Friday, February 22, 2008


Did you fall for it? Did you? Did you? Huh? I didn’t! Boy, I am getting good at this game . . . I called it 10 minutes in.

Where to start . . .

1. Title – Eggtown is an old term for bartering. We see lots of bartering on this episode:
Kate barters to see Miles
James barters to sleep w/ Kate (why, I don’t know!)
John barters w/ Miles (although I’m not sure putting a grenade in someone’s mouth is technically “bartering” – I think we might call that coercion)
Kate’s mother barters to see “the baby”
Kate barters to keep “the baby” away from the courtroom
Kate barters for probation
Additionally, Locke serves Ben eggs and kills a chicken.

2. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: I discuss this early in the post because it ties directly to the Biblical references made . . . Kate’s “son” is actually Aaron!!!! I knew this as soon as Claire asked Kate to hold Aaron.

It is important to remember that the psychic told Claire that SHE MUST RAISE THE BABY. What will happen now that Kate is raising him? What happened to Claire? Does Jack know that Aaron is his nephew?

3. This week in Biblical Studies:
Aaron – Brother of Moses, spokesman for Moses. Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days. During that time, the people of Israel became inpatient and asked Aaron to make them gods. So Aaron collected the gold from the people and made a calf out of it. The people then presented offerings to the calf and had a big feast. Moses later recalls that God was angry enough to destroy Aaron after that. But Moses prayed for Aaron and thus he was spared. AARON CREATED A FALSE GOD . . . will baby Aaron become some sort of Damian-like child if he is not raised by Claire?
James –
Brother of John (interesting). First disciple of Jesus to be martyred. Hmmm . . . I predict our boy Sawyer will die in helping others get off of the island.
Jesus also had a brother named James.
So to whom is Sawyer a “brother”? Jack or Locke? That remains to be seen.

4. Oceanic 6 –
We now know five – Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, and Aaron (although he could be a red herring as he was born on the island and therefore wouldn’t technically be a survivor).
The official story the 6 are telling is that 8 initially survived and Kate saved them by mothering them.

5. Further additions to our future course “Lost Literature”:
· Valis by Philip K Dick – the book Locke that gives to Ben is this science fiction novel by
Philip K. Dick. VALIS is an acronym for Vast Active Living Intelligence System, which is the author's gnostic vision of one aspect of God. Dick's novels often feature protagonists immersed in dissolving or fluctuating realities. (Books)
o Notably Dick throughout his life claimed to see ghosts of his twin brother who died in child-birth
· The Invention of Morel is the book Sawyer is reading. The story is about a fugitive who hides on a deserted island somewhere in the South Pacific. (
Books) (

6. Kate (throwing up a little in my mouth):
Cried for the first time 13 minutes in and many times after. It’s good to see the Old Kate again (just kidding)
A bearded guy screams at her something about “where is . . . ?” Anyone hear it better than I did?
Continually asks people, “do you know who I am?” Does she?
NOT PREGNANT and clearly not giving it up to Sawyer for that reason (bad timing on his part)
Why does she leave the island?
Takes a deal of 10 years probation; no leaving the state. Does not want to go back to the island? Why?
Diane Janssen – she has the same last name as “The Fugitive”

7. Ben –
The dude is always beat up. He looked the same in this episode as when he was pretending to be Henry Gale.
Knows who Miles is and who he works for.
Tells Locke, “you are more lost than ever.”

8. Locke –
If the episode was about Kate, why did it open w/ Locke’s eye?
“Responsible for well-being of the island”
“No use having rules if there are no punishments for breaking them.”

9. Shippies –
Miles wants 3.2 mil from Ben and he will lie about finding him. Why 3.2?
Daniel and Charlotte are playing a memory game. Cards are Queen of Diamonds, 6 of Clubs, and Red 10 (Daniel does not remember the suite).
Have an “emergency number.” Minkowski has not been answering their calls, Regina tells them the helicopter has not made it back to the ship!! Where are the hotties?!!! Where are Desmond and Sayid?

10. What is the deal w/ Iced Tea on this island? Everyone is always serving and making Iced Tea!!!

11. Sun and Jin – Sun wants to raise her baby at home in Korea. Why in the world would she want to go back there?

12. Great lines:
“If I was a dictator, I would just shoot you and go about my day” – Locke (please do it, Locke!)
“You Scooby-Dooed me, didn’t you” -- Hurley
“I know it’s in a box, but it’s pretty good wine” -- Sawyer
“Baaa . . . nice thing about sheep; they’re predictable” -- Sawyer
“Bruce Lee” – Sawyer
“In a week you’ll get pissed at Jack and bounce back to me” -- Sawyer (Kate slaps him for this, but, seriously, she is kind of a slut)

13. Other things I noticed:
Bacgammon (sp) – Locke used to play this game w/ Walt.
Xanadu – sweet 80’s movie starring Olivia Newton John on rollerskates!
Kate listens to Patsy Cline

14. Jack loves Kate. Gag.

15. SO WHO WERE THE OCEANIC 8? Kate and Jack (and probably Hurley and Sayid) are perpetuating the story that 8 people survived but two died on the island. What happened to the other 34 people who actually initially survived the crash?


Anonymous said...

One thing that wasn't mentioned in Kate's never surprising but always impressive and intriguing rehash of last night...
Sun called it her baby. "I want to raise my baby at home"--I thought we found out that it could have been Jin's because of when she got preggers? No?
Also, I too totally called that Aaron was the baby. When Kate dropped the whole "We are not bringing my son in the courtroom" bomb, I totally called it! :) We are good!
Kate said that she knows why Jack doesn't want to see the baby. I think it's because he somehow found out that it is his nephew, which means his father had a hand in creating it, which means that Jack wouldn't want to be a part of something that involved his father...yes? no?
Why would they be spreading this lie about only 8 surviving? I can't get my mind around it. The only thing I can think is that something shady went down when getting people off the island that they are all ashamed about... maybe that has to do with why Sawyer maybe sacrifices himself...

Very interesting!

Kate #2

Anonymous said...

I just have to say DAMN you're good. I read this every Friday and I'm loving it so thanks!!! And Sawyer is just HOT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here was a thought Mike and I had last night - could the reason women die during birth be linked to the time differences that the scientist discovered last week?

I really don't care for Kate (on the show only). She is a weak little pile of mush. I wish she would have recieved the whole life sentence and been done.

It's a little old that Ben is locked up and beaten AGAIN. It's kind of repeated in the same excitement as how sickness gets repeated in my household for the past 6 weeks. Frequent and redundant. Ben, stand up, get out and be the guy in control you seem to be while sewing up Sayid in the last episode.

Why is Locke losing ground?

Do you think Kate "steals" Aaron?

I have to admit, I must go watch the rest as I started head bobbing around minute 30. So I will comment more later!

Unknown said...

Loved the episode last night and the blog info. I might have to start using the "you scooby-doed me" line in my class...funny stuff.
I am trying to figure out why Kate would have Aaron...did something happen to Claire?! Also, anyone notice how awesome Kate's house is. She's living in a world that seems so foreign to her character. I'm guessing the Oceanic 6 get big bucks from Oceanic. That's all I got for now. Thanks for your insights Kate!

Anonymous said...

I completely forgot about Jack's relation to Claire until you mentioned it here. So I agree w/ Kate #2's prediction about why Jack won't see him yet. Doesn't it seem like Ben will have to be one of the "Oceanic 8"? Is it conceivable that they would somehow be able to lie and pawn him off as a passenger? I mean, the guy obviously is good at taking on different identities. Also, on the previous episode, Ben asked Sayid if he wanted to protect his friends. Charlie showed up as a ghost and said to Hurley, "You know they need you." And bearded Jack screamed, "We have to go back!" Doesn't this make it seem plausible that the remaining 34 survivors are still (in the present tense) on the island?


SinD said...

I agree with Rob (hi, Rob)- I think they are still alive, but maybe they all cut some sort of deal with Ben, too, not to go back. Either that or they did something really bad to save themselves at the expense of the rest. That would make sense with bearded Jack who wants to go back because he's riddled with guilt - and why Kate wanted the sentence to stay in CA, so she had an excuse to free her from the guilt, if she ever had any to begin with. And that's why Hurley wants to be locked up, too - so he can't be held morally responsible for not going back.

Lost Loser, I have to say that you are up to speed on the outside research and in-show connections.

I looked up the Philip Dick novel, though I'm thinking that the lit references are a bit gratuitous. But here is what amazon said:

"The first of Dick's three final novels (the others are Divine Invasion and The Transmigration of Timothy Archer). Known as science fiction only for lack of a better category, "Valis" takes place in our world and may even be semi-autobiographical. It is a fool's search for God, who turns out to be a virus, a joke, and a mental hologram transmitted from an orbiting satellite.
The proponent of the novel, Horselover Fat, is thrust into a theological quest when he receives communion in a burst of pink laser light. From the cancer ward of a bay area hospital to the ranch of a fraudulent charismatic religious figure who turns out to have a direct com link with God, Dick leads us down the twisted paths of Gnostic belief, mixed with his own bizarre and compelling philosophy. Truly an eye opening look at the nature of consciousness and divinity."

I thought that it was interesting, especially because Locke picked it out for Ben.

The Scooby-Doo line was the funniest thing I've heard on television - maybe ever.

LoyalLostLoser said...

El Donk -- Do you think Ben is not real? Hmmmmm . . .

EW said...

It's only fair to begin that yes, I fell for it, but then again I did drive threw snow and rain (sounds like a country song) to get home tonight and had a few cocktails before Carla and I got the Tivo rolling.

The wife is tired and wants to go to bed (she promises to post tomorrow), so I'll get right to the point.

Someone give Kate a bagel or some pork products. She's the only eye candy we've got (its hard to lust after a Mom and her baby, so Claire has taken a back seat) and she's emaciated! I'd pine for bringing back Anna Lucia, but I'm not really into women that scowl a lot.

Why are we back to Sun and the "my baby" thing? Do we have to relive this pain all over again and why o why does she want to go back to Korea?

Line of the night: Clearly Hurley getting "Scooby-Dooed"; but am I the only one that found Locke saying "Dinner's at 6" and slamming the door funny. Maybe it was the irony . . .

The "Michael" award for most annoying character this week goes to . . . Kate. She was the main focus of the episode whose only real purpose was to reveal the babies name.

And because it's late, I'll leave you with this: Chuck Norris knows the last digits of pi and its 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, & 42.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting, from a divination point of view, what cards were laid out when Charlotte was 'testing' Faraday.
Card #1 - queen of diamonds. Means that in the past there has been interference from an attractive, manipulative woman.
Card #2 - 6 of clubs stands for success, based on mutual goals and friendship. In this position it means that this is happening at the present.
HOWEVER- card #3, the 3 of spades, means that there will be misfortune, due to a 3rd person somehow breaking in to the situation.

(Interesting thing is that Faraday 'thought' the 3rd card was the 10 of hearts, which would have meant good luck, or good fortune after difficulty.)