Let me just start by saying that they had better kill Charlie next week after what they put me through last night! It might be because I am gestational, but I swear I have not cried that much at an episode of television since Mark Green died on ER! And I don’t even like Charlie . . . but more on that later.
“How about some openness for a change?” Charlie says about Jack taking them out to yet another secret location. Good point, Charlie – one more reason you better die! It better not all be a set-up.
Now we know why Danielle was taking dynamite from the Black Rock. She is working with Jack and Juliet to blow up the Others.
Let me just say, I still hate Kate with a burning passion.
Don’t know if this means anything, but Charlie’s license is YRE20L. Any thoughts? Everything means something on this show, right?
Literary Reference of the Week: The underwater hatch is called the Looking Glass, an obvious reference to Alice and Through the Looking Glass. A brief summary from the ever reliable Wikipedia:
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (
Did anyone else notice that Danielle was wearing some serious Mom-Pants?
This Week in Bible Studies: Revisiting Aaron -- Aaron was appointed directly by God to be the first high priest. He and his sons were consecrated to continue the priesthood through time. Aaron was a forerunner of Jesus Christ in his role as the high priest. His priesthood was a "shadow of heavenly things," and was intended to lead the people of Israel to look forward to the time when "another priest" would arise (Hebrews 6:20). (http://www.keyway.ca/htm2002/aaron.htm)
Tearing Up Moment #1 – Little Charlie jumps into the pool.
Desmond’s vision: Hatch – Full of Equipment (or did he say women?) – blinking yellow light – flick the switch – drown.
Jack is so condescending and pompous now. Really irritating.
I want to be Rose and Bernard when I grow up . They’re so sweet.
New Other – Ryan (which means “king” in Celtic, “Laughter” in Latin) – leading the invasion
Ben is getting really wacko!
Do you think Locke is dead?
Dexter Straton – ancestor to the Charlie family, and inspiration for the band’s name, Drive Shaft. Charlie is given the family ring by his brother, and he leaves it in Aaron’s crib (tearing up moment #2)
Tearing Up Moment of the Night – Charlie tells Aaron that he loves him. I’m getting all veklempt right now just thinking about it.
Trivia – Who was the woman Charlie saved in the alley? . . . . . . . . . . NADIA, which means “hope” by the way. She is not only Sayid’s hope for redemption and goodness, she also provided Charlie with hope he could be something.
My vote is for Sayid as leader of the Losties.
Everything about this episode redeemed Charlie for me. I now actually kind of like him. He has found meaning for his life. Which is exactly why he MUST DIE!
That’s it for today. If you’re good, maybe I will report on the special that is on tonight at 9. I’m off on a field trip . . .
Shambalah and Namaste,
Your Lost Loser
Ok, LLR, it was definitely your "condition" - I was not feelin' Charlie last night. I thought the flashback scenes were sweet - but he's still a diaper-wearing hobbit. I love that he made the "right" choice to sacrifice himself for Claire and Aaron. Maybe he will be rewarded for that.
Do you think Juliet set him up? Did she know that Charlie's (Jacob's?) Angels were chillin' in the substation?
I wonder if the Lookingglass has to do with how people get on the island - remember when they brought Juliet and had to drug her for the trip - that they are passing through some sort of mirror dimension?
Jack was totally annoying. Did Rose say she liked him better now or before?
I totally noticed Danielle's mom pants. Kate needs to hook her up with some of her obscenely low cut jeans to update her look.
We started the great debate of who is the cutest girl on the island last night (mostly Marcus asking me, do you think she's cuter than kate? about every female character.) I have to go with Alex.
I couldn't get him to commit to the 'hottest guy' game - so, ladies... If you were stranded on a desert island, who would it be?
Okay episode. I like charlie - but I always liked the bad rock band boys. he won my heart when he had the pink streaks in his hair - ROCK ON!
By the way, I watched a couple of times but I think when Charlie was singing in the street "Wonderwall" the girl holding the umbrella is the same girl that parachuted in on the island. Not completely certain, but they do plant these things.
Rose said she liked him better now. But I don't know if that was the producer's attempt for us watchers to get to like him again. They have to do way more then that to get me to like him again.
I did notice the pants. Made me feel better about my thrown together outfit yesterday.
I am going for Sayid. Strong, sensitive, and a darn good person to have with you when you are stranded!! Jin a close second, Locke - hot older man, but too much baggage, Jack - only marry him for his money he's not very emotional, Sawyer - wouldn't be able to stay in one place long enough for the sub moms to get to know and hate me.
Come on! That episode was totally chat worthy . . . where is everyone? Cyndi and Mer, you rock! You are my wonderwalls!
I am voting for Desmond to be stranded with. He's hot and Scottish.
Carla and I just got done with our 24 hours late Lost watching experience.
No crying from this guy, but I definitely started to like Charlie again. I'm not much for naughty band boys, although I did like it when him and Pippin got into the "tobacco" at Saruman's pad. Oh wait. Wrong show.
I'm not sure that they HAVE to kill Charlie now. He has redeemed himself and may live if Desmond can save him from the a**-kicking Looking Glass women. I wonder if one of their names is Alice?
Embarassed to admit that I noticed Danielle's mom pants, too. That's just not right, not right at all.
I still don't like Juliet. I really wanted the unstable dynamite to take her out like it did the science teacher. No luck for me there. She annoys me and now Jack annoys me. Oh the horror!
As for hottest regular woman in the show (we haven't seen enough of the Others/Hostile to know if there is a hottie awaiting us there), its tough. I know Kate is pouty, but she's got something going on. Shannon never really did it for me. I'd probably have to choose Claire with honorable mention to Anna-Lucia.
I'm not going to even broach the hottest guy category. There are plenty to choose from . . .
Can't wait for the two hours of love next week!
We rewatched last night (Mike for the first time and me for the 3rd). No, that woman was not Naomi that Charlie was singing to on the street.
Boy, I try so hard to pick up on the "easter eggs" that the producers plant and just can't get a one.
Yeah, I forgot about our scottish yummy treat! I could have a bit of him too. You boys may have desperate housewives, but boy, Lost is for the ladies!!
Mike had hotty visions of Charlie having a reunion with the two chicks from the hotel room being the two chicks that came at him with the guns in the looking glass. I lost him after that.
I was too tired to watch the recap last night, but I did tivo it. Did anyone catch it? Anyone actual revelations?
Ok, Evan, you definitely win the award for best Lost husband!
I have really enjoyed the last few episodes; we are finally going somewhere with the show again.
Steve and I were wondering if that Looking glass station is any relation to where Jack was held captive. Remember you could hear the water? and, did we hear whales or soemthing like that? (I coudl be making this up)
I don't trust Juliet. I don't feel that we should because as much as she has hated Ben this whole time she never did anything against his will before. AND, she didn't have him killed off earlier, either.
I dont' think Locke is dead. He is too crucial to the show and important to the "others" to just die like that. I am disappointed that NO ONE mentioned his on the episode this week, though.
And, finally, didn't you guys think it was a little violent of Charilie to wach Desmond with an oar to knock him out? He could have just been the first one to jump in teh water, geeze.
P.S. Kate, I cried a lot during that ER episode too. Remember the version of Over the Rainbow they played at the end of the show? What a tear jerker!
I miss you JP! I'm so glad we have our love of Lost to keep us together in spirit.
Good idea about Jack's captivity . . . you're right, there definitely were hints of being drowned there. Hmmm . . .
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