Thursday, February 19, 2009


Dear Losties,
Another awesome week in Lost Land. We learned some things, but, of course, we were also taunted with some new questions. Good thing there is only one and a half seasons left of this show to drive me crazy, otherwise I might end up in the same loony bin as Hugo!

This week we learned how the 06 got back to the island . . . and we were inundated with Biblical imagery and allusion. I am so clearly an English teacher, because I love this shit!

a. The Episode is titled “316.” This refers to the Ajira flight number, but is also a reference to the most famous biblical quote: “For God so loved the world, he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

b. This quote was also all over Eko’s big stick back a couple of seasons ago.

So, who is the “only son”? It seems to be Jack, based on the evidence in this episode, what with the tending to the feet of Locke and all, but perhaps Locke thinks he is . . . after all, he is the one who sacrifices himself and believes he is the leader. But then again . . . and I’ve said this before . . . John and Jack are really the same name. So maybe they are both supposed to represent Jesus.

2. BIBLE STUDIES REVISITED: I went back through previous blogs to find a couple of possibly relevant connections:
a. JEREMIAH 2:4 Hear ye the word of the LORD, O house of Jacob . . . (Jeremy is Locke’s alias)

b. James – Brother of John (interesting). First disciple of Jesus to be martyred. Sawyer did “martyr” himself by jumping off the helicopter.

c. Daniel means “judged by God”. Or “God is a judge.” Some people think he is a prophet, others do not. He spoke to angels but not directly to God. DANIEL was among the Jews who were taken captive into Babylon about 2600 years ago. He rose to a high position in the Babylonian government. Daniel saw and described the great world empires that were to come. He also prophesied about a Messiah. (
Daniel predicted when an anointed one would be rejected Daniel 9:26Daniel foretold the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple (isn’t there a hatch called the Temple?)

There are plenty more, but these seemed somewhat relevant to this week.

3. 46 hours before the Ajira plane crashes, Jack, Sun, Ben, and Desmond are “educated” by Ms. Hawking. We learn that:
a. The church basement has a hatch; it is called “The LampPost.” Ben claims he didn’t know it was there, but he’s always lying, so why trust him now.
b. Eloise has a picture of the Island – it says, “US Army Ops 264/ 8/23/54” – this must be when she was young Ellie, the badass. She’s still kind of a badass!
c. The island is “always moving”
d. Des’ time jumps last season were actually memories. Apparently, it wasn’t an accident that he ended up on the island – ELOISE TOLD HIM TO GO THERE!
e. There are windows of time when you can “enter” the island. Jack et. al’s is about to close.
f. The island isn’t done with Des, though he says he is done with it. A return is imminent.

4. Remember when the Flashies (new name I heard on a podcast referring to Sawyer and co) found all that stuff on the beach from the Ajira airlines? That was the 06 flight crash remnants. BUT, IS THAT WHERE/WHEN the O6 LANDED? Or was that the debris from the OTHER people on the flight? There was a big flash, and J, K, and H don’t remember crashing at all, nor are they hurt.

5. Jack’s granddaddy is in on it! It’s no coincidence that Ray just happened to have a pair of Christian’s shoes in his suitcase.

6. BIBLICAL STUDIES PART 3: Doubting Thomas painting. The Apostle Thomas would not believe that Christ had risen until he touched his wounds; however, he was first very brave – “Let us also go that we might die with him.”

7. What happened to Aaron? Did Kate give him back to Claire’s mother? This also makes me think of a bible reference, but that’s probably going to get annoying by the end of this post. Sorry about that!

8. WTF – Does Sun give a crap about her child? She totally just abandoned her!

9. Oh, Irish lit teacher . . . educate us on the relevance of Ulysses, the book Ben was reading on the flight.

10. BEN IS NOT SUPPOSED TO GO BACK TO THE ISLAND. Everything is trying to stop him – might he be Lucifer? He is an evil bastard, after all, but he also seems to occasionally want forgiveness.

11. All the 06 now represent someone ELSE on the 815 flight:
Sayid – Kate (under arrest)
Hurley – Charlie (guitar)
Kate – Jack (all morose and mourning)
Sun – Rose (fingering the wedding ring)
Ben – Hurley (mad dash to get on the plane)
What do you think it means?

12. AWWWWE Moment: Hurley buys up all the seats to try to save lives.

13. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #1: Frank Lapidus is the pilot of the plane. He has a great line, “We’re not going to Guam , are we?”

14. BEST LINE OF THE NIGHT: Jack, “How can you read?” Ben, “My mother taught me.” HA!

15. LOCKE(D) in a COFFIN:
a. Suicide note – “I wish you had believed me.” I think Locke is Jack’s alter ego.
b. Jack puts shoes on Locke, kind of like Jesus washed the feet of Lazarus (?) Lazarus couldn’t walk, but with JC’s help, he did. Is that right?


17. Jin appears to be working for Dharma. Have they crashed in the 70’s? Are they all going to be a part of Dharma now?

I could go on and on . . . but I won’t. Looking forward to your thoughts on another kick-ass episode.



SinD said...

LLR - thank you so much for the Bible studies recap.
I have some questions:
Obviously Ben has been travelling back and forth to the island, but he hasn't been going through the lamppost - how does he do it?

I think Charlie sent Hugo to the plane.

Is there any chance that the officer with Sayid is his old girlfriend - was her name Nadia? I thought maybe Ben had him arrested, but maybe Sayid has his own agenda? It's hard to believe that one woman (or man, for that matter) could make Sayid do something he didn't want to do.

Who is the other guy that was in first class - that said "my condolences" to Jack at the airport?

On one hand, it seems like they are giving us more answers this season, yet I am as confused as ever.

susan opel said...

Long time reader and I FINALLY have some insight!

The LampPost is a direct reference to the Chronicles of Narnia which begins with The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. When Susan first arrives in Narnia, she meets up with Mr. Tumnus at the LampPost. She and her siblings all want to go back to Narnia once they return to England, but they never know how to get back.

And did anyone else think it was weird that 5 of the O6 were boarding a plane and none of the media had a clue? I'm just sayin'.


LoyalLostLoser said...

SinD -- I think that Ben is a liar, so I think he has been using the Lamppost, but now I think he has been banished!

good call on Charlie! You're totally right, I think.

Nadia got killed, which is what Ben used to get Sayid to work with him.

Susan -- Thanks for posting! It's always cool when someone I haven't heard from before posts here. And you win the THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE award!

Good point about the media . . . that is weird that no one noticed.

Steve and Vern said...

Simple thoughts;
1)Locke is Jesus - he sacrifaced himself and he is going to rise from the dead. Locke's suicide note "I wish you would have believed me"
2) Jack is the doubting Thomas - he is a man of science and has to take a leap of faith (when he dove into the water). Great line Jack told Hurly "you can stand up".
3) Can not wait for the flash back and we get to see who kicked the crap out of Ben.
4) Just like the first crash the 6 are separated into 2 groups.
5) The are in the 70's as Jin is in a Darma suit and the blue and white van is in good shape.
6) Was Ben successful when he went to kill Penny? "I have unfinished bussiness to take care of" This would aso be the way to lure Desmond back to the island.
7) Are the rest of the people on the plane the way Ben will replenish "The others"? Jack asked Ben "what about the other people on the plane" and Ben said "who cares". He lies all the time.
8) Aaron was the brother of Moses and was not allowed to enter the holy land. Hummmm

Anonymous said...

I have to believe that Ben killed Penny. Maybe the beating he took was from Desmond after the fact. We'll see. I dig the Lucifer comparison to Ben. Makes sense at this point.

Could it be possible that Kate sacrificed (killed Aaron)? Or maybe she gave him to someone else. I seem to remember her talking to someone on the phone last season and then Jack walked in and Kate wouldn't tell him who it was. Or did she tell him? Who was it? Could that be the person she's given Aaron to? And will this whole crazy roller coaster end with Aaron, in the future, looking for the island just like Charlotte did? The cycle continues!

By the way, great call on the parallelism going on with the 06. Interesting.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. Lazarus was his friend (brother of Martha and Mary) and the one he raises from the dead after he had been dead three or four days. Jesus hears about his death, but delays in going right away to Bethany (?) I think. When Martha and Mary see him, they sort of reproach him with, "If only you had been here . . . " Jesus tells them he will rise again, and they think he means at the resurrection of the dead at the end of time. But he says, "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." He then goes to the place where Lazarus had been lain and calls him forth, and Lazarus walks out with his burial wrappings still on. John, in his gospel, then says that many believed in the divinity of Christ after this. (JB)

Steve and Vern said...

Food for thought;
Charlotte was a little girl in the 70's and Jin taught her to speak Korean. How else would Jin know that she could speak his native tongue.
Who has Aaron? Could Claire be allowed to leave the island and ask Kate for Aaron back? Claire did appear to Kate in a dream and say not to take Aaron back to the island. Maybe that was a memory for Kate, not a dream.
Ulysses is a novel by James Joyce and one of the main characters is Penelope. She is the faithful wife of Odysseus the king of Ithaca. She waits for 20 years for him to return from the Trojan war. During that time she turns down 108 marriage proposals.

Gabriella said...

Yep, that was a good one...even if there wasn't enough Jin in it for me.

My guesses:
Locke would have to be Jesus, for me. He's the one who sacrificed himself and have you seen the promos for next week? Hello, can we say imagery?

Re: Sun. Dude, I'm totally with you--WTF? She just left her kid behind to get Jin? For a second or two, I actually expected to see the little girl there.

Re: Frank. Okay, totally unimportant but he looks A LOT younger w/o that scruffy beard.

--Loved that line between Jack & Ben.

--PENNY MUST NOT DIE! Who is talking about her dying? HUH? STOP!

Do you think the actor who plays Sayid just laughs and whistles the whole way to the bank? All he has to do is make a few startled, brooding faces and that's it. Nice work if you can get it, right?

Also, YAY! My friend Susan posted. I told her and her sister about this blog a long time ago and am happy they aren't lurking but joining us. :)

Lohrmanns said...

Great episode. I was out of town and onoly just got to watch it on-line.

I think Jack has a bigger purpose than just being the "Doubting Thomas to Locke's"Jesus." He has had top billing on the show since the beginning, and despite the unconventional nature of the show, Hollywood demand a "Main Character" to be bigger than all the rest.

I don't know why everyone thinks Penny is going to die - I like the idea that she is Penelope of Joyce's "Ulysses."

Graet idea about Jin teaching Charlotte Korean.

Now that Locke "fixed" the orchid thing (sorry, I don't know all the lingo), are the losties now subjected to the island moving and changing?

Any thought to the 06 "Surviviors" getting caught in one of the islands "flashes" and left the plane, and the other passengers continue on to Guam? Or did the plane crash and those survivors become the original "Others"? Or the people in the outrigger canoes with that water bottle from the plane? Too may "What if's." Just tell me what's going on!!!

I think Sayid beat the crap out of Ben, and Ben let him do it, so that Ben could get the cops/authorities to arrest Sayid for one of the assassinations Sayid committed for Ben somewhere in the Far East, forcing Sayid to be transported on that plane.

Those os us just commenting now were not lurking, we are still to itimidated by the insight given by other bloggers - some of us don't know our liteatur/Bible studes that well.


SinD said...

Lorhmans - I like your theory about Ben and Sayid. It seems like Sayid would have acted a lot more surprised if it were just a coincidence that his officer had booked the same flight as the rest of them.
I don't think Penny died either.

Maybe there is a connection between Aaron and Sun's daughter.

I'm not sure if we asked this already - but could Jack be Jacob? It would explain Christian and granddad's level of knowledge about the island. Jack's also related to both Clare and Aaron who seem to be key players.

Looking forwar to more lost tonight!