Friday, May 30, 2008

There's No Place Like Home Parts 2 and 3

Click your heels three times, and say, “There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.” And then realize that being home will SUCK if you are one of the Oceanic 6.

That was a pretty intense episode, and yes, we finally got some answers. I almost cried (almost because my husband would have rolled his eyes at me if I had) twice. Let’s discuss what happened:

1. The episode picks up where last season ended, with Jack and Kate meet outside the airport and he tries to convince her that they “need to go back.” Jack still has the horrible beard (which I would describe in detail if it didn’t remind me of something very disgusting). They discuss the obituary and reveal that it was “Jeremy Bentham.” Did you fall for that red herring? I almost did, but I thought it would be too obvious if Ben were to go by Bentham.

2. It has been 3 years since they left the island.

3. Holy Walt! Clearly there was no way they could have Walt appear on the island again as he looks about 20 now. When he visits Hurley, he says he expected the O6 to visit him but they never did, except for Bentham. Hurley said he did it to protect the people still on the island.

4. Top Sawyer nickname for the night: “Kenny Rogers”

5. On the beach – Juliet keeps her word (unlike someone else who likes to play martyr) that she will make sure everyone gets off the island . . . only to be left with a bottle of Dharma Scotch and a half naked, glistening Sawyer.

6. Best zinger of the night goes to Rose – “Who told you you could eat those peanuts?” Miles – “May I eat these peanuts?” Rose – “You’re very dire.”

7. Miles wants to stay on the island. Why? He also reveals that Charlotte should want to stay after she has “spent so much time trying to get back here.” Charlotte reveals to puppy-love Daniel that she’s still trying to find “where she was born.”

8. Does anyone else find Keamy strangely sexy in a villainous-evil way?

9. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE: Though it was not overt, the explosion of the freighter was definitely parallel with The Stand, which the writers have cited as one of their favorite books.

10. IF YOU WEREN’T TEARY, YOU HAVE NO SOUL MOMENT: When Jin comes out of the freighter door just in time to see the helicopter fly away . . . and then was blown to bits. Poor Sun – she was quite a convincing screamer.

11. Kate makes a deal with the Others to save Ben in exchange for passage off the island. I was wondering why in the hell Kate would help Ben.

12. So here is my biggest question – AFTER ALL HIS MARTYR-LIKE TALK, HOW COULD JACK JUST GET ON THE HELICOPTER AND LEAVE? That explains his future-self mantra, “We need to go back!” He totally abandoned all those people.

13. Orchid Station –
-- Dr. Edward Halifax (aka Dr. Marvin Candle) explains on the video that they are experimenting w/ space and time.
-- The pod is not “the magic box,” according to Ben. But it does seem to be under that pod somewhere.
-- The tape malfunctions before Locke can see what happened to 15.

14. MOST HEROIC MOMENT OF THE NIGHT: Sawyer jumps from the copter. What do you think he whispered to Kate? I still think it is to find his daughter. We see all his paternal instincts with Aaron. His arrival at the beach also wins him the SEXIEST MOMENT OF THE NIGHT.

15. Is Michael dead? Christian (who I still argue is God) tells him, “You can go now.” I think he means from this world.

16. Sun blames two men for her husband’s death – her father and JACK. What does she want from Widmore? And when she says, “We’re not the only ones who left the island” is she referring to Desmond? Is she going to help Widmore find him? Or Ben? Or “Jeremy”?

17. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: Ok, folks, this is key. Jeremiah:
According to the book, the Prophet Jeremiah was a son of a priest from Anatot in the land of Benjamin, who lived in the last years of the Kingdom of Judah just prior to, during, and immediately after the siege of Jerusalem, culminating in the destruction of Solomon's Temple and the raiding of the city by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. According to the book, for a quarter century prior to the destruction, Jeremiah repeatedly issued prophecies predicting God's forthcoming judgment; advocating the Jews put down their idols and repent in hopes of turning away God's judgment and fulfilling their destiny as his chosen people. Jeremiah's fellow Jews refused to heed his warnings and did not repent. His efforts failed and he witnessed the destruction of everything he knew, the exile of the Jewish elite to Babylonia, and the fleeing of the remainder to Egypt.
The book of Jeremiah depicts a remarkably introspective prophet, a prophet struggling with and often overwhelmed by the role into which he has been thrust. Jeremiah alternates efforts to warn the people with pleas to God for mercy until he is ordered to "pray no more for this people" -- and then sneaks in a few extra pleas between the lines. He engages in extensive performance art, walking about in the streets with a yoke about his neck and engaging in other efforts to attract attention. He is taunted and put into jail. At one point he is thrown into a pit to die. He is often bitter about his experience, and expresses the anger and frustration he feels. (
JEREMIAH 2:4 Hear ye the word of the LORD, O house of Jacob . . .

18. YOU ARE ALSO WITHOUT A SOUL IF YOU WEREN’T MOVED BY: Penny and Desmond’s reunion. Do you really think they got their happy ending?

19. KEY QUESTION OF THE NIGHT: How in the world does a baby survive all that little Aaron was put through? Could it be he is the grandson of God? Hmmmm . . .

20. So what do you think about the Time Loop Theory now? The writers were tricky with the whole thing . . . first the video kind of confirmed it, then Ben debunked it, but then Ben moved the island.

21. Speaking of moving the island . . . isn’t that the noise we’ve been hearing since episode one? Is it possible the island has moved before during the Losties’ stay?

22. Hugo plays checkers with Eko. Apparently they couldn’t convince the actor to make a “ghost” appearance.

23. Claire tells Kate not to dare take Aaron back to that place.

24. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: Ben enters the funeral parlor, confirming that it is not he who is dead. They discuss Jack’s encounter w/ Bentham, in which Bentham blamed Jack for “some very bad things that happened on the island” after they left. Ben tells Jack that they all need to go if they want to get back to the island including the body of . . . LOCKE!
25. IN REVIEW (Add if you can):
--Answers –
-Locke was in the coffin
-how they got off the island
-how long it has been since they left
-why they lie.
-the noise
--Remaining Questions
- Where is Claire?
- Four-toed statue?
- Who is Richard?
- Who is Jacob?
- Why are people cured on the island?
- What do those damned whispers say?
- Could Kate be more annoying? What about Jack?
--New Questions:
-How did Locke get off the island? (Clearly, as the new “Ben,” Richard probably taught him how to “travel.”)
-Does Locke recognize Richard from earlier in his life?
-Did Locke really kill himself?
-Why does Miles want to stay on the island?
-When was Charlotte on the island before?
-What happened to the people on the raft/boat that were headed toward the freighter? My boy Daniel?
-What bad things happened on the island after the O6 left?

In case you missed it, right before the last segment of the show there was a commercial for Octagon Global Recruiting. This is a Lost online experience. I will probably casually participate, and if anything of interest is revealed, you know I will post it here.

Until next season,
Your Loyal Lost Loser


Anonymous said...

I completely agree with the most heroic and sexiest moments of the night. Sawyer arriving on the beach was nice....although who swims that far in his heavy, soggy jeans?

I'm surprised you didn't write a short obituary for Jin, Kate. I'm sad we will no longer see any of his charming ESL moments...for a second there, I thought he was going to stop the bomb from going "boom" and turn into the real hero of the night...and then he died.

As far as the time-loop theory, didn't it claim that by "moving" the island, Ben meant moving it in time, in which case it wouldn't physically disappear, like it did in front of everyone's eyes?

The real holy-crap moment of the night, I think, was when Kate got up in the middle of the night and was actually wearing semi-normal pajamas instead of some sort of sexy lingerie.

I can't wait to see what happens with Miles next season - he is the best new character by far - intriguing and hilarious at the same time.

Thanks for the great post, Kate - I can't wait until the fall!

Sarah I.

SinD said...

Holy Disappearing Act!
That was a great finale.
1. I wonder what Ben has in mind to convince everyone to go back. Something creepy, I'm sure!

2. I googled Jeremy Bentham who was a 19th c. philosopher. The only interesting things I found were that he argued for animal rights, gay rights and women's rights - quite progressive. And he was a founder of utilitarianism, and of the University of London. It seemed random, but interesting that John Locke would choose another philosopher's name for his alias.
5. I will be thinking about Sawyer all summer.
10. I LOVE the new bad-ass Sun. How cool is she?
14. mmmm...
17 - that is fascinating info LLR - you should compile all this biblical reference stuff and write an article. I never see these references on other postings. Something to do in the many months of Lost-lessness.
18. I think that was the happiest moment ever on this series.
Thanks for a great season of LLR, Kate! You have brought much joy to my Friday mornings!

Anonymous said...

I loved the way they made the island disappear, and I'm wondering if there is some added significance to the "wheel" Ben used to move it. It was cool how it was such an old, archaic way to move an entire island (in time and space, I suppose). Where the hell is that "deep" place? If Ben knows that this has been done before, has he seen it happen? Has he personally done it? If so, that wouldn't make sense since, according to him, once you do it you cannot return to the island. Why is that? How did he get off if the time travel pod was destroyed? Confusing...

I wonder if Jin is still alive. Could it be that he, like Michael, can't die? It think Sun was referring to Ben when talking to Widmore about who else left the island, since Ben has been in contact w/ other survivors and Widmore is clearly a bit afraid of him.

Didn't it seem like Daniel knew that certain people weren't going to survive or get off the island. When Juliet said, "I'll be here when you get back," he didn't seem too confident about being able to return. What is his story?

I definitely have NO idea what Miles' story is, either. One thing that bothers me is how nonchalant he and many others are about all of the crazy things that occur. For example, on the raft, the survivors are saying much of anything about what they just saw. It bothers me that no one ever freaks out about all this crap! By the way, sorry to disagree w/ you Kate, but it was Miles who said, "You're very dire" in response to Daniel's urgent pleas for them to get on the boat. Rose simply said, "I'm going to keep my eye on you, shorty."


LoyalLostLoser said...

Another question we haven't anwered yet -- what is Smokey?

Yes, Rob, you are right. My notes were mixed up. Do you feel special for calling me out? Thanks.

LoyalLostLoser said...

Why was Claire so puffy?

SinD said...

Claire did look puffy! Maybe since it was Kate's dream, she made her fat.

LoyalLostLoser said...

ha, el donk! too true.

and irwin, you are right on with the pajamas comment.