Friday, February 29, 2008

The Constant

“What do you expect to find?”


And we got some . . .

1. Desmond – so do you prefer your rugged Scotsman w/ long hair or short hair? I was kind of diggin’ Des circa 1996. Kinda sexy

2. The “jumping” of Desmond between 1996 and 2004 confirms a few things:
--There is a time warp connected to the island
--The Island is highly electromagnetic
--Desmond is hot in both decades

3. This week in Lost Literature:
We’ve discussed a number of times the references to the Odyssey. Clearly, Des is Oddyseus and Penelope is, well, Penelope. To review the classical story:
--Penelope waits for the return of her husband for 20 years. So far, our Penny has only had to wait 8 . . . but she seems willing to wait as long as necessary
--Penelope and Odysseus have a son (hmm . . .)
--Odysseus returns to his wife in disguise as a suitor (an old beggar)
--In the Hero’s Journey – Penelope is the device that allows for the triumph of the hero. Will Des be our final hero on this long, convoluted journey.

4. The course of true love never did run smooth . . .
--Des hastily dumped Penny and ran off to join the army.
--Daddy Widmore hates Desmond, and if you recall, he worked hard to thwart their romance from the beginning (more on this later . . .)
--Penelope lives on Cheyne Walk, home of the famous, like Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.
--Des can hardly get together change for the pay phone.

5. “The Black Rock”
--This is the ship on the island. A painting and journal from one of its captains is being auctioned.
--The journal was found near Madagascar – the place we saw Charlotte in her flashback (or forward)
--It was owned by Tovar Hanso, ancestor of the founders of the Dharma Initiative
--Mr. Charles Widmore purchases it.

6. It’s all about Penny and her creepy-ass dad . . . Why else would he give Desmond her address?!!

7. Daniel Ferraday –
--I now believe that in the premiere, his was a flash forward. He started crying about the discovery of Oceanic 815 wreckage . . . and he said he didn’t know why. In other words, SOMETHING HAS GONE WRONG.
--Therefore, if his was a flashforward, so were those of Miles, Charlotte, and Frank. What do you think? What would all this mean?
--He had some sweet hair at Oxford. He is apparently an intellectual outcast. Others taunt his research on time travel.

8. This week in Biblical Studies: Daniel is told to set his device to 2.342 at 11hz. This is what Daniel 2 says in the bible, and it totally fits!!:

1. In the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; his mind was troubled and he could not sleep. 2. So the king summoned the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell him what he had dreamed. When they came in and stood before the king, 3. he said to them, "I have had a dream that troubles me and I want to know what it means. " 4. Then the astrologers answered the king in Aramaic, "O king, live forever! Tell your servants the dream, and we will interpret it." 5. The king replied to the astrologers, "This is what I have firmly decided: If you do not tell me what my dream was and interpret it, I will have you cut into pieces and your houses turned into piles of rubble. 6. But if you tell me the dream and explain it, you will receive from me gifts and rewards and great honor. So tell me the dream and interpret it for me." 7. Once more they replied, "Let the king tell his servants the dream, and we will interpret it." 8. Then the king answered, "I am certain that you are trying to gain time, because you realize that this is what I have firmly decided: 9. If you do not tell me the dream, there is just one penalty for you. You have conspired to tell me misleading and wicked things, hoping the situation will change. So then, tell me the dream, and I will know that you can interpret it for me." 10. The astrologers answered the king, "There is not a man on earth who can do what the king asks! No king, however great and mighty, has ever asked such a thing of any magician or enchanter or astrologer. 11. What the king asks is too difficult. No one can reveal it to the king except the gods, and they do not live among men." 12. This made the king so angry and furious that he ordered the execution of all the wise men of Babylon. 13 So the decree was issued to put the wise men to death, and men were sent to look for Daniel and his friends to put them to death. 14. When Arioch, the commander of the king's guard, had gone out to put to death the wise men of Babylon, Daniel spoke to him with wisdom and tact.

--Book 11 is about a battle between the King from the South and the King of the North”, but most significant: Then a mighty king will appear, who will rule with great power and do as he pleases. -- Could it be Ben? Or Mr. Widmore?

--Daniel instructs Frank to follow 305 degrees North, a reference to Mr. Eko’s stick w/ the verse: "Lift up your eyes and look north - John 3:05".


9. The Losties are told that their concept of time may be warped.

10. Fisher Stevens plays the previously mentioned George Minkowski. He is suffering the same fate as Desmond, except he has no “anchor.” I wonder if in his “jumps” he sees Steve Guttenberg and Number 5 and talks in a really stereotypical Indian accent?

11. Penny and Desmond’s conversation:
She’s been looking for him for 3 years – why just 3?
She knows about the island
She has been researching something, but the phone line cuts out before we hear what.
She confirms that she spoke to Charlie – Des and Sayid should be worried!!!!
It was really touching; I got a little teary.

12. KEY LINE OF THE NIGHT: Daniel reads in his journal, “IF ANYTHING GOES WRONG, DESMOND HUME WILL BE MY CONSTANT.” What is he expecting to go wrong?

So the real question is, will you be my constant? If I call you in 8 years, will you answer?
Your Loyal Lost Loser

Friday, February 22, 2008


Did you fall for it? Did you? Did you? Huh? I didn’t! Boy, I am getting good at this game . . . I called it 10 minutes in.

Where to start . . .

1. Title – Eggtown is an old term for bartering. We see lots of bartering on this episode:
Kate barters to see Miles
James barters to sleep w/ Kate (why, I don’t know!)
John barters w/ Miles (although I’m not sure putting a grenade in someone’s mouth is technically “bartering” – I think we might call that coercion)
Kate’s mother barters to see “the baby”
Kate barters to keep “the baby” away from the courtroom
Kate barters for probation
Additionally, Locke serves Ben eggs and kills a chicken.

2. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: I discuss this early in the post because it ties directly to the Biblical references made . . . Kate’s “son” is actually Aaron!!!! I knew this as soon as Claire asked Kate to hold Aaron.

It is important to remember that the psychic told Claire that SHE MUST RAISE THE BABY. What will happen now that Kate is raising him? What happened to Claire? Does Jack know that Aaron is his nephew?

3. This week in Biblical Studies:
Aaron – Brother of Moses, spokesman for Moses. Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days. During that time, the people of Israel became inpatient and asked Aaron to make them gods. So Aaron collected the gold from the people and made a calf out of it. The people then presented offerings to the calf and had a big feast. Moses later recalls that God was angry enough to destroy Aaron after that. But Moses prayed for Aaron and thus he was spared. AARON CREATED A FALSE GOD . . . will baby Aaron become some sort of Damian-like child if he is not raised by Claire?
James –
Brother of John (interesting). First disciple of Jesus to be martyred. Hmmm . . . I predict our boy Sawyer will die in helping others get off of the island.
Jesus also had a brother named James.
So to whom is Sawyer a “brother”? Jack or Locke? That remains to be seen.

4. Oceanic 6 –
We now know five – Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, and Aaron (although he could be a red herring as he was born on the island and therefore wouldn’t technically be a survivor).
The official story the 6 are telling is that 8 initially survived and Kate saved them by mothering them.

5. Further additions to our future course “Lost Literature”:
· Valis by Philip K Dick – the book Locke that gives to Ben is this science fiction novel by
Philip K. Dick. VALIS is an acronym for Vast Active Living Intelligence System, which is the author's gnostic vision of one aspect of God. Dick's novels often feature protagonists immersed in dissolving or fluctuating realities. (Books)
o Notably Dick throughout his life claimed to see ghosts of his twin brother who died in child-birth
· The Invention of Morel is the book Sawyer is reading. The story is about a fugitive who hides on a deserted island somewhere in the South Pacific. (
Books) (

6. Kate (throwing up a little in my mouth):
Cried for the first time 13 minutes in and many times after. It’s good to see the Old Kate again (just kidding)
A bearded guy screams at her something about “where is . . . ?” Anyone hear it better than I did?
Continually asks people, “do you know who I am?” Does she?
NOT PREGNANT and clearly not giving it up to Sawyer for that reason (bad timing on his part)
Why does she leave the island?
Takes a deal of 10 years probation; no leaving the state. Does not want to go back to the island? Why?
Diane Janssen – she has the same last name as “The Fugitive”

7. Ben –
The dude is always beat up. He looked the same in this episode as when he was pretending to be Henry Gale.
Knows who Miles is and who he works for.
Tells Locke, “you are more lost than ever.”

8. Locke –
If the episode was about Kate, why did it open w/ Locke’s eye?
“Responsible for well-being of the island”
“No use having rules if there are no punishments for breaking them.”

9. Shippies –
Miles wants 3.2 mil from Ben and he will lie about finding him. Why 3.2?
Daniel and Charlotte are playing a memory game. Cards are Queen of Diamonds, 6 of Clubs, and Red 10 (Daniel does not remember the suite).
Have an “emergency number.” Minkowski has not been answering their calls, Regina tells them the helicopter has not made it back to the ship!! Where are the hotties?!!! Where are Desmond and Sayid?

10. What is the deal w/ Iced Tea on this island? Everyone is always serving and making Iced Tea!!!

11. Sun and Jin – Sun wants to raise her baby at home in Korea. Why in the world would she want to go back there?

12. Great lines:
“If I was a dictator, I would just shoot you and go about my day” – Locke (please do it, Locke!)
“You Scooby-Dooed me, didn’t you” -- Hurley
“I know it’s in a box, but it’s pretty good wine” -- Sawyer
“Baaa . . . nice thing about sheep; they’re predictable” -- Sawyer
“Bruce Lee” – Sawyer
“In a week you’ll get pissed at Jack and bounce back to me” -- Sawyer (Kate slaps him for this, but, seriously, she is kind of a slut)

13. Other things I noticed:
Bacgammon (sp) – Locke used to play this game w/ Walt.
Xanadu – sweet 80’s movie starring Olivia Newton John on rollerskates!
Kate listens to Patsy Cline

14. Jack loves Kate. Gag.

15. SO WHO WERE THE OCEANIC 8? Kate and Jack (and probably Hurley and Sayid) are perpetuating the story that 8 people survived but two died on the island. What happened to the other 34 people who actually initially survived the crash?

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Economist

Let me just start by saying that I am a total smarty-pants! I called it half way through . . . more to come on that in a few minutes.

1. Random trivia for the day – Rob and I discussed yesterday that Roger Linus (Ben’s dad) was Lazlo in Real Genius. You know, the guy who lived in the closet? Fun fact, huh? Maybe that is why Ben is such a freak; maybe he was conceived in a closet.

2. Something that I’ve noticed in my watching -- everyone is regularly referring to Sawyer as “James” now . . . which leads to . . .

3. This week in Bible Studies: Could “James” be the chronicler of the events in the long run? As in King James Bible. Kind of a stretch, I know.

4. Sayid’s story was told completely in flash forwards.
While golfing in the Seychelles, he meets up w/ Mr. Avilino. Mr. Avilino becomes visibly nervous after Sayid tells him that he is one of the Oceanic 6 – he is somehow connected to the cover-up or the crash, clearly. Sayid shoots him.
Sayid seduces the lovely Helsa in Berlin. She claims to work for an Economist who works in Emerging Markets. He only comes to Berlin once or twice a year, according to Helsa.
Sayid tells Helsa he is a Headhunter . . . apparently he is hunting for the head of the Economist.

5. Naomi wears a bracelet that says, “I’ll always be with you – RG.” Seems romantic, right? Helsa wears the same bracelet. Maybe it’s not so sweet . . . maybe it is a reminder to the women the Economist is always with them and they better be good (like the Tina Turner song . . . “you better be good to me . . .that’s how it’s gotta be now”)

6. Sayid is back to his old ways because HE SOLD HIS SOUL TO BEN!!!! As soon as he said, “the day I trust him [Ben] is the day I sell my soul,” I knew he was working for Ben in the Seychelles and Berlin.

My husband argues, however, that Sayid is truly evil and always has been . . . interesting.

More on this later . . .

7. Great lines of the night:
Sawyer calls Ben “Gizmo,” you know – the cute, fuzzy Gremlin!
Miles states of Naomi, “She was hot and I dug her accent.”
Hurley states of Miles, “Awesome, the ship sent us another Sawyer.”

8. Sayid tells Helsa, “Everyone has a boss” -- Does this refer to God? Is our biblical allegory shaping up further?

9. Back to the Island . . .
· Kate gets all jealous every time Juliet talks to Jack. Gag.
· Kate gets all mad when Sawyer “keeps” her in the room. Come on, most of us would pay money to be kept in a clean room w/ Sawyer! And he wants her to stay and “keep playing house.” Aww . . . too bad it is wasted on her annoying a**!
· Jack reveals it has been 100 days since he’s seen baseball. That’s only four months! Did Ben let him watch baseball?
· Desmond . . . hot . . . wants off island . . . hot . . . goes on helicopter w/ Sayid . . . hot . . . thinks they were sent by Penny, although neither Miles nor Charlotte has ever seen her . . . hot.
· I noticed a little chemistry between Desi and Juliet . . .

10. TIME WARP: Daniel asks Regina (lady on ship) to send the “payload.” It does not follow the countdown and arrives several minutes after Regina indicates it will. Daniel looks at what appears to be two clocks. Each has a different time: His says 3:16:23; the “payload” says 2:45:02

When Frank takes off in the helicopter, Daniel warns him to follow the bearings “no matter what.”

It seems they are in another dimension, perhaps?

11. Ben has a Quran on his bookshelf. He also has a secret closet behind the bookshelf where he keeps a stash of currency and passports.

12. Ok, can someone please lend Danielle a new pair of pants? Her mompants are hideous!

13. Back to Sayid and Helsa . . . her pager goes off, Sayid (who really seems to have fallen for her) warns her that she should leave Berlin. She then shoots him, as she was also playing him the whole time and knows he is after her employer. She wants to know who sent him. Sayid proceeds to kill her. How romantic.

14 WHO IS ELSA’S EMPLOYER? Could it be Mr. Widmore, Penny’s father?

15. Who is Minkowski? Frank tells Daniel he can use the satellite phone, but that he should hang up if Minkowski gets on.

16. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: Although I called it, it was still a Holy Crap moment when Sayid went to see his “employer” and it was BEN!!! Ben tells him he should “think with his gun instead of his heart” if he wants to “protect his friends.” Are these the friends on the Island? Or the other Oceanic 6?

Ben also tells him he has another name on the list. Sayid says they know he is coming. Ben says good! Who is the next target? Who covered up the crash? Who is looking for the Island and why?

17. We now know 4 of the Oceanic 6. Kate, Jack, Hurley, Sayid. We also assume that Desmond left the island (remember, he was not on the plane, so he is not one of the Oceanic 6). Obviously Ben left as well, and he is still being hunted!

18. Where the heck are Sun and Jin? What about the mysterious Walt? And Michael is supposed to be back . . . when will we see him?

19. One more thing . . . now Locke can’t find the cabin . . . did he piss off Jacob?

Phew . . . that was a lot! I think we are going to get some answers, and now we can plan on 5 more episodes before May – yay!

You better show me some love this week!

Your Loyal Lost Loser

Friday, February 8, 2008

Confirmed Dead

Good morning! After a week of strep throat, I am feeling good today after a night of Lost viewing and dissecting. Yes, I am a freak, I know.

As Heather and I discussed yesterday, Lost is like a really long book . . . one that is taking us a total of nine years to read. It’s kind of like my experience w/ The Brothers Karamozov!

What did we discover last night . . .

1. The news media reports that a salvaging ship called the Christiane (like Christian Shephard – hmmmm . . . ) has found the wreckage of Oceanic 815. All 344 passengers are confirmed dead. DO NOT BE SUCKED IN BY THIS. THEY ARE NOT DEAD. THEY ARE NOT IN PURGATORY. More on that later as we discuss our lovely new friends Dan, Charlotte, Myles, and Frank.

2. We first meet sad young Dan Ferraday. Things to know about him include:
· He’s really kind of pathetic. Who wears a tie to parachute onto an island?
· He’s married.
· He weeps at the news report but says he doesn’t know why.
· Michael Faraday (September 22, 1791 – August 25, 1867) was an English physicist who researched electromagnetism. Michael Faraday's discoveries led to the development of Faraday cages, an enclosure used to block outside radio and electromagnetic waves. James Clerk Maxwell took the work of Faraday, and others, and consolidated it with a set of equations that form the basis of modern theories of electromagnetic phenomena.
· His name first appeared as the season 4 clue word for chapter 2 of the Find 815 alternate reality game.
· During casting this character was named Russell. "Russell Faraday" is the alias given to the villain at the end of Stephen King's The Stand. (I love shout outs to my favorite book ever!) (
· He claims to be a physicist.
· He is from Massachusetts
· He looks like Eliot from E.T. but he is not.
3. Vincent returns! Yay! Love that crazy hound!
4. If there’s something strange in your neighborhood, who ya gonna call? Miles (like our beloved Myles) Straum (like our beloved Mrs. Strom)! What should you know about this cranky man?
· He speaks to the dead.
· He finds cash and heroin in the vent of a murdered young man’s room. He tells the ghost he can leave now. He keeps the cash but puts the drugs back. Interesting . . . and another heroin connection
· He washes up in the same place that Desmond did.
· He reveals that they are looking for Ben and has a sweet photo of Ben in a rocking 70’s era outfit. He looks like Mr. Roper!
5. Locke wants to go to the cabin. Hurley accidentally reveals that he knows about the cabin, too, but claims it is in a different direction. Does this mean the cabin moves?
6. Best line of the night: “Why are we following Colonel Kurtz?” -- Sawyer re: Locke.
7. Locke reveals that Walt spoke to him and told him where to go. The other Losties seem hesitant to follow him.
8. Beautiful moment of irony – Locke didn’t die from being shot because his father conned him out of his kidney.
9. Are the Losties the new Others? Jack pulls out the same trick on Miles and Dan that Mr. Happy did to him in the season finale of season 1. He has his “friends” surround them in the woods and fire weapons. Hmmmm . . .
10. Charlotte Staples Lewis:
· Initials are CS Lewis. Coincidence? I think not!
· She’s quite perky!
· She’s an archaelogist
· She is more interested in the collar w/ the Dharma Hydra on it than she is in the fact that they found Polar Bear remains in Tunisia! It’s like she expected it.
· I think she is a rich girl w/ a penchant for mysteries.
· Ben knows all about her
11. 37 minutes in Kate gets all pouty when Juliet shows up. But it must be a record! Kate has gone two full episodes without crying.
12. Frank Lepidas:
· A familiar face to many – Jeff Fahey (Lawnmower Man)
· Lives in Eleuthera, Bahamas
· Was supposed to be the pilot of 815
· Swears that the body of the pilot on the newsreport is not Seth Norris. He is the only one of the four that has a clear reason to be looking for the survivors of 815.
· He sees a cow. I just thought that was funny.
· He lands the helicopter
13. This week in Bible Studies –
· We have a Daniel now! Daniel means “judged by God”. Or “God is a judge”
· Some people think he is a prophet, others do not. He spoke to angels but not directly to God.
· DANIEL was among the Jews who were taken captive into Babylon about 2600 years ago. He rose to a high position in the Babylonian government. Daniel saw and described the great world empires that were to come. He also prophesied about a Messiah. (
· Daniel 2:32-33Daniel predicted the four great kingdoms Daniel 9:24-26Daniel predicted when an anointed one would be rejected Daniel 9:26Daniel foretold the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple (
· Carla, Evan, and I are working on a theory re: Jacob, Naomi, John, Jack, etc. Read their posts from last week . . . but we think Jack might represent Jesus, which would make me a Jesus-hater, and that wouldn’t be good. Let’s hope this theory changes.
14. Where were my hotties?!! No Jin? No Desmond? Sawyer still needs to wash his hair to be put back on this list for me. But as Heather pointed out, Locke was looking kind of good . . . quite the pectorals on that man! Hey, I will take what I can get.
16. People still on the freighter . . . Regina, Newcastle, and GEORGE?
17. Juliet’s last name is Burke . . . another reference to a philosopher . . . Edmund Burke. One of his famous quotes is: Man acts from adequate motives relative to his interest, and not on metaphysical speculations." That certainly fits our friend Juliet, and shows she is a major character.
18. Did anyone watch the music video that they were promoting? The picture of Kate in her skivvies probably got some of you to stay up late to watch it, but it made me want to puke. I will check it out later on Youtube.
I think I need to go spend some time w/ Hurley in the bin. I might be a tad on the crazy side myself paying this much attention to a t.v. show.
Now that I’ve written a novel, I ask you to share your opinions.
Your Loyal Lost Loser

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Beginning of the End

Have you missed me? It's been eight long months since we last chatted . . . almost enough time to have a baby . . . oh, wait, I did that! And I tried to name him John Locke Saunders, but my husband wanted to name him Desmond Jin, so we went another route entirely.

So you'd think that on a snow day I would be sleeping this early in the morning, but apparently the school phone tree is on the fritz and called 3 times, and my neighbors seem to think that 5:30 is the perfect time to snowblow, despite the fact that the streets aren't plowed and no one is going anywhere. And so I am all your's at this early hour.

Here we go . . . (please be forgiving . . . I may be a little rusty)

1. Title -- Could this be a reference to the fact that the producers have set an end date for the show (3 years)? Or is it a reference to the fact that except for the Oceanic 6, all will die?

2. Speaking of the Oceanic 6, we know that Hurley, Jack (gag), and Kate (double gag) made it off the island. Who are the other three? Locke wanted to stay, so he's probably not off. However, it didn't seem like Hurley wanted to leave either, so who knows.

3. Opening scene: Hurley drives the vintage Camaro he fixed up w/ his dad (Cheech) into a pile of lemons and limes. Shouldn't he be making lemonade? You know, when life gives you lemons . . .

4. Hurley is running away from something . . . which we find out is a vision of Charlie. H wants to go back to the mental hospital to escape his "hallucination."

5. The cop who arrests Hurley is the boyfriend/husband of Ana Lucia. Remember she was preggers w/ his baby when she was shot in the line of duty. Hurley denies having known her. Why? Is there an agreement among the 6 not to talk about the other survivors? It's like Fight Club -- First rule of the Oceanic 6, no one talks about the Oceanic 48.

6. What's up w/ Baby Aaron's ears? Seriously.

7. Hurley does a cannonball upon hearing of possible rescue. And he imitates Cannonball Run in his Camaro! Coincidence? I think not.

8. Man on the satellite phone is named George Minkowski. Although note that he always responds, "who is this?" when asked who he is. He is a familiar face . . . but I can't tell you where I've seen him before.

9. Kate ALMOST cries 20 minutes in.

10. Hurley sure loves playing Connect Four. He was always seen playing it in his earlier stint at the hospital.

11. This week in Biblical Studies: Hurley receives a visit from a man claiming to represent Oceanic Airlines. His name is Matthew Abbadon.

In Hebrew Abaddon means "destruction". In Job 26:6; Proverbs 15:11 it means "place of destruction", or "realm of the dead". In Revelation 9:11, it is personified as Abaddon, "Angel of the Abyss". Many biblical scholars believe Abaddon to be Satan or the antichrist. A mistaken view since the angel "Abaddon" possesses the keys to the Abyss into which Satan is hurled or imprisoned, indicating that he serves as Satan's "jailer" and must therefore be someone else (

It is also important to note that Matthew is the first book of the New Testament, and also the most widely read. It contains the Sermon on the Mount. Maybe some of our more Biblically Educated friends can tell us more . . .

12. Mr. Abbadon asks, "Are THEY still alive?" Does he mean the other survivors or the Others?

13. Sexy Showdown -- Sawyer, Jin, and Desmond all had their shirts teasingly unbuttoned and were all glistening. Who was the sexiest? According to Cyndi, there was a sexy Sawyer montage the other night on the Pop-Up version of Through the Looking Glass.

14. Sawyer was actually nice to Hugo!

15. HOLY CRAP MOMENT: We must have watched the scene at the "cabin" 10 times trying to figure out what the whispers were saying. All I could make out was "someone's coming". And through a little bit of research, I've discovered that Good Ole Christian Shephard is the man in the rocking chair and it is presumed to be Jacob's eye that pops up in the window. But Locke shows up seconds later . . .

16. Great line #1 -- Ben, "Kate took it (the phone). I guess I should have told you, but you beat me up."

17. Before dying, Naomi says to George, "I'm sorry. Tell my sister that I love her." I think it is all baby-making related. Remember, Naomi in the Bible is an older widow who helps Rachel. Who is Naomi's sister?

18. Charlie is haunting Hurley (though we might ask how a ghost can slap someone, or why the other dude saw him). He keeps saying, "They need you." Again, who are They?

19. Locke was never going to shoot Jack (too bad). Jack was going to shoot Locke.

20. I just need to remind you that I hate Jack and Kate.

21. Poor Claire. She was totally gonna get freaky w/ Charlie!

22. Jack visits Hurley in the hospital. Hurley thinks he is there "Checking to see if I was gonna tell." What is the secret? Did they make a deal to get off the island? Jack seems to be enjoying his fame . . . we know that will change as his beard grows in. Also, Hurley apologizes for going w/ Locke. Why?

23. IMPORTANT -- "IT wants us to come back."

23. Best line #2 -- "You'd look weird with a beard."

24. So stayed up late to watch the Oceanic commercial. Of course it was during the very last break of Eli Stone. And of course it led to further time on the web. I couldn't handle it all, but here's what I got:

The commercial is spliced w/ video of a man saying "You can't trust these people" and an alternate website If you go there (or cheat and go to YouTube like I did) you find out:

  • His name is Sam Thomas and he used to work for Oceanic
  • His girlfriend, Sonia, was on 815
  • He has been receiving weird emails from The Maxwell Group (owned by Widmore - aka Penny's family)
  • He has joined up w/ a salvaging ship called the Christiane (like Christian) searching for the sunken vessel The Black Rock.

There was also some creepy stuff going on with the flight attendant's hand in the commercial.

I hope you have enjoyed this weeks Ramblings. I know we have a couple newcomers, so I hope I have not disappointed. I need to get my groove back . . . next week for sure!

Comment away and Namaste,

Your Loyal Lost Loser