Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

Good morning, Losties!

1. I have been doing a little research on Jeremy Bentham, and I think the most bizarre thing I discovered is that he had his body preserved in a wooden box called an auto-icon. This box has a glass cover, and it is prominently displayed at a college in London. So it is no coincidence that our JB/JL was also preserved in a wooden box!

2. I also learned that Bentham’s youngest direct descendant is named Richard . . . he is a distinguished marine.

3. Jeremy Bentham was a utilitarian, which means his philosophy was centered around pleasure and pain. I will have to do a little more research before I totally understand this.

4. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: Matthew Abaddon – Let me refer you back to some previous comments I’ve made:
In a scene that we saw before, Locke is in physical rehab. His nurse explains that he needs to keep trying. Only this time, it is revealed that Matthew Abadon is that nurse. He believes in miracles. He went on a walkabout. He experiences a miracle. He tells Locke that when they meet again, “You’ll owe me.” (May 2008)

the angel "Abaddon" possesses the keys to the Abyss into which Satan is hurled or imprisoned, indicating that he serves as Satan's "jailer" and must therefore be someone else ( – Feb 2008)

It is also important to note that Matthew is the first book of the New Testament, and also the most widely read. It contains the Sermon on the Mount. Maybe some of our more Biblically Educated friends can tell us more . . .

Matthew tells Locke that he “gets people where they need to go.” Does he also keep people from where they shouldn’t be?

This all adds to my theory that Ben is a representation of hell/the devil!

5. On the Beach – Caesar is a creep! He is up to something! Ilana is the US Marshall who was with Sayid. She also seems sketch for sure, and I wonder why she is not more freaked out that her prisoner disappeared. Could they be with Ben?!!

6. Everyone thinks Locke is pathetic and fooling himself to think that he is important. Sayid says he has nothing else, that’s why he wants to go back. Kate says he never loved anyone (wrong). Jack straight up says he is pathetic.

7. Kate is a bitch. Sorry.

8. Locke deducted that Jack was Christian’s son. That is why Jack started taking flights around the world. The whole FATHER motif continues . . .

9. BIBLE STUDIES #2: (with Carla) – Locke is the John the Baptist. Jack is Jesus. Locke must “baptize” Jack, get him to believe that he is the “chosen one.” That is why Locke is important.

10. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE: Paradise Lost. Look it up on Wikipedia.

11. Is Abaddon dead?

12. I thought this was going to take me 10 minutes . . . aaargh!

13. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: Ben strangles Locke. He is doing anything he can to get back to the island. He is a bad, bad, bad man. LUCIFER!

14. Ilana and Caesar KNOW who LOCKE is! THEY WORK FOR BEN . . .

15. Walt is the key!!!!! He knows it all!!! He tells Locke that he saw him on the beach and that there were people there who want to kill him . . . CW said there was going to be a war . . . Ben is getting ready . . . he’s brought soldiers with him!

16. I’m starting to side with Charle’s Widmore . . . this may be a mistake in the long run, but I believe him about Ben being a baddy.

17. Frank is with Sun. She wasn’t supposed to come back to the island either – Locke had given his word.

18. The plane is in present day. Jack, Hurley, and Kate are in the 70’s. How will they all find each other?

Ok, what do you think? My mind is spinning! Help me out, people!



EW said...

I've theorized (is that word?) before that perhaps there was some order to the flashes, but I didn't consider that Jack and company would end up at one place in time, while the rest of the passengers would end up in present day.

I can't help but wonder if we're all being set up with "Ben is evil." He certainly qualifies as the most manipulative person involved and every time we believe he may be redeeming himself, he does something that emotes pure evil. Still, you have to wonder if last night's episode was a real revealer - Widmore is good, Ben is bad - or an interesting plot twist that hasn't revealed the true story.

Anonymous said...

I have to think more, but here is just a quick thought that popped into my head.

I do think that Ben is bad. But it wouldn't surprise me if he turns out to be a good guy after all.

My thought about him killing John Locke was that if John killed himself, the heavens do not forgive this. But if he was murdered, he has the ability to go to heaven. So could it be that Ben knew that Locke dying was the only way to get everyone back to the island but Ben killing himself would be a non-forgivable thing?

Anonymous said...

Excuse me...Not BEN killing himself, I mean John Locke killing himself. I mis-spoke.

SinD said...

5. That is interesting - and I would believe that Caesar and Ilana are with Ben because Walt said that in his dream Locke was surrounded by people who wanted to hurt/kill? him. So, what if the people on the beach are also in the 1970s - which would explain why Locke is alive again - because he was alive in the 1970s (see time loop theory website - I recently reread the timeline page - interesting!). And, since Ben was concerned that they might land back in the past, he knew that Locke would be alive again so he hired Caesar to kill him once they got to the island, in case Ben wasn't around. Then Locke would be dead in the past so Ben wouldn't have to deal with locke ever. The Dharma station looked like it was in pretty good shape, everything on the desk, files still there - by the present all that stuff is in decay.
13. interesting theory about Ben trying to prevent the suicide to save Locke's soul. Or, maybe Ben needed some information from JL, such as how to get back, that he knew John would have, so he got it, then killed him. But since Richard knew that JL would die, it does leave a possibility that Ben was acting in a non-evil way - trying to preserve the events as they are supposed to occur in order to get back - knowing locke's life would have been spared once they got to the island. it's a stretch, because Ben is certainly creepy enough to be evil.

I think Kate's lips get larger every episode. Maybe she is trying to create a flotation device to use to get off the island.

What's the deal with Hugo and Kate and Jack flashing in a white light and disappearing off the plane before it crashed? Why didn't it happen to Sun, Ben, or Locke? Where is Sayid?

LoyalLostLoser said...

One thing I forgot . . . did you notice that Ben's face was all bloody just like it was when he called Jack?

Anonymous said...

Another random thought. Do you think Ben's face was bloody when he called Jack because he was trying to get Sayid to submit to going back? claiming Sayid assulted him?

I don't know. Now its getting goofy. Way too many actions with very little explanation. I am losing interest and I don't want to.

Anonymous said...

Something else. Sorry, it just keeps popping in my head:

Remember how Sun and Charles Widmore had a run in? Are they teamed up? Maybe Charles isn't as bad as we all have been led to believe.

LoyalLostLoser said...

Don't give up, Mer! Don't do it!

Anonymous said...

Some easter eggs I have read on. Not sure if they are true, but here goes:

1. the license plate on Abadon's car was SZU 766. 'Szu' could be referring to Sun Szu (more commonly Sun Tzu) who wrote The Art of War.

2. Someone posted that we haven't seen the last of Jughead. They believe that the military had no problem finding the island to put Jughead on it.

3. the date on the Life Magazine was 4/19/54. 54 was the yr of the US military bringing Jughead to the island of course.

4. Someone said they noticed that just as Cesar walks into the room there is a Mary Statue (the kind from Ekos brothers plane and filled with heroin) is on the table. It's very quick, I only caught it because as I was watching it the picture froze. (Don't know when this occured.)

5. The places john visited to get the Oceanic 6 starts with Santa or st., like sayid at santa domingo, hugo at santa rosa, kate at santa monica and jack at saint sebastian hospital.
and looking at Walt's uniform, some

Another question - are we sure the plane crashed present day? How did the hawaiian boats get there? Yes, Sayid and Sun went off in one, but how did they get there when they crashed?

Also, I just think Ben killed Locke because obviously he was unable to convince anyone to come back to the island when he was living. So Ben knew people would follow if Locke was dead. Locke is a much better leader when silent.

Anonymous said...

1) I go back and forth between wanting to believe Ben and wanting to believe Charles Widmore. This isn't just from episode to episode but sometimes scene to scene. I can see the whole Ben as Satan angle, though, b/c he really is the ultimate tempter.

2) Am I wrong in remembering that the actor playing Caesar also played one of Sayid's fellow Iraqi soldiers a few years back? I must be, b/c I can't find any indication of this on IMDB...