Friday, February 15, 2008

The Economist

Let me just start by saying that I am a total smarty-pants! I called it half way through . . . more to come on that in a few minutes.

1. Random trivia for the day – Rob and I discussed yesterday that Roger Linus (Ben’s dad) was Lazlo in Real Genius. You know, the guy who lived in the closet? Fun fact, huh? Maybe that is why Ben is such a freak; maybe he was conceived in a closet.

2. Something that I’ve noticed in my watching -- everyone is regularly referring to Sawyer as “James” now . . . which leads to . . .

3. This week in Bible Studies: Could “James” be the chronicler of the events in the long run? As in King James Bible. Kind of a stretch, I know.

4. Sayid’s story was told completely in flash forwards.
While golfing in the Seychelles, he meets up w/ Mr. Avilino. Mr. Avilino becomes visibly nervous after Sayid tells him that he is one of the Oceanic 6 – he is somehow connected to the cover-up or the crash, clearly. Sayid shoots him.
Sayid seduces the lovely Helsa in Berlin. She claims to work for an Economist who works in Emerging Markets. He only comes to Berlin once or twice a year, according to Helsa.
Sayid tells Helsa he is a Headhunter . . . apparently he is hunting for the head of the Economist.

5. Naomi wears a bracelet that says, “I’ll always be with you – RG.” Seems romantic, right? Helsa wears the same bracelet. Maybe it’s not so sweet . . . maybe it is a reminder to the women the Economist is always with them and they better be good (like the Tina Turner song . . . “you better be good to me . . .that’s how it’s gotta be now”)

6. Sayid is back to his old ways because HE SOLD HIS SOUL TO BEN!!!! As soon as he said, “the day I trust him [Ben] is the day I sell my soul,” I knew he was working for Ben in the Seychelles and Berlin.

My husband argues, however, that Sayid is truly evil and always has been . . . interesting.

More on this later . . .

7. Great lines of the night:
Sawyer calls Ben “Gizmo,” you know – the cute, fuzzy Gremlin!
Miles states of Naomi, “She was hot and I dug her accent.”
Hurley states of Miles, “Awesome, the ship sent us another Sawyer.”

8. Sayid tells Helsa, “Everyone has a boss” -- Does this refer to God? Is our biblical allegory shaping up further?

9. Back to the Island . . .
· Kate gets all jealous every time Juliet talks to Jack. Gag.
· Kate gets all mad when Sawyer “keeps” her in the room. Come on, most of us would pay money to be kept in a clean room w/ Sawyer! And he wants her to stay and “keep playing house.” Aww . . . too bad it is wasted on her annoying a**!
· Jack reveals it has been 100 days since he’s seen baseball. That’s only four months! Did Ben let him watch baseball?
· Desmond . . . hot . . . wants off island . . . hot . . . goes on helicopter w/ Sayid . . . hot . . . thinks they were sent by Penny, although neither Miles nor Charlotte has ever seen her . . . hot.
· I noticed a little chemistry between Desi and Juliet . . .

10. TIME WARP: Daniel asks Regina (lady on ship) to send the “payload.” It does not follow the countdown and arrives several minutes after Regina indicates it will. Daniel looks at what appears to be two clocks. Each has a different time: His says 3:16:23; the “payload” says 2:45:02

When Frank takes off in the helicopter, Daniel warns him to follow the bearings “no matter what.”

It seems they are in another dimension, perhaps?

11. Ben has a Quran on his bookshelf. He also has a secret closet behind the bookshelf where he keeps a stash of currency and passports.

12. Ok, can someone please lend Danielle a new pair of pants? Her mompants are hideous!

13. Back to Sayid and Helsa . . . her pager goes off, Sayid (who really seems to have fallen for her) warns her that she should leave Berlin. She then shoots him, as she was also playing him the whole time and knows he is after her employer. She wants to know who sent him. Sayid proceeds to kill her. How romantic.

14 WHO IS ELSA’S EMPLOYER? Could it be Mr. Widmore, Penny’s father?

15. Who is Minkowski? Frank tells Daniel he can use the satellite phone, but that he should hang up if Minkowski gets on.

16. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: Although I called it, it was still a Holy Crap moment when Sayid went to see his “employer” and it was BEN!!! Ben tells him he should “think with his gun instead of his heart” if he wants to “protect his friends.” Are these the friends on the Island? Or the other Oceanic 6?

Ben also tells him he has another name on the list. Sayid says they know he is coming. Ben says good! Who is the next target? Who covered up the crash? Who is looking for the Island and why?

17. We now know 4 of the Oceanic 6. Kate, Jack, Hurley, Sayid. We also assume that Desmond left the island (remember, he was not on the plane, so he is not one of the Oceanic 6). Obviously Ben left as well, and he is still being hunted!

18. Where the heck are Sun and Jin? What about the mysterious Walt? And Michael is supposed to be back . . . when will we see him?

19. One more thing . . . now Locke can’t find the cabin . . . did he piss off Jacob?

Phew . . . that was a lot! I think we are going to get some answers, and now we can plan on 5 more episodes before May – yay!

You better show me some love this week!

Your Loyal Lost Loser


Anonymous said...

We need to start a "Lost Fund" and start paying Kate for posting this blog! You are good, gal!

By the way, I took the quiz that Cyndi sent and guess who I turned out to be most like? Jack-Jan!!! How ironic. Please, Kate, don't hate me because of my alter-ego.


SinD said...

No comments about the deliciousness of future Sayid? Yum.
Maybe Sayid has not sold his sold. He doesn't trust Ben but seems to be being blackmailed - Sayid is protecting his friends - which I interpret as the people still on the island - which is making up for the people in his previous life that he did not protect. I think he is trying to redeem his soul - okay, assassinating people may not be the traditional way to go about that, but he if he believes they are bad guys?
I wonder if the Ben at the end is some kind of doppelganger? Remember the whole evil twin thing from a couple seasons ago? But, they're both evil? Maybe one is trying to kill the other? And Ben is the Economist - since he is never in town, and Ben had all those nice suits and passports.
Happy President's Day!

Anonymous said...

OK, I loved last night's episode! OMG! This is what I think...I think that somehow Ben gets the upper hand on the island and gets off...with Sayid and the others. But he is the only one that knows where the island is and how to get back and forth (since he leaves a lot) and maybe Sayid wants to go back to save the rest of the peeps there, but Ben won't tell him how to get there unless he helps him. Which is why Sayid is working for him!
I wholeheartedly disagree with your hubby Kate, Sayid is not inherently evil! He is a good man with a conflicted past that he is constantly trying to redeem himself for... just my personal opinion.
BTW, Sayid looked HOT in a tux! Yum!
Also, I was a little annoyed that they played the whole double-double cross thing with Sayid and the foreign chick...I totally saw that coming...or maybe we were supposed to? Who knows? the breakdown of the episode rock!
Everyone have a great President's Day off!

Kate #2

Anonymous said...

Do you know what I said about 100 times during this episode? "He is so HOT." Mike kept looking at me and saying, "Really? Even with his hair like that?" Hell yeah. Damn. I love Sayid even if he is a killer. I loved the contrast of a respectful Sayid caring enough for dead Naomi to want her taken back to the freighter, to close her eyes and to cover her up with Sayid the assassin.

Great lines again--my fave was Hurley's comment about Sayid doing "that break dance move when he broke that guy's neck." C'mon, that was funny.

Ilsa--haven't we seen her somewhere before? It's driving me crazy.

Also, I'm glad Kristen Bell didn't take on the role of Charlotte. I just don't see it.


Anonymous said...

14 WHO IS ELSA’S EMPLOYER? Could it be Mr. Widmore, Penny’s father?

But..... the initials on Elsa & Naomi's identical bracelets are "RG"

Don't forget "Black Skeletor Man"... he is the one who put Naomi incharge of the so-called 'rescue mission'

Desmond ~ HOT! ~ Sawyer ~ HOT! ~ Sayid ~ HOT! ~ Jin ~ HOT! ~~~~ FINALLY a show for women w/multiple eye candy.... about time!

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I am honored to have played some small role in your posting this week. You've effectively placed Tina Turner back in my head and I can't get rid of her! Damn you! What is the connection between Ben and the group that has been assembled to find him? Did he used to work for them and betray them somehow? Following our Biblical allegory a bit further, is Ben supposed to represent Lucifer, expelled from heaven (the island or perhaps from this other group)?


Anonymous said...

I am so glad I have all of you to guide me as I am extremely LOST!! After a couple of nights of head bobbing while trying to watch the last part of the episode, I finally finished last night. But I am even more confused than ever!

I can't believe that Penny's dad is such an assumed big role in all of this. For a man who was mentioned a handful of times, I just don't buy it. But I don't have anything to back up my claims so I just sound like a non-believer. Sorry.
As for Kate, grow a pair. What happened to the hard ass, cold-stoned killa you once were you big puss. You are a disappointment to all strong women who take issues into their own hands and "off" people who annoy you. Why does she have to be one of the "six?"

Sayid...yummy. I will take a scoop of that with a side of Sawyer (and I don't normally dig the long haired kind of selection).

I need some more answers. We need to know some things that the characters don't again like the whole Jack and what's her face being half sister and brother.

RG? Hmm.. I will sit on that one for a while.

Ta ta, sorry I am not as insightful as you all. I love reading all of your viewpoints!!

Kate, thanks for giving me a reason to be on the internet other than searching for things I shouldn't be searching for! ha!

Anonymous said...


I love this site! So, a friend emailed me this, "and on your spare time go to this link:
read what Jeff Jensen (page 2) has to say about it all. make sure to click Continue Reading cuz there's A LOTT to mull over and he's done it pretty well" and I read all about how the economist potentially refers to being aware of people and their ranks as bosses in the business world. However, this can apply to the heirarchy (sp?) on the island. It is interesting because in this episode we see how some individuals have lost their pull (Locke with losing the cabin) and how others have gained it (Ben -- in the forward when we'd least expect it).

And, here is another question: did dharma or the others arrange for an airplane at the bottom of the sea to appear that there were no survivors of Oceanic 815?

Jenny B.

EW said...

Best line of the night: Jack telling Lapidus that Sayid was a torturer in his previous life. Imagine dropping in on a island and hearing that! And a shoutout to the writers for finally getting some punchy dialog in these epsidodes again.

The "Bernard Boner of the Night" award goes to Hurley who sells out his friends, apparently only to gain respect with Locke. I want the Hurley who drives vans into people back!

The crazy theory of the night award: Ben is both the "economist" and Sayid's boss. I don't think we're dealing with an evil twin thing here and hopefully there's no Alias Slone Clone thing going on here. That would be rediculous - kinda of like Kate Austin's weight. That girl needs to put on a few pounds and quit trying to be like Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox in the dying days of Friends.

Crazy theory of the night two: Carla and I have surmized that Miles is the son of the Dharma initiative guy who appeared on all the videos.

So, doesn't everyone find it interesting that the show has done such a good job of making us forget about the things we're dying to know - like what is the "creature" on the island?

We both think Sawyer is one of the Oceana 6, but we differ on who we think the 6th one is. I think maybe Claire or Desmond, but Carla thinks its someone else.

I'm giving thanks for another show of Sayid going midieval on folks. He just plays a good bada**. In that spirit, he gets my Chuck Norris of the Week Award. When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Carla said...

Just a short few thoughts for now...

1) Sayid is soooo pretty.

2) Kate is lame. You get Sawyer, probably could have Jack and need to while about everything. Where did the tough girl go? (I can't remember who mentioned this, but I agree.)

3) Please see 1) again.

4) I knew that Daniel was a book in the Bible and while I was staring at the numbers on the timers that Daniel had, I started thinking.

The first one, 3:16, could be a connection to the famous verse from John. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Interesting thought -- we have Christian looking like Jacob and Jack as a maybe Jesus. However, I don't believe that Christian sacrificed something on behalf of Jack unless that's part of the mystery we haven't seen yet, or I just can't put that together. Does Christian believe he's taken on hell/purgatory in place of Jack? Maybe Jack still has a choice in how things turn out because of Christian's sacrifice? Or because Christian let Jack suffer the way he did more people were saved (I think I like this one best)? I'm not sure here; I need to think it over.

Anyway, Daniel 2:45 reads, "Because you saw that a stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that by it the iron and the brass and the earth and the silver and the gold were broken to bits, a great God has given the king knowledge of what is to take place in the future: the dream is fixed, and its sense is certain." That's interesting when we think about fate and visions. Desmond showed that Charlie couldn't escape his fate; the dream was fixed. It seems that regardless of which path the people take (Jack v. Hurley), the fate remains the same. However, how do Locke's visions fit? He, too, seems to feel that they are being told to do something by Jacob, which could then make Locke the "king." I don't know how I feel about that though, as I'm uncertain where Locke is headed right now.

Anyway, that's all for now. I think that I might have spent way too much time considering whether the timers were significant. Feel free to point and laugh. As always, thanks for doing this Kate!

FYI: There is also a Daniel 3:16, but I haven't really thought it through or checked the context for either Daniel passage. For those interested, "Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."

LoyalLostLoser said...

Evan -- Desmond wouldn't be an Oceanic 6 because he wasn't on the plane.

Carla -- love the Bible studies you've done this week. I will have to think about the second passage a bit . . . I'll get back to it this week.

I'm feeling a little bad about all the eye candy for the ladies and our gratuitous commenting . . . men feel free to be gratuitous as well!

I will check out the blog, JB. Maybe I will add it to my "research"!

i love the idea that Ben is both!!!!