Monday, May 24, 2010
The End
I want to start by saying that I am a reader. There is little in which I find more joy than a good book – one that has twists and turns, one with interesting and well-developed characters, one with a great message; a book for which you are willing to stay up into the wee hours of the night because you just can’t put it down, but of which you might save the last 20 pages because you just don’t want it to end. A book that sticks with you for weeks even months or years (Blindness, A Prayer for Owen Meany, The Book Thief, The Bluest Eye all come to mind). This is what Lost was for me; another great story. A story I did not want to end. A story that kept me up at night (especially last night) trying to decipher.
I absolutely loved the finale. I know there are some who are disappointed with the lack of answers, but in my insomnia last night, I think I realized that a lot of answers were there all along, or they just didn’t matter. Yes, there are some that I would have liked answered, but wouldn’t it have been lame if it had been an hour of answers? I thought the resolution to Alternaworld was remarkably moving and the overall message of the series was beautiful.
I decided not to take notes while watching last night, but as I said, I tossed and turned all night thinking it through. Here are some finale thoughts:
I watched the pilot on Saturday night, and it was cool to recognize some of the references that were made this season. A few things I noticed:
a. Locke told Walt about his paralysis. Other than Walt, I think Rose was the only other person who knew (until Alternaworld, anyway).
b. Locke and Walt played Backgammon, which Locke stated was the oldest game (Mesopotamia). The whole game started right then . . .
c. Jin told Sun to “button up,” just like he did in LA X.
Sun and Jin:
· I think they were both candidates. I think they had to be together no matter what after all Jacob witnessed them going through to find one another.
· The fact that they remembered during the ultrasound was a way of saying that Ji Yeon is ok. That she was ok in her alternapregnancy seems to tell me that she is ok in real life. Sob.
Sawyer and Juliet
· Interesting that Juliet was Jack’s ex-wife, but it totally makes sense, as they were momentarily together on the island.
· I’m guessing Sawyer’s post-island life was about personal redemption. In his own way, he probably seeking justice – like the detective he became in alternaworld.
· I was so pissed when they first ran into each and didn’t recognize one another. But when they touched, it was all I could do not to completely melt down. “We’ll go dutch.” Oh my goodness!
· Remember how the psychic kept telling her that she had to raise Aaron? Now I don’t think it was an ominous warning about the future of the world. It was a warning for Claire herself. Aaron was her constant; he was how she would not be alone in the world. In the end, the psychic’s words were about her getting on that plane in the end. She had to go find her constant; she had to be with Aaron; she had to have her family (which I think included Kate).
· I can’t believe it, but I didn’t hate Kate in the end. She saved Claire and you know she helped her raise Aaron. And she did love Jack . . . after all.
· Thought it was hilarious when she said, “Christian Shephard? Really?”
Rose and Bernard (and Vincent, too)
· They knew all along who and where they were. Remember Rose told Jack on the flight, “You can let go now.” And Bernard didn’t seem surprised at all when Jack came to see him. They always were attuned with each other and their surroundings. I wonder how they finally died . . .
· Vincent . . . what can I say? Best dog ever!
· In rewatching the pilot, I came to realize that Sayid’s character was such a huge play on our perceptions of people. In the pilot, Sawyer accuses him of being a terrorist, and Sayid played against type so many times. In the end, when he ran out of the submarine was such a great subversion of the suicide bomber.
· Why Shannon? Well, I think that though he loved Nadia, she was always too good for him; she could never really admit or accept his flaws, I don’t think. Shannon could because she was flawed also. By the way, how do you think Boone remembered?
Hurley and Ben
· Loved, loved, loved this development. Hurley has struck me all season as the perfect replacement, because as Ben said, he takes care of people. I would love to see how the rules changed under his leadership . . .
· Speaking of rules, I thought it was interesting (though questionably too easy) that all the crazy rules were seemingly arbitrary under Jacob. “That dude’s worse than Yoda.”
· Ben CHOSE to do good in the end, and he was rewarded with a true connection to the island. He also chose not to go into the church in the end. I think he wanted to wait for Alex to be ready; Danielle, too.
· He must have made it home; he had to have made it home. Hurley helped him.
· I was not all that satisfied with the end of Flocke. It seemed almost too easy – I kept waiting for Locke to make an appearance in his own body. He did have the line of the night, though: “You’re kind of the obvious choice, don’t you think?”
· The great gift Jack gave him? Knowing that he’d mattered in his life. What more could someone ask for?
Those Who Were Not There
· The biggest question is probably Walt and Michael. Well, we know Michael was trapped on the island. I wonder if there is any way for him to move on? Walt? Well, remember when Locke went to see Walt in season 4? He realized that Walt had moved on, that Walt had a new life, and Locke decided that he could not ask him to return. He was only 10 when he was on the island; I would hope that he made more meaningful connections in his adult life.
· Daniel and Charlotte – Eloise knew the situation all along and was trying to stop Desmond from taking her son. She wanted to give him the life she’d denied him. Daniel and Charlotte seemed to recognize each other, but neither was really connected to Jack, so there was no reason for them to be there. They will find their own meeting place – maybe with Lapidus and Miles.
· Mr Eko – well, the actor wanted no part of the finale, but it also makes sense because he always followed his own path. However, I wonder if he isn’t trapped on the island, too, since he refused to repent for his sins (he had a point since he did it all to save his brother).
Lingering Mysteries
· Why couldn’t the Others have babies? Good question – everyone before and after them were able to. Was it self-fulfilling? Was Jacob punishing them?
· Others you’d like to discuss? I probably thought about it while I couldn’t sleep last night and might have a theory.
· Why was it so hard for him to let go/to move on? He seemed to fight it all the way. Was this because he was afraid he would lose everyone again, like he did on the island by sacrificing himself?
· I think that David was a projection of himself, and Jack a projection of his father. He needed to prove that he could have a loving familial relationship.
· When Christian asked him, “how are you here?” I almost fell off my chair, and immediately started crying. So many people online didn’t get it, so let me just reiterate what Christian said – the island was real, everything that happened there was real; alternaworld was a world they created for after they died.
· Watching him die; what a parallel to the beginning. The plane over head, Vincent by his side, eyes closing. Priceless.
I feel like crying now. I’m sad it’s over. It’s been a great journey, and I’ve enjoyed getting my geek on with you each week.
Closing the book is never easy, especially one as great as Lost.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What They Died For
PUT IT ON YOUR CALENDAR – Sunday is LOST marathon – there’s a retrospective that starts at 6:00 pm; then the episode begins at 8:00pm and ends at 10:30. It is a damn good thing that the school year is almost over – otherwise, I might feel guilty for the waste of space I am destined to be on Monday.
Anyway, sadly, we are almost at the end. I’m guessing some of you are feeling discontent with the few answers we’ve gotten, but I have to tell you that I think I am ok with some ambiguity at the end. And I do think we’re going to get a good number of answers by the end of the evening Sunday. Even if we don’t, this has been the best show ever . . . and I think I may suffer psychological damage without it to obsess over.
My observations and analysis:
1. Cut on Jack’s neck is bleeding again as he looks in the mirror. The island is calling him.
2. David’s big blue eyes are a giveaway – Juliet has got to be his mother.
3. One big happy family – there’s got to be something to the fact that Claire and Jack are together in alternaworld. Somehow they’ve got to get together on the island. Maybe she will be his companion . . . or maybe she has to go back and raise Aaron so that Kate can stay and be his companion.
4. Oceanic calls. They found the coffin. But it’s not Oceanic . . . Des on the prowl again!
5. Des claims his acitons against Locke are about “Trying to get him to let go . . .” Ben is remembering . . . getting punched in the face will jar your memory. And he’s getting his snarky attitude back.
6. Concert at the museum . . . the one where David will be performing.
7. Des turns himself in . . . to get to Kate? How does he know how to find everyone?
8. Alex tells Ben, “You look like Napoleon.” Meets Danielle (I thought she wasn’t going to be on the show this season! Yay! And she looks good . . . no mom pants). Alex’s father died when she was two, so apparently they were NOT on the island. Are Ben and Danielle going to get it on?
9. Locke returns to Jack’s office. “Maybe this happened for a reason” “Mistaking coincidence for Fate” Asks Jack to fix him. CHOICE!
10. Vomit worthy moment#1: Kate expects Sawyer to let her go. Man, does stomach vile burn!
11. Des makes them promise to do something when he sets them free. Ana Lucia!!! Hurley (he remembers Ana Lucia; apparently, he remembers everything) “She’s not coming with us?” “She’s not ready yet?” Does that mean that someday she will be?
It’s Lostapalooza – they’re all going to a concert Sunday! Do you suppose Geronimo Jones will make a guest appearance?
1. Flashback: Jack’s stitching Kate, just like she did for him in the premiere.
2. Shout out to Ji Yeon by Kate. Poor baby.
3. Vomit worthy moment #2: Kate all touchy with Sawyer on the island, too. And just after Jack saved her ass. WTF.
4. Ben, Miles, and Richard are back. Going back for C4 (is this before or after the sub incident?) It appears that no one knows the plane is already a goner.
5. Richard buried Alex. Miles senses her. This sets Ben off, though I think it should have made him a little more beholden to Richard. But, maybe, Ben is not as he appears (more on this . . . )
6. “It’s where I was told I could summon the monster. That was before I realized it was summoning me.” This tells me that Ben is not just giving in to the dark side; I think he has a plan . . .
7. The plumbing still works in Dharmaville. How bout that!
8. Widmore tells Zoe to sink the freighter. Widmore claims that he had the plane rigged with C4 before. Claims to have been visited by Jacob. Do you believe him?
9. James asks a good question: “If [F]Locke wants Desmond dead, why doesn’t he just kill him himself?”
10. Hurley sees little Jacob. Lil Jacob wants the ashes back. Why? “When the fire burns out, you’ll never see me again . . . We’re very close to the end, Hugo.”
11. Ben decides to wait and face down Flocke. Richard thinks all Flocke wants is him . . . wishful thinking, I say. But upon further reflection, now I’m thinking that perhaps Ben believes he is the candidate to replace Flocke!!!
12. Did he just hurl Richard to death? That was way too easy. That can’t possibly be how they are ending Richard. If it were, wouldn’t Smokey have done it a long time ago?
13. WTF Moment #1: Flocke offers Ben the island in return for killing people. Ben gives him up so easily . . . or is this part of his master plan?
14. HOLY CRAP: Flocke slices Zoe’s neck. “You told her not to talk to me and that made her useless.” Interesting . . .
15. Flocke threatens Penny. CW claims he brought Des back because of his immunity to electromagnetism. “It was a last resort.”
16. WTF Moment #2: Ben kills CW. His reason: “He doesn’t get to save his daughter.”
17. All Things Jacob:
-- How can everyone see Jacob?
--“Come and sit down and I’ll tell you what they died for. I’ll tell you why I chose them, and why I chose you.”
--Jacob admits his mistake – I’m responsible for the monster. “I made him that way.” ---- James asks, “Why do I got to be punished for your mistake?” Jacob says they are not being punished:
-- “Chose you because you were like me – you were all alone. You needed this place as much as you needed one another”
--Crossed Kate off because she became a mother. “The job is yours if you want it; it’s just chalk”
--CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jacob believes man has Free Will, even though he never really had one.
-- Honestly, I’m still not sure exactly what they died for . . .
18. “I thought that guy had a God-complex before.” Why does Jack volunteer? Does he really feel it is his destiny or does he just figure he has nothing else to live for? How will the Alternaworld play into this decision? How will cute little David play a role?
19. TWIBS: What’s with the water? Communion? Something changes in Jack after he drinks it. “Now you’re like me.”
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body." Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." Matthew 26:26-28 (NIV)
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take it; this is my body." Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, and they all drank from it. "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many." Mark 14:22-24 (NIV)
And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me." In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you." Luke 22:19-20 (NIV)
Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf. 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 (NIV)
And when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me." In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. 1 Corinthians 11:24-26 (NIV)
Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day." John 6:53-54 (NIV)
20. I still think there is humanity somewhere in Flocke: “Why do you bother walking?” “It reminds me that I was human.” Somewhere, deep down inside, he still wants to be human. Is that Locke speaking? If Locke in Alternaworld lets go, will he also be getting rid of Smokey on the island? Could Locke still somehow end up the guardian of the island?
21. Where did Des go? I thought everyone had forgotten him . . .Desmond was a failsafe. Locke wants to use him to destroy the island. I’ve got a feeling (woohoo) that Des is going to be making some HUGE sacrifices . . .
Until Sunday . . .
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Across the Sea
I can’t describe how I felt about this episode except that I think that there were a lot of answers (ok, clues to answers) but that it is going to take the final three episodes to understand this one. The live Twitter reaction was very mixed – I assume the same is true of this group. Can’t wait to hear your reactions.
1. What language were they speaking? I read that it was Swedish or a Nordic language. My first thought was that it was Latin, and that makes more sense to me. Remember, the Others spoke Latin . . .
2. Allison Janney! That was surprise casting as crazy momma!
3. I thought Momma said it well: "Every question you ask will just lead to another question . . ." just like this show!!!
4. The real mother of MIB and Jacob is named Claudia. Some sources say the name means “lame” while others state it means “perservering.” I’m going with “Lame” as she was easily taken down, seen by Momma as too weak and prone to evil to raise her babies, particularly BIB (Baby/Boy in Black). Why didn't she want Claudia to see the second baby? Still no name. What the dealio?
5. BIB initiates the game. He tells him that someday Jacob can make up his own game and rules (bringing the Losties to the island a game with his rules?) Jacob a snitch? "Jacob doesn't know how to lie." "He's not like you. You're . . . special."
6. Lies their mother told them:
--"There is nowhere else. It's all there is"
--"Dead. Something you will never have to worry about."
7. Maybe lies their Mother told them:
--Mother says the same thing of the men that Smokey later said of men -- basically that they are inherently evil.
--Momma claims she's made it so they can never hurt each other.
8. What is the light? Why should noone ever find it? "A little bit of this light is inside every man." "If the light goes out here, it goes out everywhere." The cave is what everyone is looking for – the source of life? Existence of God? Existence of the Devil? Going into the light is worse than dying.
9. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: Refresh yourself on twins Jacob and Esau, although the birth order is a bit off and it is the favor of the mother, not the father . . .
Interestingly, Jacob asks, "Why do you love him more than me?"
10. Jacob can't see Claudia. Why not?
11. .As they grow older, they stay connected. Smokey comes to believe she was right about "his people," “They are greedy, manipulative, and selfish.” Jacob does not believe they are bad, but he only knows this through his observations; he has had no interactions. However, it seems to me that Jacob makes this his mission.
MIB uses the people he despises because they are a means to an end – he wants to leave the island and prove Momma wrong. He built the donkeywheel that Locke and Ben later turned . . . he did find a way off the island, but Momma prevented him from ever using it himself.
12. Did anyone else think Jacob was like a child even as a grown man? Do you think Momma was trying to prove through him that there can be pure goodness/innocence? Is that why she tried so hard to keep him from others? In the end, I think Jacob realized that while his mother was right that men may be prone to evil, as proven through his actions against his brother, they can CHOOSE to be good. I think that is his end game – if he can prove that most men will choose good, he wins the game.
13. Words that make you go hmmmm: "It was always supposed to be you, Jacob." "Now you and I are the same."
14. Was Momma a protector of the island? How did she get there?
15. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: Jacob unleashed Smokey (or created him, but I’m going with unleashed) by sending his brother into the light. It was as if it was a human sacrifice that unleashed the beast. I don’t really think Jacob’s brother is Smokey; I think his brother is dead. I think Smokey took MIB’s form to F*** with Jacob. However, I believe that when Jacob laid his mother and brother to rest, he made a decision to contain the beast and to save mankind.
16. ANSWERED: Adam and Eve are Smokey and his momma
I think that as I ponder this episode, more may become clear. I’ll post comments if anything comes to mind.
What I would like to know from you all is what questions do you feel HAVE to be answered before the series ends. It seems like there are so many out there still, they can’t possibly answer them all. Tops on my list: Why was Walt special? Why can’t women have babies? Why did everyone want Aaron/what makes him special?
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Candidate
This episode was in the top five episodes of Lost ever! Others I include in my list? The Constant, Through the Looking Glass, and a couple from seasons one and two (the premiere and the second season finale).
1. Locke’s initial injury caused by . . . a plane accident he was in with his father, Anthony Cooper. He caused it; destroyed his father. Helen says he loved his father more than anything . . . there we go again with those fathers and sons!
2. Yay! Bernard! Locke’s dentist. How about that!
3. AlternaJack is showing signs of his old ways . . . can’t let go of things.
4. Alternalocke mutters in his sleep, “Push the button” “I wish you had believed me”
5. Apollobar from machine . . . just like when Jacob touched Jack. Foreshadowing here? Jack tries to touch Claire, but she refuses. She isn’t “with” them on the island anymore.
6. Claire never met her father in Alternaworld
7. Mirrorbox . . . Claire and Jack in the same reflection. What do you think it means?
8. “What happened happened. You can let it go . . .” “I can help you, John. I wish you believed me.” Sound familiar? Is this saying that the island really did happen?
1. When they put them in the cage, my first thought was “Please tell me this is not going to be a repeat of the last time they were in the cage. I might not ever watch again . . .”
2. I don’t think Flocke actually can kill them, just as Jack stated (Wrote this before he said it).
3. Shooting at smoke seems pretty pointless to me.
4. Flocke’s giving out honest trifles again . . .
5. Come on, Sawyer. You can’t be that dumb. Oh, good, you’re not.
6. Jack’s hair is really getting gray on the island. Do you suppose that is significant?
7. Favorite Line of the Night: “John Locke told me to stay!”
8. OMG! They shot Kate!
9. OMG! They abandoned Claire again!
10. Where’s Richard?
11. SAYID CHOOSES HUMANITY! Awesome ending for him!! You CAN always choose not to go to the dark side. Doesn't this action alone prove Jacob right and MIB wrong? Before he goes, he tells Jack about Desmond in the well and says, "Because it is going to be you." Hmmmm . . .
12. The sub was underwater in the underwater island image from the first episode.
13. Nobody cares that Lapidus died . . . poor guy.
14. Sun and Jin: They’re gonna die together. I am going to cry. Second saddest Lost moment, next to Charlie dying; slightly more weepy than Juliet dying. I guess in the end, it didn't matter which one was a candidate, because they were going to choose to be together no matter what. Maybe they were one candidate together.
15. Kate still loves Jack.
Is it possible that Alternalocke can somehow return to the island? He’s "the candidate" in alternaworld, after all. But more likely in my mind is the idea that Jack is becoming one with Locke (same name, I say again) and is therefore now suited to protect the island. In some ways, Realocke will live on . . .
Or (after a night of tossing and turning I'm leaning this way), will Alternalocke somehow go to the island to take his true place as the candidate so that the rest can live their alternalives? I'm starting to root for the idea that somehow they are going to get their alternalives, and that those lives are imperfect, and that's ok. After all, Jack has a son in alternaworld, Jin and Sun are together and waiting for Jeo Yin to arrive, Hurley is with Libby, Sawyer is going to meet Juliet, mother of David, ex of Jack, any day now (I just know it). Plus, if somehow Alternalocke can be the candidate, his life will have meaning, which is all he's ever wished for.
Next week looks kickass! It's all about Jacob and MIB.
In the end, it's all about the choices we make. Sayid certainly proved that. Sun and Jin (sob) certainly proved that. Jack is proving it weekly (whoda thunk I would spend most of the final season LIKING Jack? Still hate Kate, though).
That was sad. And beautiful. And a great episode.
p.s. This post was done without time to reflect, as I will be without internet tomorrow. Who runs a workshop in a place with no internet? Oh, people who actually want you to focus on what is going on. Jerks.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Last Recruit
Before I delve in, I was wondering why this episode had a “previously on Lost” when most have not this season. I think it must be because this was a set-up for the remainder of the season; a review was necessary. Anyway . . .
Here’s a quick rundown of the events:
a. Locke and Sun are brought to the hospital (more on this . . . )
b. Sawyer has arrested Kate and is flirting with her (gag). Thinks it is a strange coincidence that they’ve run into each again.
c. Miles gets a tip on the triple homicide at the restaurant . . . he and James have gone to arrest Sayid.
d. Des “runs into” Claire as she heads to the adoption agency; offers to hire a lawyer for her
e. Jack and David are going to the reading of the will
f. Ilana is the lawyer
g. Claire and Jack are introduced and realize they are bro and sis
h. Sun and Jin’s baby is ok
i. Jack is called to operate on Locke.
1. Why did Sun freak out when she saw Locke? Has her near death experience caused her to remember some of the island? Is she recognizing him as Locke or Flocke? Why does he give her that little grin?
2. Locke says Helen is the woman he was “going to marry.” Is this because he thinks he is dying or have they already broken up?
3. Locke’s spinal sack is severed, much like Jack’s wife in originalworld was.
4. Still don’t know who David’s mom is . . . I’m going with Juliet. She will come to the hospital to pick David up, and she will run into Sawyer, he will turn back into James.
5. Everyone’s coming to the hospital . . . I’m guessing Miles and Sawyer will be coming to question Jin . . . Claire will go into labor . . . what about Hurley and Kate? And what will happen when they do?
1. CONFIRMED (?): Flocke “admits” that he took the form of Christian shortly after O815 crashed. He claims he did so in order to help Jack find water. This is similar to what he did for Richard. Who else has appeared as? Eko’s brother? Shannon to Sayid? Walt to Locke (although Walt’s not dead, so . . .)?
Again, I remind you of the words of Shakespeare from Macbeth, “"And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray's In deepest consequence."
2. John Locke revisited: There is a lot of discussion of the real John Locke. Was he a believer? Was he a sucker? I’m going with believer . . . who was sacrificed for the greater good, though he never knew it. Though his image has been coopted for a corrupt agenda, his true identity is serving as inspiration for others (see Jack comments . . .). Sounds a little like Jesus, no? We see this every day, yes?
3. How did Claire know that Jack is her brother? Did I miss that somewhere?
4. “COME TO THE DARK SIDE, LUKE.” And the Losties give a resounding, “NO!” As Hurley (future Jacob? Or more likely, future Richard . . .) says, “It’s never too late. You can always bring people back from the dark side.”
n No way did Sayid kill Desmond. No way. He still has a glimmer of humanity . . . because of . . . LOVE
n Claire gives up her relationship with Flocke in about 20 SECONDS, all for the promise of reunion with her son and the possibility of friendship and family.
BTW: Did anyone ever see Eddie and the Cruisers? It’s my dad’s favorite movie and there is a song called “On the Darkside” that I haven’t been able to get out of my head since last night.
5. Why do you suppose that James has written everyone off? How will he be “saved”? He is back to being Sawyer, except for Jack is now calling him James. Coincidence? I think not.
6. I kinda wish Claire had gone psycho on their asses. I was waiting for Kate to get shot. I know, I know. It’s time to get over my hatred . . . I’ve made some strides by . . .
7. I can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but I don’t hate Jack anymore. Wanna know why? Cause he has taken the lessons he learned from Locke (as hard as he tried to deny them at the time) and become a bit of a Locke-like. He knows they can’t leave the island yet, that it is a part of them (figuratively or literally?)
8. LINE OF THE NIGHT: Sawyer: “The guy who looks like he just stepped off the set of a Burt Reynolds movie” Ha!
9. “Reunited and it feels so good.” But you just knew something bad was gonna happen after . . .
So, much conversation has been had about which candidate is indeed headed toward becoming the new Jacob. What do you think?
After this week, I am more convinced than ever that this whole show is about FREEWILL. It is never too late to decide who you WANT to be.
By the way, who is the last recruit? And what was he/she recruited for?
What did you think?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Everybody Loves Hurley
I apologize in advance for the length and randomness of this post.
1. If you really want to get your geek on, check out this recap of Everybody Hates Hugo.
2. Why does everybody love Hurley (including Pierre Chang aka Dr Marvin Candle aka Miles’ daddy)? Well, Mr. Cluck’s Home for Children should be reason enough, don’t you think?
3. He’s currently benefitting the Paliontology Wing at the museum. I sense a Charlotte connection coming on . . .
4. Laugh Out Loud Moment: Hurley tells Mama that next week, they have “The Human Fund” awards. Ha!
5. Ditched by a date at “Spanish Johnny’s” . . . Libby shows up; he thinks it’s his date. She remembers? Bruce Davison (Dr from Santa Rosa and the melty guy from XMen) always signals creepiness is about to ensue. He seems to know something, if you ask me. A Widmore associate? A former Dharma doctor? A lover for Eloise?
6. Hurley is not as happy as he appeared in earlier episodes this season. Perhaps because he LACKS LOVE!
7. Des, oh Des. How I love thee. You are hot. But I think you are hotter as Island Des, not all clean cut and pretty. But all the same . . .
--Des has tracked Hurley down . . . “Did you believe her when she said she knew ya?”
--Des counsels him not to give up.
--Order #42 . . .
- Dr. lets go of his concerns for a cost . . .
- Libby remembers the island and being the institution, too.
- CONNECT FOUR GUY! The one Hurley got the numbers from?
10. By the way . . . did Hugo win the lottery with the same numbers in alternaworld? If so, how did he come across them in alternaworld?
11. TOO CUTE FOR WORDS! Picnic on the beach, just like they were supposed to have on the island. Same discussion about why she would like him. The kiss helps him remember! All instigated by Desmond.
I’ll be back to Alternaworld soon . . .
1. Hurley visits Libby and wants her to visit with him. What do you suppose is the reason she won’t? Could it be cause she did nothing wrong on the island? Since we now know . . .
2. Ominous voices in the jungle are the voices of those who cannot leave . . . this is gonna piss people off, this whole purgatory bit. Other than Michael, whose voices d you think we hear? Ana Lucia? Juliet? Eko? Paulo and Nikki (haha)?
3. HOLY CRAP MOMENT ARTZ Part 2: Ilana has been training her whole life “to protect” Hugo and the other candidates! I kinda liked her, too. Now she’s failed her mission? Or will she return to guide Hurley (you know, since he sees dead people)?
Was the island “done” with Ilana? Or was it her stupid decision to carry dynamite in her purse?
Hurley blew up the Black Rock. Go Hugo!
4. Lockeness waiting for the rest of the Losties to get off “this God-forsaken Rock.” Is that because Locke is God-forsaken? Could he . . . cue the Church-Lady . . . Satan? I don’t know if I think he is Satan, but he is some connection to the fallen angel.
5. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE: Notes From the Underground by Dostevesky. Another existential novella . . .
From Wikipedia: Like many of Dostoevsky's novels, Notes from Underground was unpopular with Soviet literary critics due to its explicit rejection of socialist utopianism[4] and its portrait of humans as irrational, uncontrollable, and uncooperative. His claim that human needs can never be satisfied even through technological progress, also goes against Marxist beliefs. Many existentialist critics, notably Jean-Paul Sartre, considered the novel to be a forerunner of existentialist thought and an inspiration to their own philosophies.
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was very impressed with Dostoevsky, claiming that "Dostoevsky is one of the few psychologists from whom I have learned something,"[5] and that Notes from Underground "cried truth from the blood."[citation needed]
The novel has also been cited by Paul Schrader as an influence when he wrote the screenplay for the film Taxi Driver, which has existential themes. The novel American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis quotes a passage from the introduction of Notes from Underground as one of its epigraphs, as a means of comparing the use of the Underground Man as a symbol of his generation and environment to the novel's protagonist Patrick Bateman as a similar contemporary symbol.
6. Never thought this would happen . . . LINE OF THE NIGHT GOES TO . . . JACK! “Maybe she [Ilana] died to show us to stay the hell away from dynamite.” RUNNER UP? Hurley does trust Michael. Why? “Dead people are more reliable than live people.”
n Willingly goes with Locke“Nowhere to run to, Brotha.”
n Doesn’t give up what he believes is the reason he was brought by Widmore, but does tell him about the magnetic blast.
n Plays like he believes Flocke is Locke. What is the purpose of this? It’s clear Flocke doesn’t buy it and it’s clear
8. WILD THEORY OF THE NIGHT: Return of the bloody-hands boy . . . Could he be the son of the MIB? A sacrifice he made that he regrets?
9. TWIBS: With the MIB, this idea of the “second” son (in love not birth order) keeps coming up. We’ve discussed Moses and Aaron. (for one example, see We’ve discussed Jacob and Esau. For a moment, let me discuss Isaac and Ishmael. Isaac’s mother, Sarah, could not conceive, so she gave her servant girl, Hagar, up as a surrogate. Shortly afterward, Sarah conceived herself, and sent Hagar away so that her own son would be favored. This seems to be where many religious traditions split – in Christianity and Judaism, Isaac is the favored son. In Islam, it is Ismael.
So why the heck am I bringing this up? Well, for one, many considered Hagar to be wicked and crazy (as MIB considers his own mother). Secondly, perhaps it is not so simple as MIB is bad, Jacob is good. Maybe it is more complex than that. Maybe it is all a question of perception and belief. Then again, maybe I am just talking out my behind!
10. Richard calls out Hurley for lying about Jacob. Good point, Richard: Jacob never tells us what to do. BUT -- why didn’t anyone ask Richard what the island is?!!!!!
11. Ben and Miles go with Richard. Jack, Sun, Frank stick with Hurley. Do we now have THREE tribes . . . (hmmm . . . TWIBS #2? The three major religions and their belief systems? Talking out my behind again?)
12. I’m probably going to Jack realized he can’t always fix everything; needs to let go. Hurley questions whether or not Jack should have let go and listened to him.
13. GET AWAY FROM THE WELL, DESMOND!!! Didn’t you see that coming? Didn’t you yell at your tv for him to move? Locke trying to do away w/ Desmond? What’s the relevance of the hand dug well? Compass needles? Clearly the fact that Des is immune to magnetism is the reason Flocke threw him down there?
Crazy idea? Could he be sending AlternaDes back to Alternaworld?
Why isn’t Desmond afraid? “What’s the point of being afraid?”
14. Why does Jack look like he is going to cry when he sees Flocke?
Return to Alternaworld:
HOLY FREAKING CRAP!!!: After being accused by Dr. Linus of perviness, Des RUNS DOWN Locke!! Why? Here’s what I think, though I don’t know if it makes any sense. He is trying to make Locke remember the island so he can avoid his death or fight Flocke. Somewhere, deep down in Flockey, lives Locke? After all, shouldn’t Locke’s soul be stuck on the island, as he did some “bad” things while he was there, just like Michael.
I guess that’s it for now. However, I cannot get that creepy Willy Wonka music from playing in my head over and over again. I feel like I am on that crazy-ass boat he took Charlie (hmmmm. . .) and the others on where they saw creepy images of giant bugs, screaming people, and Slugworth.
Looking forward to your comments . . . I’m dying to discuss.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
"The Package" and "Happily Ever After"
The Package (title refers to two human packages, Desmond and Jin (also two of the hottest hotties on the show))
1. “I don’t feel anything,” says Sayid. What’s that all about? (ties in nicely with the next episode, when Charlie desperately wants Des to feel something . . .)
2. Widmore’s people want Jin because he knows where the magnetic fields are located.
3. Don’t you think Jack has definitely become Locke-ish? He tells Sun, “There’s a reason we were brought to this island” (she don’t wanna hear that!)
4. Jin is dropped off in Room 23, where Carl had subliminal messaging tests conducted on him. Two things I noted flashing across the screen: “We are the cause of our own suffering.” “Everything changes.” IT’S ALL ABOUT CHOICE!
5. Claire asks Flocke if Kate’s name is on the wall, as she is jealous and still wants to kill Kate. Flocke informs her, “not anymore.” What did Kate do to be removed as a candidate (other than pout, whine, cry, inject herself where unnecessary, flirt with Juliet’s man, etc)?
6. Flocke cites Locke: “A wise man once said a war was coming to this island . .
7. What’s the package on the sub? Knew it was Desmond!!!
8. RECURRING STATEMENT: If Flocke escapes, everything ceases to be . . .
9. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE/LOST GOES TO THE MOVIES: Sayid swimming was reminiscent of Willard in Apocalypse Now (based on Heart of Darkness – ROB comment). Willard, to remind you, was the soldier sent to assassinate the twisted Colonel Kurtz, but whose own humanity is compromised by his mission. How does this relate to Sayid, you ask? Well, Sayid’s humanity is certainly compromised by undertaking the mission given to him by Flocke (see #1).
1. Poor Jin and Sun; no matter what world they live in, they cannot seem to have a happily ever after. Daddy Paik just won’t let it happen; in fact, he has gone to extreme measures to prevent it . . . paying Keamy $25K to kill Jin. I wonder if perhaps the same would have happened in the original timeline had they not crashed on the island . . .
2. Mikhail is shot in eye . . . he wears an eyepatch on the island. Could it be that the two realities have converged previously? I don’t remember an explanation for his eyepatch in the original storyline.
3. In a strange twist, perhaps the island is the reason little Kwon was born . . . In alternaworld, Jin or Mikhail inadvertently shoots Sun, causing her to likely miscarry!
So what is Alternaworld, exactly? Well, I’m standing by the idea that it is what Flocke will give you if you work with him. It is what you think you want, what you most desire, but it comes at the cost of what you need . . . (love?) However, Jack’s and John’s storylines make this theory somewhat problematic, as they seem to have better realities in alternaworld. Maybe they didn’t work with Flocke? Maybe their alternaworlds are the better realities they get for having faith, for making the right choices, etc . . .
“Happily Ever After”
1. When Des awakes, he doesn’t seem quite as pissed at Widmore as I would have expected (although shortly thereafter starts beating him with the IV stand)
2. Widmore tells Des, “The island isn’t done with you yet.” Same thing that Hawkins told him when Ben + Company sought her help in returning to the island.
3. Completely unimportant, but I like the way Widmore says “scheduled.”
4. The damned bunny again! Angstrom is his name, which refers to one of two things; Harry Angstrom from the Rabbit Series by John Updike (themes of life, death, redemption) or Jonas Angstrom, a physicist who worked in magnetism.
5. RECURRING THEME AGAIN: Desmond must sacrifice – “if you don’t help, they will all be gone, forever”
6. Why is Desmond the one man able to withstand the electromagnetic event? Is it because he has an ANCHOR?! . . .
1. Desmond encounters Hurley, Claire (who he has an inkling will have a boy), and Jack in this world.
2. Minkowski, played by Fisher Stevens (“Number 5 is alive!”)picks him up. Takes him to his office, where he is embraced by Widmore. Good to see Fishy again!
3. Reminder of Old Times: Drinking McCutcheon scotch, as when Charles sent Des away on the boat race. This time, however, Widmore says Des is worth the price.
4. Charlie can feel the island!!!!! He could see the islandworld when he was choking; he saw and felt Claire when he was choking, now all he wants is to get back to that place, at any cost. And he wants Des (and everyone?) to feel something, too! “All that matters is that we felt it.”
5. Did you notice that Desmond’s pupils don’t dialate? Suffering from concussion . . . or not really in this world.
6. Who is Mrs. Widmore? She has a nasty reputation for being a beyotch . . . Why, it is Eloise Hawking! She recognizes him immediately, and seems a little shaken by it. She doesn’t really live up to her rep, initially, when she says, “What happened, happened.” But things change when Des tries to see the guest list . . .
Milton, Penny – solo; Eloise goes a little nutso, trying to stop Des. “Attained the thing you want more than anything; my husband’s approval.” At the cost of Penny! SEE THEORY ON ALTERNAWORLD . . . Sing it Mick: “you can’t always get what you want.”
7. Daniel (Farrady) Widmore knows what up too! Love at first sight for Daniel – Charlotte! He’s a musician in alternaworld. He asks, “What if this wasn’t supposed to be our life?” D-dog can remember, too!
8. THE ANCHOR: The stadium where Des met Jack is where he finds Penny. Shakes her hand and wakes up. She is his constant. Because he finds Penny, his destiny, because he chooses to find her even in this world where he got what he always “wanted,” he can save the island/the life he was supposed to lead. Maybe that is what all the other Losties will have to do to overcome Flocke – find their constants, their anchors. Maybe that is why Claire is so lost – her constant is gone. Sayid? – constant dead. James/Sawyer? -- constant gone?
9. MOMENTARY RETURN TO ISLANDLAND: Why couldn’t they allow Widmore to explain?!! Then we might have more of a clue . . . Damn you, Lost Writers!
10. Flashes again. Makes a date with Penny; tells Minkowski he wants manifest from the fight. I just need to show them something . . .
ONLY FIVE WEEKS LEFT UNTIL THE FINALE!! I am so excited but also so sad. Looking forward to your witty remarks (unwitty remarks are also welcome and appreciated)!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Don't Worry!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Ab Aeterno
Thank Jacob that was a HUGE improvement from last week! The show REDEEMED itself in my EYE. Do you like that little bit of Lost/Biblical humor? I crack myself up . . .
Hold on for the ride . . . this is gonna be a long post, I think!
What We Now Know About Richard/Ricardo/Ricardus:
1. Richard lived in 1867 in the Canary Islands, El Socorro to be exact. He had a lovely wife named Isabella who died from consumption (aka tuberculosis). She was a woman of faith (as was Ricardo?), but was willing to give up her symbol of faith to try to help her husband try to help her (it’s just a symbol, after all?).
2. Oh, shit, he killed the doctor. And for nothing!
3. TWIBS: Richard reads from the Bible Luke 4. We can read clearly on the screen, "NO prophet is accepted into his own county.” Luke 4 is one of the chapters of the Gospel recounting a number of important events in Jesus’ life before the crucifixion: the temptation of Jesus by the Devil in the desert, the rejection of Jesus in Nazareth (his hometown), and the exorcism of a man possessed by the Devil.
Is Ricardo then a prophet? It seems to foreshadow his encounter with MIB (who needs a name – soon!), role as advisor to Jacob, as well as highlight his rejection by his own people. However, what do you think the exorcism bit my be highlighting/foreshadowing?
Richard’s trials also made me think of Job . . .
There’s also the bit where Richard is “baptized” (or drowned) . . . (which is a lot like what Dogen did to Sayid, btw). Jacob also shares communion with him.
So if Richard the “son” of Jacob? Or is he a prophet?
BTW, other faiths, particularly Islam see Jesus as a prophet. I don’t think Jacob represents Christianity, per se, but I do think there is a Jesus connection, no doubt.
4. “I’m on a boat!” -- Mr. Whitfield informs Richard (once he reveals he can, indeed, speak English) that he is now the property of Magnus Hanso, and he will be going to the New World. To the new world as what? Is this a plot to start a new brand of slaves? South American slaves?
Also, remember that the descendants of Magnus Hanso started the Hanso Foundation, which begat the Dharma Initiative (which kind of explains why Richard thought they should be destroyed).
5. Richard’s shipmate cries out, "I see the devil." Statue. Was the ship headed there to begin with? Jacob later tells Richard that he brought him there. The statue is actually the Goddess Tawaret ( who is the Egyptian goddess of fertility . . . is that why no one can have babies?
6. Smokey kills almost everyone, but saves Richard. Why? Because he is a “candidate”? Obviously, he thinks Richard can kill Jacob, but why? Because he will let the malevolence consume him?
7. Did anyone else notice the butterfly? Do you think that was maybe Jacob?
8. HOLY CRAP MOMENT-- Boar eating the dude! That is freakin nasty! But the boar is afraid of him.
9. Initially touched, but not by Jacob. By MIB! "A friend." "In hell?" "Yes, I'm afraid you are." Trying to trick Rich into killing Jacob, too. Richie doesn't fall for it? What makes Richard less susceptible than Sayid was? He, like Sayid, has lost a loved one. Like Sayid, he has “killed” for others.
10. "It's good to see you out of those chains." What Flocke said when he ran into him. Gave him the same information that Dogen gave Sayid about killing Flocke. MIB admits to being the black smoke, but denies that he killed Isabella. Insists that Jacob is the devil; says that Jacob stole his humanity.
11. Baptism/Communion – Thoughts?
12. Confirms that all the dead people that appear are actually Smokey.
13. WHAT IS THE ISLAND?: If we can trust what he says, Jacob brought the ship to the island. Island is the cork keeping the darkness where it belongs. MIB believes that it is in our "Nature to sin.” MIB I bring them here to prove him wrong."
14. Jacob also explains why he doesn’t save people/guide people. "I wanted them to help themselves. Meaningless if I have to step in." FATE V FREE WILL, my friends! It is all about choice!
15. Asks Richard if he would like to be his disciple . . .
16. Can't absolve him of his sins but can give him eternal life? Hmmm . . .
17. MIB and Jacob are kinda funny.
Islandland --
1. Ricardo knows what to do; who the candidates are! Make him spill, Hurley, make him spill!
2. OFF TOPIC BUT MAKING ME CRAZY: Is it possible that Hurley is the new Jacob traveling the Alternaworld? He is so Zen in Alternaworld and he seems to be helping those he encounters . . . whatcha think?
3. Do you think Hurley is lying about the “other thing” Isabella said? Do you think he is just trying to get Richard to do the “right” thing?
Ok, so more and more, I am thinking that Alternaworld reflects the choice each Lostie makes – malevolence or benevolence ($20 vocab). You can take MIB’s offer, and you will get what you want, but it will be not exactly as you wish (ie – Sayid wants Nadia alive but then he cannot be with her. He is also doomed to repeat his mistakes). Or, you can choose to do the right thing, and you will reap the benefits (Kharma? . . . Dharma? . . .) I also think the show is a mashup of many religious traditions. The overarching message, though, is that you can choose who you are! And if even one person chooses the path of Jacob, the path of doing the right thing, then he is right and mankind is not inherently evil!
Ok, I can’t think anymore!
**MIB= Man in Black (the name for Flocke when he is not in Locke’s body); TWIBS= This Week in Bible Studies
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
In the immortal words of Comic Book Guy, “WORST EPISODE EVER!” I’m not kidding; I thought that episode was horrible. Here is why:
1. Sawyer is a tool, which makes me sad as I really loved him as James.
2. The Charlotte hook-up. Really? That’s just wrong on so many levels. First of all, we don’t need yet another woman in the mix (JULIET FOREVER). Second of all, shouldn’t she be off meeting and making happy Daniel?
3. VOMIT, VOMIT, VOMIT. Sawyer flirting with Kate.
4. The way Sawyer was smelling Kate’s shirt that was left in the cages. Gross.
5. Just when I was starting to hate her a little less, KATE CRIES (8:24 starts getting a little weepy, full—blown hysterics by 8:33)
6. Making all the redheads look likes skanks. What up with that?
7. Car crash with Kate.
All the same, I will try to give some insight into the (worst ever) episode.
1. Creeper baby is back!
2. Lockeness is very candid with James – why? Or is he playing him? He’s also candid with Kate. My theory? In the words of Shakespeare in Macbeth, “Oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray’s in deepest consequence.”
3. Sending James back to Hydra Island. HOLY CRAPPER! A setup to find the dead bodies? A warning to James not to f with Lockeness? Who’s the chick? Why do I recognize her? What’s she been in? Is she really the only one left? Zoey. Knew she wasn’t really on the plane. (Shout out to kid Mr. Mom and Kate&Allie)
4. Widmore’s people. This is like déjà vu, I must say. The sub at the dock. We’ve seen people getting on or off the sub at this dock at least four or five times now.
5. Flocke tells Sawyer he’s the “Best liar I ever met.” Makes James flinch.
6. Sayid all creeper. All part of the plan to take Kate down. Yeah! Awe, too bad that Flocke stopped her.
BTW -- Where are Rose and Bernard hanging these days?
7. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: Lockeness working the angle hard with Kate. Is he talking as Locke? Or as Smokey? If as Smokey, who was his mother? BLAME THE MOTHER.
In the bible, Esau and Jacob are the sons of Rebekah. Genesis 25:28 explains the conflict between the parents and their children: "Now Isaac loved Esau, because he had a taste for game, but Rebekah loved Jacob."
So is his mother really crazy?
“Now Aaron has a crazy mother too.” Will things turn out badly for him? See for a refresher on Aaron (connection to Moses makes me think he is more Moses-y)
8. What’s all locked up on the submarine?
9. Is Claire for real now? A little of the real her shining through? Or another setup? Or is Claire just batshit crazy?
10. James playing all sides of the coin. Does he really think Widmore is stupid enough to buy it? Is he really “with” Lockeness?
1. Sawyer’s a cop. Miles is his partner. Didn’t see that twist coming. Remember, Sawyer let Kate go . . . knowing she was a criminal.
2. Anthony Cooper – name Locke’s dad used when he was conning.
3. Sawyer’s still reading Watership Down . . .
4. Charlie’s brother Liam trying to get him out of jail.
5. MIRROR!!!!! Doesn’t like what he sees.
6. Little House on the Prairie. “Half Pint” “People aren’t really gone when they die. They jus tlive in our memories til we see tham again.”
7. So many bromances on this show! Although Miles seems to be at the center of them. Miles and James. Miles and Hurley. Hurley and Charlie.
Next week – Hell, yeah! Hopefully that will erase the memory of this week’s sucky-ass episode.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Dr. Linus
I don’t know about you, but I freaking loved this episode! Can’t put my finger on it . . . maybe it was cause as a teacher, Ben did the right thing (cause teachers rule!), that Jack FINALLY didn’t annoy me and was actually likable to me, or because Richard was a central character.
1. Reveal #1: Ilana knows Miles can communicate with the dead. That’s why Ilana took his ashes. “Linus killed him.” Love that guy!
2. What else we learned about/from Ilana:
--“Closest thing I ever had to a father.”
-- Ilana condnfirms the candidates to replace Jacob.
-- Jacob was hoping he was wrong about Ben.
3. BIG QUESTION #1: Six candidates left (jack, hurley, sawyer, jin, sun, ?) (jack, hurley, sawyer, jin/sun, ?, ?). Kate? Desmond? Frank? (Frank was supposed to be flying Oceanic 815 after all).
4. TWIBS (this week in bible studies): I refer you back to the episode “The Man Behind the Curtain,” Season 3.
Benjamin, was the twelfth and youngest son of Jacob. His mother was Rachel, Jacob's wife. Benjamin was born during the journey that Jacob and his family took from Padan Aram to Canaan. His mother Rachel named him "Ben-oni," meaning "Son of my sorrow," before she died during the childbirth, but Jacob called him Benjamin. Joseph, Benjamin's brother was sold into slavery by his other brothers.
Now we know that Richard came on the Black Rock, a slave ship. Was he a slave? Is he our symbolic Joseph? Does that make him Ben’s “brother”?
Jacob had hope for Ben (both biblically and island-ly); should we, too?
Ben earns Ilana’s (another “child” of Jacob) empathy. “All in the name of Jacob. I sacrificed everything for him.” He’s honest with her . . . knows Flocke is the only one who will have him. Ilana says she will have him. Another chance at redemption? Looking for a family? Isn’t that what many of the Losties seem to want?
5. This Week in Guyliner, or What We Gleaned about Richard Alpert:
n Richard came on the Black Rock. His actions imply that he was on the ship as a slave. From where? When? Why did Jacob choose him to touch?
n Jacob’s touch gave him “eternal life” (how very Jesus-y of him)
n Can’t kill himself. Jacob touched him.
n Considered a gift; it’s not a gift, it’s a curse. Told me everything was happening for a reason. Had a plan. Feels now that his life has no purpose, that there is no plan. HAS LOST HIS FAITH . . . Strangely . . .
6. JACK IS A MAN OF FAITH NOW? Though Mr. LLL thinks that he is just selfish, I think he is demonstrating the qualities of a man of faith now. He took Hurley’s word on faith, he has faith he won’t blow up . . . he seems to restore Richard’s faith, at least to some extent.
7. I still think there is something to it: Jack and John – same name, really. Two parts of a whole man? Jack has “absorbed” the good qualities of John?
8. Nikki and Paolo reference! Awesome!
9. Ben is digging his own grave – how ironic. Isn’t that what he is always doing?
10. LLL’s other half says that the Kwon canidate is the kid, not Sun or Jin.
11. Awwwe, snap!! Charles Widmore submarining his way back to the island! How the hell did he finally find it?
1. Principal Reynolds – that actor always gives me the heebeegeebees.
2. Works with Artz (dude who blew himself up).
3. Why Ben is Wise: An administrator not a teacher; forgotten what education is about. Refuses to give up.
4. Alternalocke: Maybe Dr. Linus should be a principal. If the man in charge doesn’t care, maybe it’s time for a change. Reflection of the island? (note – if you are a teacher, don’t become an administrator. Please.)
5. BEEN TO THE ISLAND – Roger took him there to give him a better opportunity. Wishes they had stayed. Why did they leave? How did they leave? “The Incident”? Did Dr. Chang’s warning push them to leave? Was it before or after KidBen was shot by Sayid? And visited the temple? Arrrgh! Furthermore . . .
6. Alex not his daughter; a member of the History Club. Students really don’t show up at teachers’ houses. “Tutoring” her? How the hell would Alex be in LA? Did Roger save her from the island along w/ Ben? How did they convince Islandanielle, if she ever was that, to trust them? Goes along with previous theory that . . .
7. Alternaland is what they deeply wish for, but with a twist. Ben wants to save Alex, but in order for that to happen, she can no longer be his family. Is this Flockeland or Jacobland?
8. Ben worries that he is “more a loser than any of [the kids in detention].” Isn’t this what he is always worried about?
9. Ben finally makes the right decision and chooses “family” over power. That’s because TEACHERS RULE!
I just can’t quite get my head around it all! There was so much in the episode to think about. But for me, it is all coming down to a question of faith. You gotta have it . . . It’s also an issue of free will. Your fate is not set in stone; you have choice . . . I think they can exist together, which is what I think Jack’s growth is proving.
I’m sure there’s more, but my head is now spinning!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Holy mind trip! That episode was heavy duty and very mind-f-y. Kudos to Emilie De Ravine and Naveen Andrews (and of course, Terry O’Quinn) for making a seamless transition to the dark side. I never thought Claire could be convincing as a badass, but she hooked me tonight.
And, really, if Smokey/Flocke/Lockeness is not a bad guy, I’m going to feel a little annoyed and misled. I mean, really, have you ever seen creepier, darker folk then Claire and Sayid at the end of that episode?
But then again, this is Lost, so I am prepared to be completely flabbergasted in the end.
1. Nadia is his sister-in-law! Omar a drycleaner . . . Sayid is still in love with Nadia. Sayid pushed Nadia to his brother because he cannot cleanse himself of what he’s done.
2. I know we’ve seen that dude who picks up Sayid before . . . France? Shipper?
3. “I am the Eggman!” Martin Keamy! (badass mercenary from the ship) Is there some connection here to Widmore or is Keamy an independent operator? (Admission – I find Keamy strangely attractive and it disturbs me). “Relax and forget about it.” Sayid kills Keamy . . . you can’t change your killer instinct.
4. WTF! Jin in the freezer! Is Keamy the man to whom he was bringing the watch . . . or could it be Widmore? Did Jin try to keep the money he was supposed to give Widmore and Keamy is making him pay? Note, he is separated from Sun in this reality now, too.
1. Machine a scale measuring balance of good and evil. Sayid’s is tipped the wrong way. “I am a good man.” – Sorry, Sayid, but you clearly are not. You can’t seem to overcome your killer instinct (fate or freewill?) I think you CHOSE to side w/ Smokey because it gave you an excuse . . .
2. Baseball falls of table, Dogen relents. Baseball doesn’t really roll or bounce. It is Dogen’s tie to his son (who we met at the recital last week) and his sad story about that. RECURRING THEME: Fathers and Sons!!
Last week, in Alternaworld, Dogen said to Jack, “It’s hard to watch and be unable to help.” This seems to, in some ways, be his punishment on the island as well.
3. Lockeness could have sent Sawyer or Jin into the temple? DOES THIS MEAN THAT THEY HAVE BEEN CLAIMED/INFECTED, TOO????
4. Lockeness tells Claire, “I always do what I say.” Will only hurt the ones “who don’t listen.” There is no way this guy is up to good . . .
5. Random Commercial Observation: Kate Gosselin on Dancing With The Stars? With extensions to boot!
6. Miles informs Sayid that the templars did not save his life. Something else did.
7. According to Dogen, Smokey is “Evil Incarnate”. Will come to you as someone you know; someone who has died. If he speaks, it is too late. Please note, LOCKENESS DID SPEAK BEFORE SAYID STABBED HIM. So, of course, it was too late.
8. I HATE KATE MOMENT: Kate: “What’d I miss?” Always worried about not being the center of attention. “Sawyer cut you loose?” Ha! Claire “still hot, though.” LOVE MILES.
9. I had nightmares last night with that “clickety” sound . . . you know what I’m talking about!
10. Did Dogen set Sayid up to be killed, like Flocke said? Or was Sayid being given a chance to CHOOSE the right path?
11. Can’t kill Lockeness! Or at least Sayid can’t . . . a set-up by Dogen? Is Flocke tell the truth? Promises him Nadia if he will deliver a message. Could alternaworld be Smokey granting the Losties their wishes? But in some twisted Looking Glass way?
12. This episode had me thinking a lot about Mr. Eko. Remember, he was the original parallel reality, back with his brother when they were children. What parallels do you note? I miss the big guy! He was one of my favorites. Do you think he is at all relevant?
13. “Catch a Falling Star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away . . .” I will never sing THAT song to MY children. Well, my children aren’t strange animal skulls that I’ve dressed up, either. But note, both Claire and Kate sang this to Aaron (real and imagined).
14. What do you think Claire is going to do to Kate now that she knows the truth? And clearly doesn’t like it?
15. Ilana leads Miles, Frank, and Sun to a hidden room that is marked by a hieroglyph. Shen ring: the hieroglyph tile on the wall in the temple hallway that Ilana pushes to open the secret passage is a Shen ring. The Shen ring is an ancient Egyptian symbol of eternity and protection. In ancient Egypt, the Shen Ring also represents dual concepts of time; the cyclic line of periodicity and lineal time (into infinity).
Ok, so here’s my current theory: Alternaworld is like Through the Looking Glass (THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE -- . It is what the losties most want, but not exactly HOW they want it. Sayid wants Nadia to be alive, but the trade is that he cannot be with her. Jack wants to have a strong father/son relationship, but it is not with his father (and I don’t think this looking glass is in full view yet). Locke accepts his paralysis and has Helen, but he no longer has his faith. Both Jacob and Lockeness can give them this alternaworld, but Jacob does so hoping that they will make better choices (Jack?) while Smokey pushes them toward their “fated” destinies (Sayid – once a killer, always a killer). Obviously not a complete theory, but I think it still all ties back to fate v. free will.
BTW – Do you think Ben is really going to bite the big one next week?!!
Ok, that’s all for now . . .
Namaste, LLL
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Lighthouse
Alternate Reality:
1.Jack’s scar – now appendicitis, though Jack does not remember this. Jack seems to be forgetting a lot . . . and remembering/recognizing weird things
2. David – Jack’s son. With Sarah? Or perhaps someone else . . . he looks an awful lot like Kate. But Jack said that he knew “mom” was out of town. Kate’s a little more than “out of town.” Another possibility? See TWIBS . . .
3. The WILL – Claire Littleton (Jack seems to recognize the name)
4. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: David (before becoming King or even the slayer of Goliath) was known as . . . wait for it . . .A musician who soothed King Saul as he was being tormented. Another interesting tidbit . . . David was the son of RUTH (think, think, who is Ruth? Could this be a super bizarre twist?) Some Jewish tradition also states that Adam gave up 70 years of his own life for David’s.
Could the Shephard be the descendant of Jack?
Ok, my Sunday School memory is a little hazy, so help me out here (Jan, I’m talking to you): Biblically speaking, are Aaron (brother of Moses, prevented from entering the Promised Land) and David both forefathers of the promised land? Not quite sure where to go with this, but it seems brilliant and relevant somehow.
5. David is brilliant with his hands, just like his father and grandfather – was Jack at some point disappointed? No, he was obsessive about it. Really, Jack was obsessive and overbearing? I can’t believe it.
6. DOGEN!!! “They’re too young to have this kind of pressure.” “Hard to watch and be unable to help” (talking about the kids or the Losties?)
7. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE: Annotated Alice – David always loved it as a kid. Was Jack, again, drawn to share his “island” story with his son? See for more . . .
. . . and . . .
The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf – a philosophical novel about relationships and time . . .
ARRRRGHGHGHGHGH!!! I’m so confused!
Temple/Island World
1.Dogen – “Everything is an option.”
2. Asthma inhaler – Shannon’s. Relevance?
3. Adam and Eve
“What if these skeletons are us?”
Chasing the ghost of my dead father.
4. Jungle Claire:
a. How about the “baby doll”? – creep!
b. Tortures temple dude – Has totally become Danielle
c. I kept saying, “doesn’t Jin know where Aaron is? Did no one bother to tell him? He never bothered to ask what happened to the baby?” WTF took him so long. Turns out to be a decent decision . . .
d. Was shot in the leg by whom?
e. “Stuck me with needles, branded me” – trying to save her from Flocke?
f. Knew she would kill him anyway . . . cause she straight up CRAZY!!!!!
g. Which is why Jin now has to lie. Why would she kill Kate for raising Aaron? Could it be that the psychic way back in Sydney was an agent of Smokey? He kept saying she has to raise Aaron. Or was he being an agent of Jacob and warning Claire that if she did not raise Aaron, she would become Darkness? The name Claire means clear . . . which she no longer is.
a. “My father told me and my friend told me” – Flocke/Lockeness/Smokey has infected her. So are you convinced yet that Flocke/Lockeness/Smokey is “bad”? I think I’m about there. “He’s not Locke; he’s my friend.” \ Now Jin is lying so Claire won’t kill him.
b. Are Christian and Smokey separate entities or does Smokey inhabit Christian to gain Claire’s trust? I’m leaning toward separate . . .
5. Jacob and Hurley and Jack, oh my!:
a. Someone is coming ot the island. I need you to help them find it.
b. Hurley writes on arm – push (symbol) was all I managed to read . . . anyone able to read more of it?
c. Favorite line: “I just lied to a Samurai”
d. “You have what it takes” Something Christian once said?
e. “I’d make a terrible dad” – Jack
f. “Why did you come back” Hurley – “cause Jacob told me to”; Jack – “because I was broken and I was stupid enough to think this place could fix me.”
g. Jacob really wanted Jack to see . . . “needs to find himself”
h. As far away from the temple as possible . . . someone really bad . . . can’t warn them . . . too late. Is Jacob protecting them from Flockey?
6. Lighthouse –
108 degrees -- Just a rouse? (says Wallace)
HOLY CRAP MOMENT: Flashing on other realities – 23 Shephard -- Watching us the whole time. Jack’s childhood house. “Why was he watching us?” Isn’t an equally important question “how was he watching us?” I’m just sayin . . .
WHAT A DUMBASS!!! Why the hell would he break it? It’s a connection to the outside world . . .
In case you’re wondering, #109 = Friendly (as in Mr. Friendly). Ha ha!
So what do you think? Jacob benevolent? Smokey malevolent? Jack the new Jacob? Jack the messiah? So much to think about . . . and the preview promised more answers next week (yes, I felt there was some clarity this week, shoot me).
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Substitute
Locke in the Real World:
1. “FML” . . still.
2. FML . . . not so much . . . he has Helen and is planning a wedding. He seems to have a better perspective when things go wrong, and at last he is trying to accept who he is. No longer held captive by the things he cannot do. No longer shouting “You can’t tell me what I cannot do” . . .instead, he is discovering the things he can. And once again, he was given great wisdom by . . .
3. ROSE! Terminal cancer . . .
4. Tries to scratch up Hurley’s big ass car. As a reminder – Hurley always owned the company, in both realities. “Randy? That guy’s a huge douche” – Hurley -- “chin up, things are gonna work out.”
5. I appreciate the old cellphone as an authentic nod to 2004.
6. BEST MOMENT FOR A NERD LIKE ME: Locke a substitute teacher and coach. Ben Linus a teacher, too. A history teacher. Or is he . . .?
SNUGGIE ENDORSEMENT – Allow me a moment to extol the virtues of the snuggie. No, seriously, it allowed me to be comfy cozy and type at the same time.
Locke as Smokey/Flocke:
1. I dug the smokey perspective as the scene began, flying around the island.
2. Jacob and Richard:
a. John is (was) a candidate – for what?
b. Richard does not know why he is doing what Jacob asked.
c. Tells James of Flocke, “He wants everyone dead.” This is not the line Flocke feeds James, but I am tending to be a bit more believing of Richard.
d. Apparently Richard does not wear guyliner – he is naturally pretty.
e. Why couldn’t Richard see the kid in the jungle? James could . . . is James getting “infected”?
3. Ilana –
a. On Flocke -- “he’s recruiting.”
b. Ilana KNOWS things (Jin, recruiting, etc).
4. My poor, poor James, who is sitting around in a wife beater and undies, not looking so good. (I read somewhere that Josh Holloway requested not to be shirtless so often. Why would he do that to us?)
a. “locke was scared, even when he was pretending that he wasn’t”
b. “Most important question in the world – why are you on this island?”
c. “Guess I better put some pants on.”
d. “Trapped” before that a man just like you
5. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE: “Tell me about the rabbits, George.” Of Mice and Men
a. Although James seems to think that he is Lenny, putting George (Flocke) down, I think he is in fact the George character. Flocke is trying to pull the wool over his eyes by implying that they will “leave and go home.”
6. Poor Sun -- Headed to temple . . . too bad Jin already took off. Will these two ever reunite?
7. Motif: “Don’t tell me what I can’t do” – sound familiar? Locke’s creed.
8. WTF moment: Why are they letting Ben come with them?
9. Scales of justice? White rock and black rock in balance. “inside joke”
a. Jacob's Ladder is a ladder to heaven, described in the Book of Genesis, which the biblical patriarch Jacob envisions during his flight from his brother Esau.
b. Flocke trying to regain his place as the first son?
c. The ladder breaks as James tries to go down. Could this be symbolic of his return to the dark guy he used to be? A break from the goodness he had discovered with Dharma and Juliet?
d. According to Jewish interpretation of lore, one of Esau’s descendants was the farthest climber and that Jacob worried all was lost; however, God assured him that at the End of Days, Esau’s descendant would fall, allowing the true believers to reclaim heaven.
e. The angels ascended and descended the ladder . . . moving between heaven and earth. Is/was Jacob trying to maintain the connection of faith? Connecting heaven and earth? God and man?
11. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: 4 – Locke 8 -Reyes, 15 – Ford 16 – Jarrah 23 - Shephard 42 – Kwon all over the ceiling, as well as hundreds of other names all crossed off – all the folks that Jacob has brought to the island . . . throughout history.
a. Why is each person assigned each number?
b. All are “candidates.”
c. Jacob pushing you to island. Do you think Flocke is telling the truth? Is Jacob looking for a successor to be the keeper of the island?
d. Flocke claims there is nothing to protect.
e. So I guess Frank isn’t a candidate after all.
f. MOST IMPORTANTLY: KATE IS NOT A CANDIDATE. Why not? Jacob “touched” her after all.
12. Flocke says that all the people were candidates for Jacob's job, for protecting this place "from nothing." He then gives Sawyer three options:
a. Do nothing. See how all this plays out. And possibly your name will get crossed out - MiB crosses out Locke's name).
b. Perform Jacob's job. Protect the Island "from nothing, there's nothing to protect it from, It's just a damn Island."
c. We just go. We get the hell off this Island and we never look back. We do that together.
MiB asks Sawyer if he is ready to go home. Sawyer says "Hell yes". Sing along with me; “Should he stay or should he go now? If he goes there will be trouble; if he stays it will be double. Flocke’s just gotta let him know . . .”
But really, back to the literary allusion, this has got to be a set-up.
Phew . . . I could go on and on, but I should probably work; you know, do my job. Looking forward to your thoughts and observations!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
What Kate Does
Island Time:
1. Best lines:
James – “He’s an Iraqi torturer; of course he deserves another go around.”
Miles – “you can see that Hurley’s assumed a leadership position, so that’s great.”
2. All the mean thoughts I had about Kate:
a. Stay away from him, Kate!! Can’t you take a frickin hint?
b. Kate and Jack all googly-eyed. Vomit.
c. “Who do you care about, Kate?” Good question, Jin. Kate sucks!
d. Kate busts in on a private moment. How unlike her to stick her nose in somewhere it doesn’t belong.
e. Kate cries – 8:47 p.m.
3. Thoughts on Smokey/Nemesis
a. Was Christian infected by Nemesis? He was the last dead body delivered to the island. Or was he “infected” perhaps by Jacob? It seems that these entities jump from body to body.
b. Does that also mean that Claire is dead? She seemed a lot like Rousseau, so was Rousseau infected, too? Is it possible that you can be infected but hold on to some ounce of your own soul? Rousseau still had humanity in her; does Claire?
c. Is being claimed what Nemesis has done to Locke, or is it merely an “infection”? In Sayid’s case, he was dead . . .
d. Is Sayid claimed by Nemesis? Or is he claimed by Jacob? I think they were hoping for Jacob but think he is claimed by Nemesis. They were putting down ash in hopes that it would keep Nemesis away, but they believe they weren’t quick enough. I think they may be wrong because . . .
e.Isn’t Nemesis still walking around in Locke? Heading to the temple?
4. Guy accompanying Kate? Waldo? Really? He was a guard she knocked out . . .
5. The torturer is tortured (this has happened before. Danielle also hooked him up and shocked him by the nipples). A test to make sure he is not Smokey? Lied to him? Sayid doesn’t know what is happening to him? Or is he hiding it?
6. SADDEST MOMENT: “I made her stay cause I didn’t want to be alone. Some of us are meant to be alone.”
7. Dogen – Stay away from those I am in charge of. Brought here, just like everyone else. You know what I mean.
8. “I need to find Claire.” It’s all about Claire . . . or Aaron . . . After all, Dogen tells Jack, “IT HAPPENED TO YOUR SISTER!!” The truth will be revealed to Jack soon . . .
9. Waldo can’t kill Jin, because “he may be one of them” Jin is saved by . . . CLAIRE OF THE JUNGLE!
World 2
1. Love that dude who plays the mechanic . . . China Beach anyone?
2. Claire was planning to meet the adoptive parents, who ditched her at the airport. What up with that? Husband ditched wife; that sucks. Same couple she was planning to give up in crash reality.
3. Kate almost delivers the baby . . . again.
4. WTF MOMENT: What is Ethan doing in LA? Is he still an agent of the island? He’s going by Goodspeed, which was the name of Juliet’s lover, if you recall. He also ironically says he does not want to stick Claire with unnecessary needles . . . he had no qualms on the island, after all.
5. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: Aaron even off the island. Doesn’t know why she called him that. A little reminder of who Aaron was . . .
· The brother of Moses
· Started the worship of the Golden Calf, but was forgiven by God.
· Aaron was appointed directly by God to be the first high priest. He and his sons were consecrated to continue the priesthood through time (Leviticus 8 and 9).
· Never allowed to enter the promised land . . . hmmmm . . .
6. Kate asks Claire if she would believe that she was innocent. Was she in this world?
Next week looks BA! Can’t wait.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
LA X Parts 1 and 2
I’m not sure how I felt about this episode; I was pretty ticked off about a couple of things (did they REALLY have to kill Juliet a SECOND time, for instance), and I don’t know how I feel about the Templars, but I’m hoping all will pay off in the end . . .
To refresh your memories, here are the questions I posed at the end of last season. Did we get any answers . . . a few . . . ok, not really.
Questions I’m still dying to find the answers to:
a. Where is Claire?
b. What role does Christian play? (Could he be the form that Nemesis took before John’s body arrived?)
c. Why can’t babies be born on the island after Dharmaville?
d. Walt . . . will he be back?
e. Why doesn’t Richard age?
f. Who built the statue?
New Questions:
a. Who is Jacob’s enemy (aka Nemesis)?
b. Why does he want to kill Jacob?
c. What is the loophole? How does Locke fit into it?
d. How does Jacob "bring" people to the Island?
e. Why did Jacob choose to visit each person at pivotal moments of their lives?
f. Who did Locke and Hurley see/hear previously at the cabin? (Nemesis?)
g. Who are Ilana and her crew, and why are they referring to themselves as "the good guys?"
h. For what and why is Frank a candidate?
i. Why had Jacob never met with Ben? (he seemed to imply cause Ben is an insipid whiner sometimes)
j. How did Jacob come to be on the Island?
k. Who are "they" that are coming?
Now on to the episode . . .
1. Title of the episode --LA X –this might refer to the Los Angeles airport, but apparently X is a comic book reference (Williams family?) for “alternate reality.” It might also mean the “Los Angeles 10” . . .
2. The Flight:
· Leaked four minutes were right . . .
· Rose and Jack reversed – in pilot Jack said, “It’s normal” Did Bernard call Rose Viv? Also means that Rose will die.
· Des on flight! What up with that? Plus, Jack recognizes him . . . but remember, he met Des in the stadium one night when he went for a run.
· Island undersea . . . that was some crappy CG.
· Artz! Chattin it up w/ Hurley – knows he’s the owner of Mr. Cluck’s
· Hurley – nothing bad ever happens to me; I’m the luckiest guy alive
· Shannon not there because she didn’t want to be saved from bad relationship
· Did Locke really go on a walkabout? He is paralyzed, after all.
· Charlie “dead” in bathroom . . . how very Elvis of him . . . choking on a bag of horse – “I was supposed to die”
· What about Michael and Walt?
· No coffin on the plane? It is “lost” . . . meaning that one way or another, Jack is gonna have to “seek” his father.
· Claire’s back!
KEY LINES FROM FLIGHT 815/LAX: “They didn’t lose your father, they just lost his body.” “Nothing’s irreversible.” Jack and Locke find each other, only in this reality, they may actually be allies. One will use teach the other faith, while the other will inspire with reason. Hmmm . . .
· Kate’s eye – deafened by explosion? Why is she hanging in the tree?
· Juliet alive?! . . . Yay! . . . Just to kill her again?!! WTF! What important thing did she need to tell him? Miles can hear her and passes along the message -- “It worked” Somehow Juliet knows that there is an alternate reality? When she was talking about “going dutch,” was she in the other reality, meeting James, and asking him to go for coffee? I hope so . . .
· Hurley can see Jacob because he is dead . . . will Miles be able to hear him?
We interrupt this flow of thought to hate on Kate . . . I knew I would find a reason . . .
· Why does Kate think that it would be at all appropriate for her to help bury Juliet?
· Kate swoopin in at the temple to try to replace Juliet. Classy. Almost as classy as the pics of her in her underwear in Esquire. Yeah, I know, she’s hot and I’m jealous.
Now back to the island and the temple . . .
· Book by Kierkegaard . . . Much of his philosophical work deals with the issues of how one lives, focusing on the priority of concrete human reality over abstract thinking and highlighting the importance of personal choice and commitment.
· FA Cindy back in action with the Temple people. Also, note that the two children have not aged . . .
· In guitar case is an ancient Ank symbol with a note inside; what does it say? It also implies that Jacob knew he was going to die . . .
· Who is Ghengis Khan?
· Sayid in the Jesus pose coming out the well. And dead. To be resurrected . . . (hint, hint)
· Who’s the hippie translator dude? He looks familiar but I can’t place him. Can anyone help me out?
4. This Week in Bible Studies: Ashes scatted around temple; ashes used to keep Smokey/Nemesis away –
- According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, ashes were first used by the Jewish people in mourning rituals, connecting the living with the dead when the mourners rolled in the ashes. It was also seen as an act of purification.
- In Catholicism, ashes have also been used as penance for sins. My Catholic Losties perhaps can tell us more . . .
5. Under the statue:
· Locke/Nemesis /Smokey – He is a BAD MF’Er! Did you see how he overcame the ash system!
· Jacob nowhere to be seen – He is turned to ash. Will he return in another body, much as Nemesis took over Locke’s body. Could it be that Jacob is now in Sayid’s body???!!!! Could that be what the note said?
· “The only one who realized how pitiful the life he left behind was.” Fake Locke on Locke. Nemesis says he wants the one thing that Locke didn’t; to go home . . . could he be “Satan” (channeling the Church Lady)? Trying to re-enter heaven?
· “Hello, Richard. It’s nice to see you out of those chains.” – I think this is probably figurative, meaning being bound to Jacob, but could it also mean that Richard came on the Black Rock?
6. How about those wings on Lapidus’ head?
7. Everything That Rises Must Converge – The two realities will eventually collide. No matter which reality they exist, each of these people will eventually come to the same destiny – it’s just a question of how they get there. That’s my theory for the week.
I still hate Kate; Jack is still annoying as hell; James is hot; Hurley is finally embracing his “gift”; I want Vincent to make an appearance.
That’s it for now . . . looking forward to your insights!