Thursday, May 24, 2007

Through the Looking Glass

Good morning and welcome to the last official Ramblings for Season 3 of Lost! I know you are all really sad that I won’t be writing weekly for a while, but I will probably post some random crap throughout the following months to keep myself (and maybe you) entertained.

My initial opinion of the season finale was that is was good, but not great. However, as I tossed and turned with insomnia again last night (just like after they killed Peter Petrelli on Monday – seriously? Killing PP is like killing Spiderman . . . ), I realized that there was a lot of great stuff in the finale. We got some answers, some new mysteries, and some great insights into Fate and Destiny.

1. Again, the title refers to Alice’s adventures. My husband better vouch for me – I totally called that the whole “flashback” was really a flashforward – I initially thought it was what would have happened if they hadn’t crashed, but when Jack used his cellphone, I realized it was the future . . . what would happen if they left the island. The clue? The cellphone was a Razr (Chris corrected me – Crazr – I’m not fully up to speed on the newest cellphone – sorry, hon).
2. Do you think the producer purposely give Jack terribly fake looking hair (both facial and cranial)? I mean, seriously, could that beard look faker? Remember when he had that wig on in flashbacks? It’s got to be an inside joke!
3. Random trivia to show what a nerd I am – Pilot’s voice on the plane was that of Carlton Cuse, one of the producers of the show.
4. Who died? Why did it set Jack on a suicide mission? . . . more on this later.
5. THIS WEEK IN BIBLE STUDIES: Jack compared to Moses. Does that make Naomi the Sacred Cow because they mistakenly put their faith in her?
6. Women in the Looking Glass station – Bonnie and Greta – look really familiar. Anyone recognize them?
7. Woman in the car crash looked like Sawyer’s lady, Cassidy. But she had a son, so I don’t think it was really her.
8. Rose said she would punch Jack if he said, “Live Together, Die Alone.” I wish he’d said it!
9. It took Kate 31 minutes to almost cry.
10. Two minutes later she almost cried again when Juliet kissed Jack.
11. Juliet reveals the Others were building a runway. “For the Aliens” Ha!
12. Best line of the night:
Sawyer to Juliet: “So you screwin Jack yet?”
Juliet: “Are you?”
13. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #1: WALT returns (or a vision of him) to save Locke from killing himself. Makes him stop doubting himself and get the hell up! “You’ve still got work to do.”
14. VOMIT WORTHY MOMENT: Jack tells Kate he loves her. Gag!
15. Sawyer made a good point to Kate; “There is always someone to go back for” and we can’t always do it.
16. Tom shooting the sand – If I understand the conversation between Tom and Ryan correctly, Ben told them to PRETEND to shoot Sayid, Jin, and Bernard. Tom argued with Ryan that they should have really shot him. Why would Ben do that?
17. Speaking of the beach boys (ha – get it, beach boys? Sayid, Bernard, Jin?), Chris and I argued about this. Would you have caved like Bernard to save Jin’s life? I said I probably would . . . what about you?
18. I loved when Hurley came speeding in to save the day. Awesome!
19. So far Desmond, Sayid, and Claire are winning the lostaway we would most like to be stranded with . . . what do you think?
20. HOLY CRAP MOMENT #2: Sayid breaks the dude’s neck with his legs. GD!
21. I cried a little when Charlie died and Aaron started crying. Too sad, but I am glad he died because it was necessary.
22. Penelope keeps showing up in the finales . . . But Ben apparently wasn’t lying about Naomi; she wasn’t who she said she was. Here’s my theory: Penelope’s father is the one who sent Naomi and the boat. He wants to destroy Desmond and keep him away from his little girl. Remember, he’s a very powerful man who is obsessed with sailing. In greek mythology Penelope is the daughter of Icarius:
Icarius was the son of
Oebalus and Gorgophone and, by Periboea, father of Penelope and Perilaus. He was a champion runner and would not allow anyone to marry his daughter unless he beat him in a race. Odysseus succeeded.
DESMOND can’t beat him if he never gets off the island!

23. The alternate reality of Jack – Here’s what I think:
· This is what will happen if they leave.
· Jack is depressed because he is a nothing in real life. He is not Moses without the Losties.
· Kate was wearing A LOT of make-up! Whoever the “he” she refered to is, he beats her. She becomes her mother when she returns to her other life. It’s not Sawyer because . . .
· Sawyer is the dead man. No one came to his funeral, and why would they? He has no real relationships off of the island. Especially if Cassidy was the woman Jack saved/caused to get in an accident.
· Biggest confusion – Is Christian Shephard still alive in this alternate reality or is Jack just confused because he is becoming his father?
· The island allows people to become SOMETHING, to change their sad fates. IT IS FREE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jack becomes a hero; Kate becomes a fighter, Sawyer becomes James – a man with relationships; Locke becomes a leader; Hurley becomes more than a joke; Charlie has a family . . .

Although the season started off shaky, I think it turned out great! Word on the street is that it won’t be back until January/February. Whatever will we do until then?

Looking forward to some lively conversation over the next few days!

Namaste and Shambalah!
Your Loyal Lost Loser

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Greatest Hits

Let me just start by saying that they had better kill Charlie next week after what they put me through last night! It might be because I am gestational, but I swear I have not cried that much at an episode of television since Mark Green died on ER! And I don’t even like Charlie . . . but more on that later.

“How about some openness for a change?” Charlie says about Jack taking them out to yet another secret location. Good point, Charlie – one more reason you better die! It better not all be a set-up.

Now we know why Danielle was taking dynamite from the Black Rock. She is working with Jack and Juliet to blow up the Others.

Let me just say, I still hate Kate with a burning passion.

Don’t know if this means anything, but Charlie’s license is YRE20L. Any thoughts? Everything means something on this show, right?

Literary Reference of the Week: The underwater hatch is called the Looking Glass, an obvious reference to Alice and Through the Looking Glass. A brief summary from the ever reliable Wikipedia:
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871) is a work of children's literature by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), generally categorized as literary nonsense. It is the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, although it makes no reference to its events. In it, there are many mirror themes, including opposites, time running backwards, and so on.

Did anyone else notice that Danielle was wearing some serious Mom-Pants?

This Week in Bible Studies: Revisiting Aaron -- Aaron was appointed directly by God to be the first high priest. He and his sons were consecrated to continue the priesthood through time. Aaron was a forerunner of Jesus Christ in his role as the high priest. His priesthood was a "shadow of heavenly things," and was intended to lead the people of Israel to look forward to the time when "another priest" would arise (Hebrews 6:20). (

Tearing Up Moment #1 – Little Charlie jumps into the pool.

Desmond’s vision: Hatch – Full of Equipment (or did he say women?) – blinking yellow light – flick the switch – drown.

Jack is so condescending and pompous now. Really irritating.

I want to be Rose and Bernard when I grow up . They’re so sweet.

New Other – Ryan (which means “king” in Celtic, “Laughter” in Latin) – leading the invasion

Ben is getting really wacko!

Do you think Locke is dead?

Dexter Straton – ancestor to the Charlie family, and inspiration for the band’s name, Drive Shaft. Charlie is given the family ring by his brother, and he leaves it in Aaron’s crib (tearing up moment #2)

Tearing Up Moment of the Night – Charlie tells Aaron that he loves him. I’m getting all veklempt right now just thinking about it.

Trivia – Who was the woman Charlie saved in the alley? . . . . . . . . . . NADIA, which means “hope” by the way. She is not only Sayid’s hope for redemption and goodness, she also provided Charlie with hope he could be something.

My vote is for Sayid as leader of the Losties.

Everything about this episode redeemed Charlie for me. I now actually kind of like him. He has found meaning for his life. Which is exactly why he MUST DIE!

That’s it for today. If you’re good, maybe I will report on the special that is on tonight at 9. I’m off on a field trip . . .

Shambalah and Namaste,

Your Lost Loser

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Man Behind the Curtain

All I can say is holy crap! That was an episode and a half. I almost peed my pants at the end.

And now for your weekly ramblings . . .

1. Ben’s family was in Portland, OR. His parents are Roger and Emily Linus – dad later to be known as Roger Work Man – the body found by Hurley and crew in the Shambalah adventure.
2. Anybody ever see Real Genius? The one with Val Kilmer where the dude lives in their dorm closet? That’s Roger.
3. “We all answer to someone” – Do you agree? What about Atheists?
4. Locke was a bad m-fer in this episode. He wasn’t taking any of Ben’s crap . . . well, for the most part, but more on that later.
5. Roger, Emily, and Baby Ben were aided by Horace Godspeed (anagram or Biblical reference?) and his lady-friend Olivia, who later brought Roger and Ben to the Dharma Initiative.
6. Ben was creepy even as a little dude! But with a daddy like Roger, who wouldn’t be? Yet another example of DADDY ISSUES!
7. This week in Biblical Studies
Benjamin, was the twelfth and youngest son of
Jacob. His mother was Rachel, Jacob's wife. Benjamin was born during the journey that Jacob and his family took from Padan Aram to Canaan. His mother Rachel named him "Ben-oni," meaning "Son of my sorrow," before she died during the childbirth, but Jacob called him Benjamin. Joseph, Benjamin's brother was sold into slavery by his other brothers.
8. So Ben fancies himself the son of Jacob? Or is Jacob really Roger? Is he a metaphorical father for him?
9. Marvin Candle – star of Hatch films like “The Pearl” and “The Swan” – also stars in the Orientation film. He tells us that the island “has properties that exist nowhere else on Earth.”
10. Annie – wasn’t she sweet? What happened to her? Did she die in “the purge”? Or did she die in childbirth and is that why Ben is obsessed with fertility?
11. The Others are the Natives . . . not the Dharma Initiative
12. I Hate Kate Moment of the Week: Sayid told her! When he asked where Jack was, and she responded that she didn’t know, Sayid snarkily said, “Of course you don’t.” Haha!
13. Ben is obsessed with bunnies . . . remember when he showed Sawyer the bunny that supposedly had the same pretend heart monitor thing?
14. Speaking of bunnies, Mikhail is the freakin Energizer Bunny! He keeps taking and licking and keeps on ticking!
15. HOLY SH#T MOMENT #1 – RICHARD IS A HOSTILE!! And apparently he does not age. And apparently he can go wherever he wants. Thought – could he be a Beezlebub of sorts? Meaning that he is the little devil sitting on Ben’s shoulder? Or is HE Jacob? Adds a whole new twist to the info he gave Locke. Has he lost faith in Ben as a leader or is he setting up Locke all along? But he is pretty hot.
16. TIVO MOMENT OF THE NIGHT – There WAS a man in Jacob’s chair. We tried and tried, but we could not see his face.
17. Ben is Nuckin Futs! He killed his dad with glee. And with Shambalah playing in the background.
18. Dharma Initiative – a bunch of hippies seeking harmony. Instead they got gassed.
19. Do you believe Juliet?
20. HOLY SH#T MOMENT #2 – Ben shoots Locke. He is jealous that Locke heard Jacob (who said, “Help Me”). He’s afraid that Locke is going to be a real leader to the island. I think Ben is holding Jacob hostage . . . I think Ben really does see himself as The Man Behind the Curtain (hence his use of Wizard of Oz names). He’s afraid with Locke, Jacob will be able to reclaim the island . . .

Well, I could go on and on, but I will wait to hear what Others (get it?) have to contribute.

Namaste and Shambalah,
Lost Loser

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Brig

Dear Diary,

Sometimes I feel like nobody cares. I am so glad I have you to share with all my ideas and thoughts about Lost. Maybe one day I will find some friends who will want to discuss these ideas with me. One can only wish . . . for now, it’s you and me, diary!

I loved this episode. I love all things Locke, and contrary to what some might argue, he is not a big wussy! He is a man of faith and a good man . . . I’ll explain more in a bit.

1. We open with a scene of Locke burning a file . . . later in the episode it becomes clear that the file belongs to Sawyer, not to Locke himself. Is he trying to protect Sawyer? Because he knows that Sawyer will be justified? Or is he trying to protect himself by letting the Others believe he killed Cooper/Sawyer/Daddy?
2. Coop keeps saying to Locke, “Don’t you know where we are?” He thinks they are in Hell. But why would he think Locke is there?
3. Sawyer is trying way too hard with Little Miss Pouty Face Thong Wearing in the Jungle Kate. Gag!
4. But Sawyer must be “gifted” in some areas. It is dark outside when Locke appears, and yet Locke is still moved to remind Sawyer to zip his pants. What must he have seen? If only Lost were rated NC-17 . . . imagine the possibilities! (Don’t get offended, gentlemen. You know you want to see Kate or Juliet or Claire in the buff)
6. Stewardess (sorry, Flight Attendant) Cindy tells Locke, “We’ve been waiting for you.” Who do they think he is?
7. Ben is trying to play Locke like a violin. “Since you showed up, I have been getting better” -- I think he’s been faking it for a while. “You’re special” -- yes, he is, but Ben wants to destroy him so he can’t be too special. That’s why . . .
8. He tells him he has to make a gesture of Free Will and kill his father. Hmmm. . . Isn’t free will when you CHOOSE what to do? Well, I would argue that Locke does just that. He CHOOSES not to become a killer. He knows if he does, the Island will turn against him.
9. No one trusts Jack anymore.
10. But they clearly shouldn’t trust Sayid either! First of all, as much as I like Sayid, he has the most blood on his hands of anyone on the island. Second of all, it took him about five minutes to tell Kate about Naomi.
11. A puzzle – Naomi Dorit is said to be an anagram. Any ideas?
12. Naomi confirms again that the plane was found and all the passengers were still on board. But don’t buy it . . . it is NOT purgatory/hell. You can’t be killed if you’re already dead.
13. Naomi also confirms she was sent by Penelope Widmore to find Desmond.
14. Best line of the night: Cooper/Sawyer/Daddy: “You’re wasting your time Bug-Eye . . . “
15. Locke is approached by Richard, hot Other who hired Juliet, and told that Ben is wasting their time with fertilitiy. He gives Locke Sawyer’s file.
16. What is Danielle planning to blow up?
17. Ben confirms they take pregnant women. Claims they are not hurt. Why is he so interested in baby-makin?
18. This week in Bible Studies: Sawyer’s mom was named Mary. Mary Magdalene? Mary mother of Jesus?
19. Jasper, Alabama – one of the leading areas of coal production.
20. Black Rock = Slave Ship.
21. I could not believe Sawyer went through with it!
22. What does Juliet think they should tell Kate? They didn’t seem surprised by Naomi’s arrival. I think Juliet has let Jack in on all her secrets . . . I think they are working together to take down Ben.
23. Locke: “I’m on my own journey now.” Locke’s back!
24. Something I’ve been thinking about . . . John and Jack are two ways of saying the same name. Any thoughts?
25. Previews look kick ass!

Shambalah and Namaste,

Your Loyal Lost Loser

Thursday, April 26, 2007


D.O.C.= Date of Conception . . . Personally, I think this episode should have been titled, “Who the Daddy?” . . . and let me just give myself a shout out and say, “I told you! Jin’s the Daddy!” Go, me!

What we learned (or were further frustrated by):

1. Jin is the son of a prostitute, and he may or may not be the son of a fisherman. Sun is blackmailed by an old woman on the street, who it turns out is the streetwalker mama of Jin. What is it with old ladies harassing people on this show? Were the producers picked on by Grannies or what?
2. Nadia (parachute lady . . . learned her name on a Lost board) speaks at least four languages – Chinese, Spanish, Italian, and English. Of course, we got no closer to finding out who she is . . . well, maybe a little, but more on that later.
3. Sun is quite an accomplished liar. But it’s usually for a good reason . . . but does that make it right? All the Losties seem to have a flaw, and having her pants on fire seems to be Sun’s.
4. How hot was Jin kicking Mikhail’s butt?!!
5. Speaking of Mikhail, how is he alive? He was roasted on the security system last we saw him. Faker!
6. This week in religious studies . . . I got nothing. Anyone?
7. SHAME was the theme of this week’s episode. What lengths will we go to to protect ourselves or our loved ones from being shamed?
8. Nine women died during pregnancy in three years. They all died in the middle of the second trimester. Will Sun died since it has been confirmed she conceived on the island? Or will the Others experiment on her and save her life?
9. Speaking of those wily Others, what is the deal with hiding everything? Who are they hiding from? Obviously not the Losties, since the Others have been there much longer. Why all the security systems and hidden ultrasound machines? There is yet another faction somewhere on the island . . . the rulers of the black smoke.
10. It’s Sun’s fault Jin got pulled into the mob biz.
11. Men get potent on the island . . . the sperm count goes way up. Must be the lack of clean, tight undies.
12. Mikhail tells Des and co. that parachute girl will heal in about a day. “There’s something about this place.”
13. Holy crap moment of the night #1 – Juliet leaves a message for Ben in the hatch. Confirms details of Sun’s pregnancy. Switches off mic and says, “I hate you.” I love Juliet!
14. Only 30 seconds of Kate! Yay! And no crying!
15. Sun asks what many of us have been thinking . . . is Jack working with the Others?
16. Desmond points out that the Losties have killed more Others than Others have killed Losties. Charlie’s comeback? “They started it.” Good one, Charlie . . .
17. Holy crap moment of the night #2 – Hurley tells woman that they are the survivors of flight 815 . . . she tells him that is impossible . . . THEY FOUND THE PLANE AND THERE WERE NO SURVIVORS. Now, don’t go thinking they are in purgatory, because they are not . . . that has been confirmed by the producers over and over again. However, someone went to a lot of trouble to make sure no one was looking for them.

Not my favorite episode, but as I love Jin, a palatable one. The previews for next week freaked me out . . . Locke kidnapped Ben? Wants Sawyer to kill Ben? Or is it all a set-up? Could it really be the Man from Tallahasssee he wants Sawyer to kill? . . . we’ll see.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Catch 22

“Catch 22”

It took me about an hour and a half to watch this episode because I had to obsessively watch each flash in super slow motion. Sometimes Tivo is a curse!

1. The vision:
· Cable at the beach – Hurley pulls it
· Red light in sky flashes 8 times
· Penny photo
· Jin and Hurley (and another person) taking down the parachute
· Feet hanging from a tree – I initially thought they were a man’s
· Helmet with shadow of a man reflected

2. “Superman can fly around the entire planet . . . “ -- Charley’s phrase repeated over and over throughout the episode. Who is Superman? Desi?
3. Monastery life is not the life for Des. He sacrifices his voice for more than a month, proving he is capable of sacrifice, but it is not what he was meant to do. The Monastery life certainly adds a whole new meaning to Desmond’s repeated use of “Brother”!
4. Desmond asks Jack if he can borrow the first aid kit for his twisted ankle. Jack probably knows this is a lie – it’s the same thing he suffered from when they met in the stadium.
· Who wears thong underwear when stranded on an island? Seriously! That’s just slutty. Just go commando and be done with it!
6. This week in Biblical Studies – Lots to cover and I need your help! I did a little research, but my Sunday School days were long ago . . .
· Moriah – Wine made by the Monks. Desmond is surprised by this name as it was the name given to a mountain range by the book of
Genesis, in which context it is given as the location of the near sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham. Des argues that it is not a very happy reference, but the Brother responds that maybe he does not understand the importance of sacrifice. Des thinks God should not have asked such a thing of Abraham
· Ruth – Desmond’s fiancĂ©e who he left a week before the wedding and joined the monastery. In the Bible (and this is where I need some help) there is a Book of Ruth (and a current novel by Jane Hamilton). Great Grandmother of David, King of Israelites. Ruth was a young widow who sacrificed to become the “daughter” of . . .
· Naomi – an older widow. She was apparently a very inspirational older widow. She helped Ruth find a husband and a family. Naomi is the name of the woman who parachuted down from the sky. She recognizes Des but we don’t know why . . . yet.
7. Sawyer is too freakin funny:
· “Do you need me to make you a mix tape?”
· “You two arguing over who’s your favorite Other?”
· “It fell from the purple haze. If we don’t play every 108 minutes – Silence!”
· The Best of Phil Collins – “If Bernard asks, I don’t know anything about it.”
8. Jin telling ghost stories: funny and hot!
9. KATE RANT #2: We’re back to old form – it only took 22 minutes for her to cry this week.
10. The monk had a picture on his desk – it was the old woman from the jewelry store who told Des he would not be marrying Penny. Monk’s mom?
11. Book in Naomi’s pack – ARDIL 22 – Catch 22 by Joseph Heller. Portugese.
12. Desmond’s Catch 22 – Do the right thing now and save Charlie at Penny’s expense? Or sacrifice Charlie and save Penny? Would it have been Penny on the parachute if he had let Charlie take the arrow to the throat? That would be a wicked way to die! The image took my breath away the first time.
13. All right – You Idol fans know that Sanjaya finally got booted last night. Is it just me, or is he now playing Naomi?

Although I ASPIRE, I do not INSPIRE.

Shambalah and Namaste,
Your Loyal Lost Loser

Thursday, April 12, 2007

One of Us

It was a goody! Juliet rocks . . . even if she might be evil.

1. Jack was only with the Others for one week. “It’s been one week since Kate cried at me . . .”
2. Juliet just loves the song “Downtown.” It’s what is playing when she goes to her new job at Herarat Industries/Mittelos BioScience. They might be anagrams for something, but I haven’t been able to find anything yet.
3. Juliet’s sister, Rachel, had cancer and the radiation ruined her reproductive organs. Juliet used some sort of miracle meds to help her get pregnant. This is why Mittelos BioScience wanted her – “to create life where it was not meant to be.”
4. Is it just me or does Juliet have a really nice set of tatas? Not to be gross, but they are impressive
5. When Juliet woke up on the sub, were those the same two Russian guys from last season’s finale? Maybe Penny is associated with Mittelos – She is a Windmore, and they are all associated with The Hanso Foundation. So maybe it wasn’t an airplane – maybe it was a submarine.
6. The island can apparently save lives and cure illness, but it will not give life. Every pregnant woman dies – except Claire. It seems to me that Ben brought down the plane for that reason . . . and maybe the psychic in Sydney knew that!
7. I love the new sides of Ethan and Goodwin we have seen this season. Ethan seemed so creepy before, but now he seems like a nice-ish guy. If anything Juliet said is to be believed, he might have saved Claire. But then again . . .
8. Goodwin was kind of a hotty. Juliet thought so!
9. Ben keeps Juliet on the island by holding her sister’s life over her head. Another allusion to the all-powerful Jacob – “Jacob will save her. Surely you have faith in him.”
10. Ben claims he doesn’t lie – but we know that’s not true.
11. Mikhail is the info collector/watcher of the real world. He gathers all the data about the Losties.
12. Favorite line – Sawyer: “Look, it’s three men and a baby . . . I counted Hugo twice . . . What? I called you Hugo.”
13. Do you think the Others know Sun is pregnant? I’m thinking that THEY impregnated her, which solve the whole baby daddy drama . . . but causes a whole new mama drama.
14. Now we know why Juliet was crying in the season premiere – Ben has cancer and she thinks he is a liar who didn’t save her sister. “If you can cure cancer, why do you have it?” Yes, why is Ben sick when everyone else gets better on the island? Is he losing his morality maybe?
15. Richard is the man filming Rachel and Julian on the playground . . . but who is Richard?
16. I loved when Juliet called out Sayid and Sawyer . . . the Losties are hypocrites quite often. But her face afterwards tells me that she is not as tough as she plays . . . but then again . . .
17. She is an AWESOME liar! The whole thing was a set-up . . . and in one week (Island time) the plan will be revealed (I’m guessing one week will be the season finale).
18. I think the show has it’s momentum back! Yay!

Just remember . . . when you’re alone and life is making you lonely, you can always go