Thursday, May 7, 2009

Follow the Leader

Just when I thought I might not hate Kate anymore . . .

The Jack I love to hate is back . . .

Jim + Juliet = 4Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Overarching theme of tonight’s episode seems to be the desire to erase the misery in our lives. And while I still hate Kate, I did agree with her on this point . . . if you erase the misery in your life, you also erase the joy. So the question becomes, if they change the course of time, if Oceanic 815 never crashes, will they truly be happier? Is it worth giving up those moments of love and happiness, of discovery, to live without misery? I’m currently teaching a unit on Dystopia, and I have to say, a life without misery is no life at all. Plus, what was so great about any of their lives before the crash anyway? What is it that Jack is trying to get back to? I think he has forgotten what a loser he was becoming when his father died.

2. Is it really their destiny to “put things back”?

3. The Dharma Initiative is built over the bomb, which means it is also built over the temple. All those flashes that have been happening – related to radiation? Doesn’t radiation cause nosebleeds? Will setting off the bomb cause the flashes? Maybe Jack’s destiny to set off the bomb will actually cause all of this in reality. After all, whatever happened, happened.

4. The Kadzinsky Coupe!

5. I love Dr. Pierre Chang. I want a t-shirt.

6. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: Locke sends Richard to tell Locke that he has to die. Trippy!

7. Funniest Moment of the Night: Dr. Chang asks Hurley who is president. Remember, Hurley was trying to get that info from Jack when they arrived at DI!

8. Ellie and Widmore – I want to know more about this relationship. By the way, is she preggers? Wasn’t Widmore touching her belly?

9. Speaking of Ellie and Widmore, do you think they are both so desperate to get back to the island/send the 08 back to the island to save their son? Or are their reasons more complicated (not that trying to save the son you killed before he was born isn’t complicated enough!)?

10. Were you as surprised as I was that Sawyer actually got on the sub (although the previews imply he will get off)? I LOVED that!

11. VOMIT IN MY MOUTH MOMENT: Kate gets on the sub and gives Sawyer that look. Hello? Don’t you realize that they don’t want you there? Poor Kate; no one likes her anymore (not even Loser Jack).

12. Locke is BA!

13. WHY DOES LOCKE WANT TO KILL JACOB? Didn’t see that one coming!

14. Building on my crackpot theory: Kate tells Jack that he sounds just like Locke. Hmmmm . . . John? . . . Jack?

15. By the way, who is the leader that is to be followed? Locke? Jack? Sawyer?
Finale next week . . . can’t wait!



Beth Opel said...

OK, friend of Gabriella here and loyal blog lurker. Could Ellie be pregnant with Widmore's child? If so, could that be Daniel? That would make him a few years younger than Charlotte, but...? Or who else? Totally felt they were implying she was with child, and that Charles was the father.

LoyalLostLoser said...

Yes, it was revealed briefly last week that Widmore is Daniel's father. It was right before old Ellie slapped old Widmore.

Anonymous said...

You've got to love crazy jungle Sayid popping up with his rifle and knocking off a few Others....he's like the new (or would it be old? as in 1977?) Danielle now. Maybe the two of them will meet up and have some sweet 1977 jungle lovin' ....there always was some sort of special bond between them.

Sarah I.

SinD said...

I think it's crazy that Locke knew where time flashing Locke was going to be. He would have no idea WHEN he was during the flashes. So, if the island told him how to find himself - the island must be separate from Jacob, which suggests that Jacob is evil. Maybe something Locke has learned in his new un-dead state.
Sawyer seems like he's trying really hard not to give Kate those looks back. Obviously he's got the better gal, but the "heart" wants what it wants...

Anonymous said...

Richard says he watched all of our Losties die. When the bomb went off? How, then, did Richard survive? Who the hell is this guy? An angel? And why wouldn't any of his people demand to see Jacob, just like Locke finally does? This "Jacob" better be good! I'm just racking my brain to guess at which character we've already met Jacob could be. Or will he be someone totally new? Is he tied in with the temple? AAAAAHHHH!


Merianne said...

jystva thought. Could Richard be Jacob?? I mean no one else on the island has the anti-aging secret. Maybe that's why Richard thinks john is such a "problem".