Thursday, February 12, 2009

This Place is Death

That episode kicked ass! It’s my favorite so far this season . . . in part to the fact I was proved right! You know it – Lost Loser rocks!

However, I do have to make a correction to last week’s blog. I said CS Lewis wrote Through the Looking Glass – but I meant The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. They go through a magic closet in that one . . . however, the Mister found out that CS Lewis taught at . . . OXFORD

1. Holy crap moment #1 – French Dude’s arm gets ripped off by Smokey! That was pretty frickin’ sweet, I have to say. But have these French folk no common sense? A guy gets his arms torn off and he calmly remarks, “I’m hurt. Help me.”? Come on, people – a giant cloud of smoke just amputated him and you think he is not going to be screaming? Or dead? Those French!

2. Does anyone remember if Jin’s hair was that sexy when last season ended?

3. Anyone read hieroglyphics? There were some sweet ones, reminiscent of the ones on that map Locke saw on the back of the hatch door back in the day.

4. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: I refer you back to an earlier post about the prophet Jeremiah (aka Jeremy Latham).
Locke becomes Jeremy in order that he can “sacrifice” himself for the island and its peeps.

5. What makes Danielle shoot all her friends and her husband/lover? What happened to them when they STUPIDLY went down in Smokey’s hatch? And why did Smokey come after them to begin with? Because they were “bad” people? Do they haves sins to atone for?

6. BEST LINE OF THE NIGHT: “He’s Korean, I’m from Encino.” – Miles

7. Bleeding noses – Charlotte (RIP), Miles, Juliet, and now Sawyer. Why not Locke? Or Jin? I predict Jin’s nose will be gushing soon . . .

8. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #2: Locke goes down the well just as the light flashes. Then there is no well. CREEPERS!

She grew up on the island
Her father was in the Dharma Initiative
She and her mother left
Her mother told her that the island didn’t exist, that her memories were not real
She became an anthropologist in order to find her way back
She encountered a “scary” man as a child who told her she needed to leave and never come back, and that man was . . .

10. HOLIEST CRAPPIEST MOMENT: DANIEL!!!!!!!!!! (Kudos to Chris – he called it) He doesn’t seem to remember it, so it must be something he is GOING to do to try to save his love (although I don’t really think Charlotte was feeling it for him . . . probably cause she subconsciously knew he was the scary man)

I may be totally overthinking; maybe it’s enough that she was a daughter of a DI member
I think Ben is her father. That is why he adopted Alex, to fill a void left by his own daughter’s departure from the island
There are big gaps in B’s life that we don’t know about, but we do know he had a love – Annie.

12. Jin does not want Locke to bring Sun back to the island. He tells Locke to say that he is dead, and to use his wedding ring as proof. This isn’t what happens . . .

13. VERY HOLY BUT NOT CRAPPIEST MOMENT: Christian shows up to help Locke. He tells him:
He told LOCKE to move the island
He can’t help Locke do it (probably because he’s not mortal anymore)
Locke will have to sacrifice himself to save the island and his friends.

14. The van Ben is driving is an anagram for REINCARNATION

15. BEN IS CONTINUING TO F* with EVERYONE! He was not supposed to move the island, he should not be the leader. I think he KILLED Locke! I think he is trying to DESTROY the Losties. He is not trying to save the island at all; he is mad at the island and Jacob for not making him the leader.

16. Shout out to Rob – THIS WEEK IN LITERATURE: Coming back to the island is like when Cory brings Rebel back to life in Boy’s Life. You think you want it, but being the walking dead is a far worse fate . . .

17. If Charlotte is right, if “this place is death,” are all the Losties coming back to die? Is this their fate? Could it be that YOU CAN”T ESCAPE YOUR FATE?

18. In the final moments, Eloise Hawking was revealed to be, indeed, Ben’s mother. Go, me! Do you think Des was set-up by Widmore?


Your Loyal Lost Loser


Anonymous said...

So do you think Charlotte is really dead for good?

--Stephanie G.

Anonymous said...

Alright. ALRIGHT already!! Lost Loser Rocks!

Poor Bastard Moment: Poor Jin - who has spent some time learning english - gets recued by a group of French people.

Ha HA Totally Awesome Moment: Charlotte's last breath! I have been annoyed by her this whole time. Although it did give me a bit of guilt when she started redeeming herself by speaking Korean.

Let's get started here. Let's start with the questions. Lost Loser can you help me with any of these?

1. Why did Ben's nose not bleed if exposure to the island is the cause?

2. Why do they need to get back in 70 hours? Just a scare tactic?

3. Didn't Richard "choose" Ben back in the day and then recruit the dad to get Ben to the island? Does this mean that Ben was thought to be a chosen one but turned out to be a big mistake?

4. Remember when Walt's dog found an arm in the jungle and brought it back? Is this the French guy's arm?

5. Why on earth does it always seem that Locke's leg is always getting injured? Is it going back to the his fate is to not be able to walk thing? While he gained the ability to walk again, he really can't because he keeps getting injured in his legs!

6. If your fate is to die on the island, why is Charles Widmore not dying on the island? Or Ben for that matter?

7. What the HELL does Jack's dad have anything to do with anything? Why does he of all people keep popping up? Why not cool Mr. Eko?

8. Whatever happened to Claire? I know she ran off into the forest, but where is she?

Okay - Theories:

1. The dial is sitting off kilter and this is the reason for the time flashes. So Locke turns the dial and they are now stuck in the 70s where the Dharma Initiative is in full swing. This will help explain the whole dang DI.

2. This would conclude why Charlotte (RIP) would say that Daniel is the scary man. She is a little girl on the island and he warns her because the Sawyer team is now stuck in that time.

3. This will also explain why Daniel was there at the excavation of the Orchid.

4. I completely agree with you Kate. Ben is just an angry, vendictive person (proven by his ability to kill his own dad back in the day) who was supposed to be the chosen one but isn't. I do think he kills Locke.

5. Let me throw this crazy thought out. What if Ben's mom had Ben with (Charles Widmore maybe??) on the hope that he would be the chosen one for the island. Now that it is not panning out, maybe Mom is not giving up. (You know how us mommies can be..."No one will tell me my son isn't perfect enough for you!!") A stab in the dark here.

6. I think Charlotte (RIP) will come back to life. For crying out loud, she is our only translator for Jin. We have to explain why Daniel stayed with her. If she was kapoot, then we would have just left her to die on her own.

7. For some reason, I have the sneaky suspicion that everyone who died on the island will come back to life in the ultimate end.

8. Let's not forget the era of Desmond's predicting the future. That has to play a part here somehow.

In all of this time travel, could someone not go and warn poor Charlie of his fate?

LoyalLostLoser said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
EW said...

I'll have to make this short as real work calls before a weekend away visiting fam. Glad to be back, even if it is a few episodes into the new season (sorry!!).

I am also glad to see Charlotte gone. She's annoyed me to no end since she came on the island. Not sure if it is the writing or the actress, but I hope she's gone for good along with Michael.

In relation to Christian, I do believe that he can't help Locke because he is not in human form, but we did hear his footsteps, so maybe that changes thing. Smart wifey thinks Christian won't help Locke because Locke has to do it on his own.

My big question all season is if there is a method or a reason why the Losties are flashed back to certain time periods, or is it simply just a way for the producers to introduce us to some interesting story lines and keep us entranced. Is the history of the island pegged by the arrival of different groups? Is that why every time they flash, they find themselves in a time period when someone else is arriving or there?

The big question for next week is, does Desmond go back to the island? He promised his love that he'd never go back, but now you have to wonder. That being said, how do Sun and Desmond leave their kids behind?

Gabriella said...

Wait, I'm confused. Ben's mom? I thought she was Daniel's mom. Did I miss something?

1. I love Jin.
2. I love Miles.

LoyalLostLoser said...

Did I say Ben's mom? I meant Dan's mom! Duh

I saw an interesting theory on another blog (a comment of HuffPost) that I thought was kind of cool. . .
In the final season we will learn that the "indigenous" islanders are in fact descendents of our Losties, this caused by time travel paradox. As a result, they have been waiting for the Oceanic flight to crash, so as to meet their "ancestors."

The series will likely end with a battle to either preserve all the events that have come to pass, or to prevent them. I"m guessing the series will end with Oceanic Flight 815 avoiding disaster and making it to Los Angeles. All the characters will then disembark to go their separate ways; barely giving one another a glance, because in this restored timeline, all that we"ve seen in the series never occurred. Only the audience knows about the friendships and sacrifices these people made for one another.