Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Across the Sea

Well, well, well, we’re almost at the end of this crazy journey we call Lost. This particular episode gave me nightmares – I’m not kidding; I had the most detailed dream about how this show was gonna end – except that I woke up just before the conclusion. And woke up scared that Smokey was ticking above my bed.

I can’t describe how I felt about this episode except that I think that there were a lot of answers (ok, clues to answers) but that it is going to take the final three episodes to understand this one. The live Twitter reaction was very mixed – I assume the same is true of this group. Can’t wait to hear your reactions.

1. What language were they speaking? I read that it was Swedish or a Nordic language. My first thought was that it was Latin, and that makes more sense to me. Remember, the Others spoke Latin . . .

2. Allison Janney! That was surprise casting as crazy momma!

3. I thought Momma said it well: "Every question you ask will just lead to another question . . ." just like this show!!!

4. The real mother of MIB and Jacob is named Claudia. Some sources say the name means “lame” while others state it means “perservering.” I’m going with “Lame” as she was easily taken down, seen by Momma as too weak and prone to evil to raise her babies, particularly BIB (Baby/Boy in Black). Why didn't she want Claudia to see the second baby? Still no name. What the dealio?

5. BIB initiates the game. He tells him that someday Jacob can make up his own game and rules (bringing the Losties to the island a game with his rules?) Jacob a snitch? "Jacob doesn't know how to lie." "He's not like you. You're . . . special."

6. Lies their mother told them:
--"There is nowhere else. It's all there is"
--"Dead. Something you will never have to worry about."

7. Maybe lies their Mother told them:
--Mother says the same thing of the men that Smokey later said of men -- basically that they are inherently evil.
--Momma claims she's made it so they can never hurt each other.

8. What is the light? Why should noone ever find it? "A little bit of this light is inside every man." "If the light goes out here, it goes out everywhere." The cave is what everyone is looking for – the source of life? Existence of God? Existence of the Devil? Going into the light is worse than dying.

9. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: Refresh yourself on twins Jacob and Esau, although the birth order is a bit off and it is the favor of the mother, not the father . . .

Interestingly, Jacob asks, "Why do you love him more than me?"

10. Jacob can't see Claudia. Why not?

11. .As they grow older, they stay connected. Smokey comes to believe she was right about "his people," “They are greedy, manipulative, and selfish.” Jacob does not believe they are bad, but he only knows this through his observations; he has had no interactions. However, it seems to me that Jacob makes this his mission.

MIB uses the people he despises because they are a means to an end – he wants to leave the island and prove Momma wrong. He built the donkeywheel that Locke and Ben later turned . . . he did find a way off the island, but Momma prevented him from ever using it himself.

12. Did anyone else think Jacob was like a child even as a grown man? Do you think Momma was trying to prove through him that there can be pure goodness/innocence? Is that why she tried so hard to keep him from others? In the end, I think Jacob realized that while his mother was right that men may be prone to evil, as proven through his actions against his brother, they can CHOOSE to be good. I think that is his end game – if he can prove that most men will choose good, he wins the game.

13. Words that make you go hmmmm: "It was always supposed to be you, Jacob." "Now you and I are the same."

14. Was Momma a protector of the island? How did she get there?

15. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: Jacob unleashed Smokey (or created him, but I’m going with unleashed) by sending his brother into the light. It was as if it was a human sacrifice that unleashed the beast. I don’t really think Jacob’s brother is Smokey; I think his brother is dead. I think Smokey took MIB’s form to F*** with Jacob. However, I believe that when Jacob laid his mother and brother to rest, he made a decision to contain the beast and to save mankind.

16. ANSWERED: Adam and Eve are Smokey and his momma

I think that as I ponder this episode, more may become clear. I’ll post comments if anything comes to mind.

What I would like to know from you all is what questions do you feel HAVE to be answered before the series ends. It seems like there are so many out there still, they can’t possibly answer them all. Tops on my list: Why was Walt special? Why can’t women have babies? Why did everyone want Aaron/what makes him special?



Unknown said...

I would like to know how/why the candidates were selected. Maybe last night gave us a clue about how they are removed from the list- that MIB was no longer a candidate when he became - either obsessed with finding the light, or with getting off the island. Maybe candidates have to choose to stay, and once they learn about the light, they have to accept that they can leave it alone - even if they don't know what it is or what it does. Maybe Jacob is the better candidate because he is more simple - not curious or ambitious like MIB/BIB seemed to be from birth. Ignorance is bliss, knowledge is dangerous - aka... Garden of Eden.
And, if I recall, one of the punishments for eating the apple was that women would suffer in childbirth... maybe an indirect connection to the problems of babymaking on the island?

Maybe only "candidate" babies can be born on the island - Aaron - and baby Kwon, who had survived as a fetus longer than the others...

WTF? the guy is 43 years old and still has no name?? Maybe there's a connection b/w MIB - "Brother" and Desmond calling everyone 'brotha'? haha.

Actually - I would like to know why Desmond is different from everyone - travels back and forth, can withstand the electromagnets...

There definitely seems to be a generational connection to the island?

The whole - the light in all of us thing was making me a little nervous, that we were about to make a sharp lefthand turn into some new-agey philosophy. I started cringing a little. Like that lady who wrote "The Secret" was going to appear with a message.

I'm excited for the finale, but dreading it - A. because it will inevitably be disappointing, and B. because it will be over...

Merianne said...

Hey! There isn't enough time for me to type all the unanswered questions I have from this show, and it was funny because my hubby turned to me last night after it was over and said, "now I have that many more questions."
I just don't get the special stuff. My mommy always told me I was special I belong somewhere guarding a light, drinking wine...alone...without my kids asking for something...on some...deserted island...oh..

Alright I am back.

At one point, I thought Jack and his sister would be the reincarnated good/evil - next generation. But maybe not.

Then I had thought that Des was the new Jacob since he was spending all that time encouraging people to find their happiness in their funny connections with one another - and traveling around like Jacob did.

I am shocked by the way that I didn't see a BARF comment from you my dear about the Jack and Kate connection towards the end!!

Where on earth is Penny?

Do you think all of the people who died on the island are coming back for some reason?

Where are Richard and what's his face again? Are they just on the island somewhere?

I have to admit, I am very ready for this to be over. I just can't stomach any more questions. But I agree with Cyndi - I just know we all won't be satisfied with the ending. Too much build up.

Anonymous said...

Here are a few questions I have:

Who were the men on the island that MIB was helping and what year was it? Kinda seemed like the were wearing medieval warrior outfits through the bushes.

How did mama get there?

Why can't Smokey kill Jacob (presumably after he drinks the mysterious potion) but Ben can "kill" him? (perhaps none of them actually die, which mama hints cannot happen; and, correct me if I'm wrong, but the young boy that Flocke keeps seeing in the forest is Jacob as a young boy, right?)

Same question as Cyndi: what is Desmond's significance?

I noticed that Sayid's final comment to Jack (it's going to be you) echoes mama's comment to Jacob (it was always supposed to be you).

I'm wondering if, with all the Biblical/allegorical stuff going on here, Smokey is supposed to represent Satan, who is known to take many forms (the serpent, etc.) Therefore, it also seems like the light functions like a kind of apple from the tree of knowledge in that it is wonderful but we must not be tempted to partake in it.
