Wednesday, February 3, 2010

LA X Parts 1 and 2

Welcome back, Lost Losers! It’s been a long wait, but the final season is finally here. Only a few more months for me to entertain and astound you with my ridiculous obsession with this show. For me, it’s like reading a book, which, as though of you who know me know, is my true passion. Yes, I am super nerdy, and I like it!

I’m not sure how I felt about this episode; I was pretty ticked off about a couple of things (did they REALLY have to kill Juliet a SECOND time, for instance), and I don’t know how I feel about the Templars, but I’m hoping all will pay off in the end . . .

To refresh your memories, here are the questions I posed at the end of last season. Did we get any answers . . . a few . . . ok, not really.

Questions I’m still dying to find the answers to:

a. Where is Claire?
b. What role does Christian play? (Could he be the form that Nemesis took before John’s body arrived?)
c. Why can’t babies be born on the island after Dharmaville?
d. Walt . . . will he be back?
e. Why doesn’t Richard age?
f. Who built the statue?
New Questions:
a. Who is Jacob’s enemy (aka Nemesis)?
b. Why does he want to kill Jacob?
c. What is the loophole? How does Locke fit into it?
d. How does Jacob "bring" people to the Island?
e. Why did Jacob choose to visit each person at pivotal moments of their lives?
f. Who did Locke and Hurley see/hear previously at the cabin? (Nemesis?)
g. Who are Ilana and her crew, and why are they referring to themselves as "the good guys?"
h. For what and why is Frank a candidate?
i. Why had Jacob never met with Ben? (he seemed to imply cause Ben is an insipid whiner sometimes)
j. How did Jacob come to be on the Island?
k. Who are "they" that are coming?

Now on to the episode . . .

1. Title of the episode --LA X –this might refer to the Los Angeles airport, but apparently X is a comic book reference (Williams family?) for “alternate reality.” It might also mean the “Los Angeles 10” . . .

2. The Flight:
· Leaked four minutes were right . . .
· Rose and Jack reversed – in pilot Jack said, “It’s normal” Did Bernard call Rose Viv? Also means that Rose will die.
· Des on flight! What up with that? Plus, Jack recognizes him . . . but remember, he met Des in the stadium one night when he went for a run.
· Island undersea . . . that was some crappy CG.
· Artz! Chattin it up w/ Hurley – knows he’s the owner of Mr. Cluck’s
· Hurley – nothing bad ever happens to me; I’m the luckiest guy alive
· Shannon not there because she didn’t want to be saved from bad relationship
· Did Locke really go on a walkabout? He is paralyzed, after all.
· Charlie “dead” in bathroom . . . how very Elvis of him . . . choking on a bag of horse – “I was supposed to die”
· What about Michael and Walt?
· No coffin on the plane? It is “lost” . . . meaning that one way or another, Jack is gonna have to “seek” his father.
· Claire’s back!

KEY LINES FROM FLIGHT 815/LAX: “They didn’t lose your father, they just lost his body.” “Nothing’s irreversible.” Jack and Locke find each other, only in this reality, they may actually be allies. One will use teach the other faith, while the other will inspire with reason. Hmmm . . .

· Kate’s eye – deafened by explosion? Why is she hanging in the tree?
· Juliet alive?! . . . Yay! . . . Just to kill her again?!! WTF! What important thing did she need to tell him? Miles can hear her and passes along the message -- “It worked” Somehow Juliet knows that there is an alternate reality? When she was talking about “going dutch,” was she in the other reality, meeting James, and asking him to go for coffee? I hope so . . .
· Hurley can see Jacob because he is dead . . . will Miles be able to hear him?

We interrupt this flow of thought to hate on Kate . . . I knew I would find a reason . . .
· Why does Kate think that it would be at all appropriate for her to help bury Juliet?
· Kate swoopin in at the temple to try to replace Juliet. Classy. Almost as classy as the pics of her in her underwear in Esquire. Yeah, I know, she’s hot and I’m jealous.

Now back to the island and the temple . . .
· Book by Kierkegaard . . . Much of his philosophical work deals with the issues of how one lives, focusing on the priority of concrete human reality over abstract thinking and highlighting the importance of personal choice and commitment.
· FA Cindy back in action with the Temple people. Also, note that the two children have not aged . . .
· In guitar case is an ancient Ank symbol with a note inside; what does it say? It also implies that Jacob knew he was going to die . . .
· Who is Ghengis Khan?
· Sayid in the Jesus pose coming out the well. And dead. To be resurrected . . . (hint, hint)
· Who’s the hippie translator dude? He looks familiar but I can’t place him. Can anyone help me out?

4. This Week in Bible Studies: Ashes scatted around temple; ashes used to keep Smokey/Nemesis away –

  • According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, ashes were first used by the Jewish people in mourning rituals, connecting the living with the dead when the mourners rolled in the ashes. It was also seen as an act of purification.
  • In Catholicism, ashes have also been used as penance for sins. My Catholic Losties perhaps can tell us more . . .

5. Under the statue:
· Locke/Nemesis /Smokey – He is a BAD MF’Er! Did you see how he overcame the ash system!
· Jacob nowhere to be seen – He is turned to ash. Will he return in another body, much as Nemesis took over Locke’s body. Could it be that Jacob is now in Sayid’s body???!!!! Could that be what the note said?
· “The only one who realized how pitiful the life he left behind was.” Fake Locke on Locke. Nemesis says he wants the one thing that Locke didn’t; to go home . . . could he be “Satan” (channeling the Church Lady)? Trying to re-enter heaven?
· “Hello, Richard. It’s nice to see you out of those chains.” – I think this is probably figurative, meaning being bound to Jacob, but could it also mean that Richard came on the Black Rock?

6. How about those wings on Lapidus’ head?

7. Everything That Rises Must Converge – The two realities will eventually collide. No matter which reality they exist, each of these people will eventually come to the same destiny – it’s just a question of how they get there. That’s my theory for the week.

I still hate Kate; Jack is still annoying as hell; James is hot; Hurley is finally embracing his “gift”; I want Vincent to make an appearance.

That’s it for now . . . looking forward to your insights!



Gabriella said...

Yay! I told myself I would only watch the opening sequence and the next thing I knew, I had seen the entire episode and it was 2:30 in the morning. Ugh...

Anyway, I am still chuckling over your G. Khan comment. :) And yes, that hippie translator is definitely someone we know. That guy with who was sleeping on the plane, who yelled at Kate about the taxi line, we saw him too. Wasn't he an Other? We need a companion guide, don't you think? Like a LOST yearbook we could flip through...One probably exists and I don't even know about it...

I'm totally with you on the Kate criticism. Dude, let her body get cold before you're all over Sawyer. Of course, I could be pissed at her b/c she went to Jack first instead of Sawyer (when she came to and realized the bodies were on the ground).

Re: Juliet. "It worked." Did she find a way for women to get pregnant on the island? Why wouldn't Miles want to tell Sawyer what that was about? BTW, how cool was Miles yesterday? Loved him.

LOVED Hurley. That's all I have to say.

Okay, I'll be back to write more. The kids are screaming b/c Bailey is eyeing their bagels.

Welcome back!

Gabriella said...
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Gabriella said...

Also, how sad was I when evil!Locke mentioned how pathetic real!Locke's life was. :( So sad. How well did he play it when he was waiting to the flight attendants to aid him w/a wheelchair. I wanted to hug him. I LOVE YOU, JOHN. *Sigh.*

So did everyone on the plan get the opposite of the original? Jack's loses his dad, Kate gets away, Jin is detained, Hurley has good luck, Boone goes home empty handed... maybe Locke did go on a walkabout with a group that caters to special needs. IDK.

Speaking of Boone, it was nice to see him back on the screen ... and not gnawing on some poor woman's neck (ala Vampire Diaries). I was hoping to see Shannon. She was CLASSIC with the whining.

You're totally right about the CG--AWFUL. Totally not worthy of LOST. Toooo sucky.

Sayid as Jesus--yeah, I saw that when they lifted him out of the water. I like the idea that he may be new!Jacob. Interesting... (I'm saying that in the voice of a German psychologist, btw).

Anonymous said...

c. Locke fits w/ loophole idea in that only people who die off the island and come to it can be inhabited, right?

Really confused about the man in black. He seemed to have some sense of morality--"they come, they destroy, etc." He wants to protect the island, whereas Jacob is open to visitors (and human nature?).

Everyone unhappy/suffering in the new reality (in LA)? Has this reality been altered somehow by the time spent on the island? Will it be? Shall the twain meet? Or are we all really living two separate lives simultaneously?
What the hell am I talking about?

I love the "going dutch" idea, Kate. Interesting.

Hippie translator dude: this was bugging me, too. But if you are/were a fan of Deadwood, like me, you recognize him as one of the main characters--the Jewish partner and friend of the sheriff/main character. Anyone?

"Nothing's irreversible"--theme for this season?

I'm going now.


Anonymous said...

Nice to hear from Gabriella! Re: the CG; I was half expecting to see either Don Knotts (incredible Mr. Limpet) or the bed full of kids from Bedknobs and Broomsticks float by! Sheesh. (I'm gettin' older with every allusion, am I not?)
So before Juliet caused the explosion, the island had been moved, and those on it started moving in time, and THEN people became divided in time on their return to it (heli pilot, Sun, etc. vs. Jack, Kate, Hurley, etc. to 1974. SO did Juliet's boom create... Wait. Love the Juliet seeing the ther side, as Rob and Kate S. do. Is the other side a PARALLEL universe (popular in the comic books) where Bizarro-type characters exist, and IF SO, how happy that would make Juliet because THAT sawyer may be less drawn to Kate?
That would mean Kate would be available AND it would FURTHER mean that I would totally have a shot with her because my pale, emaciated, shirtless form rising from the surf would actually cause Bizarro Kate to swoon, allowing me to catch her and whisk her of to my Fortress of Solitude, perhaps a high tree branch. Yes....

Anonymous said...

Kate swooning fantasy submitted by...

LOST BOY! Oh, yes he did!

Merianne said...

Hey my fellow losties. I am just so confused. I am blond with very little ability to use my memory properly so it's going to take me half of these episodes to remember where we left off with our fearless caped crusaders.
I did find a website that gives a description of some of the characters. Just helps for a reminder:

Kate! I love you for your details. I need all the help I can get!

Merianne said...

Hey my fellow losties. I am just so confused. I am blond with very little ability to use my memory properly so it's going to take me half of these episodes to remember where we left off with our fearless caped crusaders.
I did find a website that gives a description of some of the characters. Just helps for a reminder:

Kate! I love you for your details. I need all the help I can get!

Merianne said...

Here is a better character resource!

Forget my other post.

Anonymous said...

First off, I think that the creators used the shoddy CG on purpose to toy with the internet forums. I see them laughing at us through the whole jump the shark sequence that ends with a LOST city of Atlantis conclusion.

Could it be the X in "LA X" stands for the vairable "X"? The Losties are the variables and what they have done has changed the outcome, i.e, the plane doesn't crash and gets to LAX. LA is what happens, and the rst of the season is spentint solving for "X".

Are Sun and Jin still married? They're not wearing wedding rings and the customs agent calls Sun Miss Paik.

Claire and Kate are in the cab together. Will Kate deliver Claire's baby agin? Is Claire even pregnant? She could be traveling to LA for her father's funeral instead of being preggars.

Are we sure the bomb exploded? Maybe it was jush a normal flash. Could Eloise get one of her memories and turn the donkey wheel. It would explain how she gets off the island. Then something else has to thwart Smokie and sink the island. Can you say volcano?

If Juliet never came to the island, then her sister is dead. She may be reunited with her in death and then assume it worked.

Title of the Kierkegaard book is from Phillipians 2:12 ... continue to work on your salvation with fear and trembling. There's a theme in this book that faith is founded in the belief of the absurd.

Desmond is reading a book on the airplane. It is Salman Rushdies "Haroun and the sea of stories." It is set in a city so old & ruinous that it has forgotten it's name. There is a father issue theme in it. Something about the ocean where ideas spring from has become polluted could parallel the Temple pool.

Speaking of the pool. Is that the secret elixer for Richard Alpert?

Always wondered how the Black Rock was ship-wrecked in the middle of the island. Did the island rise out of the water?

Looks like James has regressed to the "everyone for themselves" mode. Where's the progress Jacob speaks of?

Locke tells Bram and goons that Jacob is dead and they are now free men. He then asks Richard how it feels to finally have his chains off. Clearly figuratively spoken. Has anyone been referred to as Ricardus since ancient times? I tend to believe Richard pre-dates the Black Rock, 1845?, by quite a lengthy margin.

And yes the interpretor was the Jewish shopowner who was in love with the whore Trixie on Deadwood.


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EW said...

The wife and I didn't get to watching the premiere until the weekend, so we come late to this party. Kate, you shouldn't have mentioned those Esquire photos . . . I have to admit the one in pigtails is pretty hot! (sorry sweetie!) Also note the gal from "Life" . . . that was too good of a show to get cancelled!

The imagery with Jacob in white and the other man in black is meant to conjure images of good and evil, but is that only to lead us down a false path? Also, the coversation they had seems to indicate a series of social experiments to determine if humankind is fundamentally good or evil. When do the experiments stop? Could they be angels who were cast out of heaven? Do they oversee purgatory and are there to make a final decision?

The Lost "last supper" photo is interesting with Locke in the place of Jesus . . . no one is really in the Judas spot . . .