Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dr. Linus

I don’t know about you, but I freaking loved this episode! Can’t put my finger on it . . . maybe it was cause as a teacher, Ben did the right thing (cause teachers rule!), that Jack FINALLY didn’t annoy me and was actually likable to me, or because Richard was a central character.


1. Reveal #1: Ilana knows Miles can communicate with the dead. That’s why Ilana took his ashes. “Linus killed him.” Love that guy!

2. What else we learned about/from Ilana:
--“Closest thing I ever had to a father.”
-- Ilana condnfirms the candidates to replace Jacob.
-- Jacob was hoping he was wrong about Ben.

3. BIG QUESTION #1: Six candidates left (jack, hurley, sawyer, jin, sun, ?) (jack, hurley, sawyer, jin/sun, ?, ?). Kate? Desmond? Frank? (Frank was supposed to be flying Oceanic 815 after all).

4. TWIBS (this week in bible studies): I refer you back to the episode “The Man Behind the Curtain,” Season 3.
Benjamin, was the twelfth and youngest son of
Jacob. His mother was Rachel, Jacob's wife. Benjamin was born during the journey that Jacob and his family took from Padan Aram to Canaan. His mother Rachel named him "Ben-oni," meaning "Son of my sorrow," before she died during the childbirth, but Jacob called him Benjamin. Joseph, Benjamin's brother was sold into slavery by his other brothers.

Now we know that Richard came on the Black Rock, a slave ship. Was he a slave? Is he our symbolic Joseph? Does that make him Ben’s “brother”?

Jacob had hope for Ben (both biblically and island-ly); should we, too?

Ben earns Ilana’s (another “child” of Jacob) empathy. “All in the name of Jacob. I sacrificed everything for him.” He’s honest with her . . . knows Flocke is the only one who will have him. Ilana says she will have him. Another chance at redemption? Looking for a family? Isn’t that what many of the Losties seem to want?

5. This Week in Guyliner, or What We Gleaned about Richard Alpert:
n Richard came on the Black Rock. His actions imply that he was on the ship as a slave. From where? When? Why did Jacob choose him to touch?
n Jacob’s touch gave him “eternal life” (how very Jesus-y of him)
n Can’t kill himself. Jacob touched him.
n Considered a gift; it’s not a gift, it’s a curse. Told me everything was happening for a reason. Had a plan. Feels now that his life has no purpose, that there is no plan. HAS LOST HIS FAITH . . . Strangely . . .

6. JACK IS A MAN OF FAITH NOW? Though Mr. LLL thinks that he is just selfish, I think he is demonstrating the qualities of a man of faith now. He took Hurley’s word on faith, he has faith he won’t blow up . . . he seems to restore Richard’s faith, at least to some extent.

7. I still think there is something to it: Jack and John – same name, really. Two parts of a whole man? Jack has “absorbed” the good qualities of John?

8. Nikki and Paolo reference! Awesome!

9. Ben is digging his own grave – how ironic. Isn’t that what he is always doing?

10. LLL’s other half says that the Kwon canidate is the kid, not Sun or Jin.

11. Awwwe, snap!! Charles Widmore submarining his way back to the island! How the hell did he finally find it?


1. Principal Reynolds – that actor always gives me the heebeegeebees.

2. Works with Artz (dude who blew himself up).

3. Why Ben is Wise: An administrator not a teacher; forgotten what education is about. Refuses to give up.

4. Alternalocke: Maybe Dr. Linus should be a principal. If the man in charge doesn’t care, maybe it’s time for a change. Reflection of the island? (note – if you are a teacher, don’t become an administrator. Please.)

5. BEEN TO THE ISLAND – Roger took him there to give him a better opportunity. Wishes they had stayed. Why did they leave? How did they leave? “The Incident”? Did Dr. Chang’s warning push them to leave? Was it before or after KidBen was shot by Sayid? And visited the temple? Arrrgh! Furthermore . . .

6. Alex not his daughter; a member of the History Club. Students really don’t show up at teachers’ houses. “Tutoring” her? How the hell would Alex be in LA? Did Roger save her from the island along w/ Ben? How did they convince Islandanielle, if she ever was that, to trust them? Goes along with previous theory that . . .

7. Alternaland is what they deeply wish for, but with a twist. Ben wants to save Alex, but in order for that to happen, she can no longer be his family. Is this Flockeland or Jacobland?

8. Ben worries that he is “more a loser than any of [the kids in detention].” Isn’t this what he is always worried about?

9. Ben finally makes the right decision and chooses “family” over power. That’s because TEACHERS RULE!

I just can’t quite get my head around it all! There was so much in the episode to think about. But for me, it is all coming down to a question of faith. You gotta have it . . . It’s also an issue of free will. Your fate is not set in stone; you have choice . . . I think they can exist together, which is what I think Jack’s growth is proving.

I’m sure there’s more, but my head is now spinning!



Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know as a fellow teacher nerd (even though I'm not teaching) I loved this episode as much as you did - maybe also because I've always been strangely attracted to Ben?

This episode definitely made Jacob seem very Jesus-y....he had "hope" for Ben (which also connects to the necessity of free will), and Ilana (his disciple) is willing to forgive Ben. When she says she'll "have him" and he looks all stunned and starts tramping after her....awwhh. I don't get why Richard is so mad at Jacob - he's frustrated that he hasn't been "shown" exactly what to do? He was reminding me of Old Locke, before he died and became smokey Satan.

What was with the cheesy zoom-in to Widmore's sub? Kind of like the jungle span in the first episode of the season....seems like the show could do better than that....

thanks for all your great insights, LLL! I'll miss you when it's all over. :(

Sarah I.

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