All I can say is holy crap! That was an episode and a half. I almost peed my pants at the end.
And now for your weekly ramblings . . .
1. Ben’s family was in Portland, OR. His parents are Roger and Emily Linus – dad later to be known as Roger Work Man – the body found by Hurley and crew in the Shambalah adventure.
2. Anybody ever see Real Genius? The one with Val Kilmer where the dude lives in their dorm closet? That’s Roger.
3. “We all answer to someone” – Do you agree? What about Atheists?
4. Locke was a bad m-fer in this episode. He wasn’t taking any of Ben’s crap . . . well, for the most part, but more on that later.
5. Roger, Emily, and Baby Ben were aided by Horace Godspeed (anagram or Biblical reference?) and his lady-friend Olivia, who later brought Roger and Ben to the Dharma Initiative.
6. Ben was creepy even as a little dude! But with a daddy like Roger, who wouldn’t be? Yet another example of DADDY ISSUES!
7. This week in Biblical Studies
Benjamin, was the twelfth and youngest son of Jacob. His mother was Rachel, Jacob's wife. Benjamin was born during the journey that Jacob and his family took from Padan Aram to Canaan. His mother Rachel named him "Ben-oni," meaning "Son of my sorrow," before she died during the childbirth, but Jacob called him Benjamin. Joseph, Benjamin's brother was sold into slavery by his other brothers.
8. So Ben fancies himself the son of Jacob? Or is Jacob really Roger? Is he a metaphorical father for him?
9. Marvin Candle – star of Hatch films like “The Pearl” and “The Swan” – also stars in the Orientation film. He tells us that the island “has properties that exist nowhere else on Earth.”
10. Annie – wasn’t she sweet? What happened to her? Did she die in “the purge”? Or did she die in childbirth and is that why Ben is obsessed with fertility?
11. The Others are the Natives . . . not the Dharma Initiative
12. I Hate Kate Moment of the Week: Sayid told her! When he asked where Jack was, and she responded that she didn’t know, Sayid snarkily said, “Of course you don’t.” Haha!
13. Ben is obsessed with bunnies . . . remember when he showed Sawyer the bunny that supposedly had the same pretend heart monitor thing?
14. Speaking of bunnies, Mikhail is the freakin Energizer Bunny! He keeps taking and licking and keeps on ticking!
15. HOLY SH#T MOMENT #1 – RICHARD IS A HOSTILE!! And apparently he does not age. And apparently he can go wherever he wants. Thought – could he be a Beezlebub of sorts? Meaning that he is the little devil sitting on Ben’s shoulder? Or is HE Jacob? Adds a whole new twist to the info he gave Locke. Has he lost faith in Ben as a leader or is he setting up Locke all along? But he is pretty hot.
16. TIVO MOMENT OF THE NIGHT – There WAS a man in Jacob’s chair. We tried and tried, but we could not see his face.
17. Ben is Nuckin Futs! He killed his dad with glee. And with Shambalah playing in the background.
18. Dharma Initiative – a bunch of hippies seeking harmony. Instead they got gassed.
19. Do you believe Juliet?
20. HOLY SH#T MOMENT #2 – Ben shoots Locke. He is jealous that Locke heard Jacob (who said, “Help Me”). He’s afraid that Locke is going to be a real leader to the island. I think Ben is holding Jacob hostage . . . I think Ben really does see himself as The Man Behind the Curtain (hence his use of Wizard of Oz names). He’s afraid with Locke, Jacob will be able to reclaim the island . . .
Well, I could go on and on, but I will wait to hear what Others (get it?) have to contribute.
Namaste and Shambalah,
Lost Loser
Thursday, May 10, 2007
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I also have to say H*ly Sh*t! to that episode! It even got David talking...
1. Benjamin is the son of Jacob, but Jacob is the son of Isaac, and I am pretty sure Rachel was his mother who he then married and had a bunch more kids with...I looked it I wrong?
2. We slow mo'd through the Jacob part like one hundred times, and here is what we came up with:
a. It is Locke--nose looked like him
b. It is the reincarnation of his father--who still haunts him because he killed him
c. It is the old cute guy who never ages...what's his name?
3. I think I might believe Juliet. I think it would be too predictable for Lost to make her actually a bad one after everyone already thinks she is. Poo on them if they do that.
4. Someone on a blog (I think I am turning into you, Kate!) said that they thought they saw Juliet come out with the Others/Hostiles after the smoke bombs...but that isn't possible.
5. Why doesn't that dude age? I think it's because the island is "on hold" from the rest of the world...people age other places, but not on the island?
6. Or, David's idea...they're a bunch of clones...and he just keeps getting cloned over and over again...hence the appearance of agelessness...
I hope we get some people talking this week...last night was AWESOME! I want to watch it again!
Ah!! First, I think Locke will not die. The man already has walked when he wasn't supposed to and has had numerous healing wounds (steel through leg, dad's bite on the hand). So he will heal from this too. I think Locke is the "second coming" so to speak. I thought the face was Locke's dad too.
I don't think Juliet is bad, she just has other motives (the conversation with Ben when he was having surgery) and just wants off the island. The same situation Jack is in. "sold their souls to the devil".
Kate just sucks.
I love Sayid.
People do have to age - Ben did. His dad did. Why doesn't Richard age?
Did Ben ever see his mom again? She said, "it wasn't time yet." Is she 'jacob'? How did Ben's daughter know about Jacob? Does she "see" him? Why does she hate her dad so much? Especially after how crappy Ben was treated by his dad - you would think he wouldn't treat his own daughter that way. Unless his baby's momma died and Ben is now just as bitter as Roger was when Ben "killed" his mom.
Mike doesn't stay up on Wed nights, but I do. So I will watch it again with him tonight!
This episode rocked my world and colored my boat at the same time! THIS is the LOST I know and love!
The man behind the curtain is.....
MONTY HALL!! (though it could be Bob Barker, since he doesn't age either.) Ooh, Dick Clark still has his grubby hands on most of ABC, doesn't he? If this turns out to be nothing more than a TV industry metaphor/in-joke, I swear I'm selling my set and committing myself the the performance and promotion of street puppetry.
In the meantime, I know you, but you don't know me, Brother (or Sister). So now you have a new mystery to solve!!!!
Moo-ah-ha, ha!
ooh . . . I am intrigued, lostboy. I wonder who you are . . . I have my ideas, but I will wait until more details are revealed. Now you are the man behind the curtain.
Kate #2 -- I thought I might have seen Ethan come out of the fog, but not Juliet. It would make sense if it Ethan was a Hostile, but I don't think Juliet.
Mer -- Danielle is Alex's mom . . but Alex probably thinks she is dead and probably blames Ben. But remember all those photos he has of her plastered all over his house? He is trying to compensate for his own father's behavior. But no matter what, all seem to end up hating their fathers. I'm telling you, it's all about God . . .
I love Locke. I wonder if where Jacob's "house" is the "metal box" that when you wish for something it appears - that supposedly brought Locke's dad? If so, and Ben knows how to use it, Locke could be right- Ben could have made the whole thing up. Why did Alex give Locke the gun? Did she think Ben would try to kill him? What good would a gun be against Jacob?
Did anyone pick up on a Kurtz vibe when they were entering Jacob's house? - Heart of Darkness- Conrad describes Kurtz as "A voice. He was very little more than a voice."
So, if the dharma people have been dead for so long, who keeps dropping food?
Ben didn't really seem that surprised that a girl parachuted to the island and had a boat just off shore - how far 100 miles? so it seems it could be possible to actually reach the island? Maybe that was a result of the hatch blowing up?
I liked how everyone stood around watching when Locke pummeled Mikhail. It seems they are ready for a change in leadership, too.
I know who you are 'boy! And I know where to find you...
No way Locke will die right now. He wasn't shot in an immediately fatal area (although stomach wounds aren't pleasant and usually lead to slow, painful death . . . gotta quit reading those Civil War books); and the island has healed him before. Even more interesting is Ben making Locke go through the same ordeal he had to go through to "join" the Hostiles/Others. The whole kill your evil dad and you're in business is way crazy. Ben seems quite schizo about Locke. I think Ben thought he'd be able to control and manipulate Locke (much like Jack thought way back when), but now that he knows Locke will alternate between having a spine (loved the scene where Locke was eating the fruit with the hunting knife and badgering the heck out of Ben) and going along and being accepted (I still think part of Locke craves acceptance by the group as he's always been an outsider and a loner), I think he took action to take Locke out.
Juliet and Jack do have something going on here that will ingratiate her in the eyes of the survivors - I agree that it'd be too obvious to make her bad after leading that way for so long. Dispite all the background we've seen on Juliet, I can't bring myself to like her and I really can't tell you why. Maybe before it's over we'll see her go the way of other annoying characters (loved when those two idiots were buried alive!).
Ben seemed quite threatened by the boat off shore. I'm not sure why, but he certainly didn't like the fact that it was there. Maybe because it could catch him in a lie that there was no way off the island now that Locke went all commando on the sub.
Back to work. Thanks for a nice break from the day and letting a Lost Loser hubby in on the fun!
Horace Goodspeed was the bad prison guard in The Green Mile - that's all we've got!
I enjoyed this episode--especially, ESPECIALLY Sayid's comment to Kate. It needed to be said--a LOT.
My guess: Locke will not die.
That's all I've got, folks. :)
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