Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"The Package" and "Happily Ever After"

Did you miss me? Well, be sad no more; you get a two for one this week!

The Package (title refers to two human packages, Desmond and Jin (also two of the hottest hotties on the show))


1. “I don’t feel anything,” says Sayid. What’s that all about? (ties in nicely with the next episode, when Charlie desperately wants Des to feel something . . .)

2. Widmore’s people want Jin because he knows where the magnetic fields are located.

3. Don’t you think Jack has definitely become Locke-ish? He tells Sun, “There’s a reason we were brought to this island” (she don’t wanna hear that!)

4. Jin is dropped off in Room 23, where Carl had subliminal messaging tests conducted on him. Two things I noted flashing across the screen: “We are the cause of our own suffering.” “Everything changes.” IT’S ALL ABOUT CHOICE!

5. Claire asks Flocke if Kate’s name is on the wall, as she is jealous and still wants to kill Kate. Flocke informs her, “not anymore.” What did Kate do to be removed as a candidate (other than pout, whine, cry, inject herself where unnecessary, flirt with Juliet’s man, etc)?

6. Flocke cites Locke: “A wise man once said a war was coming to this island . .

7. What’s the package on the sub? Knew it was Desmond!!!

8. RECURRING STATEMENT: If Flocke escapes, everything ceases to be . . .

9. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE/LOST GOES TO THE MOVIES: Sayid swimming was reminiscent of Willard in Apocalypse Now (based on Heart of Darkness – ROB comment). Willard, to remind you, was the soldier sent to assassinate the twisted Colonel Kurtz, but whose own humanity is compromised by his mission. How does this relate to Sayid, you ask? Well, Sayid’s humanity is certainly compromised by undertaking the mission given to him by Flocke (see #1).


1. Poor Jin and Sun; no matter what world they live in, they cannot seem to have a happily ever after. Daddy Paik just won’t let it happen; in fact, he has gone to extreme measures to prevent it . . . paying Keamy $25K to kill Jin. I wonder if perhaps the same would have happened in the original timeline had they not crashed on the island . . .

2. Mikhail is shot in eye . . . he wears an eyepatch on the island. Could it be that the two realities have converged previously? I don’t remember an explanation for his eyepatch in the original storyline.

3. In a strange twist, perhaps the island is the reason little Kwon was born . . . In alternaworld, Jin or Mikhail inadvertently shoots Sun, causing her to likely miscarry!

So what is Alternaworld, exactly? Well, I’m standing by the idea that it is what Flocke will give you if you work with him. It is what you think you want, what you most desire, but it comes at the cost of what you need . . . (love?) However, Jack’s and John’s storylines make this theory somewhat problematic, as they seem to have better realities in alternaworld. Maybe they didn’t work with Flocke? Maybe their alternaworlds are the better realities they get for having faith, for making the right choices, etc . . .

“Happily Ever After”


1. When Des awakes, he doesn’t seem quite as pissed at Widmore as I would have expected (although shortly thereafter starts beating him with the IV stand)

2. Widmore tells Des, “The island isn’t done with you yet.” Same thing that Hawkins told him when Ben + Company sought her help in returning to the island.

3. Completely unimportant, but I like the way Widmore says “scheduled.”

4. The damned bunny again! Angstrom is his name, which refers to one of two things; Harry Angstrom from the Rabbit Series by John Updike (themes of life, death, redemption) or Jonas Angstrom, a physicist who worked in magnetism.

5. RECURRING THEME AGAIN: Desmond must sacrifice – “if you don’t help, they will all be gone, forever”

6. Why is Desmond the one man able to withstand the electromagnetic event? Is it because he has an ANCHOR?! . . .


1. Desmond encounters Hurley, Claire (who he has an inkling will have a boy), and Jack in this world.

2. Minkowski, played by Fisher Stevens (“Number 5 is alive!”)picks him up. Takes him to his office, where he is embraced by Widmore. Good to see Fishy again!

3. Reminder of Old Times: Drinking McCutcheon scotch, as when Charles sent Des away on the boat race. This time, however, Widmore says Des is worth the price.

4. Charlie can feel the island!!!!! He could see the islandworld when he was choking; he saw and felt Claire when he was choking, now all he wants is to get back to that place, at any cost. And he wants Des (and everyone?) to feel something, too! “All that matters is that we felt it.”

5. Did you notice that Desmond’s pupils don’t dialate? Suffering from concussion . . . or not really in this world.

6. Who is Mrs. Widmore? She has a nasty reputation for being a beyotch . . . Why, it is Eloise Hawking! She recognizes him immediately, and seems a little shaken by it. She doesn’t really live up to her rep, initially, when she says, “What happened, happened.” But things change when Des tries to see the guest list . . .

Milton, Penny – solo; Eloise goes a little nutso, trying to stop Des. “Attained the thing you want more than anything; my husband’s approval.” At the cost of Penny! SEE THEORY ON ALTERNAWORLD . . . Sing it Mick: “you can’t always get what you want.”

7. Daniel (Farrady) Widmore knows what up too! Love at first sight for Daniel – Charlotte! He’s a musician in alternaworld. He asks, “What if this wasn’t supposed to be our life?” D-dog can remember, too!

8. THE ANCHOR: The stadium where Des met Jack is where he finds Penny. Shakes her hand and wakes up. She is his constant. Because he finds Penny, his destiny, because he chooses to find her even in this world where he got what he always “wanted,” he can save the island/the life he was supposed to lead. Maybe that is what all the other Losties will have to do to overcome Flocke – find their constants, their anchors. Maybe that is why Claire is so lost – her constant is gone. Sayid? – constant dead. James/Sawyer? -- constant gone?

9. MOMENTARY RETURN TO ISLANDLAND: Why couldn’t they allow Widmore to explain?!! Then we might have more of a clue . . . Damn you, Lost Writers!

10. Flashes again. Makes a date with Penny; tells Minkowski he wants manifest from the fight. I just need to show them something . . .

ONLY FIVE WEEKS LEFT UNTIL THE FINALE!! I am so excited but also so sad. Looking forward to your witty remarks (unwitty remarks are also welcome and appreciated)!



Anonymous said...

Doesn't Hurley also seem happier in alteraworld? Linus also has made some headway there.

Interesting call on Apocalpyse Now. The difference is that Sayid seems to be working for Kurtz, not trying to kill him. But he certainly has adopted a "heart of darkness." I know it's your favorite!

I don't remember him saying Kate's name is "no longer" on the wall. I thought Flocke just said it wasn't there. This would make a difference.

I also enjoyed Widmore's "ssssheduled."

Great post!

flat yeast bread said...

I was giddy like a school girl after last nights episode!

Lohrmanns said...

Great episode (I agree that the one a few weeks ago sucked royally).

Most of my comments are about this weeks episode (not much to add to the Sun and Jin misfortune).

I knew the "piano player" at the benefit was Daniel; I also think his mother knows what is going on because she orchestrated the whole "nuclear bomb" scenario - maybe she wanted to change her reality from creepy lady in the church to rich bitchy lady - Mrs. Widmore. I think Jack is happier in Alternaworld, but doubt that Linus is happy as a powerless history teacher - getting undercut by the creepy principal (he was the "leader" of the Others).

I don't think Desmonds pupils not constricting (which happens when light is shined into them, but is very difficult to see in a bright room - especially a TV set with bright lights) is anything - he's ther, his reality changed when Juliet set the bomb off.

I like your comments about the anchors - was Sawyers anchor Juliet? Who is Jack's anchor? Was Claire's anchor Charlie? Who is Kate's?

Gabriella said...

I JUST saw the Desmond episode and LOVED every minute of it. Seriously, I could watch an entire year of this alternaworld stuff. It was so nice to see Charlie & even Daniel.

Okay, I loved the part where the tech gives him the MRI button and says, "It's a panic button. Try not to push it unless you absolutely must."

Totally reminded me of Des being stuff at the Dharma station pressing those damn numbers.

Gabriella said...

That's supposed to say "stuck." :)