Thursday, April 12, 2007

One of Us

It was a goody! Juliet rocks . . . even if she might be evil.

1. Jack was only with the Others for one week. “It’s been one week since Kate cried at me . . .”
2. Juliet just loves the song “Downtown.” It’s what is playing when she goes to her new job at Herarat Industries/Mittelos BioScience. They might be anagrams for something, but I haven’t been able to find anything yet.
3. Juliet’s sister, Rachel, had cancer and the radiation ruined her reproductive organs. Juliet used some sort of miracle meds to help her get pregnant. This is why Mittelos BioScience wanted her – “to create life where it was not meant to be.”
4. Is it just me or does Juliet have a really nice set of tatas? Not to be gross, but they are impressive
5. When Juliet woke up on the sub, were those the same two Russian guys from last season’s finale? Maybe Penny is associated with Mittelos – She is a Windmore, and they are all associated with The Hanso Foundation. So maybe it wasn’t an airplane – maybe it was a submarine.
6. The island can apparently save lives and cure illness, but it will not give life. Every pregnant woman dies – except Claire. It seems to me that Ben brought down the plane for that reason . . . and maybe the psychic in Sydney knew that!
7. I love the new sides of Ethan and Goodwin we have seen this season. Ethan seemed so creepy before, but now he seems like a nice-ish guy. If anything Juliet said is to be believed, he might have saved Claire. But then again . . .
8. Goodwin was kind of a hotty. Juliet thought so!
9. Ben keeps Juliet on the island by holding her sister’s life over her head. Another allusion to the all-powerful Jacob – “Jacob will save her. Surely you have faith in him.”
10. Ben claims he doesn’t lie – but we know that’s not true.
11. Mikhail is the info collector/watcher of the real world. He gathers all the data about the Losties.
12. Favorite line – Sawyer: “Look, it’s three men and a baby . . . I counted Hugo twice . . . What? I called you Hugo.”
13. Do you think the Others know Sun is pregnant? I’m thinking that THEY impregnated her, which solve the whole baby daddy drama . . . but causes a whole new mama drama.
14. Now we know why Juliet was crying in the season premiere – Ben has cancer and she thinks he is a liar who didn’t save her sister. “If you can cure cancer, why do you have it?” Yes, why is Ben sick when everyone else gets better on the island? Is he losing his morality maybe?
15. Richard is the man filming Rachel and Julian on the playground . . . but who is Richard?
16. I loved when Juliet called out Sayid and Sawyer . . . the Losties are hypocrites quite often. But her face afterwards tells me that she is not as tough as she plays . . . but then again . . .
17. She is an AWESOME liar! The whole thing was a set-up . . . and in one week (Island time) the plan will be revealed (I’m guessing one week will be the season finale).
18. I think the show has it’s momentum back! Yay!

Just remember . . . when you’re alone and life is making you lonely, you can always go



SinD said...

This is awesome! I haven't even read it yet - I'm just so excited to be here!

Anonymous said...

I haven't even SEEN the episode but I just wanted to say: Yay! You're blogging now. :)

SinD said...

Great notes, LLR.
I suspected Juliet was up to no good... or not? She could pull the old double cross. What can Ben hold over her now? Was the submarine the only way off the island?
I thought it was interesting that they kept saying that the last part of the sub ride is a little rough.
I wonder if we'll find out what happened to Walt and Michael? If it was such a difficult ride in the submarine how could they get anywhere and that dumpy fishing boat?
It looks like Locke is back next week - obviously they didn't take him home. I wonder if they all moved over to the Lostie island?

Anonymous said...

I Love the BLOG!!

TA TA for now! Yeah! I said it!!


Anonymous said...

You know, I now understand your hate for Jack. I haven't been a Jack-hater at all, but in this episode, I wanted to deck him. Uh, hello?! How does he possibly trust Juliet? HOW?

Loved each and every line of dialogue they gave Sawyer (even the terribly racist one about "our resident Iraqi"). :) Also, how about that look on his face when Kate came back. Awwwww, he's in luv. :)

Anonymous said...

One more thing: if the island kills every woman who gives birth then how has Rosseau (sp?) survived after giving birth to Alex? Am I missing something, here?