Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Incident

Sorry to be posting a little late . . . I had to let it all digest.

While it wasn’t my favorite finale, it definitely got me thinking (and, of course, opened up a whole new can of worms). The whole Jacob thing is really blowing my mind today!
I also spent too much time reading about Jacob the biblical figure and his brother Esau.

1. Is it just me, or is Jacob a regular Rumplestilsken?

2. Jacob and his nemesis (unnamed thus far) watch beside the statue as the Black Rock sails toward the coast of the island. Nemesis says, “We brought them here. It always the same: they come, they fight, they destroy.” Jacob replies, “It only ends once. Everything else is just progress.”
-- Nemesis’ words seem to describe all groups that come to the island. In some ways, isn’t it the perfect description of mankind? Could it be that Nemesis and Jacob are opposing viewpoints on mankind? Good v. evil? Optimism v. Pessimism?
-- Chris called it – Jacob lies in the shadow of the statue (more on that later).

3. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: This could take a while, so I am going to include a link to Wikipedia and just give you a few highlights:
a. Jacob had a twin named Esau. Esau was born first, with Jacob clinging to his heel. Esau was initially favored by his father Isaac (who later was renamed Israel), but because of a trick by their mother, Jacob became the blessed one. During this trick, Rebecca disguised Jacob as Esau (Jacob was fair, Esau was hairy, Isaac was blind).
b. Esau spent most of the rest of his life seeking revenge on Jacob and his descendants.
c. Jacob and his wife Rachel (Juliet’s sister’s name)struggled for nearly 100 years to conceive a child, but eventually bore two sons (he had 8 others w/ other wives), including Joseph and Benjamin (awwww . . . snap). That’s why Ben feels so forsaken by his island “father”? He is always the “second son.”
d. In both Jewish and Islamic faith, Jacob is the one chosen by God to spread his word.
e. Here’s the link if you want to read more:

My conclusion? Jacob really is goodness . . . but he is also seeking the “end” of the story.

4. Jacob’s “touching” of the 06:
a. Kate – trying to steal a lunch box – Jacob protects her from being punished (possibly protecting her from her stepdad?) – Kate eventually becomes an outlaw -- ends up on island.
b. James – Jacob gives him the pen to write his letter to Mr. Sawyer – James carries this letter with him always – He becomes Sawyer, a con-man, just like the one who “killed” his parents – ends up on island.
c. Sayid – Jacob asks him for directions and he pauses while Nadia continues to cross and is hit by a car and killed – Sayid no longer has any reason to repress his “killer instinct – he goes back to the island
d. Locke – Jacob is reading outside the building from which Locke was pushed – he touches Locke and tells him everything will be ok and that he is sorry this happened to him – he ends up on the island (Locke did have some important role on the island. Nemesis somehow knew this . . . used it to his advantage).
e. Sun and Jin’s wedding – Jacob shakes their hands and tells them “your love is special. Never take it for granted.” -- Sun comes back to island to find Jin.
f. Jack – After Sarah’s surgery, Jack flips on Christian (who questions whether it is really Christian who doesn’t believe in Jack) – Jacob hands Jack the Apollo bar – Jack’s dysfunctional relationship with his father and his self doubt – ends up on island.
g. Hurley – Jacob is pretty honest with him – tells him he is lucky not cursed because he can talk to the dead – gives him guitar – Hurley goes back to island. (This also helps us understand Hurley’s more light-hearted outlook on speaking w/ the dead, particularly when he talks with Miles).

Jacob has touched the lives of all these people. I think “they” are the “they” who are coming! They are all an integral part of Jacob’s plan. He is helping them fulfill their destinies.

5. Ilana and company – disciples of Jacob. How did this come to pass? What is the back story there?

6. RECURRING LINE: “What’s done is done.”

7. James asks Jack what he wants, for every man “does what he does for a reason.” Jack implies it is because he lost Kate.

8. James and Juliet were really pissing me off for a while there . . . but in the end . . . James+Juliet=4Ever!

9. YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO MILES!!!: “Did it ever occur to you that you may cause the thing you are trying to prevent?” Maybe that’s why “they’re coming.”


11. For what is Frank a candidate? A disciple? They seem to think he will be trustworthy. Are they trust worthy? (They being Ilana and Bram)

12. TEAR-JERKER MOMENT: Do I even have to say it? “Don’t you leave me.” “I will always love you.” So unfair!

13. THIS WEEK IN LOST LITERATURE: Everything That Rises Must Converge: This short story tells place in the recently desegregated South, where "enlightened" whites are condescending, and blacks resent the efforts of well-meaning whites. The collection deals with what happens when things change, how we must face up to our problems and confront our own hypocrisies.

14. Jacob tells Ben he has a CHOICE. Of course, Ben CHOOSES to kill Jacob (his “father”)

15. Totally knew it was going to be Locke in the box. Interestingly, that is the same ending as last year . . . hmmmmm . . .

16. Richard saves Ellie – “Consequences” of our actions.

17. Holla to Rose and Bernard! You, too, Vincent!

18. Richard asks Jack about Locke. Jack has a surprising new outlook on John – He says he wouldn’t give up on him.

19. Why did everyone change their minds and help Jack with his mission? Boy, is Sawyer gonna hate his guts for real now!

20. What lies in the shadow of the statue? "Ille qui nos omnes servabit" - “He who will protect/save us all.”

21. “They’re Coming” -- WHO? I think the 06. I think the bomb will actually set it all in motion – again. I think Miles was right.

22. Every season ends with a bang. Literally!

23. Questions I’m still dying to find the answers to:
a. Where is Claire?
b. What role does Christian play? (Could he be the form that Nemesis took before John’s body arrived?)
c. Why can’t babies be born on the island after Dharmaville?
d. Walt . . . will he be back?
e. Why doesn’t Richard age?
f. Who built the statue?

24. New Questions:
a. Who is Jacob’s enemy (aka Nemesis)?
b. Why does he want to kill Jacob?
c. What is the loophole? How does Locke fit into it?
d. How does Jacob "bring" people to the Island?
e. Why did Jacob choose to visit each person at pivotal moments of their lives?
f. Who did Locke and Hurley see/hear previously at the cabin? (Nemesis?)
g. Who are
Ilana and her crew, and why are they referring to themselves as "the good guys?"
h. For what and why is Frank a candidate?
i. Why had Jacob never met with Ben? (he seemed to imply cause Ben is an insipid whiner sometimes)
j. How did Jacob come to be on the Island?
k. Who are "they" that are coming?

Finally, in the 2010 teaser, “Destiny Revealed,” a female eye opens. It looked like Juliet’s to me . . . but I guess we’ll have to wait 7 months to find out!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Follow the Leader

Just when I thought I might not hate Kate anymore . . .

The Jack I love to hate is back . . .

Jim + Juliet = 4Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Overarching theme of tonight’s episode seems to be the desire to erase the misery in our lives. And while I still hate Kate, I did agree with her on this point . . . if you erase the misery in your life, you also erase the joy. So the question becomes, if they change the course of time, if Oceanic 815 never crashes, will they truly be happier? Is it worth giving up those moments of love and happiness, of discovery, to live without misery? I’m currently teaching a unit on Dystopia, and I have to say, a life without misery is no life at all. Plus, what was so great about any of their lives before the crash anyway? What is it that Jack is trying to get back to? I think he has forgotten what a loser he was becoming when his father died.

2. Is it really their destiny to “put things back”?

3. The Dharma Initiative is built over the bomb, which means it is also built over the temple. All those flashes that have been happening – related to radiation? Doesn’t radiation cause nosebleeds? Will setting off the bomb cause the flashes? Maybe Jack’s destiny to set off the bomb will actually cause all of this in reality. After all, whatever happened, happened.

4. The Kadzinsky Coupe!

5. I love Dr. Pierre Chang. I want a t-shirt.

6. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: Locke sends Richard to tell Locke that he has to die. Trippy!

7. Funniest Moment of the Night: Dr. Chang asks Hurley who is president. Remember, Hurley was trying to get that info from Jack when they arrived at DI!

8. Ellie and Widmore – I want to know more about this relationship. By the way, is she preggers? Wasn’t Widmore touching her belly?

9. Speaking of Ellie and Widmore, do you think they are both so desperate to get back to the island/send the 08 back to the island to save their son? Or are their reasons more complicated (not that trying to save the son you killed before he was born isn’t complicated enough!)?

10. Were you as surprised as I was that Sawyer actually got on the sub (although the previews imply he will get off)? I LOVED that!

11. VOMIT IN MY MOUTH MOMENT: Kate gets on the sub and gives Sawyer that look. Hello? Don’t you realize that they don’t want you there? Poor Kate; no one likes her anymore (not even Loser Jack).

12. Locke is BA!

13. WHY DOES LOCKE WANT TO KILL JACOB? Didn’t see that one coming!

14. Building on my crackpot theory: Kate tells Jack that he sounds just like Locke. Hmmmm . . . John? . . . Jack?

15. By the way, who is the leader that is to be followed? Locke? Jack? Sawyer?
Finale next week . . . can’t wait!
