Friday, March 21, 2008

Meet Kevin Johnson

This is it for a few weeks, so enjoy . . .

First of all, I’m sure that Evan was quite disappointed that not once did Michael say, “where’s my boy?” or any variation of said phrase. I waited for it all night, but to no avail.

2. On the Island . . .
Ben is playing head games, and everyone is falling for it. Someone posted that they would be willing to make out with him . . . I think she (or he for all I know) is also under the spell of Mr. Linus.
Ben convinces Alex, his “daughter”, and Carl, and the infamous mom-jean-wearing Danielle that for Alex’s protection they need to head to “The Temple.” A great line occurs when Carl inquires why they don’t know about this; Ben replies, “It wouldn’t be a sanctuary if everyone knew about it, would it?” We’ll come back to these three later.

Another shout out to Mama Cass – Michael is listening to “It’s Getting Better” when he first attempts to kill himself. Mama Cass is also a favorite of Desmond, who plays “Make Your Own Kind of Music” when Kate and Locke first enter the hatch.

Mr. Friendly returns! Tom (who was killed (?) in the season finale last year, finds Michael in Manhattan and tells him all about his new duties. Mr. Friendly apparently enjoys a jaunt of the island once in a while to enjoy the finer things in life – like Arturro.

This week in Biblical Studies:
While most of us probably think of Michael the Angel when we think about Michaels in the Bible (Patron Saint of the Warriors, by the way), my research has led to an even better biblical reference: In the Bible, one of the Benjamites is named Michael – here’s what you need to know about the Benjamites (I think I am going to start calling myself a Benjamite):
Battle of Gibeah was a biblical battle that involved the
Tribe of Benjamin of Israel against other tribes. According to the Book of Judges, an incident of gross inhospitality by part of the tribe resulted in hostility, in which the other tribes of Israel sought vengeance, and after which the surviving members of Benjamin were systematically slaughtered, including women and children; when Benjamin was nearly extinguished, it was decided that the tribe should be allowed to survive, and all the men from another town were slaughtered, so that their wives could be re-wed to the surviving men of Benjamin – Sound familiar?
· More about Benjamin in the Bible: The youngest of Jacob's sons. His mother Rachel died in giving him birth. As she felt death approaching she called him Benoni, "son of my sorrow." Fearing, probably, that this might bode evil for the child--for names have always preserved a peculiar significance in the East--Jacob called him Benjamin, "son of the fight hand"

Michael is being haunted by Libby – why not Ana Lucia? Is she too drunk and bitter to haunt him?
THE ISLAND WON’T LET YOU DIE: This is what Tom tells Michael and what appears to be true. So the big questions are:
does the Island pick and choose who it will let die? Or are all these folks we thought were dead really alive somewhere?
If Ben is one who cannot die, why did he need Jack to operate?
Is this why Locke is able to heal so quickly, because he is at one with the island?
Will Nikki and Paulo being crawling out of their graves soon to annoy the crap out of us?
Does the Island not letting one die depend on the acts of the person? It seems like a lot of people who have killed others are not allowed to die.

8. This week in Lost Literature:
The game show Michael watches while attempting to shoot himself makes reference to Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five, in which Billy Pilgrim time travels . . . hmmm . . .
Minkowski asks Michael if he is going “Jack Nicholson” on them, referring to “The Shining.” This story also parallels what is happening to folks on the boat who are going mad, as well as perhaps some on the Island.

9. Ben contacts Michael and tells him that he did not actually use a bomb because he doesn’t want to kill the “innocent” people on the boat. He claims he only kills when he is at war, and he doesn’t want to kill innocents because he is “one of the good guys” (a recurring phrase used by Ben when trying to convince Michael to do something bad). He claims that he has a “HIGHER PURPOSE” (this is all so biblical . . . )

10. Michael apparently really wants to be good but he is one weak m-fer! He told Walt what he did; who does that to a kid?!

11. All Things Boat:
In the flashback, Miles knows that Kevin Johnson isn’t really M’s name, but doesn’t seem too concerned
Frank reveals that he believes that 815 wreckage was staged. **He says Widmore believes him.** Is Widmore really responsible, then, for the staged bodies as Ben maintains?
Capt Gault beats one of the shippers, stating, “The rules of discretion still apply to everyone. Remember what happened to the last two men who left this ship?” Hmmmm. . . .

12. Best line of the night: “We kinda like knew that a million years ago” – Hurley

13. HOLY CRAP MOMENT OF THE NIGHT: Carl is shot, and then the real Holy Crap moment – Danielle is shot! You know who is responsible, right? . . .

13. BEN! HE IS AT WAR AND CARL AND DANIELLE ARE HIS ENEMIES . . . they had the balls to try and take Alex away from him.

Well, that’s it for now. I’ll be back April 25th. Remember that ABC is being evil and moving LOST to 9:00 (that’s 10:00 for you Eastern Time Zoners!) That is going to be rough!

Your Loyal Lost Loser


SinD said...

So sad about break and new time.

Ben totally creeps me out. A lot of things make sense if he knows he can't be killed - that's why he can be such a smart ass to everyone.

Poor Carl and Danielle. that was evil. Seems to contradict his whole "I don't kill innocent people" thing. So if that's not true, he had no intention of destroying the ship before it arrived. So he must have wanted to the ship to arrive.

I screamed twice - at the appearances of Libby and Mr. Friendly.I can't believe they addressed the whole "You're not my type" comment to Kate - which had us questioning whether Mr. Friendly was an alien. Seems random to make him gay, doesn't it? (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) Maybe the island wants 2 of every kind, like Noah.
Bible studies this week are fascinating, Kate!! Nice work. You are going to be a theologist before long!

If anyone is completely bored during "Spring" Break - here is some reading someone can do and report back to us:


LoyalLostLoser said...

I'm so lonely . . . what happened to everyone? El Donk RULES!

SinD said...

Hey - LLR - this blog space reminds me of when we used to plan a department happy hour.
At least we have each other...