1. A question came to me while watching the repeat of last week’s ep – why does Ben bother cleaning up? I don’t see the point . . .
2. This question was raised in the current TV Guide, and I think it’s a good one – Why doesn’t Daniel take off the stupid 80’s tie? He’s in a jungle, for goodness sake!
3. In the last flash before stabilizing, they see a giant statue . . . this must be “the foot” that they saw when the Others took them a few seasons ago. Who is the statue? When was it made? It seems like they went WAY into the past on that flash. Pre-Alpert, even. It is holding an ankh, the same symbol as Paul’s necklace. It means eternal life. Very hippy.
4. Everyone calls Sawyer “James” (or Jim) now. Why do you suppose that is? He’s still running a con, to some extent, after all.
5. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: Paul – A Christian Missionary who had once persecuted the church. Known as Saul before his conversion, Paul encountered a flashing light (the flashes?) and a voice saying, “Saul, why do you persecute me?” Paul temporarily went blind but was healed by a Christian. He changed his name and went on to be a zealous disciple of Jesus.
James –Brother of John (interesting). First disciple of Jesus to be martyred. Hmmm . . . I predict our boy Sawyer will die in helping others get off of the island. Jesus also had a brother named James. So to whom is Sawyer a “brother”? Jack or Locke? That remains to be seen.
7. Juliet and Jin are going by their real names. I wonder why Miles has taken on an alias?
8. Sawyer is lookin good circa 1977!
9. Babies COULD be born on the island when the D Initiative was there . . . what happened? Could it be BECAUSE of the Losties that babies cannot be born? Think about the Miles question and earlier ideas about who he is . . .
10. Horace – when Locke encountered his Sisyphus-like ghost last season, H’s nose was bleeding. Hmmmm . . .
11. GIVE JULIET A FRICKIN’ BREAK! – Dear James, pick Juliet. She significantly more awesome than whiny-ass Kate! Seriously, she rarely cries, she’s hot, and she has been dissed one too many times.
12. What did the Hostiles want with Paul’s body?
13. Little Charlotte . . . awwwe
A little short today, but hopefully we can discuss anything I missed.
what no comment about sawyers great line about the eyeliner?
Damn! That was in my notes, too!
Who is the baby boy?
The only thing that was missing at the time of birth was the song (You're)having my baby by Paul Anka(ankh). Ha Ha
Maybe it is time for some Egyptian religious studies, start with Horus and Anibus.
7. Are you sure about Miles taking on an alias? Sawyer did call his Enos, but I think that's just a "Sawyer" nickname. I think it's, of all things, a "Dukes of Hazzard" reference. Sawyer is the sheriff and his deputy is therefore Miles, thus the Enos reference.
Not a big Dukes fan . . . sorry for missing that one, Boss Hog!
I wish I could add something. Maybe I should blame Lost for my brain issues this past few weeks. Oh my god, am I trapped in time travel Kate???
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