Thursday, January 29, 2009


*@*(#*%&(!Q*)(*)(*)#(*$)@#(*$&^!@($& -- That’s the sound of my head exploding from all that went on in last night’s episode. In fact, I tossed and turned all night long thinking about different theories, which eventually led to a convoluted dream about a young African boy doing a mystical dance in front of an imperial mansion, plotting to overthrow his oppressors. Not sure what the connection is, but maybe I’m psychic and we will soon see a young Eko or his brother dancing in front of the American embassy.

Just before the episode began, Chris laid out a really cool theory. I think it was debunked in the episode, but it led to some other thoughts. His thought was that Charlotte is the daughter of Des and Penny – which we thought for sure was right – until the doctor said it was a boy. Plus, they named him “Charlie” (awwww moment of the night), and no one except George Foreman would give his children such similar names (George and Georgina, in case you’re wondering).

1. The title – “Jarhead”: it obviously referred to the hanging hydrogen bomb, it was actually the code name for nuclear tests done in the South Pacific in 1954. It’s also a term used for soldiers on the battlefield.

2. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: I’m really excited about this one!
In the Bible, Daniel was in Babylon with the cast out Jews. Daniel was a prophet, a reader of dreams. His interpretations of a king’s dream gained him trust with the leaders of Babylon. When the Jews returned to the Promised Land, Daniel remained in Babylon, where he was later cast into the Den of Lions for his faith and for his prophetic visions.
Daniel is one of the “four prophets” in the Bible, along with . . . wait for it . . . Jeremiah (a connection to Jeremy – Locke’s pseudonym)!

--The “Others” have arrived on the island circa 1954. Their ranks include Richard Alpert and Charles Widmore.
-- They believe the Losties are US Army, except for the young blond girl who has a hard time believing Miles and Charlotte would be sent by the US.
**I believe this is when Richard first came to the island, before he learned to time travel. Therefore, he does not recognize Locke. He has not unlocked the powers of the Island yet.
n Charlotte seems better in the past . . . why? When the flash occurs again, her head nearly explodes. Could they now be in the future?
-- The “Others” speak Latin. Why?


-- Desmond is searching for Daniel’s mother. He finds the lab at Oxford abandoned, and Oxford denies the existence of Farraday’s existence. We learn this is because of his experiment involving Theresa.
-- Des visits Theresa. She appears in a vegetative state, but according to her sister, she is “traveling.” Like the rats mentioned by the man in the lab, her “brains have been sent back in time.” She seems an early casualty of Daniel’s experimentation. He also seems to have loved her, as witnessed by the photograph and Daniel’s attitude toward the blond soldier that looks like Theresa. Does he think she is Theresa????
--The mythology of Penelope is that she is left waiting for Odysseus to return from his adventures. We thought this was when he was on the island, but perhaps it is just the beginning. Perhaps Des is going to have to leave her again.
--Widmore knows that Des needs to find Daniel’s mother and deliver a message. He begs Des to keep Penny safe. Remember, Ben told Widmore that his daughter would die.

6. Interesting trivia – this is the only episode of the entire series in which one of the O6 does not appear.

7. THEORY TO PONDER: Could Daniel be Des and Penny’s son? Could Daniel’s mother truly be Penny? Perhaps a bit farfetched, but this is Lost after all!

There are probably 900 things I’ve failed to mention, but that will just give all of you something to do!

Loyal Lost Loser


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to find this.I was looking in the wrong place all this time, so I just had a lot of reading and catching up to do.
Anywho...I don't think that Daniel is related to Des and Penny at all...we are working with time travel here, but that just doesn't work at all. Des and Penny didn't exist together long enough ago to have made Daniel...unless there is a whole shitload more to be revealed in this season...and I think then it might just get to be too much.
I was floored when Locke realized it was Charles Widmore on the island! He was ruthless even then! Snapping that guy's neck who gave up their location? And he was an Other? What the hell? Was he originally part of the Dharma Initiative? How did he get to the island?
I love the idea about Myles being Dr. Chang's son...we'll see how that pans out.
I also don't get how Charlotte was dead in the flash forward to 08.
Desmond didn't tell Penny he saw her dad. She knew he was lying about Daniel's mother, but couldn't tell he was keeping something even bigger from her. Is her life in danger? Will Penny be killed if Desmond pursues this "errand" from Daniel?
So many questions!
I know there are some haters of this new time traveling thing, but I am loving it.
Can't wait to hear what peeps have to say!

Kate Young

Unknown said...

WOW...what a night! I couldn't believe it when we found out that Charles Whitmore was from the island and was an other. We think that's why he's trying to find it again, but there has to be another motive. I think it's because there's the energy source and he wants to harness it in order to expand his fortune...any thoughts on this??
Also, I wanted to bring this up because I was so proud I caught this last night (normally I'm pretty slow at connecting previous episodes/events/etc). When Locke brings up "I am your new leader, that's what you told me" to Richard, Richard responded, "That's impossible because we start screening for that from a very young age." Locke then said, "I'll be born 2 years from now." Well, Richard DOES visit him when he is young!!! Do any of you remember when Locke is playing on the floor as a kid and Richard comes to his house asking for a John Locke and he just asks him a few questions and leaves?!?!
Is this because now that John has been a part of the past, Richard has met him and he will go to find Locke years from now when he's a child to start "screening him" and find out if Locke does really exisit knowing that he saw Locke as an older man telling him he'd be their leader from the past?!?!
Can't wait for more comments and observations from last night.

SinD said...

I definitely agree that the jawdropper was Widmore on the island.
So, was daniel's most recent return to the island related to the H bomb - remember when they went to one of those stations and something was supposedly about to explode unless he turned if off? Maybe the bomb is near the energy source? If Daniel was hired by widmore, is he trying to destroy the island? maybe he struck a deal - widmore would take care of whats her name and daniel would go to the island to destroy it.
I don't know what to think about Richard - it does make sense that he is just getting to the island for the first time in 54, but he already knows about jacob. but richard looks a little anachronistic for 54 - what with his GQ haircut and eyeliner. and everyone but him is all dirty. like he's been hopping back and forth for showers and haircuts and drycleaning. i like the tie-in with the earlier scene when richard comes to see locke as a child, showing him the compass. i wonder if locke remembers that now. Isn't widmore's first name Charles - maybe penny just gave birth to her father. Think about that one...
Thanks for the notes as always birthday girl!

Anonymous said...

Here is a twist-could the blonde girl with the rifle be Daniel Faraday's mother?

SinD said...

interesting - she does have a British accent...

Anonymous said...

No Kate in the episode?!!?? That made it hard for me to concentrate; I think I was hoping she would at least call me to let me know she was okay.

I really think there is something to that Faraday's mom being the rifle-packing blonde!


Lohrmanns said...

Thanks for the blog - I have been reading it since it's inception thanks to some friends who told me about it.
A few obs:
the soldiers on the island are not american, but had found american soldiers and killed them (Myles walking over fresh graves). They all have accents (british or australian - I'm not good with accents.

Not sure I could name my child after someone I loathed and feared despite the friend ship with "Charlie."

I think the girl soldier looked more like Theresa the "traveller" than Charlotte.

I love and hate this show - I desperately want them to tell me something concrete, but I love they way it is a huge puzzle.

LoyalLostLoser said...

Oooh, perhaps that is his mummy! I think that makes some sense.

It's very cool to have some new peeps on here -- hope our lame jokes don't chase you away!

Anonymous said...

Okay, after last night's (excuse me - Wed night's)episode, I am so confused!! Too many people introduced at once for my little brain to process. I can't remember "real" people, but now we have speculation on who is who!! Yikes!! Overload!
I was glad to see good ole Charlie Widmore have some connection to the island finally. Never could get why on earth he was so fascinated with it. So is Penny and Desmond's child named for Penny's dad or Charlie from season's past? After all, Charlie did help Desmond and Penny a connection in the episode where he drowned.
I am just not feeling the love with the whole Daniel and Charlotte love. I am not a fan of hers at all. "Oh, what's that?? A bloody nose? So sad to see you go there!"
I am furthermore confused with the time travel thing. I am just having a hard time keeping things together. Not sure why some people are okay and some people get bloody noses. Anyone able to remind me again?
I do think Penny is going to get it. We need another tear jerker moment and I certainly won't go running for the Kleenex box if Jack lost Kate or vise versa.
So if all of this show is based in Biblical stories, who would represent Jesus? Locke??? (by the way there is a guy who looks exactly like Locke at my gym!!) I don't think he is really dead. Have I said that already? It's just a plot to get all of them back to the island. And what in the world ever happened to Kate's "son's" mom, what was her name? Is she going to pop up one of these days?
Damn you Lost!! I have even more questions than before!!

Johnny Watermelon said...

Great thoughts and theories. Here are just some of mine, don't have a lot of time but here goes:
Widmore has been working to get teh island back from Ben, so he must have had it at one time...or thought that he was entitled to it. So, we see that Widmore is an other in the 50's but not a leader, Ben is eventually born to take over as a leader but via the DI. So somewhere in between the DI gets a hold of the island, Widmore somehow gets off(because Ben gases the place), now Widmore wants it back.
To me, the blond that took Faraday to the bomb....maybe the French lady?!??!

Anonymous said...

Steve and I took another look at last weeks episode and found that the blone girl with the rifle was twice referred to as Ellie. Once by a soldier and once by Richard. In the episode "The Lie" Ben went to the church and the lady, that is in control and telling Ben what he has to do, was the same woman that was in season three in the jewelry store and refused to sell Desmond a wedding ring. Her mane is Eloise Hawkins. She is in Los Angeles and so is Daniels mother as Desmond found out. Hum; Keep in mind the number 342 (it will pop up again) as that was the pull tab that Ben took when he went to the butcher shop to have Jill keep Locke's body (is he dead or alive). We think he is alive because when they were in the hotel, Jack ask Ben "he is dead isn't he" Ben's answer was "I'll see you in 6 hours Jack". Eloise is in Church, Hurly's mom is religious and a woman of strong faith and the Virgin Mary is in several other episodes. We can't wait until next week.

Anonymous said...

I thought the episode was named "Jughead" not "Jarhead." Am I mistaken?

Okay, I'm a little late commenting but I just saw the episode a few days ago. I loved it. :)

I have to admit, and I am ashamed here, I really did not even THINK of beloved Charlie when Des said his son's name. All I thought was, "Why the hell would he name his son after his FIL when he hates the man?" Mike had to remind me about Charlie Charlie. I forgot. :( Isn't that awful? Can you blame me? So much has happened!

--Gabriella (I can't remember my google name/password)

Gabriella said...

Hey, remember when Richard had long crazy hair? When was that? When Ben was a kid? I'm so confused...