Good morning and welcome to the last official Ramblings for Season 3 of Lost! I know you are all really sad that I won’t be writing weekly for a while, but I will probably post some random crap throughout the following months to keep myself (and maybe you) entertained.
My initial opinion of the season finale was that is was good, but not great. However, as I tossed and turned with insomnia again last night (just like after they killed Peter Petrelli on Monday – seriously? Killing PP is like killing Spiderman . . . ), I realized that there was a lot of great stuff in the finale. We got some answers, some new mysteries, and some great insights into Fate and Destiny.
1. Again, the title refers to Alice’s adventures. My husband better vouch for me – I totally called that the whole “flashback” was really a flashforward – I initially thought it was what would have happened if they hadn’t crashed, but when Jack used his cellphone, I realized it was the future . . . what would happen if they left the island. The clue? The cellphone was a Razr (Chris corrected me – Crazr – I’m not fully up to speed on the newest cellphone – sorry, hon).
2. Do you think the producer purposely give Jack terribly fake looking hair (both facial and cranial)? I mean, seriously, could that beard look faker? Remember when he had that wig on in flashbacks? It’s got to be an inside joke!
3. Random trivia to show what a nerd I am – Pilot’s voice on the plane was that of Carlton Cuse, one of the producers of the show.
4. Who died? Why did it set Jack on a suicide mission? . . . more on this later.
5. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: Jack compared to Moses. Does that make Naomi the Sacred Cow because they mistakenly put their faith in her?
6. Women in the Looking Glass station – Bonnie and Greta – look really familiar. Anyone recognize them?
7. Woman in the car crash looked like Sawyer’s lady, Cassidy. But she had a son, so I don’t think it was really her.
8. Rose said she would punch Jack if he said, “Live Together, Die Alone.” I wish he’d said it!
9. It took Kate 31 minutes to almost cry.
10. Two minutes later she almost cried again when Juliet kissed Jack.
11. Juliet reveals the Others were building a runway. “For the Aliens” Ha!
12. Best line of the night:
Sawyer to Juliet: “So you screwin Jack yet?”
Juliet: “Are you?”
13. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #1: WALT returns (or a vision of him) to save Locke from killing himself. Makes him stop doubting himself and get the hell up! “You’ve still got work to do.”
14. VOMIT WORTHY MOMENT: Jack tells Kate he loves her. Gag!
15. Sawyer made a good point to Kate; “There is always someone to go back for” and we can’t always do it.
16. Tom shooting the sand – If I understand the conversation between Tom and Ryan correctly, Ben told them to PRETEND to shoot Sayid, Jin, and Bernard. Tom argued with Ryan that they should have really shot him. Why would Ben do that?
17. Speaking of the beach boys (ha – get it, beach boys? Sayid, Bernard, Jin?), Chris and I argued about this. Would you have caved like Bernard to save Jin’s life? I said I probably would . . . what about you?
18. I loved when Hurley came speeding in to save the day. Awesome!
19. So far Desmond, Sayid, and Claire are winning the lostaway we would most like to be stranded with . . . what do you think?
20. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #2: Sayid breaks the dude’s neck with his legs. GD!
21. I cried a little when Charlie died and Aaron started crying. Too sad, but I am glad he died because it was necessary.
22. Penelope keeps showing up in the finales . . . But Ben apparently wasn’t lying about Naomi; she wasn’t who she said she was. Here’s my theory: Penelope’s father is the one who sent Naomi and the boat. He wants to destroy Desmond and keep him away from his little girl. Remember, he’s a very powerful man who is obsessed with sailing. In greek mythology Penelope is the daughter of Icarius:
Icarius was the son of Oebalus and Gorgophone and, by Periboea, father of Penelope and Perilaus. He was a champion runner and would not allow anyone to marry his daughter unless he beat him in a race. Odysseus succeeded.
DESMOND can’t beat him if he never gets off the island!
23. The alternate reality of Jack – Here’s what I think:
· This is what will happen if they leave.
· Jack is depressed because he is a nothing in real life. He is not Moses without the Losties.
· Kate was wearing A LOT of make-up! Whoever the “he” she refered to is, he beats her. She becomes her mother when she returns to her other life. It’s not Sawyer because . . .
· Sawyer is the dead man. No one came to his funeral, and why would they? He has no real relationships off of the island. Especially if Cassidy was the woman Jack saved/caused to get in an accident.
· Biggest confusion – Is Christian Shephard still alive in this alternate reality or is Jack just confused because he is becoming his father?
· The island allows people to become SOMETHING, to change their sad fates. IT IS FREE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jack becomes a hero; Kate becomes a fighter, Sawyer becomes James – a man with relationships; Locke becomes a leader; Hurley becomes more than a joke; Charlie has a family . . .
Although the season started off shaky, I think it turned out great! Word on the street is that it won’t be back until January/February. Whatever will we do until then?
Looking forward to some lively conversation over the next few days!
Namaste and Shambalah!
Your Loyal Lost Loser
Thursday, May 24, 2007
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Yeah! Thanks,Kate, for your undying commitment to all things Lost!
Favorite moment was Hurley coming through the forest in the van!
What is up with Mikhail? Dang!
When Juliet said they were building a runway - I thought of Jacob's Ladder - isn't that the ladder that angels use to go between heaven and earth?
I thought Tom was going to be a good guy - I was surprised when he said they should have killed the boys - I would have thought he would have saved them.
I can't tell if Sawyer is taking a darker road, or if he is acting noble. Great Saywer moment - the look on his face when he saw Sayids footwork.
Why did Charlie lock himself IN the room - couldn't he have sealed the door from the outside? OR, swim through the broken windown to the surface?
I love your idea of free will as the island. In "civilized" society, our actions are more easily controlled by cause and effect, i.e., our past - on the island, without a history/identity, neither personal nor as a community, each can act more freely. Maybe losing their power to act freely is what causes them to be unhappy when they "return." That would be a definite Rousseau theory - and she very clearly knows to stay.
I don't understand Locke. Why is he so obsessed with preventing others from leaving? It seems like he always wants people to find their own happiness/journey, yet he keeps forcing his own journey on everyone else.
I guess I have to give up on Juliet being evil - but I still have reservations. If she wanted to take over control of the island, she's doing the right things - getting rid of the others, aligning herself with the "chosen" 40 people.
Thanks, again, Kate!
Oh, yeah . . . I totally forgot to ask -- Why won't Mikhail die?! He must be like Richard -- an original Other who has tapped into all the powers of the island and it's magical healing elements. He must have become Patchy before the island. Or maybe he just sewed his socket shut to look like a pirate.
With a two hour show, almost two much to comment on. The Jack Beard was hysterical, especially considering he has been on the island for how long and he always has that perfect Axe commercial man-stubble.
Best line of the night had to be Rousseau asking her daughter to help tie up Ben. I liked that . . . a lot!
Jack is finally making the tough decisions to be the leader he has always fought being. Bernard should have learned from this lesson. Here's why he should never have spoken up to save Jin - by telling the Others where everyone is going, he endagered the life of his own wife and every other beach dweller. In the words of Butthead, that's not cool, Beavis.
My original theory on who was in the flash forward casket was Sawyer, but I'm also wondering if it was Ben. The obsession with wondering if Kate went really leans towards James.
Amen, Cyndi on Charlie. He died honorably, but it sure seemed like he could have saved himself and kept Desmond safe. It was a big hatch and it doesn't take long to throw a tank on your back and a regulator in your mouth.
Pirateboy Mikhail has got more lives than an alleycat. Just saying not many folks can swim out of an underground layer with a spear in their chest.
Random comments of the day:
*I was excited to see Walt b/c maybe Michael is still around and we can see him die an excruciating death while everyone yells "stop saying MY BOY every five minutes, you whiney bastard!"
*I still don't like Juliet.
*Carla thinks Peter Petrelli isn't dead b/c he can regenerate. Not sure how you regenerate from an atomic blast and a fall from the stratosphere, but I hope so, so him and Claire can continue the sick "Lea/Luke" strange brother/sister romance thing.
I think the body in the casket is Ben. Jack was so upset because with Ben dead how will they ever get back to the island.
Frustrating moment of the night: Why is that one little button on Desmond's shirt always secure! Break open and give us some eye candy Damn it! I would be stranded on any island with Des. Note to self, kill Penny. Jenny
I loved the episode...and yes, I did cry when Charlie died. I was more upset by that than the "death" of the Petrelli brothers.
Charlie had to die--he knew that. THAT was why Desmond had no further visions re: Charlie. Charlie had to drown, he knew it, so he locked himself up after Jason/Mikail threw the grenade.
I LOVE Sawyer even more now. I do. He's all tormented. I just want to hug him. Naked, of course, but still hugging. ;)
Hurley's my Hero. I'm going to put that on a shirt, I think. :) These last 2 episodes I've been so upset by Charlie & Sawyer criticizing Hurley's weight and trying to make him feel bad. I understand they were trying to protect him, but still--harsh.
DESMOND! My fav Scot. I loved his run for the room so he could see Penny.
The women in the Looking Glass. The dark haired one was the mother having an affair on the short lived show: Windfall. The blonde was the girl from the Angel pilot. She got killed there, too. :) She was also on Days of our Lives AGES ago as Carrie or Sammy. I can't recall which one, but she was a bitch on that show, too.
The show isn't coming back until January 2008 and then it will return with NO breaks. Yay! There are only 44--46 episodes left.
Has anyone said this yet?
The name of the funeral was Hoffs/Drawler, which is an anagram for Flash Forward.
Also, it was a man who died. I think it was either Ben or Sawyer. If it was Sawyer though, who is Kate married to? If it was Ben, why would Jack go? That's all I have for now...
Has anyone said this yet?
The name of the funeral was Hoffs/Drawler, which is an anagram for Flash Forward.
Also, it was a man who died. I think it was either Ben or Sawyer. If it was Sawyer though, who is Kate married to? If it was Ben, why would Jack go? That's all I have for now...
Once again, I am going to give my very unhelpful 2 cents! But take it how you need it!
1. Was that the real Walt or an imaginary one? If imaginary, how could he age? Therefore, I think real. But where have they been?
2. I think the rest of the show will be everyone trying to get their lives back in order. I think the first episode next season will be them getting rescued. Okay maybe not. Not quite sure, but wouldn't be surprised.
3. Sayid...another reason why I LOVE HIM!! He is yummy AND just down right awesome! Nice neck snap. Yep, he is the man.
On another note, Mike's hotty vote is for Rose. Ha! I guess now that he is 40, he his appreciating the older crowd! She is kind of funny, and it's humor everyone wants in a mate, right?
4. Kate was driving a very nice car (volvo???) and for a fugitive, if this is a real flash forward, how does a fugitive get off the hook AND get some moola?
5. We think it is Locke who is the dead man. After being rescued, he will lose the use of his legs again and won't be able to handle it and offs himself. He has no family or friends anymore. So no one would attend.
6. Why on earth did Jack's exwife show up at the ER if she was not offering a ride home or anything.
7. Charlie looked extra nerdy when he was punching in the code.
8. What is up with Penny? I just don't get it. Why is she just sitting at a computer monitor at the right time when Charlie is sitting there? I mean its been 3 years right since Desmond is missing?
9. Do you think Jacob is even real? I don't. Mike does.
I don't know. I just don't know!
Well, I agree that the body in the funeral parlor is Ben.
Jack would go out of regret that he didn't listen. Kate wouldn't go just because there'd be no reason to, whereas she might feel a pull to attend Locke's or Sawyer's.
The "he" that Kate has to get home to is the son she had with Sawyer. I think she does get pregnant on the island, and when she gets rescued there is no threat to her life?
Next season, Jack's beard will grow long and white in an odd Evan Almighty tie-in where he goes mad and thinks he is Steve Carell and that when Walt comes to speak to him, he'll think that Walt is Morgan Freeman.
This will lead to an ark-building followed by Jack entering Penny's father's boat race and getting all forty people (who miss the island as Jack does) to wash ashore on an unchartered desert isle. BUT the man in the hatch there will be Ricardo Montalban AND the winner of the boat race will be Gavin MacLeod.
Let me know if I can clear up any other mysteries for you all.
Like: Who is lostboy, and how did he get to be so smart?
Oooh, I forgot to say this: I thought it was Locke in the coffin. He has no family and I imagined he and the others...I mean the LOST characters...would be pissed at each other. I figured Jack would regret not listening to him and want to visit b/c he felt responsible.
Okay, i know this post is way later than most, but i love lost, and im pretty sure that i know whats going on. I spent a lot of time talking with other lost addicts, and we have created a list of people that will die by the end, and have concocted several theories about the true identities of some of the unknown people on lost. First of all. The list of the soon to be deceased.
1. Sayid
2. Juliette
3. Michael
4. Locke
5. Ben
6. Jin
These are the people who i am almost positive will die.
Now, i have a couple theories, but im not sure about how accurate they are.
Some random things that im pretty sure i know:
Locke is the one in the coffin.
Naiomes people, is dharma initiative trying to reclaim the island.
They are in a second reality.(possibly multiple realities)
They have a link to antartica (polarbears)
Either way. im SOOO pumped for the next season! Im definately throwing a LOST party! Woo Hoo! you are all invited. haha namaste
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