The 100th episode did not disappoint! Though it made my brain hurt and kept me thinking into the wee hours of the night . . .
I’m going to try not to recap but rather stick to a few key items:
1. The first thing that came into my mind this morning when I woke up was “WHERE THE HELL ARE ROSE AND BERNARD?” I do not think it is just the producers being lazy; I think there is a very significant reason that we have not seen these two since the first episode. Are they in a different time period? I’ve seen some theories out there on the web that they are the Adam and Eve skeletons found in the cave . . . but I think this is definitely something we need to keep asking as the season creeps closer to the end.
2. Most F*ed Up Moment: Daniel is killed by his mother – twice, basically. She kills him and then she sends him back to the island to be killed again. You have to be one dedicated B to do that!
3. Sawyer and Juliet or Des and Penny? Which is the best couple ever?
4. We now know why Daniel was crying in last season’s premiere (although he doesn’t) and we also know what he was doing in this season’s premiere.
5. The Constant Theory –
a. building the Swan unleashes electromagnetic energy
b. button pushed for years to keep the energy at bay
c. Des fails to push the button
d. O 815 crashes
d. Freighter arrives w/ D, M, and C
e. C dies, leaving D heartbroken
f. D goes to Ann Arbor
g. D returns to be killed (of course, this is not why he thinks he has returned)
6. The Variable Theory –
a. Stop the Swan from being built
b. Energy never released
c. O 815 never crashes
d. Charlotte never dies . . .
7. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #1: Daniel tells Chang the truth . . . do you think Chang secretly believes him?
8. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #2: Charles reveals that he is Daniel’s father!
9. Best Sawyer Nicknames of the Night: “Twitchy,” “HG Wells,” and “The Iagos”
10. No, I do not think Sawyer still has a thing for Kate even though he called her “Freckles” and peeved Juliet.
11. Speaking of Kate (vomit in mouth), it kind of seems that she and Jack are through.
12. When I saw Desmond, all I could think was “Groper!”
13. HOLY CRAPPIEST MOMENT: Ellie shoots Daniel . . . GD!
14. Didn’t Daniel realize that he was a constant when he spoke to Charlotte and made her cry? She told him he did that!!!!!!
So it all seems to come down to Fate versus Free Will . . . once again. Do you think they can change the course of the events? Do you think they should? Do you think Sawyer, Juliet, and Miles will try to stop them?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Some Like it Hoth
Damn you, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof! Damn you! Just when we think we have something figured out, you clearly dispute it! Time traveling does not have the rules we thought . . .
This was one of my favorite episodes this season, mostly because it had lots of funny moments, and they used my favorite derogatory term a few times – “douche.” Seriously, is there a more hilarious thing to call someone (besides maybe a “tea-bagger”)?
1. But I guess my first instinct was right . . . Miles is indeed Pierre Chang’s son. At first I thought that Miles had come after his mom and he left the island, then I thought it was before he was born. But I was wrong, wrong, wrong! So, now we have to come up with a new theory as to why Sun and Ben did not arrive in the same time as the rest of the Losties. Maybe because they do not belong? Ben has been cast out and Sun has a child she must raise. I’m flummoxed!
2. What we know about Miles:
-- he can speak (or feel) the dead and ask them what happened to them
-- this seems to have something to do with having been on the island
-- Punk rock Miles! Sweet! The producers did a much better job “younging” him
than they did Jack or Ben.
n Miles mom, Lara, says that Pierre abandoned them and never loved them. This is why Miles does not seek to know his father.
n Miles was recruited by Widmore – I think it just might have had something to do with him being Chang’s son, not just his “special” abilities
n He is greedy – but we already knew that!
3. “The Circle of Trust” -- ha! Horace is soooo 70’s! And apparently inspired Meet the Parents.
4. Why is Kate such a dumbass? Really? Could she make it more obvious that she had something to do with Ben’s “disappearance”?
5. Hurley has a new BFF! He and Miles had some great lines: - “You’re just jealous that my power’s better than yours”
- “That guy’s kind of a douche.” “That douche is my dad.”
- “You can hold baby you. Change your own diaper.”
- “Ewoks suck, dude.”
6. Hydra Island – under which Charlie met his maker – was where they were experimenting on the polar bears. Somehow, those bears escaped! Though we haven’t seen one in a while . . .
7. The body in the van belonged to Alvarez. He died when one of his fillings was shot out of his gums and pierced his brain. This is because he got too close to the source of the electromagnetism. He was working on what would later become the hatch. His death, and probably others, led the DI to create the numbers system.
8. Speaking of those wiley numbers, they seem to be making a comeback . . . Hurley got all freaky deaky when they were embossing them on the steel sheet.
9. “Love . . . love will keep us together” -- new theme song for Hurley and Miles, BFF!
10. When Naomi recruits Miles, she has him “talk” to the body of Felix. Felix confirms to the viewers that Charles Widmore staged the crash of Oceanic 815. She also tells him that there are lots of deceased on this island that can help them find a man who will be very difficult to find. It might be Ben . . . but could she be referring to Jacob? Also, some might think that the “deceased” refer to the Losties. I do not think this is the case. It has been refuted many times that they are all dead – but they could be, I guess.
11. Bram – van driver who snatches Miles – was the guy with Ilana last week. He asks Miles, “What lies in the shadow of the statue?” According to Bram (reference to Bram Stoker, author of Dracula?), Miles is not ready because he does not know the answer.
12. BEST MOMENT: Baby Miles wearing a Dharma shirt reading a book about polar bears. Sweet!
- Hurley is writing Empire Strikes Back, clearly the best Star Wars movie ever made. He compares Miles and Chang to Luke and Vader.
- The title also refers to “Some Like it Hot,” a classic buddy movie. BFF! Does this mean we can expect M and H to cross dress in a coming episode?
14. Faraday is back! And he’s not wearing a tie!
15. Rose and Bernard – I miss you!
So, do you know what lies in the shadow of the statue? Which team are you on?
This was one of my favorite episodes this season, mostly because it had lots of funny moments, and they used my favorite derogatory term a few times – “douche.” Seriously, is there a more hilarious thing to call someone (besides maybe a “tea-bagger”)?
1. But I guess my first instinct was right . . . Miles is indeed Pierre Chang’s son. At first I thought that Miles had come after his mom and he left the island, then I thought it was before he was born. But I was wrong, wrong, wrong! So, now we have to come up with a new theory as to why Sun and Ben did not arrive in the same time as the rest of the Losties. Maybe because they do not belong? Ben has been cast out and Sun has a child she must raise. I’m flummoxed!
2. What we know about Miles:
-- he can speak (or feel) the dead and ask them what happened to them
-- this seems to have something to do with having been on the island
-- Punk rock Miles! Sweet! The producers did a much better job “younging” him
than they did Jack or Ben.
n Miles mom, Lara, says that Pierre abandoned them and never loved them. This is why Miles does not seek to know his father.
n Miles was recruited by Widmore – I think it just might have had something to do with him being Chang’s son, not just his “special” abilities
n He is greedy – but we already knew that!
3. “The Circle of Trust” -- ha! Horace is soooo 70’s! And apparently inspired Meet the Parents.
4. Why is Kate such a dumbass? Really? Could she make it more obvious that she had something to do with Ben’s “disappearance”?
5. Hurley has a new BFF! He and Miles had some great lines: - “You’re just jealous that my power’s better than yours”
- “That guy’s kind of a douche.” “That douche is my dad.”
- “You can hold baby you. Change your own diaper.”
- “Ewoks suck, dude.”
6. Hydra Island – under which Charlie met his maker – was where they were experimenting on the polar bears. Somehow, those bears escaped! Though we haven’t seen one in a while . . .
7. The body in the van belonged to Alvarez. He died when one of his fillings was shot out of his gums and pierced his brain. This is because he got too close to the source of the electromagnetism. He was working on what would later become the hatch. His death, and probably others, led the DI to create the numbers system.
8. Speaking of those wiley numbers, they seem to be making a comeback . . . Hurley got all freaky deaky when they were embossing them on the steel sheet.
9. “Love . . . love will keep us together” -- new theme song for Hurley and Miles, BFF!
10. When Naomi recruits Miles, she has him “talk” to the body of Felix. Felix confirms to the viewers that Charles Widmore staged the crash of Oceanic 815. She also tells him that there are lots of deceased on this island that can help them find a man who will be very difficult to find. It might be Ben . . . but could she be referring to Jacob? Also, some might think that the “deceased” refer to the Losties. I do not think this is the case. It has been refuted many times that they are all dead – but they could be, I guess.
11. Bram – van driver who snatches Miles – was the guy with Ilana last week. He asks Miles, “What lies in the shadow of the statue?” According to Bram (reference to Bram Stoker, author of Dracula?), Miles is not ready because he does not know the answer.
12. BEST MOMENT: Baby Miles wearing a Dharma shirt reading a book about polar bears. Sweet!
- Hurley is writing Empire Strikes Back, clearly the best Star Wars movie ever made. He compares Miles and Chang to Luke and Vader.
- The title also refers to “Some Like it Hot,” a classic buddy movie. BFF! Does this mean we can expect M and H to cross dress in a coming episode?
14. Faraday is back! And he’s not wearing a tie!
15. Rose and Bernard – I miss you!
So, do you know what lies in the shadow of the statue? Which team are you on?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
"What Happened, Happened" and "Dead is Dead"
This is my second try at this . . . my computer crashed mid-blog. Aaarrgghhh! It’s a two-for-one, too. Hope you enjoy!
“Whatever Happened, Happened”
As much as I hate to admit it, I had sympathy for Kate in this episode. She did the right thing by Aaron and Claire, and I was a little choked up when she said goodbye to Aaron. But I still hate her!
1. Do you think Cassidy was right about Sawyer being a coward by staying on the island? I thought she had a point . . . but he’s still hot and awesome.
2. Classic – Miles trying to explain time travel to Hurley. In the end, his theory did make sense . . . even though Ben didn’t remember them . . .
3. Go Team Juliet! Way to score some points for Jawyer!
4. Why did Kate NEED Aaron?
5. Is it the Losties’ fault that Ben is Ben?
6. BEST LINE: Hurley looking at his hand, waiting for it to “Marty McBride”
7. We learn that Ellie and Charles were in charge of the Others . . . what happened? Well, we learned a bit in . . .
“Dead is Dead”
2. Richard saved Ben against Charles’ wishes, just as Ben would later save Alex against Charles’ wishes. Both claim it is what Jacob wants. So again, who the hell is Jacob? For a minute I thought maybe it was Sawyer . . .
3. Ben claims he came back to the island to be judged . . . do you think this is true? I don’t but I think he was forced into following through on his lie. The island made him do it!
4. Why does Ilana look so much like Ana Lucia? Do you think it is coincidence?
5. SOUL GLO AWARD: Although there is no actual Soul Glo used, Ben’s hair was SWEEET! Paired with the ascot . . . totally hot. (Please note sarcasm).
6. Ben trained Ethan; he must have lured him away from Dharma somehow. Maybe because he was the only other kid around for E to look up to?
7. HALLELUJAH! The Locke I know and love is back! He is not that whiny, insipid guy anymore. He wasn’t buying any of Ben’s bullshit.
8. Why did Charles think Danielle and Alex needed to be killed? He’s clearly not a nice man . . . but I still can’t decide if he is better or worse than Ben. Maybe we’re not supposed to be able to make that distinction; maybe that’s the point.
9. Sun is waiting for Locke. Alex says if Ben tries to hurt Locke, if he doesn’t follow Locke, she will kill him. Is Locke Jacob somehow?
10. GO TEAM PESMOND!!!! Way to kick Ben’s ass!
Charles Dickens’ last book
A man seeks to win the love of a woman on the merits of his own character rather than through his inheritance. Maybe Des has a secret background we don’t know about yet . . .
This is the book Des carries around with him in previous seasons, the one that is only to be opened if he dies. He finds a letter from Penny in it when he is contemplating suicide while trapped in the hatch. This book kept him going.
12. So is “dead” “dead”? And if so, does that mean Locke is really dead? Aaaarrgght! I can’t wrap my head around this!
13. Ilana is working for someone . . . she wants to know “What lies in the shadow of the statue?” Could it be Smokey?
14. THIS WEEK IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Under the temple, Ben find Hieroglyphics and a representation of Anubis, Egyptian god who was the gatekeeper to the underworld and Osiris. Anubis is the “Weigher of Souls” on their way to the afterlife. Ben clearly has a crappy soul . . .
15. What’s up with the crappy F/X during the Smokey scene? That was awful!
Can’t wait to see Miles’ story next week!
“Whatever Happened, Happened”
As much as I hate to admit it, I had sympathy for Kate in this episode. She did the right thing by Aaron and Claire, and I was a little choked up when she said goodbye to Aaron. But I still hate her!
1. Do you think Cassidy was right about Sawyer being a coward by staying on the island? I thought she had a point . . . but he’s still hot and awesome.
2. Classic – Miles trying to explain time travel to Hurley. In the end, his theory did make sense . . . even though Ben didn’t remember them . . .
3. Go Team Juliet! Way to score some points for Jawyer!
4. Why did Kate NEED Aaron?
5. Is it the Losties’ fault that Ben is Ben?
6. BEST LINE: Hurley looking at his hand, waiting for it to “Marty McBride”
7. We learn that Ellie and Charles were in charge of the Others . . . what happened? Well, we learned a bit in . . .
“Dead is Dead”
2. Richard saved Ben against Charles’ wishes, just as Ben would later save Alex against Charles’ wishes. Both claim it is what Jacob wants. So again, who the hell is Jacob? For a minute I thought maybe it was Sawyer . . .
3. Ben claims he came back to the island to be judged . . . do you think this is true? I don’t but I think he was forced into following through on his lie. The island made him do it!
4. Why does Ilana look so much like Ana Lucia? Do you think it is coincidence?
5. SOUL GLO AWARD: Although there is no actual Soul Glo used, Ben’s hair was SWEEET! Paired with the ascot . . . totally hot. (Please note sarcasm).
6. Ben trained Ethan; he must have lured him away from Dharma somehow. Maybe because he was the only other kid around for E to look up to?
7. HALLELUJAH! The Locke I know and love is back! He is not that whiny, insipid guy anymore. He wasn’t buying any of Ben’s bullshit.
8. Why did Charles think Danielle and Alex needed to be killed? He’s clearly not a nice man . . . but I still can’t decide if he is better or worse than Ben. Maybe we’re not supposed to be able to make that distinction; maybe that’s the point.
9. Sun is waiting for Locke. Alex says if Ben tries to hurt Locke, if he doesn’t follow Locke, she will kill him. Is Locke Jacob somehow?
10. GO TEAM PESMOND!!!! Way to kick Ben’s ass!
Charles Dickens’ last book
A man seeks to win the love of a woman on the merits of his own character rather than through his inheritance. Maybe Des has a secret background we don’t know about yet . . .
This is the book Des carries around with him in previous seasons, the one that is only to be opened if he dies. He finds a letter from Penny in it when he is contemplating suicide while trapped in the hatch. This book kept him going.
12. So is “dead” “dead”? And if so, does that mean Locke is really dead? Aaaarrgght! I can’t wrap my head around this!
13. Ilana is working for someone . . . she wants to know “What lies in the shadow of the statue?” Could it be Smokey?
14. THIS WEEK IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Under the temple, Ben find Hieroglyphics and a representation of Anubis, Egyptian god who was the gatekeeper to the underworld and Osiris. Anubis is the “Weigher of Souls” on their way to the afterlife. Ben clearly has a crappy soul . . .
15. What’s up with the crappy F/X during the Smokey scene? That was awful!
Can’t wait to see Miles’ story next week!
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