Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Little Prince

First and foremost, WHO THE HELL IS CHARLOTTE?!!! Seriously, this is driving me crazy. According to Daniel’s theory about exposure to the island, she has been there the longest, so was she born there? Who are her parents? Could it be Richard is her father? Widmore? Ben? Aaargh!

My head is close to exploding once again, but I feel a little bit firmer in some of my theories. So here we go . . .

1. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE #1: The title of the episode is “The Little Prince.” I sure wish my mom watched Lost since she was a French teacher and taught this book about 100 times.
The Little Prince is a French fable about a little boy who lives first in the desert and then on an asteroid, also referred to as his “planet.” It is a philosophical tale of human nature . . . sound familiar? The most famous line from the tale is "On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (One cannot see well except with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes).
While on the surface we might think that the title refers to Aaron, I think it actually has more connection to the Others and the O6. Some of the characters the LP encounters include the King, who can order the stars to do what they will do anyway, and then takes credit. Sounds a little like Ben, right? Then there is the Drunkard, who drinks to forget he is a drunk . . . Jack? Actually, Jack also fits the role of The Conceited Man who wants to be admired by everyone, but lives alone on his planet. He cannot hear anything that is not a compliment. Or, that could be Locke . . . I could go on all day, but you probably don’t really care!

2. It was Kate’s idea to claim Aaron as her own after the rescue.

-- According to Sun’s surveillance report, Jack and Ben are hanging out at 108 Pinehurst.
-- Kate lives at 42 Panorama Court
-- The meet at 23 Long Beach Marina

4. I watched the pop-up version of last week’s episode, and I am now sure that the Old Woman Des met in “The Constant” is Daniel’s mother. Daniel names his rats at Oxford Eloise, the old woman is Eloise. Furthermore, the blond on the island IS his mother – she’s named ELLIE!

5. I dig Mr. Norton! TV trivia – he was the dad on the best show of the 90’s – My So-Called Life.


7. VOICES IN THE JUNGLE – All those voices Danielle and others heard in the jungle in seasons past? Could it be the voices of the time travelers seeping through the time space continuum? Sawyer was standing right there watching . . .

8. I’m pretty sure that my theory about Miles is right! A) cause I rule B) because he is the second person to get a nosebleed, meaning he has had the second longest exposure to the island, followed by Juliet. He must be Dr. Chang (Dr. Change)/Marvin Candle’s son!!!

9. Why does physical stuff move with the flashes? It doesn’t make sense.

10. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE #2 – Reminder, Charlotte’s full name is Charlotte Stevens Lewis . . . CS Lewis, author of Through the Looking Glass, and also a devoutly Christian writer . . . perhaps giving my obsessive Bible studies for this show some credence?

11. RADIATION – If the bomb was buried, perhaps it has something to do with the time travel abilities of the island. Remember, Daniel was experimenting with radiation on the rats to see if it could move their minds to the future . . . and it worked! Maybe (but I hope not) Lost is a big indictment of our carelessness with the planet and nuclear waste.

12. Ben played Kate like a fiddle. Ha ha!

13. Have you noticed that Sayid just can’t stop the killin’? No one can overcome his destiny on this show . . . Kate’s always a fugitive, Hurley always struggles with his sanity, Jack always sucks . . .

14. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #1: Jin on the debris!! Damn!! Didn’t see that coming!!

15. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #2: Danielle on the boat . . . but I did see that coming when they were speaking French.

16. Could Charlotte be Danielle’s daughter, not Alex? Seriously, WHO THE HELL IS CHARLOTTE?!!!!

17. Hottie Award – Sawyer or Jin? I think Jin wins if only because Sawyer was a little too soft for me tonight . . . his pining for Kate is kind of annoying, especially since he has hottie Juliet right there . . .

18. Another plane crash? Arija airlines?

19. Some questions to ponder:
a. Where did the paddleboats come from?
b. Where are Bernard and Rose?
c. Where is Vincent?

20. Daniel warned that “if it didn’t happen, it can’t happen.” What will happen to the future now that Jin has been found in the past by a young Rousseau?!!!!

Ok, I guess I need to get on with my life now. But let me just ask one more time, WHO THE HELL IS CHARLOTTE?!!!

Loyal Lost Loser


Anonymous said...

Charlotte Corday

born July 27, 1768, Saint-Saturnin, near Séez, Normandy, France
died July 17, 1793, Paris

the assassin of the French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat.

Descended from a noble family, educated in a convent at Caen, and royalist by sentiment, yet susceptible also to the ideals of the Enlightenment, Corday was living with an aunt in Caen when it became a centre of the “federalist” movement against the National Convention after the expulsion of the Girondins in May–June 1793. Inspired especially by Charles Barbaroux among the Girondin refugees, she left for Paris to work for the Girondin cause.

There Corday solicited an interview with Marat because of the influence of his newspaper over the masses, and on July 13, 1793 she was finally admitted to his presence while he was in his bath. She named dissidents in Normandy; he noted them and assured her that they would be guillotined. She then drew a knife from under her dress and stabbed him through the heart. Arrested on the spot, she was tried and convicted by the Revolutionary Tribunal (July 16–17) and forthwith guillotined on the Place de la Révolution.

"Corday, Charlotte." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition. 5 Feb. 2009


Anonymous said...

I only sent that Charlotte article because of all the French people in last night's episode.
Charlotte is the young Charlotte Rae! Yes, Mrs. Garrett, the red-headed, stern but sweetly silly and soothing housemom (headmistress?)from Facts of Life!
How could we all have missed this? No wonder her lessons and advice for Tootie, Jo, Blair, Natalie and all the other girls were always SO RIGHT ON! She not only walked the walk in her life BUT DID IT IN DIFFERENT TIME PERIODS (remember that Victorian bun in her hair?!?)

Anonymous said...

Hmm...the Facts of Life. I would have never seen the connection, but thanks to you my Lost Boy!

Okay but really folks, I don't know how much more my little bird brain can handle. AH!!

Here are a few questions:

1. How does a constant get created? Why was Charlotte (who the hell!?!) fine in one time frame, but then not fine when she is fast forwarded to a more present day? But then she didn't die like the guy on the boat in last season (remember the geeky guy they had locked in that room on the boat?).

2. How is it that good ole Des can remember Faraday from his flashes from past to future, but the french lady, Danielle, will not remember Jin (or does not let on to remembering him in seasons before)?

3. GUT SPLITTING MOMENT: What the crap is up with the Hawaiian boats?? I felt as if I was watching a Scooby Doo cartoon when they were paddling normally, and then see the "ghosts" behind them and they all paddle faster in unison like a machine!! Ruh-Ro Shaggy!

4. I do know about the Little Prince. Speculation on this is that the character references are that Locke is the Little Prince and Jack would be the narrator. Kate help me on that. I never read it, but I heard that on the radio by a caller this morning. Any relevance you think?

5. Then why is our friend Faraday without bloody snout?? He has obviously been on the island at a length of time too with his time travel (as proven in the Dr. Chang episode a couple weeks back).

6. Yes, Miles is Dr. Chang's son. they could have picked another character that wasn't of Asian descent to make this harder, but I am very thankful that they threw a puzzle that even the bird brains could figure out!!

7. Danielle's baby. How can it be Ben's daughter if Danielle is pregnant while coming onto the island? Did Danielle know Ben off the island? Did Ben leave the island to get lucky with Danielle and then come back to the island??

Whew...And breathe...and...

8. Who is keeping the timeline of all of this? I am feeling I need to see this in timeline form!
How old was Ben when he "off-ed" the entire island inhabitants? Was Danielle pregnant then? That would prove that she got pregnant off the island. Kate, did she say she was pregnant when she arrived on the island? I guess I assumed she got pregnant on the island if Ben was daddy.

9. ajira airlines - the water bottle in the hawaiian boat is fake!! ABC and Lost have used this airline for marketing promos. Visit the site. It might have clues

10. The van they were driving had the name of something. What was the name?? Anyway, you can also spell the word reincarnate (or some form of the word) from the van name.

11. And finally, there was a post on a different website that suggested that little Aaron is Charles Widmore as a child. Or that Des and Penny's son, "Charlie" could be Charles Widmore (a stretch I know.) because of all of the time travel stuff.

12. OH! Also, if people are time traveling in their minds, then why are the physical things changing too? Example of the lady that Faraday put in a coma that Des visited last episode. She is physically there, but her brain is not. Are we speculating that all of these people just have never physically left the island, but are mentally time traveling?

It seems as if everyone is confused - so much that no one wants to write anymore!! It's so baffling..

I don't know. I just don't know.

Anonymous said...

1988 was the year when Jin was found by Danielle.

LoyalLostLoser said...

My, my, Mer! You've really gotten into this . . . I'm impressed by your skills.

SinD said...

What's Sun's deal? Why is she being so weird to Kate? Was she using her to get to Ben?

So Jin has been time warping along side Sawyer et al? Or is he somewhere/somewhen? else?

Gabriella said...

I have nothing to contribute other than expressing my love for Jin. He better stick around. :) Also, I totally missed the number thing. Thank goodness I have you. :) And, no, I'm sorry, I have NO idea who Charlotte is.

Steve and Vern said...

Sawyer and group are in the future, that is why all the beer cans are empty. Rose and Benard are with The O6 as they are back already. The catamaran boat belongs to the O6 and is how they got back to the island. Could the gunmen in pursuit be Widmore henchmen that also chased the O6 when they returned? The Airindia is what they took to return to the island.
We believe Ben gave Sun the gun and it does not have bullets, or she would kill him. He minipulates everyone to get them to the pier. How do the O6 get convinced to return to the island? Even if Locke were to rise from the dead, how do they all agree to go?

Anonymous said...

Steve and Vern - good!! I can buy that! In the future!

Lohrmanns said...

I don't think Ben fathered Danielle'sbaby (Alex??) - didn't he admit to kidnapping her in an earlier season?

Maybe Charlotte and Miles are suffering from some sort of Time Travelling disease that only people born on the island get??

"Ellie"/Faraday's mother: is she into the whole time travel thing b/c she wants to get back to the island (gotta love Fionnula Flanagan with TV credits like Bonanza, Star Trek and Law and Order!!) or did she do it so that her son would be able to time travel? - we haven't seen her on the island since she was young.

Love how Ben set up Kate; and he did set-up Sun (love that Jin is back).

Charlotte's real identity will be the "Reveal" of the season (not seeing the love connection with Faraday).

too much for my brain - hate this show, but can't wait for next week