So you'd think that on a snow day I would be sleeping this early in the morning, but apparently the school phone tree is on the fritz and called 3 times, and my neighbors seem to think that 5:30 is the perfect time to snowblow, despite the fact that the streets aren't plowed and no one is going anywhere. And so I am all your's at this early hour.
Here we go . . . (please be forgiving . . . I may be a little rusty)
1. Title -- Could this be a reference to the fact that the producers have set an end date for the show (3 years)? Or is it a reference to the fact that except for the Oceanic 6, all will die?
2. Speaking of the Oceanic 6, we know that Hurley, Jack (gag), and Kate (double gag) made it off the island. Who are the other three? Locke wanted to stay, so he's probably not off. However, it didn't seem like Hurley wanted to leave either, so who knows.
3. Opening scene: Hurley drives the vintage Camaro he fixed up w/ his dad (Cheech) into a pile of lemons and limes. Shouldn't he be making lemonade? You know, when life gives you lemons . . .
4. Hurley is running away from something . . . which we find out is a vision of Charlie. H wants to go back to the mental hospital to escape his "hallucination."
5. The cop who arrests Hurley is the boyfriend/husband of Ana Lucia. Remember she was preggers w/ his baby when she was shot in the line of duty. Hurley denies having known her. Why? Is there an agreement among the 6 not to talk about the other survivors? It's like Fight Club -- First rule of the Oceanic 6, no one talks about the Oceanic 48.
6. What's up w/ Baby Aaron's ears? Seriously.
7. Hurley does a cannonball upon hearing of possible rescue. And he imitates Cannonball Run in his Camaro! Coincidence? I think not.
8. Man on the satellite phone is named George Minkowski. Although note that he always responds, "who is this?" when asked who he is. He is a familiar face . . . but I can't tell you where I've seen him before.
9. Kate ALMOST cries 20 minutes in.
10. Hurley sure loves playing Connect Four. He was always seen playing it in his earlier stint at the hospital.
11. This week in Biblical Studies: Hurley receives a visit from a man claiming to represent Oceanic Airlines. His name is Matthew Abbadon.
In Hebrew Abaddon means "destruction". In Job 26:6; Proverbs 15:11 it means "place of destruction", or "realm of the dead". In Revelation 9:11, it is personified as Abaddon, "Angel of the Abyss". Many biblical scholars believe Abaddon to be Satan or the antichrist. A mistaken view since the angel "Abaddon" possesses the keys to the Abyss into which Satan is hurled or imprisoned, indicating that he serves as Satan's "jailer" and must therefore be someone else (
It is also important to note that Matthew is the first book of the New Testament, and also the most widely read. It contains the Sermon on the Mount. Maybe some of our more Biblically Educated friends can tell us more . . .
12. Mr. Abbadon asks, "Are THEY still alive?" Does he mean the other survivors or the Others?
13. Sexy Showdown -- Sawyer, Jin, and Desmond all had their shirts teasingly unbuttoned and were all glistening. Who was the sexiest? According to Cyndi, there was a sexy Sawyer montage the other night on the Pop-Up version of Through the Looking Glass.
14. Sawyer was actually nice to Hugo!
15. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: We must have watched the scene at the "cabin" 10 times trying to figure out what the whispers were saying. All I could make out was "someone's coming". And through a little bit of research, I've discovered that Good Ole Christian Shephard is the man in the rocking chair and it is presumed to be Jacob's eye that pops up in the window. But Locke shows up seconds later . . .
16. Great line #1 -- Ben, "Kate took it (the phone). I guess I should have told you, but you beat me up."
17. Before dying, Naomi says to George, "I'm sorry. Tell my sister that I love her." I think it is all baby-making related. Remember, Naomi in the Bible is an older widow who helps Rachel. Who is Naomi's sister?
18. Charlie is haunting Hurley (though we might ask how a ghost can slap someone, or why the other dude saw him). He keeps saying, "They need you." Again, who are They?
19. Locke was never going to shoot Jack (too bad). Jack was going to shoot Locke.
20. I just need to remind you that I hate Jack and Kate.
21. Poor Claire. She was totally gonna get freaky w/ Charlie!
22. Jack visits Hurley in the hospital. Hurley thinks he is there "Checking to see if I was gonna tell." What is the secret? Did they make a deal to get off the island? Jack seems to be enjoying his fame . . . we know that will change as his beard grows in. Also, Hurley apologizes for going w/ Locke. Why?
23. IMPORTANT -- "IT wants us to come back."
23. Best line #2 -- "You'd look weird with a beard."
24. So stayed up late to watch the Oceanic commercial. Of course it was during the very last break of Eli Stone. And of course it led to further time on the web. I couldn't handle it all, but here's what I got:
The commercial is spliced w/ video of a man saying "You can't trust these people" and an alternate website If you go there (or cheat and go to YouTube like I did) you find out:
- His name is Sam Thomas and he used to work for Oceanic
- His girlfriend, Sonia, was on 815
- He has been receiving weird emails from The Maxwell Group (owned by Widmore - aka Penny's family)
- He has joined up w/ a salvaging ship called the Christiane (like Christian) searching for the sunken vessel The Black Rock.
There was also some creepy stuff going on with the flight attendant's hand in the commercial.
I hope you have enjoyed this weeks Ramblings. I know we have a couple newcomers, so I hope I have not disappointed. I need to get my groove back . . . next week for sure!
Comment away and Namaste,
Your Loyal Lost Loser
Hey Kate!
First of all, welcome to 448am.
I watched, and will watch again - post bottle of wine to make my visions clearer - with Mike tonight. I am sure I will have a bit more feedback. I too, am rusty with picking up on "clues."
I am bothered by this episode. No answers from last season, yet more questions.
1. While I think Jin is HOT HOT HOT, I think Desmond, with his sympathetic face re: Charlie, was my winner for the night. Yummy.
2. I am just throuroughly confused. Who the hell is Naomi? I too recognize the rescuer, but can't place him. Mike will know.
Why on earth is Jack such a "deciding factor" in everyone's future.
3. They all are foolish to think they are getting off the island until they are off. Dummies! Save celebration for when their little legs hit other land.
4. Kate - can't stand her.
5. Who the heck died last season??? Throw me a bone ABC.
6. I am just sad Charlie is dead.
7. Why do I have this sneaky suspicion that Penny is at the root of all of the trouble. She looks cute and nice, but...
8. Will Ben turn into a "nice guy?"
9. Still like John Locke even though he is crazy.
10. Kate, you rock for being our fearless leader in the Lost Loser Ramblings!! You are awesome and we love you!
Hi, Kate,
I am not sure what I am more in awe of - that you can remember SO many details of the program OR that you sat and wrote your ramblings at 4:48 am.
Just one observation - it appears as if he don't care for Kate & Jack - who knew?
I'm so glad we have ANYTHING new to watch. :) I was sooo happy to see Charlie. He looks pretty good for a dead guy--actually looks clean. :)
Despite feeling a little embarrased that it has taken me five days to finally post, at least that means our next volume is only two days away.
Carla and I actually did a three hour Lost marathon, watching the pop up video version of last season's last episode (why did VH1 ditch pop up video . . .), the review show and then the two hour season premiere (I know, I know those equal 4 hours running time, but thank goodness for Tivo!).
I also have a startling confession. I am one of those annoying neighbors. I've been known to be snowblowing pre-6am. I know I'm evil . . . kinda like black mist in the middle of a deserted island.
I didn't notice Baby Aaron's ears, but are they worse than Barack Obama's?
Overall, I have to admit to being disappointed with the season opener. There was some good drama (in fact the island drama and acting was as good as it's been in some time), but I'm getting tired with more questions and less answers. As Supertramp would say, give a little bit.
I've also grown quite wary of Hurly despite his loveable demeanor. I know he needed a confidence builder, but taking credit for rescuing Sayid, Jin and Bernard was a bit of an overreach. Didn't anyone see Sayid going all Chuck Norris (when Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down) and Sawyer going all Commando (no tiny Alyssa Milano to rescue, only a crybaby Kate)on the Others? Then there was the whole tossing the walkie talkie into the ocean like a petulant child. C'mon Hurley, is it that bad that all the snacks from the hatch are all ready gone. It's called self restraint, buddy.
In any event, Zep's "I Can't Quit You Baby" is busted out on the iTunes and I've got to find a cheap flight to get out to see my evil twin.
Catch ya on the flip side.
Anyway, I digress.
Nice summary Kate--thanks for taking the time to do this. I always look forward to it.
I will have to do some primary research to make my choice re: Desmond, Jin and Sawyer. I'm leaning toward Desmond. I mean let's face it, he's pretty.
It's amazing how white-hot my hatred for Kate is. I think I forgot how much I disliked her. If anyone (or anything) can kill her, I will become a KateKillerFanFirst the rest of the series.
I like Jack. (Feel free to point-and-laugh.) It makes sense to me that the shepherd is responsible for leading the flock to salvation or starvation/damnation. Why? Ummmm...perhaps some bizarre connection to science being our salvation/damnation depending on what we do with it. So much was made of him being the "man of science" during pop-up video Lost, maybe it's the writers' way of asking what technology/science is leading our society toward. Bad results, good results, simply misguided efforts at evolving when we're really spiraling toward implosion? Or maybe I was thinking too much about Fahrenheit 451 last week. Could go either way.
I think that it's interesting that both Jack and Hurley make it off the island, yet both end up only wanting to/thinking they need to return. Last week's episode made it seem like such a big deal to choose one side (science) or the other (faith). Yet both characters ended up in the same place with the same feelings. And Hurley seemed remorseful that he didn't pick Jack. It seemed that the end result wouldn't change so was it just Hurley's effort to say that he wished he would have stayed with his friend rather than with Locke?
Great catch re: the cop who was the father of Ana Lucia's baby. I completely forgot about that.
Sermon on the Mount--quick connection, I think that it links to Jack's mantra of "live together or die alone," also heavily featured in pop-up video Lost. If my memory serves, the Beattitudes (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) gave a how-to-be/act speech, which is similar to Jack's original desire to get everyone on the island working together. How that specifically might connect to Matthew Abbadon--no clue.
I did some quick research and I think that Naomi helped Ruth rather than Rachel. Am I looking up the wrong person? (quite possible) Naomi was also linked to needing a male son (or in her case, she got a grandson). She is often tied to Rachel who couldn't produce children for Jacob (until Joseph and Benjamin). I have a whole possible John=Joseph technicolor dreamcoat, but that's for another day as I have already rambled far too long.
(And I apologize for the above random stream of consciousness; I truly don't know how much of it makes sense versus just my unedited thoughts).
Have a great week everyone!
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