible studies): I refer you back to the episode “The Man Behind the Curtain,” Season 3.
Benjamin, was the twelfth and youngest son of
Jacob. His mother was Rachel, Jacob's wife. Benjamin was born during the journey that Jacob and his family took from Padan Aram to Canaan. His mother Rachel named him "Ben-oni," meaning "Son of my sorrow," before she died during the childbirth, but Jacob called him Benjamin. Joseph, Benjamin's brother was sold into slavery by his other brothers.

Now we know that Richard came on the Black Rock, a slave ship. Was he a slave? Is he our symbolic Joseph? Does that make him Ben’s “brother”?

Jacob had hope for Ben (both biblically and island-ly); should we, too?

Ben earns Ilana’s (another “child” of Jacob) empathy. “All in the name of Jacob. I sacrificed everything for him.” He’s honest with her . . . knows Flocke is the only one who will have him. Ilana says she will have him. Another chance at redemption? Looking for a family? Isn’t that what many of the Losties seem to want?

5. This Week in Guyliner, or What We Gleaned about Richard Alpert:
n Richard came on the Black Rock. His actions imply that he was on the ship as a slave. From where? When? Why did Jacob choose him to touch?
n Jacob’s touch gave him “eternal life” (how very Jesus-y of him)
n Can’t kill himself. Jacob touched him.
n Considered a gift; it’s not a gift, it’s a curse. Told me everything was happening for a reason. Had a plan. Feels now that his life has no purpose, that there is no plan. HAS LOST HIS FAITH . . . Strangely . . .

6. JACK IS A MAN OF FAITH NOW? Though Mr. LLL thinks that he is just selfish, I think he is demonstrating the qualities of a man of faith now. He took Hurley’s word on faith, he has faith he won’t blow up . . . he seems to restore Richard’s faith, at least to some extent.

7. I still think there is something to it: Jack and John – same name, really. Two parts of a whole man? Jack has “absorbed” the good qualities of John?

8. Nikki and Paolo reference! Awesome!

9. Ben is digging his own grave – how ironic. Isn’t that what he is always doing?

10. LLL’s other half says that the Kwon canidate is the kid, not Sun or Jin.

11. Awwwe, snap!! Charles Widmore submarining his way back to the island! How the hell did he finally find it?


1. Principal Reynolds – that actor always gives me the heebeegeebees.

2. Works with Artz (dude who blew himself up).

3. Why Ben is Wise: An administrator not a teacher; forgotten what education is about. Refuses to give up.

4. Alternalocke: Maybe Dr. Linus should be a principal. If the man in charge doesn’t care, maybe it’s time for a change. Reflection of the island? (note – if you are a teacher, don’t become an administrator. Please.)

5. BEEN TO THE ISLAND – Roger took him there to give him a better opportunity. Wishes they had stayed. Why did they leave? How did they leave? “The Incident”? Did Dr. Chang’s warning push them to leave? Was it before or after KidBen was shot by Sayid? And visited the temple? Arrrgh! Furthermore . . .

6. Alex not his daughter; a member of the History Club. Students really don’t show up at teachers’ houses. “Tutoring” her? How the hell would Alex be in LA? Did Roger save her from the island along w/ Ben? How did they convince Islandanielle, if she ever was that, to trust them? Goes along with previous theory that . . .

7. Alternaland is what they deeply wish for, but with a twist. Ben wants to save Alex, but in order for that to happen, she can no longer be his family. Is this Flockeland or Jacobland?

8. Ben worries that he is “more a loser than any of [the kids in detention].” Isn’t this what he is always worried about?

9. Ben finally makes the right decision and chooses “family” over power. That’s because TEACHERS RULE!

I just can’t quite get my head around it all! There was so much in the episode to think about. But for me, it is all coming down to a question of faith. You gotta have it . . . It’s also an issue of free will. Your fate is not set in stone; you have choice . . . I think they can exist together, which is what I think Jack’s growth is proving.

I’m sure there’s more, but my head is now spinning!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Farewell, Ninja Dogen, we hardly knew ye. Farewell, Hippie Lennon, we hardly knew ye either. And yet, somehow, I will miss both of you!

Holy mind trip! That episode was heavy duty and very mind-f-y. Kudos to Emilie De Ravine and Naveen Andrews (and of course, Terry O’Quinn) for making a seamless transition to the dark side. I never thought Claire could be convincing as a badass, but she hooked me tonight.

And, really, if Smokey/Flocke/Lockeness is not a bad guy, I’m going to feel a little annoyed and misled. I mean, really, have you ever seen creepier, darker folk then Claire and Sayid at the end of that episode?

But then again, this is Lost, so I am prepared to be completely flabbergasted in the end.


1. Nadia is his sister-in-law! Omar a drycleaner . . . Sayid is still in love with Nadia. Sayid pushed Nadia to his brother because he cannot cleanse himself of what he’s done.

2. I know we’ve seen that dude who picks up Sayid before . . . France? Shipper?

3. “I am the Eggman!” Martin Keamy! (badass mercenary from the ship) Is there some connection here to Widmore or is Keamy an independent operator? (Admission – I find Keamy strangely attractive and it disturbs me). “Relax and forget about it.” Sayid kills Keamy . . . you can’t change your killer instinct.

4. WTF! Jin in the freezer! Is Keamy the man to whom he was bringing the watch . . . or could it be Widmore? Did Jin try to keep the money he was supposed to give Widmore and Keamy is making him pay? Note, he is separated from Sun in this reality now, too.


1. Machine a scale measuring balance of good and evil. Sayid’s is tipped the wrong way. “I am a good man.” – Sorry, Sayid, but you clearly are not. You can’t seem to overcome your killer instinct (fate or freewill?) I think you CHOSE to side w/ Smokey because it gave you an excuse . . .

2. Baseball falls of table, Dogen relents. Baseball doesn’t really roll or bounce. It is Dogen’s tie to his son (who we met at the recital last week) and his sad story about that. RECURRING THEME: Fathers and Sons!!

Last week, in Alternaworld, Dogen said to Jack, “It’s hard to watch and be unable to help.” This seems to, in some ways, be his punishment on the island as well.

3. Lockeness could have sent Sawyer or Jin into the temple? DOES THIS MEAN THAT THEY HAVE BEEN CLAIMED/INFECTED, TOO????

4. Lockeness tells Claire, “I always do what I say.” Will only hurt the ones “who don’t listen.” There is no way this guy is up to good . . .

5. Random Commercial Observation: Kate Gosselin on Dancing With The Stars? With extensions to boot!

6. Miles informs Sayid that the templars did not save his life. Something else did.

7. According to Dogen, Smokey is “Evil Incarnate”. Will come to you as someone you know; someone who has died. If he speaks, it is too late. Please note, LOCKENESS DID SPEAK BEFORE SAYID STABBED HIM. So, of course, it was too late.

8. I HATE KATE MOMENT: Kate: “What’d I miss?” Always worried about not being the center of attention. “Sawyer cut you loose?” Ha! Claire “still hot, though.” LOVE MILES.

9. I had nightmares last night with that “clickety” sound . . . you know what I’m talking about!

10. Did Dogen set Sayid up to be killed, like Flocke said? Or was Sayid being given a chance to CHOOSE the right path?

11. Can’t kill Lockeness! Or at least Sayid can’t . . . a set-up by Dogen? Is Flocke tell the truth? Promises him Nadia if he will deliver a message. Could alternaworld be Smokey granting the Losties their wishes? But in some twisted Looking Glass way?

12. This episode had me thinking a lot about Mr. Eko. Remember, he was the original parallel reality, back with his brother when they were children. What parallels do you note? I miss the big guy! He was one of my favorites. Do you think he is at all relevant?

13. “Catch a Falling Star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away . . .” I will never sing THAT song to MY children. Well, my children aren’t strange animal skulls that I’ve dressed up, either. But note, both Claire and Kate sang this to Aaron (real and imagined).

14. What do you think Claire is going to do to Kate now that she knows the truth? And clearly doesn’t like it?

15. Ilana leads Miles, Frank, and Sun to a hidden room that is marked by a hieroglyph.
Shen ring: the hieroglyph tile on the wall in the temple hallway that Ilana pushes to open the secret passage is a Shen ring. The Shen ring is an ancient Egyptian symbol of eternity and protection. In ancient Egypt, the Shen Ring also represents dual concepts of time; the cyclic line of periodicity and lineal time (into infinity).

Ok, so here’s my current theory: Alternaworld is like Through the Looking Glass (THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE --
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Through_the_Looking-Glass) . It is what the losties most want, but not exactly HOW they want it. Sayid wants Nadia to be alive, but the trade is that he cannot be with her. Jack wants to have a strong father/son relationship, but it is not with his father (and I don’t think this looking glass is in full view yet). Locke accepts his paralysis and has Helen, but he no longer has his faith. Both Jacob and Lockeness can give them this alternaworld, but Jacob does so hoping that they will make better choices (Jack?) while Smokey pushes them toward their “fated” destinies (Sayid – once a killer, always a killer). Obviously not a complete theory, but I think it still all ties back to fate v. free will.

BTW – Do you think Ben is really going to bite the big one next week?!!

Ok, that’s all for now . . .

Namaste, LLL