Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Farewell, Ninja Dogen, we hardly knew ye. Farewell, Hippie Lennon, we hardly knew ye either. And yet, somehow, I will miss both of you!

Holy mind trip! That episode was heavy duty and very mind-f-y. Kudos to Emilie De Ravine and Naveen Andrews (and of course, Terry O’Quinn) for making a seamless transition to the dark side. I never thought Claire could be convincing as a badass, but she hooked me tonight.

And, really, if Smokey/Flocke/Lockeness is not a bad guy, I’m going to feel a little annoyed and misled. I mean, really, have you ever seen creepier, darker folk then Claire and Sayid at the end of that episode?

But then again, this is Lost, so I am prepared to be completely flabbergasted in the end.


1. Nadia is his sister-in-law! Omar a drycleaner . . . Sayid is still in love with Nadia. Sayid pushed Nadia to his brother because he cannot cleanse himself of what he’s done.

2. I know we’ve seen that dude who picks up Sayid before . . . France? Shipper?

3. “I am the Eggman!” Martin Keamy! (badass mercenary from the ship) Is there some connection here to Widmore or is Keamy an independent operator? (Admission – I find Keamy strangely attractive and it disturbs me). “Relax and forget about it.” Sayid kills Keamy . . . you can’t change your killer instinct.

4. WTF! Jin in the freezer! Is Keamy the man to whom he was bringing the watch . . . or could it be Widmore? Did Jin try to keep the money he was supposed to give Widmore and Keamy is making him pay? Note, he is separated from Sun in this reality now, too.


1. Machine a scale measuring balance of good and evil. Sayid’s is tipped the wrong way. “I am a good man.” – Sorry, Sayid, but you clearly are not. You can’t seem to overcome your killer instinct (fate or freewill?) I think you CHOSE to side w/ Smokey because it gave you an excuse . . .

2. Baseball falls of table, Dogen relents. Baseball doesn’t really roll or bounce. It is Dogen’s tie to his son (who we met at the recital last week) and his sad story about that. RECURRING THEME: Fathers and Sons!!

Last week, in Alternaworld, Dogen said to Jack, “It’s hard to watch and be unable to help.” This seems to, in some ways, be his punishment on the island as well.

3. Lockeness could have sent Sawyer or Jin into the temple? DOES THIS MEAN THAT THEY HAVE BEEN CLAIMED/INFECTED, TOO????

4. Lockeness tells Claire, “I always do what I say.” Will only hurt the ones “who don’t listen.” There is no way this guy is up to good . . .

5. Random Commercial Observation: Kate Gosselin on Dancing With The Stars? With extensions to boot!

6. Miles informs Sayid that the templars did not save his life. Something else did.

7. According to Dogen, Smokey is “Evil Incarnate”. Will come to you as someone you know; someone who has died. If he speaks, it is too late. Please note, LOCKENESS DID SPEAK BEFORE SAYID STABBED HIM. So, of course, it was too late.

8. I HATE KATE MOMENT: Kate: “What’d I miss?” Always worried about not being the center of attention. “Sawyer cut you loose?” Ha! Claire “still hot, though.” LOVE MILES.

9. I had nightmares last night with that “clickety” sound . . . you know what I’m talking about!

10. Did Dogen set Sayid up to be killed, like Flocke said? Or was Sayid being given a chance to CHOOSE the right path?

11. Can’t kill Lockeness! Or at least Sayid can’t . . . a set-up by Dogen? Is Flocke tell the truth? Promises him Nadia if he will deliver a message. Could alternaworld be Smokey granting the Losties their wishes? But in some twisted Looking Glass way?

12. This episode had me thinking a lot about Mr. Eko. Remember, he was the original parallel reality, back with his brother when they were children. What parallels do you note? I miss the big guy! He was one of my favorites. Do you think he is at all relevant?

13. “Catch a Falling Star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away . . .” I will never sing THAT song to MY children. Well, my children aren’t strange animal skulls that I’ve dressed up, either. But note, both Claire and Kate sang this to Aaron (real and imagined).

14. What do you think Claire is going to do to Kate now that she knows the truth? And clearly doesn’t like it?

15. Ilana leads Miles, Frank, and Sun to a hidden room that is marked by a hieroglyph.
Shen ring: the hieroglyph tile on the wall in the temple hallway that Ilana pushes to open the secret passage is a Shen ring. The Shen ring is an ancient Egyptian symbol of eternity and protection. In ancient Egypt, the Shen Ring also represents dual concepts of time; the cyclic line of periodicity and lineal time (into infinity).

Ok, so here’s my current theory: Alternaworld is like Through the Looking Glass (THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE -- . It is what the losties most want, but not exactly HOW they want it. Sayid wants Nadia to be alive, but the trade is that he cannot be with her. Jack wants to have a strong father/son relationship, but it is not with his father (and I don’t think this looking glass is in full view yet). Locke accepts his paralysis and has Helen, but he no longer has his faith. Both Jacob and Lockeness can give them this alternaworld, but Jacob does so hoping that they will make better choices (Jack?) while Smokey pushes them toward their “fated” destinies (Sayid – once a killer, always a killer). Obviously not a complete theory, but I think it still all ties back to fate v. free will.

BTW – Do you think Ben is really going to bite the big one next week?!!

Ok, that’s all for now . . .

Namaste, LLL


LoyalLostLoser said...

I forgot to talk about Kate w/ the Smokey group! I think she is going to be a pivotal character -- she may be the key to taking down the "bad guy" in the end. However, Smokey didn't seem to care that she was hanging with the group. Could be that Claire and Smokey are planning to destroy her . . . but as much as I hate her, I don't think she'll let that happen.

Anonymous said...

I think I can finally see how the rest of our beloved story is taking shape. I agree w/ your theory in general. I'm just wondering which of the characters, if any, won't make it back to "reality"--Sawyer? We haven't seen an alternative reality w/ him yet, but I think most everyone else has been covered. Maybe he'll actually stay on the island. Or maybe he'll be killed or will sacrifice himself somehow? Or maybe we just haven't seen him yet back in the real world. But it seems the whole time traveling thing will come into play again since all of them will be going back in time, but to a somewhat skewed existence. Some will make a "deal w/ the devil" and some won't? Here's another question for our LLL: if Jacob can't really be killed, wouldn't Smokey know that? Or has he just been betrayed into thinking he could? Oh yeah, and I think Eko is a lost cause. But what about Walt? They'd better find a place for him--I want to know more about his special powers and why they even matter! Don't leave me hanging.


Anonymous said...

I just wanna say that i have been reading your blog since 2007 and you have seriously helped me and my hubby keep up with things, you catch things and read into things in a way that he and I just dont lol! so thanks and im very sad that i wont be running to the computer wednesday morning to see what you've wrote in a few weeks. anyway , just wanted to say thanks for what you do!!