Friday, March 7, 2008

The Other Woman

Are you starting to agree that I am brilliant? I’m callin’ ‘em left and right . . . but my dear Christopher called one last night (teaser alert).

1. First of all, let me just say that the Island apparently has a really bad plastic surgeon. Harper Stanhope has some serious botox flaws and collagen overinjections. She looks a little like the infamous Cat Woman of New York. No wonder Goodwin sleeps on the couch!

2. The title of the episode has three meanings:
-- Juliet is the other woman in Goodwin and Harper’s marriage
-- Juliet is the other woman in Jack and Kate’s relationship (vomiting thinking about it . . . come on, Jules, you can do better)
-- Juliet is the “Other” woman

3. Juliet –
-- Is her name a reference to Will Shake’s Romeo and Juliet? Her love life seems to be a pattern of doomed relationships.
-- she looks good in a bikini (I have a little girl crush on Juliet. There, I said it!)
-- Reveals that “the immune system turns on the fetus” in pregnant women.
-- Ben is in love/obsessed with her. According to Harper, she “looks just like her.” Who is “her”?
-- Ben tells her “You’re mine.” Apparently her mad doc skills weren’t the only reason Ben brought her to the island.
-- Would you want to make out with Ben? I’m thinking he doesn’t get much play on the Island, or in the real world for that matter.
-- Ben refers to “the list” again. He talks about the children from the plane, Zach and Emma.

4. Who is Harper Stanhope?
-- Goodwin’s wife
-- Island shrink
-- SHE TRIED TO HAVE A BABY! The question is IS SHE DEAD? If so, why can Jack see her, too?
-- Is she really mean and spiteful or just a woman spurned?

5. Our continuing course in Lost Literature:
-- The Tempest by William Shakespeare: It tells the story of the sorcerer Prospero and his daughter Miranda, who are stranded on a mysterious desert island that has mystical properties. Prospero raises a storm, or tempest, which causes a passing ship containing his enemies to run aground. Using magic, spirits and a man-beast creature named Caliban, he separates and manipulate the survivors of the wreck for his own purposes. The play ends with Prospero restored to his former glory. Ben would then be Prospero and he is using the survivors to restore himself to glory and defeat C.W.
-- (This one I did not recognize on my own) Empty Cradle: The name of Harper Stanhope could be a reference to the book Empty Cradle by Karen Harper. In it, a woman wanting a baby heads to a fertility clinic in New Mexico run by a Dr. Stanhope, a feminist embryologist who is stealing the eggs of her patients and using them in experiments with drugs that can cause birth defects.
--VALIS – will somebody please read this book?!

6. Poor Goodwin – was bringing down the plane done partly to get rid of him? Ben is one twisted MFer!

7. Juliet and Jack heard the same voices that Hurley did . . . the only words I can understand are “Somebody’s comin . . .”

8. For some reason, I really like Daniel Ferraday. He is like a little puppy dog. A really smart one.

9. I wish that Charlotte had killed Kate, and that Kate had killed Charlotte.

10. Are Charlotte and Daniel good or bad?

11. I told you so! Charles Widmore is the man trying to find the island and he is key to the final mystery.
--Who was he holding captive, by the way?
-- Ben tells Locke that thousands of people will come to the island . . . because of miracles like Locke walking.

12. What are they doing to my boy Locke?!! Seriously, are they just going to ruin that character?! I’m so angry by his portrayal this season. Or does he know something we don’t?

13. Which leads me to Chris’ call for the night . . . BEN’S MAN ON THE BOAT IS MICHAEL.

14. This week in Bible Studies: King David (Ben) tries to seduce Bathsheba (Juliet) away from her true love Uriah (Goodwin). King David sends Bathsheba's husband, Uriah the Hittite, into battle so "that he might be struck down, and die" just as Ben sent Juliet's lover, Goodwin, in harms way for an extended period of time among the tail section survivors to die

15. Though this wasn’t my favorite episode so far, it did have some of the best lines all season:
--“It [the rabbit Locke is serving for dinner] didn’t have a number on it, did it?” - Ben
--“Don’t you understand, You’re mine . . . Take all the time you need.” - Ben
-- “I taped over the game.” – Ben
-- “She’s mean and spiteful.” “She’s my wife.” – Juliet and Goodwin
--“There’s going to be a battle. And Ben’s going to win.” -- Juliet
And in a tie for best lines of the night . . .
n “It’s hard being an Other, Jack” – Juliet
n “See you guys at dinner.” -- Ben

So if 5000 people will go to Florida to see mold that looks like the Virgin Mary . . .

Your Loyal Lost Loser


Anonymous said...

Must have been a husband thing or something, because David called the Michael thing also...we'll it really going to be him? How did he get there? He didn't get all the way home and then go back out, did he? Or did he find them/they find him in the sea somewhere? Hmm....

I too love Daniel Farraday...I think that Daniel is a good person sent to do something shady by Widmore...but I am not convinced the blue eyes is a good girl...she sure can fight! She kicked the s--- out of Juliet...who also held her own by the way...

I am going to throw something out there and say that I think Charles Widmore is a red herring for the real doesn't make sense? Why would he have been looking for the island? Since when? And just coincidentally Desmond ends up on it? Or is that why he's looking? And also...why does Penny say that "it's not our boat"? Who's boat? Clearly she doesn't know the real intention of her father's, if it is to find the island, because she didn't know where Desmond was when he called her FROM HER FATHER'S BOAT. Something is going on here! I can't wrap my mind around it..

Where does Penny searching for Des end and CW searching for the island begin?

YIkes! We need some conversation on this one people!

Kate #2

LoyalLostLoser said...

First of all, I miss you Kate #2!

If you remember, Des went on the sailing race because of Widmore . . . so it stands to reason that Widmore wanted him to end up on the island. Kind of a test . . . let's see if we can use Des to find the island and get rid of him at the same time. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

If Michael is Ben's man on the boat, and next week is all about him, maybe he's the sixth Oceanic survivor. And maybe he's the one who was in the casket in the season finale, and Kate didn't care because she's all mad since he ended up somehow aligning himself with Ben. But do future Kate/Jack/Hurley all know that Sayid is working for Ben? And if it was Michael in the casket, and he was one of the Oceanic 6, wouldn't his funeral get some press publicity? Maybe it's not him.

I agree with Kate #2 that Widmore seems like kind of a red herring. If he's the man behind all the controls, who is that scary Matthew A. guy, and why was he the one giving Naomi directions? And when he went to see Hurley at the mental hospital, he freaked Hurley out when he asked "are they still there?" What was that all about? Does Widmore really know ALL that the island is about?

It seems like maybe Widmore just wants financial profit from the island (and a way to get rid of Desmond) but there is someone else out there more powerful who is more closely connected to the whole supernatural part (black smoke, weird voices, Others who can disappear). I wonder if Widmore really knows about all that.

Good call on the all the great quotes from last night, Kate. I must admit, more and more I find that I can't help really liking Ben. Does this mean I have a thing for evil nerds? Hmm......see you guys at dinner!

Sarah I., nerd-lover

Unknown said...

Yes, it is a husband thing...Grant's been saying that Michael is on the boat working for Ben for the past 3 episodes. I didn't believe him until after last night.
When I was trying to fall asleep last night I was the flashbacks, why are all the survivors saying that no one else is on the island. For example, when Analucia's guy asked if she had surived the crash, one of the survivors (I can't remember who) said that they didn't know her. I don't get it- why don't they want anyone to know about the island? I don't buy Ben's idea that Whitmore will expose the island...there has to be something more there.
Thanks for your thoughts Kate! Both Grant and I can't wait to read them every Friday morning!

SinD said...

First - a new mystery - why only ex-HCers blogging? Is it because
A. Everyone at school is having heated lunch time debates about the intrigues of Lost - no need to blog?
B. Kate is the only one left at HC that is cool? (Okay, Carla, you're cool, too.)(and Jan, of course) (and sometimes Rob, but usually indirectly) (Myles and Jenny - no comment.)
C. We all miss you so much and are too afraid to reveal our Lost obsession to new co-workers?

Anyway - I'm glad Kate #2 threw in the red herring idea - because all of the sudden last night it all seemed so simple that it totally pissed me off. Especially because last week I felt like I needed a PHd in physics to figure everything out. I hope it is not the first step in a long road to a really stupid ending to the series.

At first I thought Harper was dead - but then remembered that there are still a whole cast of Others hanging out somewhere on the island. But, if they were really that worried about everyone dying - wouldn't they be there protecting that place?

I totally thought of LLR Kate when Red said "what?" after bashing in Kate's head. I imagine you were cheering, kate.

I must be one of the guys - because I totally called the Michael thing, too!

There is still something about Juliet that I don't trust.

Anonymous said...

OK. I, once again, fell asleep during the episode. Curses on the Eastern time zone. Really. So I have to watch the whole thing tomorrow morning before kids wake up. But for what I have seen before, el donk, I am right there with you. I am feeling like things are getting too complicated for the common viewer. I am the farthest from a scientist in any means (unless hashing out what is in my kids diaper is any concilation).

But one thing Mike and I discussed before the show started was something from a few weeks back. Remember when they showed the news report of the plane found and they showed the cockpit and the pilot in the water and the helicopter driver said that wasn't a certain person who was married for years...well, do you remember the beginning of the show, Kate and Jack discovered the nose of the original plane and went in it to find some sort of communication system to contact the world? And the pilot was snatched (yes I said snatch) out of the cockpit by the black smoke monster. So if the pilot of the plane underwater is strapped in the cockpit, how is it that Kate and Jack stumbled on the cockpit crashed on the island??? Mike believes there are two planes and one is a decoy set up for something.

Danny F is cute. smart. poor guy. He just seems so stuck in a yucky situation.

Juliet, I really am not a fan. but she earned points in the episode.

Eye candy moment for the guys - eariler in the episode when Jack and Juliet were walking through the jungle. Dear me, does she have implants or do normal ones bounce that much?

I am all over the Michael boat thing.

Crazy thought - who is to say that there weren't others on the plane when it was being boarded in Australia? We really don't know who anyone is working for, do we?

I will write more when I finish the episode.

What does everyone else remember about the nose of the plane?

EW said...

Divide and conquer. My theory on what Ben is doing, why the "Others" are staying put and why he wants to be living among the survivors who went with Locke. Carla said it best at the end of the episode when she exclaimed about Ben "he just started the revolution." Viva la revolucion!

Apparently ankle pain doesn't affect my wife's cunning. She called Michael on the boat immiediately.

I, too, think there are two planes - one of which is a decoy. I also thing Daddy Widmore is a red herring . . . and as we all know communism is just a red herring (name that movie) . . .

Vincent Puppydog of the Night Award: Daniel. Ya, I like him, too.

Shannon Faker of the Night Award: Juliet and her, ahem, augmentation of God's gifts.

Henry Gayle Manipulator of the Night Award: Bem, again. That dude is just plain evil.

Kate Austin Tease of the Night Award: Hoping that Charlotte would be sleeping with the fishes on two separate occasions only to be denied like the Cubs and the World Series.

If Chuck Norris has $3.2 million dollars and Ben had $3.2 million, Chuck Norris has more money then Ben. . .

Anonymous said...

I just have a question:

If Ben knows (and does everything), was it Ben or Fate that put all of those people on flight 815?


LoyalLostLoser said...

Oh sure, now you all think Widmore is a red herring. The only reason you know so much about him is because I have been feeding you all my research!

Anonymous said...

Kate S.-getting a little testy, are we? Don't let your frustration about summer school color your comments, okay?

Anyway, to give you proper credit, I like your idea about Widmore using Desmond as a test subject. Makes good sense. I was thinking the same thing about Juliet's name being a reference to R & J even before Ben freaked out on her. I think Ben's main flaw may be that he set his standards a bit too high with that one. Clearly, Juliet is hot, and I don't see her playing romper room with ol' bug eyes any time soon.

Yes, we're all geniuses...Michael is on the boat.

My biggest problem with the current situation is the way that everyone at the camp (Sawyer, especially) just lets Locke do whatever the hell he wants without ever forcing an explanation or demanding input. Claire made a plea, but why don't the guys? Do they really just not care what Locke is doing? Kinda pisses me off. Damn, I can't wait for the weather to turn so that I can play me some horseshoes!


SinD said...

LLR - Just to clarify - EVERYTHING we know about Lost is due to your research!

My sister thinks Ana Lucia is the one on the boat. She's come up a couple times in the last few weeks - and that would mean that she was working for Ben when she offed Goodwin. Interesting, huh?

Anonymous said...

To answer your question, I would love to make out with Ben.