Thursday, April 26, 2007


D.O.C.= Date of Conception . . . Personally, I think this episode should have been titled, “Who the Daddy?” . . . and let me just give myself a shout out and say, “I told you! Jin’s the Daddy!” Go, me!

What we learned (or were further frustrated by):

1. Jin is the son of a prostitute, and he may or may not be the son of a fisherman. Sun is blackmailed by an old woman on the street, who it turns out is the streetwalker mama of Jin. What is it with old ladies harassing people on this show? Were the producers picked on by Grannies or what?
2. Nadia (parachute lady . . . learned her name on a Lost board) speaks at least four languages – Chinese, Spanish, Italian, and English. Of course, we got no closer to finding out who she is . . . well, maybe a little, but more on that later.
3. Sun is quite an accomplished liar. But it’s usually for a good reason . . . but does that make it right? All the Losties seem to have a flaw, and having her pants on fire seems to be Sun’s.
4. How hot was Jin kicking Mikhail’s butt?!!
5. Speaking of Mikhail, how is he alive? He was roasted on the security system last we saw him. Faker!
6. This week in religious studies . . . I got nothing. Anyone?
7. SHAME was the theme of this week’s episode. What lengths will we go to to protect ourselves or our loved ones from being shamed?
8. Nine women died during pregnancy in three years. They all died in the middle of the second trimester. Will Sun died since it has been confirmed she conceived on the island? Or will the Others experiment on her and save her life?
9. Speaking of those wily Others, what is the deal with hiding everything? Who are they hiding from? Obviously not the Losties, since the Others have been there much longer. Why all the security systems and hidden ultrasound machines? There is yet another faction somewhere on the island . . . the rulers of the black smoke.
10. It’s Sun’s fault Jin got pulled into the mob biz.
11. Men get potent on the island . . . the sperm count goes way up. Must be the lack of clean, tight undies.
12. Mikhail tells Des and co. that parachute girl will heal in about a day. “There’s something about this place.”
13. Holy crap moment of the night #1 – Juliet leaves a message for Ben in the hatch. Confirms details of Sun’s pregnancy. Switches off mic and says, “I hate you.” I love Juliet!
14. Only 30 seconds of Kate! Yay! And no crying!
15. Sun asks what many of us have been thinking . . . is Jack working with the Others?
16. Desmond points out that the Losties have killed more Others than Others have killed Losties. Charlie’s comeback? “They started it.” Good one, Charlie . . .
17. Holy crap moment of the night #2 – Hurley tells woman that they are the survivors of flight 815 . . . she tells him that is impossible . . . THEY FOUND THE PLANE AND THERE WERE NO SURVIVORS. Now, don’t go thinking they are in purgatory, because they are not . . . that has been confirmed by the producers over and over again. However, someone went to a lot of trouble to make sure no one was looking for them.

Not my favorite episode, but as I love Jin, a palatable one. The previews for next week freaked me out . . . Locke kidnapped Ben? Wants Sawyer to kill Ben? Or is it all a set-up? Could it really be the Man from Tallahasssee he wants Sawyer to kill? . . . we’ll see.



SinD said...

So in Juliet's message she said that she was going to check Austin next - a Kate/Sawyer baby? That would be one tough kid!
Why hasn't Juliet gotten pregnant? With all that sperm being produced, I'm surprised there hasn't been more sex going on - maybe the producers just thought of that one. So men become more virile and the result of it is that they kill the women - that's really depressing to me, being a feminist and all. Thanks for the great notes, LL

LoyalLostLoser said...

But it would be a whiny smartass crybaby. . . nothing worse.

I hadn't thought of the feminist angle, but now I am depressed.

Kate said...

Why would someone want to make sure that they appeared dead? Unless the Others are the ones responsible for the crash, and created a ruse for the rest of the world, so no one searched for them. That way, they can do whatever they want to them...
By the way, when the hell does Juliet have to meet back up with Ben? Because I want her taken down! Down, down, down...Juliet's goin' down.

Anonymous said...

Unlike you, this was one of my favorite episodes. I'm a sucker for any Sun-flashback. I find her to be such a talented actress. And of course, HOT!Jin! isn't bad to look at either.

That entire scene w/ Jin's dad and Sun made me cry. I felt so bad for Papa Kwon. I kept wanting her to tell him what a wonderful job he did raising Jin.

Now, about Nadia. What was the name of Sayid's love? Wasn't THAT woman named Nadia or am I mistaken?

So, are they checking women to see if there's some sort of special quality to their biology to make them capable of surviving pregnancy on the island? Is that it? Otherwise, what would they need to check from Kate? She's not preggo, right? Is there some special chromosome-y thing they're looking at?

I loved the "I hate you" moment, but I felt like the whole thing was predictable. I didn't consider it a Holy Crap moment at all. I didn't find anything surprising about it at all. I even told Mike so...but he's still struggling to get past how hot he thinks Kate & Juliet are to formulate an actual response.

The HC moments for me were Sun's involvement in turning Jin into a gangster. LOVED that. Also, the return of Mikail and the "deaths" of all the 815'ers freaked me out. Yikes.

LoyalLostLoser said...

My fault . . . her name is Naomi.

Sarah said...

Hi everyone...I'm a long time reader, first time blogger....

So, maybe this is too obvious, but with the whole "island-super-sperm-count" thing going on, doesn't Kate pretty much have to be pregnant with Sawyer's baby? Meaning she's going to die pretty soon too? And, the Others saw them doing it on the tape, so they know....