Friday, March 14, 2008

Ji Yeon

Talk about red herrings! That whole episode had you believin’ (but not me, of course) that Jin and Sun were living happily ever after w/ little Ji Yeon. Why do Jin and Sun always make me cry? Why?

1. Jin and Sun:
-- a flash forward and a flash back, but did you know it?
-- Sun is an Oceanic Six . . . which means if we believe that Aaron is also one, we know the whole set. But do we believe that Aaron is one? He wasn’t technically a survivor since he wasn’t born yet.
-- another possible red herring – did you all think the fact that Sun’s doctor was “at a conference” and her baby was delivered by a doctor she didn’t know was going to mean something? It didn’t seem to!
--Jin is dead set on buying a Panda, so we are led to believe there is some sort of “kharma” attached to having a panda for his baby’s birth. Lo and behold, he wants the Panda so he can get in good w/ a Chinese businessman.
--More to come . . .

2. Korean 101:
Jin = “jewel”
Sun = “goodness”
Ji Yeon = “postpone”

So why do you think Jin so badly wanted to have a girl and name her “Ji Yeon”?

3. The boat, “KHARMA”
-- rhymes with Dharma
-- We open seeing Frank. Mean ole Keamy who warns him not to be late. To what?
-- When Des and Sayid ask if there has been contact w/ the island, Frank lies and says no.
-- What was the deal w/ Des’ hair? He looked like a bad Head and Shoulders model.
-- Someone was banging on the pipes – I’m thinking it was morse code. Anyone fluid in morse code?
-- We finally meet the captain after Regina (the woman who has been answering the Sat phone) covers herself in heavy chains and throws herself overboard. Captain Gault doesn’t seem to care, but claims it is because he doesn’t want to lose any other men.
-- What Cpt Gault tells them:
· Kharma owned by Charles Widmore
· Black box from 815
· Wreckage found/staged (implies it was done by Ben)
· 324 bodies – where does someone get 324 bodies
--“Kevin Johnson” passes a note through the door to Des and Sayid – “Do not trust the captain” – but should we trust the note sender . . .
--KJ is Michael!! We all knew it, but now it is confirmed. And, hey, let’s not complain about it . . . we’re all always bitchin’ about the lack of answers . . .
-- So Michael is Ben’s man . . . what is he supposed to do and why? And where is Wily Walt?
--Whose blood was on the wall?

4. Juliet dogs out Sun. Cold but necessary.

5. Speaking of Juliet – how about those boobs? My god!

6. This week in Bible Studies: Jin and Bernard the fishermen –
Jesus made his disciples “fishers of men” – they were to “catch” people back from judgment and save their souls. Bernard helps Jin “do the right thing”

7. This week in Lost Literature:
--Captain Gault --is a fictional sea captain created by English writer William Hope Hodgson. A captain for hire - Gault is a morally ambiguous and mysterious character. A collection of his stories can be found in the book Captain Gault, Being the Exceedingly Private Log of a Sea-Captain, published in 1917.
--Atlas Shrugged: Alternately the name of the
Kahana's captain may be a reference to a character in Ayn Rand's 1957 novel, which is a story about the producers, the movers and shakers in society who decide go on strike because they are not appreciated by the masses, and create a separate utopian world, a "village" hidden from view from people, planes and the world
--Survivors of the Chancellor: Regina was reading this novel by Jules Verne. The story is about the final voyage of a British sailing vessel, the Chancellor, told from the perspective of one of its passengers (in the form of a diary).

8. The best lines of the night came not from the episode but from my husband (but an honorable mention to Jin for “Where Sun goes, I go”):
--on baby Ji Yeon’s birth mess: “She has six clumps of goo on her head representing the Oceanic “
-- on Jin giving Sun dinner: “He’s giving her fish loaded with Mercury is what he’s doing.”

9. Why is Hurley the only one who comes to see cutie baby Ji Yeon?

10. Here’s the biggie . . . the tombstone:
-- Jin was born in 1974 (therefore a totally age appropriate match for most of us ladies)
-- There is a mystery date that maybe some of you can decipher – 3/20/1984
-- And here’s the big one – Jin’s date of death? – 9/22/2004 – the date of the crash. This leads to all kinds of complicated questions – how was Baby Ji Yeon conceived if her father was dead? Is he really dead or just on the island? Does this confirm that there is an alternate world? And, therefore, does that mean that the crash wreckage was actually real? My brain hurts . . .

11. If you’re bored or are trapped in your house w/ small children and looking for something to do, check out these links (shout out to Cyndi and Gabriella):
-- -- I especially like the Ben song
We are totally doing this!!!
n -- weird art stuff
n – get a Sawyer nickname

Ok, I guess I should go grade research papers, freshmen projects, or prep for one of my four freakin preps that I have next year (yes, people, I now teach every level – sweet ass!).

Looking forward to your insightful comments!

Your Loyal Lost Loser
aka “The Professor”


Male Librarian said...

I'm back! And I'll comment again when I figure out what I want to say!

EW said...

The alternate realities of the flash forward and flash back were nicely done. While I won't claim to have called it; it didn't seem right to me. Carla and I debated whether Jin was dead or not. Not only the date on the tombstone, but also Hurley's response when asking if anyone else was coming leads me to believe that Jin is indeed alive and still on the island. I think the wife is leaning towards him actually being dead. She believes his comments that he would do anything to make sure Sun and the baby were safe are foreshadowing.

Now that we have a good idea of most, if not all, of the Oceana Six, the real question is how and why do certain folks get off the island. There will definitely be some who sacrifice themselves for others (Jin) and some who choose to stay (Locke, why not Kate?), but I believe the ones who make it off do so by some twist of fate - and not necessarily being in the right place at the right time. In fact, they may be in the wrong place at the wrong time based upon what we've seen in the flash forwards.

And a bigger question - who dies next week? A good argument could be made for Michael as that would wrap up his role in the story, but I think it will be someone else. Claire is a possibility (which would explain Aaron being with Kate); but I think it is too soon for that. I'm going to go with either Charlotte (wishful thinking perhaps) or Bernard, who has done his good deed in helping Jin and may be the reason why Rose would possibly allow herself to leave the island after becoming cancer-free.

Onto the awards:

Bernard Almost Boner of the Night: To Bernard for interrupting an arguing married couple. Isn’t that just bad luck and incredibly poor taste? In this case, he served a noble purpose, so no real boner (maybe the ends justified the means).

Nikki and Paulo Boring Moment of the Show: Michael reappearing on the boat. It seems like we all called that one and we were just waiting for the "surprise" to be revealed so we could move on with the story.

Arggh Matey Black Rock Pirate Award: Regina who bundles herself in chains and walks the plank. Now she sleeps with the fishes.

Just like Regina, Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants. At least he doesn't pretend to read them upside-down.

Gabriella said...

I love Jin. At first I thought they had made it off the island together. I was so happy. However, I had a terrible feeling something awful was going to happen. I thought he'd get hit by a car while he held that giant panda or that the doctor was going to steal Sun's baby. I was so teary eyed at the end knowing that he was dead and that his little girl was here w/o him. Of course, I totally lost it when Hurley said the baby looked like Jin. :(

Juliet: total bitch. I know she was trying to save Sun but MAN, give a girl a warning you're going to totally rat her out!

324 bodies: Are those the bodies of the people killed in Ben's camp from ages ago. Everything's a blur, but wasn't Ben responsible for the poison gas killing everyone years and years ago--his dad included?

Michael: Dude, Michael's been working out, huh?
So, is it just me or does he have a pretty good poker face? Does he know he's Michael?

Very little Kate in this episode so you must have been pretty happy, Professor.

Also, thank you for the shout out. :) Cool pics, huh? My fave is of Hurley/Garcia.

Tell Chris I loved his comment about the mercury. Not that was funny. :)

SinD said...

Snap! - I just wrote a whole post and lost it. Here are the highlights:
I think it's Sun's birthday on the tombstone - they'll always be together. sigh.
I think Walt has the Desmond time travel disease and Michael is trying to save him.
I kept thinking Ethan was going to walk into Sun's delivery room. I like how the doctor said we have to operate, no way to deliver this baby naturally - and 30 seconds later the bambino pops out. Typical.
Ben could have used the dead bodies from the "pit of despair" that Locke fell in - it only looked half-full (or half-empty?)
I think Harry dies next week. One of the losties in the not so cool crowd that no one ever talks to.

Male Librarian said...

Hello, Again all! (Especially to Evan, Gabriella, and el donk!)

Kate, Here are my musings in order of your comments:
1. I did NOT know it.
2. Irish 101: Jin--a drink; Sun--a father's male child; Ji Yeon--Gaelic for John
3. Why doesn't Michael row a boat ashore?
4. "Juliet mean!"--Tarzan
5. Thanks for saying what I couldn't! Get a sweater vest! (NOT!)(Is that still remotely cool to say?)
6. The pope has declared no more wild boar on Fridays.
7. I learned something here. Thank you.
8. Line by Desmond and Sayid that most reminded me of a Pace Picante sauce commercial: "Get a rope!"
9. How did Hurley get out of the asylum?
10. 3/20/1984: I was in Sibyl's Mass Media class and Doc's Rhetoric class! Oops! I fear I have released a clue to my secret identity!
11. Can you guess my Sawyer nickname? My wife's Sawyer nickname is MOONBEAM!

Come to Lostboy's house this Saturday night. All are welcome, even if lostboy is an idiot about getting emails out to all.

Anonymous said...

ok, who the hell are lostboy and el donk? I have been a part of this post for more than 1 1/2 years, and I don't know whose posts I am reading. UNACCEPTABLE. :)

Kate #2

By the way, this episode made me absolutely crap my pants!!

Anonymous said...

Okay - Here are some things we have either assumed or gathered - no special order. Just random thoughts. I know, random thoughts are a natural occurance for me.
-I think there will be a second "gassing", wiping out everyone other than the Oceanic 6.
-I don't think Aaron is an O6. They will lead us to believe we know the final 6, but last minute, will surprise us with a 6th.
-Going back to the questionable casket, could that be Michael now that he is going under a different name. No one knows him and he wouldn't be an O6 because his name is different.
-We need to make a timeline. Kate's trial is a few years after getting off the island. Sun's baby's birth is approx 6 months after rescue, Hurley goes to mental institution, when???, Jack grows a beard and travels all over the world I assume that takes some time.

I am glad they are giving us some answers. But so many more are needed!! Amen, Kate - my brain does hurt!

LoyalLostLoser said...

Clues for Kate #2 --
Lostboy -- assistant to the regional librarian.

El Donk -- enjoys a mai tai and her husband played a mean guitar until you all broke the strings. look backwards.